West Lothian volume 56

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/34/56/1 [Page] 1 PARISH OF TORPHICHEN SHEET 8. No. 4, 8, &. 12. SHEET 9. No. 1. INDEX Names of Objects -- Pages Torphichen parish -- 3 Bridge House Cottage -- 10 Bridge Castle Cottage -- 10 Bridge Castle Cottages -- 10 Birkenshaw -- 27 Barbauchlaw Burn -- 28 & 30 Bridge Castle -- 31 Bridge House -- 32 Bridge House Burn -- 32 Birkenshaw Mill (Lint) -- 33 Bishopbrae -- 37 Craigengall -- 7 Craigengall Hill -- 7 Crinkle Burn -- 36 Crinkle Bridge -- 36 Craigmarry -- 13 Craig Mill (Ruins of) -- 24 Craigmill -- 29 Easter Wheatacre -- 9 East Hillhouse -- 16 Ferny Hill -- 21 Gowan Bank -- 5 Hillhouse -- 17 Hilderston -- 35 Lady's Well -- 19 Mad Burn -- 21 New House -- 15 Over Hillhouse -- 16 Ogilface Castle (Remains of) -- 24 Tannoch -- 29 Wester Wheatacre -- 9 West Hillhouse -- 15 Woodend Pit Coal & Ironstone -- 23 Woodend -- 23 Woodbank -- 33
OS1/34/56/2 [Page] 2 [Blank page]
OS1/34/56/3 TORPHICHEN (Parish) Parish of Torphichen See Name Book Sheet 8 No. 9
OS1/34/56/3 [Page] 3 Parish of Torphichen
OS1/34/56/4 [Page] 4 [Blank page]
OS1/34/56/5 GOWAN BANK Gowan Bank Gowan Bank Mr. Gowan, Proprietor and Occupier Mr Archibald Waddell Easter Wetacre 008 [Situation] 47 Chains west of Craigengall A large and commodious farm house, three storeys high, with suitable offices, and a thrashing machine, propelled by Steam, all in very excellent repair, there is a large garden, a small portion of ornamental ground, and about a hundred acres of arable land attached. Proprietor and occupier Mr Gowan.
OS1/34/56/5 [Page] 5 Parish of Torphicen -- Sheet 8. Plan 4. Trace 1
OS1/34/56/6 [Page] 6 [Blank page]
OS1/34/56/7 CRAIGENGALL Craigengall Craigengall Craigengall Craigengall Mr. J. Main Occupant Mr. John Johnston Dykeside Forrest's Co. [County] map Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] 008 [Situation] In the Central portion of the parish of Torphichen A small farm house one story high, with offices, and a thrashing mill which is propelled by water; all in good repair: there is a garden and a small arable farm attached. Tenanted by James Main, the property of Peter Sawers Esqr. of Nether Kirkton
OS1/34/56/7 CRAIGENGALL HILL Craigengall Hill Craigengall Hill Mr J Main Farmer Craigengall Mr Gowen Gowen Bank 004 ; 008 [Situation] A few chains west of Craigengall A middling size hill on the farm of Craigengall: the surface of which for the most part is rocky arable; on the summit is a Trignometrical Station called Craigengall; the property of Peter Sawers Esq. Nether Kirkton
OS1/34/56/7 [Page] 7 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 Plan 4 Trace 2
OS1/34/56/8 [Page] 8 [Blank page]
OS1/34/56/9 WESTER WHEATACRE Wester Wetacre Wester Wetacre W. [Wester] Wheatacre Weetacre Wester Wheatacre Wester Wheatacre Wester Wheatacre Alexander Brown Bridge Castle Cottage Archibald Waddel Easter Wetacre Forrest's Co. [County] map Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Branks Mr. Waddel Woodend Mr. Gowans Gowan Bank 008 [Situation] About 29 chains S E by E [South East by East] of Craigengall A row of cottages each one story high in good repair formerly a farm steading, but at present the east part is occupied by a smith having a smithy adjoining the west part by Mr Waddel's son of Easter Wetacre. The property of Mr. Peter Sawers of Nether Kirkton
OS1/34/56/9 EASTER WHEATACRE Easter Wetacre Easter Wetacre E. [Easter] Wheatacre Weetacre Easter Wheatacre Easter Wheatacre Easter Wheatacre Alexander Brown Bridge Castle Cottage Archibald Waddel Occupant Forrest's Co. [County] map Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Branks Mr. Waddel Mr. Gowans 008 A farm house one story high with suitable offices all in good repair. There is a garden and a small farm of land attached. The property of Mr. Peter Sawers of Nether Kirkton occupied by Archibald Waddel
OS1/34/56/9 [Page] 9 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No 4 Trace 3
OS1/34/56/10 BRIDGE HOUSE COTTAGE Bridge House Cottage Bridge House Cottage Archibald Waddel Easter Wetacre Alexander Brown Occupant 008 [Situation] About 53 chains E. by S. [East by South] of Craigengal A small cottage one story high with a Wheelright's shop adjoining. There is a garden and about 9 acres of land attached The property of Mr Wardrop of Bridge House occupied by Alexander Brown
