
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
KNOCKMUNEY Knockmuney James Osburn CairnSide via [Kirkcolm]
John McCammon Barnhills via [Kirkcolm]
004 A Cultivated hill in the farmes of Cairn Side. and Barnhills & South of Corswell Lighthouse a bout 3¼ of A mile
DRUMFARNAGHAN Drumfarnaghan James Osburn CairnSide via [Kirkcolm]
John McCammon Barnhills via [Kirkcolm]
004 A Cultivated hill on the Same Base with Knockmuney and only divided from it by A straight fence, And is also. on the farmes of CairnSide and Barnhill
JAMESONS HILL Jamesons hill James Osburn CairnSide via [Kirkcolm]
John McCammon Barnhills via [Kirkcolm]
004 A Small Cultivated hill on the farm of Knockneen and about ¼ of A. mile W. [West] of the farm house of Cairn Side.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 58

List of Names Collected by Pt. [Private] William BirKby 2nd. [Second] Examiner

Plan 4.A
Trace 1
[Parish] Kirkcolm

Object - Knockmuney - Hill
- Drumfarnaghan- Hill
- Jamesons hill - Hill

William Bi[rkby]
Pt. [Private] Rl [Royal] Sappers [& Miners]
11th Decr. [December] [1846]

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