West Lothian volume 48

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/34/48/1 [Page] 1 PARISH OF LIVINGSTON SHEET 9 No. 10, 11, 14 &15. SHEET 12 No. 3, 4 & 7. INDEX Names of Objects -- Pages Livingston Ph [parish] -- 3 Auchenhard House -- 21 Auchenhard -- 21 Blackburn Mill (Cotton) -- 6 Blackburn Quarry (Lakestone) -- 8 Blackburn -- 9 Blackburn House -- 12 Breichdyke -- 23 Breich Water -- 24 City -- 25 Hopefield Mills (Corn & Flour) -- 15 Hopefield Cottage -- 15 Independent Chapel -- 10 Murrayfield -- 7 Mid Breich -- 19 Reddoch-hill -- 6 Red House -- 14 River Almond -- 16 School -- 7 School -- 10 Seafield -- 12 Wester Breich -- 19 Westwood -- 25
OS1/34/48/2 [Page] 2 [Blank page]
OS1/34/48/3 PARISH OF LIVINGSTON Parish of Livingston See Name Sheet for Sheet 9 No. 4
OS1/34/48/3 [Page] 3
OS1/34/48/4 [Page] 4 Sheet 9 No 14 Trace [3] -- Parish of Livingston [Very faint] Blackburn Mill (Cotton) -- not in Name Sheets
OS1/34/48/4 The entry for Blackburn Mill is on page 6.
OS1/34/48/5 [Page] 5 [Entry for Pottishaw Moss which has been scored out]
OS1/34/48/6 BLACKBURN MILL (COTTON) Blackburn Mill (Cotton) Blackburn Mill (Cotton) Mr. Hendry Manager Blackburn Mill R. Wallace Builder Blackburn 009 [Situation] Near the west end of Blackburn village. An extensive spinning mill, with offices, gasometer, and residence of manager; all in good repair. It affords employment to about 100 males and about the same number of females. The property of the Firm of Gilkison and Company, Glasgow. William Gillespie Esq. of Torbanehill is the Superior.
OS1/34/48/6 REDDOCH HILL Reddoch Hill Reddoch Hill Mr Hendry Manager Blackburn Mill R. Wallace Builder Blackburn 009 [Situation] A few chains NW. [North West] of Blackburn village. A small farm house, one story high with offices, and thrashing machine; all in good repair. there is a garden and a small arable farm attached. Tenanted by James Gray. The property of William Gillespie Esq. of Torbanehill.
OS1/34/48/6 [Page] 6 Parish of Liviingstone -- Sheet 9 Plan 14 Trace 3
OS1/34/48/7 MURRAYFIELD Murrayfield Murrayfield Murrayfield Murrayfield Revd. [Reverend] Mr Aird Minister Blackburn R. Wallace Builder Blackburn Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] Forrest's Co. [County] map 009 [Situation] About 16 Chains north of Blackburn. A small farm house, one story high, with offices, and thrashing machine, all in good repair: there is a garden, and a small arable farm attached. The property of Mr. McNab Bathgate, and under the management of his Steward.
OS1/34/48/7 SCHOOL [Blackburn] School School R. Wallace Builder Blackburn Mr. Fife Schoolmaster Blackburn 009 [Situation] At the north side of Blackburn village. A small house, one story high, and in good repair: the property of the feuers of Blackburn. It is large enough to afford accommodation for about 100 the average number of scholars is about 80 the branches taught, are those usually taught in rural districts. Mr. Fife is the schoolmaster: his salary is composed of the school fees, and £10 he receives yearly from the proprietors of the Cotton Mill.
OS1/34/48/7 [Page] 7 Parish of Livingstone -- Sheet 9 Plan 15 Trace 1
OS1/34/48/8 BLACKBURN QUARRY Blackburn Lakestone Quarry Blackburn Lakestone Quarry Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Aird Blackburn R Wallace Blackburn 009 [Situation] At the South side of Blackburn. A small quarry, tenanted by Richard Wallace Junr. [Junior]; the property of Mr. Sayer Hopefield. There are oven stones supplied to all parts of Scotland from this quarry. Likewise wire cloth, can be made of the stone.