OS1/34/56/10 BRIDGE CASTLE COTTAGE Bridge Castle Cottage Bridge Castle Cottage Archibald Waddel Easter Wetacre John Brown Occupant 008 [Situation] About 64 chains S E by E [South East by East] of Craigengall A small house one story high in good repair having a garden and 8 or 9 acres of land attached. The property of the Hble. [Honourable] Mr Hope Governor of the Isle of Man and occupied by John Brown
OS1/34/56/10 [Page] 10 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No 4 Trace 3
OS1/34/56/11 BRIDGE CASTLE COTTAGES Bridge Castle Cottages Bridge Castle Cottages W. Wardrop Esqr. Bridge House Mr Brown Bridge House Cottage 008 [Situation] About ¾ mile E S E [East South East] of Craigengall A row of Houses one storey high and slated having vegetable gardens attached, occupied by agricultural laborers, with the exception of the one at the north end, which is used as a Smithy: the property of the Honourable Mr Hope, Governor of the Isle of Man.
OS1/34/56/11 [Page] 11 Parish of Torphicen -- Sheet 8 No 4 Trace 3
OS1/34/56/12 [Page] 12 [Blank page]
OS1/34/56/13 CRAIGMARRY Craigmarry Craigmarry Craigmaury Mr John Gentleman Proprietor and Occupier Mr Sawer Farmer Newhouse Forrest's Co. [County] map 008 [Situation] About 1 mile SSW [South South West] of Craigengall. A small farm house one storey high and in good repair having suitable offices also a garden and a small farm attached. It is the property of Mr John Gentleman of Craigmarry who is also the occupier
OS1/34/56/13 [Page] 13 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No 4 Trace 4
OS1/34/56/14 [Page] 14 [Blank page]
OS1/34/56/15 WEST HILLHOUSE West Hillhouse West Hillhouse Mr. Sawer Farmer Newhouse Mr. Brock Farmer Newhouse 008 [Situation] 55 Chains SSW. [South South West] of Craigengall An old farm house one storey high having a garden attached. It is occupied by farm Labourers and is the property of Peter Sawers Esq. of Nether Kirkton
OS1/34/56/15 NEW HOUSE New House New House Mr Sawers Occupant Rent Receipt Mr Brock Farmer East Hillhouse 008 [Situation] ⅝ mile SSW. [South South West] of Craigengall A newly erected farm house one storey high, in good repair having suitable offices. There is also a garden and a large arable farm attached. It is the property of Peter Sawers Esqr of Nether Kirkton and tenanted by Mr H Sawers
OS1/34/56/15 [Page] 15 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No 4 Trace 5
OS1/34/56/16 OVER HILLHOUSE Over Hillhouse Over Hillhouse Mr Brock Farmer East Hillhouse Mr Sawer Farmer Newhouse 008 [Situation] ½ mile S by E [South by East] of Craigengall A commodious farm house two stories high in good repair, having suitable offices including a thrashing machine attached. There is also a garden and a large arable farm. It is tenanted by Mr More and is the property of Peter Sawers Esq Nether Kirkton.
OS1/34/56/16 EAST HILLHOUSE East Hillhouse East Hillhouse Mr Brock Occupant Mr Sawer Farmer Newhouse 008 [Situation] About ¾ mile South of Craigengall A commodious farm house one storey high in good repair having suitable offices including a thrashing machine. There is also a garden and a large arable farm attached, It is the property of Mr Sawers Esqr and tenanted by Mr Brock.
OS1/34/56/16 [Page] 16 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No 4 Trace 5
OS1/34/56/17 HILLHOUSE Hillhouse Hillhouse Hillhouse Mr. Brock East Hillhouse Mr. Sawer Newhouse Forrest's Co. [County] map 008 [Situation] 52 Chains S by W. [South by West] of Craigengall This name applies to a range of small thatched cottages occupied by labourers
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OS1/34/56/19 LADY'S WELL Lady's Well Lady's Well Mr Walker W. [Wester] Redburn Mr Smith Blackridge 008 [Situation] About 61 chains W. by S. [West by South] of Woodend A pure spring of water on the farm of Bedlormie. This has doubtless been a holy spring and should properly be called 'Our Ladys Well, yet there is no tradition in the locality concerning this.
