
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MILL OF LITTLE GALDENOCH (corn) Galdenoch Mill
Galdenoch Mill
Mill of Little Galdenoch
Galdenoch Mill
David Adams
William Cambell
John Hegans
G. Mc.Haffie Esqr. Ainslie's Map 1782
009 [Situation] 10 Chains North, of Galdenoch castle
A Corn Mill built in 1828 and in good repair Attached is a Farm of 12 acres of ground with a Farm House and Office Houses occupied by David [Adams] Miller . The Property of Sir Andrew Agnew
BERE FEY OF KNOCKNAIN Bere Fey of Knocknain
Bare Fay of Knocknain
Bare Fay of Knocknain
George McHaffie Esqr.
Willliam Cambell
John Hegans
009 [Situation] 25 chains North of Galdenoch Castle
A Small Hill on the Farm of Knocknain the base is near circular the Surface is arable Soil
John McKahie
William Cambell
John Hegans
G. McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's map 1782
009 [Situation] 5/8 mile North of Galdenoch castle
A Small neat Farm House with office Houses all Slated & in good [order] with a farm of 300 acres of which [20 acres is] Moorland & the remainder arable [land] of good quality Occupied by John [McKahie] The property of Sir Andrew Agnew South of this Farm House a small [distance] is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station on a sloping eminence called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party Knockeguam a [name] not Known The hillock on which [it stands] is not known by any name

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 26 -- Parish of Leswalt

Form 136
Page 88- Galdenoch Mill
92 - Bere Fay of Knocknain
86- Knocknain

[Note] Cnoc - A hill
Ean - A bird

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