OS1/34/48/8 [Page] 8 Parish of Livingstone -- Sheet 9 Plan 15 Trace 1
OS1/34/48/9 BLACKBURN Blackburn Blackburn Black Burn Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Aird Minister Blackburn A. J. Lewis Schoolmaster Livingstone Forrest's Co. [County] map 009 [Situation] In the SW. [South West] of Livingston Ph. [Parish] A large village, composed of houses, one and two stories high, all in good repair; with gardens attached. The principal buildings are, the cotton mill, and the Independent Chapel. There are 4 Grocers and Publicans, 2 Grocers, 3 Smithies, 2 Wrights, 1 Tailor, 2 Shoemakers, and Wallace and Sons, Builders. There are likewise 2 Subscription schools, and one Public Library. The population amounts to about 600; the chief part of which are employed at the cotton mill, the rest are agricultural laborers &c. The village is feued from four different proprietors; viz William Gillespie Esq. Torbanehill, Mr. Morton Merchant Bathgate, Mr. McNab Bathgate, and Mr Sayer Hopefield. No person in the locality, can point out the site of the battle referred to in Chambers' Caledonia; nor is there anything known of the circumstance.
OS1/34/48/9 [Page] 9 Parish of Livingstone -- Sheet 9 Plan 15 Trace 1
OS1/34/48/10 INDEPENDENT CHAPEL Independent Chapel Independent Chapel Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Aird Minister Blackburn R. Wallace Builder Blackburn 009 [Situation] At the north Side of Blackburn A small plain building, one storey high, and in good repair. It is seated for about 200, there are no communicants, and the number of attendants is very small; on account of it being merely a missionary station. The Revd [Reverend] Mr. Aird is the minister: his stipend is composed of the subscriptions.
OS1/34/48/10 SCHOOL [Blackburn] School School Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Aird Minister Blackburn R. Wallace Builder Blackburn 009 [Situation] At the north Side of Blackburn A small room, large enough to afford accommodation for about 80, the average number of attendants is about 50. The branches taught, are those usually taught in country schools. The Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Aird is the schoolmaster: his salary is compos- of the schools fees.
OS1/34/48/10 [Page] 10 Parish of Livingstone -- Sheet 9 Plan 15 Trace 1
OS1/34/48/11 [Page] 11 [Blank page]
OS1/34/48/12 BLACKBURN HOUSE Blackburn House Blackburn House Blackburn House John Cunningham Foreman Seafield Mrs. Laceles Proprietor Forrest's Co. [County] map 009 [Situation] About a mile E by N. [East by North] of Blackburn. A dwelling house four storries high having offices, a garden and a park, and about 100 acres of land attached - the property and residence of Mrs. Laceles
OS1/34/48/12 SEAFIELD Seafield Seafield Seafield John Prentice Blackburn Mains John Cunningham Foreman Seafield Forrest's Co. [County] map 009 [Situation] About 1¼ miles ENE [East North East] of Blackburn A farm house two storries high in good repair having offices, a thrashing and a churning machine, and about 200 acres of land attached - the property of the trustees of the late Mrs. Agnus Bird
OS1/34/48/12 [Page] 12 Parish of Livingston -- Sheet 9 No 15 Trace 3
OS1/34/48/13 [Page] 13 [Blank page]
OS1/34/48/14 RED HOUSE Red House Red House Red House Redhouse James Meikle Blackburn Hall Mrs Forsyth Proprietor Forrest's Co. [County] map New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 009 [Situation] About ⅝ of a mile E by N. [East by North] of the village of Blackburn A dwelling house two storries high having offices, a garden, and abut 180 acres of arable and mossy land attached the former being chiefly pasturage - the property and summer residence of Mrs Forsyth
OS1/34/48/14 [Page] 14 Parish of Livingston -- Sheet 9 No15 Trace 2
OS1/34/48/15 HOPEFIELD MILLS (Corn & Flour) Hopefield Mills (Corn & Flour) Hopefield Mills (Corn & Flour) Mr. Sayers Tenant Mr Wallace Farmer Blackburn 009 [Situation] About 35 Chains E by S [East by South] of the village of Blackburn Extensive Corn and flour Mills on the River Almond a little East of the village of Blackburn - The buildings are three stories in height, in good repair and fitted up with three sets of grinding stones which are worked by water power The present Tenant is Mr. Sayers
OS1/34/48/15 HOPEFIELD COTTAGE Hopefield Cottage Hopefield Cottage Mr. Sayers occupier Mr. Wallace Blackburn 009 [Situation] About ⅜ mile East of Blackburn A neat dwelling house with offices and garden attached the residence of Mr. Sayers
OS1/34/48/15 [Page] 15 Parish of Livingston -- Sheet 9 Plan 15 Trace 4