OS1/34/56/19 [Page] 19 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No. 8 Trace 1
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OS1/34/56/21 FERNY HILL Fairnie Hill Fairnie Hill Fairnie Hill Ferny Hill Ferny Hill Ferny Hill William Gentleman Canties William Gentleman Craigmurry John Brice Westerhill House Mr. Walker Mr. Smith Blackridge Mr. Waddel 008 [Situation] About ¾ mile W N W [West North West] of Woodend A small isolated ridge rising abruptly on the S.E. [South East] verge of the Moss N. [North] of Canties, it is covered with furze & heath, and is said to have derived its name from its having been the haunt of fairies, in times past. The Mad Burn runs E. [East] past its S [South] end
OS1/34/56/21 MAD BURN Mad Burn Mad Burn Mad Burn Mad Burn William Gentleman John Brice William Gentleman Forrest's Co. [County] map 008 [Situation] Running easterly & passing about 24 Chains north of Woodend A small stream having its source in the Moss N. [North] of Canties - it runs E. [East] passing the S. [South] end of Fairnie Hill, and falls into Barbachlaw Burn a short distance N.E. [North East] of Birkinshaw Flax Mill
OS1/34/56/21 [Page] 21 Ph. [Parish] of Torphichen -- S. [Sheet] 8 No. 8 T. [Trace] 1
OS1/34/56/21 It is John Gentleman who resides at Craigmarry.
OS1/34/56/22 [Page] 22 [Blank page, apart from some extremely faint pencil remarks regarding Lady's Well]
OS1/34/56/23 WOODEND PIT Woodend Coal Pit James Waddell Woodend Robert McGregor Tunnoch 008 [Situation] About ⅛ of a mile SW. by S [South West by South] from Woodend. This name applies to a coal pit worked by an engine of 40 horse power out of which there is also got ironstone in large quantities; the depth of shaft is about 37 fathom, and thickness of seam about 20 inches; it is the property of Mr Hunter of Newmains, and is fewed from Mr Buchanan of Drumpellor.
OS1/34/56/23 WOODEND Woodend Woodend Woodend James Waddell Robert McGregor Forrest's Co. [County] map 008 [Situation] In the SW. [South West] portion of Torphichen Parish. This name applies to a large farm house, one story high, with offices and thrashing machine which is propelled by water, all in good repair; there is a garden and a farm of about 550 Acres of land attached; the property of Mr Buchanan Drumpellor, tenanted by James Waddell.
OS1/34/56/23 [Page] 23 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No 8 Trace 2
OS1/34/56/24 OGILFACE CASTLE Castle (remains of) Castle (remains of) Castle (remains of) Ogilface Castle (Remains of Ogilface Castle (Remains of) Ogilface Castle (Remains of) Ogilface Castle (Remains of)) James Waddell Woodend John Brice Westerhill House William Gentleman Canties Mr. Walker Wester Redburn Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Branks Mr. Waddel Stat. Acct [Statistical Account] 008 [Situation] About 15 chains E by S. [East by South] from Woodend. This object is the remains of a small oblong building, the walls, although thickly covered with grass are nearly 3 feet high, but the inside is filled up with the ruins, it stands on the E. [East] end of a small but steep ridge above the Barbachlaw Burn & 12 chains E.S.E. [East South East] of Woodend, on the N. [North] is a deep though small ravine with a stream running through it; Tho the appearance of the ground on the W. [West] side and stones with lime adhering to them it is thought it was much more extensive - James Waddell of Woodend informed me that the dwelling house of Woodend was built with the stones taken from it - There is nothing definitely known about it but the tradition is that the Covenanters made it a place of defence & protection; it is also stated there is a large excavation in the ridge under the ruins - It is familiarly called the "Old Castle" & sometimes "Woodend Castle" but not general [continued on page 25]
OS1/34/56/24 [Page] 24 Ph. [Parish] of Torphichen -- S. [Sheet] 8. No. 8 T. [Trace] 2
OS1/34/56/25 [Page] 25 [Continuation of Ogilface Castle] [continued from page 24] "About two miles to the south-west," (of Bridge Castle,) "may by diligent search be discovered the ruins of the foundation of Ogilface Castle the seat of the ancient family of De Bosco Barons of Ogilface. It fell at length into the hands of the Earls of Linlithgow and upon the fall of that family, ceased to exist as a barony and was sold in portions to different proprietors, the chief of whom is now R. C. Buchanan Esqr. It must have been a place of some strength though of no great size as appears from the outline of the ruins of the foundation as far as that can be still traced." - Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Linlithgow page 50.
