
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks

Low Barbeth
Thomas Agnew Balwhirrie via Stranraer
Rev [Reverend] Thomas Bell Kirkland Cottage Leswalt
009 A farm house in good repair with office houses & 100 acres arable land attached it is on the Estate of the Earl of Stair and occupied by Andrew Sprott It [will in affect] the farm is Subject [to the parish] of Kirkcolm & the eclesiastical affairs to Leswalt parish This is [owing ] to a recent alteration of the parish boundery

William Ross Dinduff via Stranraer
Robert Porteous Low Kirkland via Stranraer
009 A farm house in good repair with outhouses attached there are two other farm houses in the neighbourhood which have the Same name it is on the Earl of Stair & is occupied by William Ross The farm consists of 96 Acres

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 73 - Plan 9B Trace 5 -- List of Names collected by John Mechan Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners] 1st. Examiner
Parish of Leswalt

Low Barbeth - House
Dinduff - House

27 February 1847
John Mechan
Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners]
1st. Examiner

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