OS1/34/48/16 RIVER ALMOND River Almond See Name Books for 6 Inch Scale Co. [County] Edinburgh
OS1/34/48/16 BICKERTON BURN Bickerton Burn See Name Sheets for Sheet 12 No. 2, Whitburn
OS1/34/48/16 [Page] 16
OS1/34/48/17 [Page] 17 [Blank page]
OS1/34/48/18 [Page] 18 [Blank page]
OS1/34/48/19 MID BREICH Mid Breich Mid Breich Mid Briech Mr William Ballantyne Occupant Mr. J. Paterson Banker Bathgate Forrest's Co. [County] map 012 [Situation] In the extreme Southern portion of the parish of Livingston. A small farm house one story high, with offices and thrashing machine; alll in good repair; there is a garden and a small arable farm attached. Tenanted by William Ballantyne, the property of the Earl of Hopetoun
OS1/34/48/19 WESTER BREICH Wester Breich Wester Breich W. [Wester] Briech W. [Wester] Briech Breich Mr. Peter Cameron Occupant John Cameron Wester Breich Forrest's Co. [County] map Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 012 [Situation] In the extreme Southern portion of the parish of Livingston A small farm house one story high, with offices and thrashing machines attached, all in good repair; there is a garden and a small arable farm of about 150 Acres attached. Tenanted by Peter Cameron, the property of Mr George Strang
OS1/34/48/19 [Page] 19 Parish of Livingston -- Sheet 12 Plan 3 Trace 3
OS1/34/48/20 [Page] 20 [Blank page]
OS1/34/48/21 AUCHINHARD HOUSE Auchinhard House. Auchinhard House Auchenhard Auchinard Mr Johnstone Esqr Mr McDonald Farmer Auchinhard Forrest's Co. [County] map Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] 012 [Situation] In the extreme South end of the parish of Livingston A small Villa two stories high in good repair having a garden and ornamental ground attached Tenanted by Mr Smith. The property of Mr Ferguson, Edinburgh
OS1/34/48/21 AUCHINHARD Auchinhard Auchinhard Mr Johnstone Esqr Auchinhard Mr McDonald Occupant 012 [Situation] In the extreme South end of the parish of Livingston A large and commodious Farm house with offices and Thrashing Machine all being in good repair. A garden and large Farm attached occupied by Mr McDonald The Property of Mr Ferguson, Edinh. [Edinburgh]
OS1/34/48/21 [Page] 21 Parish of Livingston -- Sheet 12 No. 3 Trace 3
OS1/34/48/21 I think the abbreviation before Johnstone is 'Mr' and not 'Wm' for William, although it renders the 'Esqr' unnecessary.
OS1/34/48/22 [Page] 22 [Blank page]
OS1/34/48/23 BREICHDYKE Breichdyke Breichdyke Briech Dyke Mr. R Wallace Blackburn Mr. William Ballantyne Mid Breich Forrest's Co. [County] map 012 [Situation] In the South end of the parish of Livingston. A small farm house one story high, with offices and thrashing machine; all in very bad repair. there is a small garden and a small arable farm attached, it is at present unoccupied, the property of Robert Stewart Esqr. of Westwood
OS1/34/48/23 [Page] 23 Parish of Livingston -- Sheet 12 Plan 3 Trace 4 [Note at bottom of page:] Bickerton Burn - See N. [Name] List for plan 9/15 that is page 16 of this book O.M.O. [Ordnance Mapping Office]
OS1/34/48/24 BREICH WATER Breich Water See Name Books for 6 Inch plans Co. [County] Edinburgh
OS1/34/48/24 [Page] 24
OS1/34/48/25 CITY City City City City John Meikle Farmer Easter Breich James Meikle Steward Westwood Forrests Co. [County] map Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] 012 [Situation] In the Southern portion of the parish of Livingston A small farm house one story high with offices; all in good repair. There is a small arable farm attached. The house is at present unoccupied, and Mr. Stewart (the proprietor) has the farm in his own hand.
OS1/34/48/25 WESTWOOD Westwood Westwood West Wood Westwood John Meikle Farmer Easter Breich James Meikle Steward Westwood Forrests Co. [County] map New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 012 [Situation] In the Southern portion of the parish of Livingston A large plain gothic building two stories high, with offices and thrashing machine; all in good repair. There is a garden, a small demesne and a large arable farm attached. The property and residence of Mr. Stewart
OS1/34/48/25 [Page] 25 Parish of Livingstone -- Sheet 12 Plan 4 Trace
OS1/34/48/26 [Page] 26 Parish of Livingstone -- Sheet 12. Plan 4. Trace 1 [Entry for West Wood scored out with note:] This name not known. Breich Water See page 24 O.M.O. [Ordnance Mapping Office] [Signed] James Carpenter C. Asst [Civilian Assistant] 16th. October 1855 R.D. Kerr Capt RE [Captain Royal Engineers] 17th Novr. [November] 1855
OS1/34/48/27 [Page] 28 48 OS1/34/48 CO. [COUNTY] LINLITHGOW SHEET 9. No.10,11,14, & 15. SHEET 12. No. 3,4, & 7. PARISH OF LIVINGSTON.