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OS1/34/56/27 BIRKENSHAW Birkenshaw Birkenshaw Birkenshaw James Waugh Birkenshaw Thomas Harvie Barbachlaw Mill Forrest's Co. [County] map 008 [Situation] About ⅝ of a mile E by N [East by North] from Woodend. This name applies to a small farm house one story high with offices and thrashing machine attached all in good repair. There is also a vegetable garden and arable farm attached, it is the property of Capt. [Captain] Marshall and is presently occupied by James Waugh. About 15 Chains N.N.W [North North West] of the house is a standing stone, on a small swell in an arable field, it is about 4½ feet high, roughly hewn and is conical in shape. There is no information can be gleaned in the locality respecting it. [Initialled] WMcK
OS1/34/56/27 [Page] 27 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No 8 Trace 3
OS1/34/56/28 BARBAUCHLAW BURN Barbauchlaw Burn See Name Sheets for Sheet 8 No. 11
OS1/34/56/28 CRAIG MILL Craig Mill (Ruins of) Craig Mill (Ruins of) Craig Mill (Ruins of) Craig Mill (Ruins of) Mr. Walker Woodend Mr. Redburn Woodend Mr. Waddel Woodend Mr. Alexander Broompark 008 [Situation] About ¾ mile S W by S [South West by South] of Woodend. The ruins of an old mill situated near the farm house of Craigmill
OS1/34/56/28 [Page] 28 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No. 8 Trace 4
OS1/34/56/29 CRAIGMILL Craigmill Craigmill Robert Liddle Occupant Robert McGregor Tunnoch 008 [Situation] About ¾ Mile S. W. by S. [South West by South] from Woodend. This name applies to a small cottage one story high and thatched, with suitable offices all in middling good repair; there is a garden and about 15 acres of grazing land attached. The property of Mr. Fenton Edinburgh, and tenanted by Robert Liddle. The remains of the old Mill and Corn Kiln stands N.E. [North East] of the Cottage on side of Burn [Initialled] WMcK
OS1/34/56/29 TANNOCH Tannoch Tannoch Tennoch Robert McGregor Occupant Robert Liddle Craigmill Forrest's Co. [County] map 008 [Situation] About ¾ mile S S W. [South South West] from Woodend. This name applies to a small Cottage one storey high and in good repair, there is a small garden attached; the property of Mr Buchanan Drumpellor, tenanted by Robert McGregor GameKeeper.
OS1/34/56/29 [Page] 29 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 8 No 8 Trace 4
OS1/34/56/30 BARBAUCHLAW BURN Barbauchlaw Burn See Name Sheets for Sheet 8 No. 11
OS1/34/56/30 [Page] 30 Sheet 8 No. 12
OS1/34/56/31 BRIDGE CASTLE Bridge Castle Bridge Castle Bridge Castle Bridge Castle Brighouse Castle Bridgehouse Castle George Row Wilson Esq. Occupier W. Wardrop Esq. J.P. [Justice of the Peace] Bridge House Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1843 Forrest's Co. [County] map Sibbald's Linlithgow Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] 009 [Situation] In the S E. [South East] portion of the Ph. [Parish] of Torphichen. This is said to be one of the oldest inhabited Castles in Scotland, it is about 50 feet high and the Walls are about 8 feet thick - at present in excellent repair, the exterior and interior, having of late years been entirely renovated: it is pleasantly situated on an eminence close to Barbauchlaw Burn, there is a Coach House and Stabling, a large garden, and small piece of ornamental ground attached: the present occupier is George Row Wilson Esq. and the proprietor is the Honble. [Honourable] Charles Hope, Governor of the Isle of Man. This Castle up to the Rebellion of 1745 belonged to the Earls of Linlithgow and was one of their Hunting Seats: it is said that Oliver Cromwell resided in it for 6 weeks and the Lock that is on the Front Door, (which is of immense size) the present occupier says, he has heard, was taken from Cromwells Treasure Chest
OS1/34/56/31 [Page] 31 Parish of Torphicen -- Sheet 9 - No 1. Trace 1 "Bridge Castle still remains in nearly its original condition though shorn of its original splendour. It was formerly the seat of the Earls of Linlithgow and still shows remains of its former importance in a few trees of great age and considerable magnitude especially in height by which is is partially surrounded." - New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1843 "Then westward is Brighouse Castle a seat of the Earl of Linlithgow's who has many vassals there under the regality of Ogleface." Sibbalds History of Linlithgowshire, p. [page] 25
OS1/34/56/32 BRIDGE HOUSE Bridge House Bridge House Bridge House George Row Wilson Esq. Bridge Castle William Wardrop Esq. Bridge House Thomas Chapman Occupier 009 [Situation] About 26 Chains SW by S [South West by South] of Bridge Castle. A farm house two storeys high with suitable offices, all in good repair, there is a garden, and a small arable farm attached. The property of Peter Sawer Esq. of Nether Kirkton Renfrewshire and occupied by Thomas Chapman.
OS1/34/56/32 BRIDGE HOUSE BURN Bridge House Burn Bridge House Burn William Wardrop Esq Bridge House Thomas Chapman Farmer, Bridge House 005 ; 009 [Situation] Passing near the South side of Bridge House. This name is given only to that part of a small stream that runs immediately past Bridge House Farm; and Bridge House, the residence of William Wardrop Esq. Justice of the Peace: it joins Barbauchlaw Burn, a short distance East of Bridge House.
OS1/34/56/32 [Page] 32 Parish of Torphicen -- Sheet 9 No 1 Trace 1
OS1/34/56/33 WOODBANK Woodbank Woodbank Woodbank Wood Bank Mr Russell Occupant Rent Receipt James Marshall of Birkenshaw Forrest's Co. [County] map 009 [Situation] 36 Chains south of Bridge Castle. A farm house, one storey high in in good repair having commodious offices and a Thrashing machine attached. There is also a garden and a large arable farm. It is tenanted by James Russell and is the property of the Honb. [Honourable] Charles Hope Govr [Governor] of the Isle of Man
OS1/34/56/33 BIRKENSHAW MILL Birkenshaw Mill Birkenshaw Mill Birkenshaw Mill Lint Mill Mr. Russell Farmer Wood Bank James Marshall Occupant Rents Receipt Forrest's Co. [County] map 009 [Situation] ⅝ mile E S E [East South East] of Bridge Castle. A small building one storey high in good repair. It is used for the purpose of preparing flax for spinning. The machinery is propelled by a water wheel, and gives employment to three or four persons. It is the property of Mrs Marshall. Nightingale Vale. Kent
OS1/34/56/33 [Page] 33 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 9 No 1 Trace 4
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OS1/34/56/35 HILDERSTON Hilderston Hilderston S. [South] Hilderston Hilderston Mr. J Hood Occupant Mr. A Weir Torphichen Forrest's Co. [County] map Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] 009 [Situation] In the S E [South East] portion of the parish of Torphichen. A middling sized Farm House two stories high, with suitable offices and a thrashing machine which is propelled by water, all in good repair; there is also a garden and a large arable farm attached. The property of Mr. Gillen of Wellhouse, and presently tenanted by James Hood
OS1/34/56/35 [Page] 35 Parish of Torphichen -- Sheet 9 Plan 2 Trace 1
OS1/34/56/36 CRINKLE BRIDGE Crinkle Bridge 009 See Name Sheets for Sheet 9 No. 2 Ph. [Parish] of Bathgate
OS1/34/56/36 CRINKLE BURN Crinkle Burn 005 See Name Sheets for Sheet 5 No. 14
OS1/34/56/36 [Page] 36
OS1/34/56/37 BISHOPBRAE Bishopbrae Bishopbrae Bishopbrae Bishopridge Mr J. Arthur Tenant Mr. J. Johnston Banker Mr. W. Johnston W.S. [Writer to the Signet] Bathgate Forrest's Co. [County] map 009 [Situation] In the S E [South East] portion of the parish of Torphichen. A small farm steadg. [steading] N. [North] of Crinkle Bridge, the dwelling is only one storey high and the Outbuildings are thatched to which is attached a churning machine and a thrashing mill worked by water. The property of the Earl of Hopetoun
OS1/34/56/37 [Page] 37 Parish of Torphichen -- S. [Sheet] 9. 2. t. [trace] 2 [Signed] RD Kerr Capt RE [Captain Royal Engineers] 8 Feby. [February] 1856 James Carpenter C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 7th. Feby. [February] 1856
OS1/34/56/38 [Page] 38 56 OS1/34/56 CO. [COUNTY] LINLITHGOW SHEET 8. No 4, 8, &. 12. SHEET 9. No. 1, 2, &. 5. PARISH OF TORPHICHEN