OS1/34/41/1 |
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Names of Objects -- Pages
Linlithgow Ph [Parish] -- 3
Blue Bell Inn -- 5
Bridgehead -- 9
Bulzion -- 16
Bulzion Glue Works -- 16
Commercial Bank -- 11
Clarendon House -- 20
Clarendon -- 22
East Por -- 7
Easter Wynd -- 10
Friarbank House -- 20
Greenpark -- 21
Hillside Cottage -- 10
Linlithgow Poor's House -- 17
Manse (United Presbyterian) -- 20
Railway Station -- 11
Rosebank Cottage -- 12
Red Lion Inn -- 5
Rockville -- 13
Site of East Port -- 8
Site of Low Por -- 8
Star & Garter Inn -- 12
St Michael's Well -- 13
St Magdalens Distillery -- 15
St Magdalens T.P. [Turnpike] -- 16
St Magdalens -- 19
St Magdalens Well -- 21
Stany Road -- 22
Templars Tenement -- Church 9
Union Canal -- 19 |
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Blank page |
OS1/34/41/3 |
Linlithgow Ph [Parish] |
See Name Sheets for Sheet 5 No.2 Decimal Scale. |
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"As for the Templars they had great interest in this country. They had many houses in Linlithgow but Sandilands Lord Torpichen who was Knight Templar disponed them all to the Town except three. That family Still retains the superiority of them. They are near the Cross and possessed by Baillie Napier Baillie Kennowie and Deacon Laurie" Note.- "What right the Torpichen family had to sell or retain any of these houses is not very apparent as the family had been for more than a century divested of all right to the Superioritys of the temple lands which for onerous causes been sold to the founder of the Haddington family, the illustrious Sir Thomas Hamilton President of the College of Justice."
Penney's History of Linlithgowshire. Appendix - page 200 |
OS1/34/41/5 |
Templars Tenement |
Mr. Waldie Mr. Brockely Linlithgow |
004 |
This is an old square building On the South Side of High Street Near the East Port. It was originally belonging to the Knights Templars, And after them to the Knights of St John. It is also said that a party of Black Friars lodged here for Some time but that they had no permanent Residence here. It is now occupied by Robert Learmouth |
OS1/34/41/5 |
004 |
See Name Book for Sheet 2 Page 8 |
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004 |
See Name Book for Sheet 2 Page 8 |
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Parish of Linlithgow -- Sheet 4 No 1
Note - Templars Tenement - Cannot be well written on 1/2500 Plans |
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Parish of Linlithgow -- Sheet 3 Trace 4
Blank page |
OS1/34/41/7 |
East Port
East Port |
Mr John Brown
School Master
Robert Gardiner Smith GardinerSmith |
004 |
[Situation] At the E. [East] end of the Town & Extending from the Star & Garter Inn to the Railway
A Street about Seven Chains long in the Suburbs of the Town of Linlithgow, it branches Eastwards from the Junction of the high Street And Low Port to the Railway Bridge And is in good Repair having A few dwellings And Other Offices on the North Side of it. |
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Parish & Burgh of Linlithgow -- Sheet 4 T. [Trace] 1 |
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Site of EAST PORT |
East Port
(Site of) |
Mr Waldie
Mr BroKely |
004 |
[Situation] At the W. [West] end of East Port at the Corner of the Star & Garter Inn
This is the place where the Gate at the East end of the Town was erected. It has been long since removed. |
OS1/34/41/8 |
Site of LOW PORT |
Low Port Site of |
Mr BroKeley
Mr Waldie Linlithgow |
004 |
[Situation] At the S.W. [South West] end of Low Port and E. [East] end of High Street
This is the place where the Low Port or Gate was erected. It stood at the North Side of the East Port. It is now entirely removed |
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Parish of Linlithgow -- Sheet 4 Trace 1 |
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U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church |
Mr Ray
John Brown S. [School] Master |
004 |
[Situation] Stands between Union Canal and Railway about 2 Chains E. [East] of Rosebank Cottage
An unornamental Stone building in good repair And Slated. It Was erected by Subscription for And is Used As An United Presbyterian Church it has gallerys And An Accommodation of Seven hundred Sittings the Minister is the Revd [Reverend] Mr Hutton his Salary is £100 per Ann, raised by Seat rents And Subscription. |
OS1/34/41/9 |
Bridgehead |
Bridgehead |
John Brown S. [School] Master
Robert Gardiner |
004 |
[Situation] S. [South] side of Union Canal & 2½ Chains S.W. [South West] Hillside Cottage
A row of two dwelling houses One Storey high in good repair And having A Small Garden Attached they Are the property of Mrs Hill And Are at present Occupied |
OS1/34/41/9 |
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Parish of Linlithgow -- Sheet 4 Trace 1 |
OS1/34/41/10 |
Easter Wynd
Easter Wynd |
Robert Gardiner
John Brown S. [School] Master |
004 |
[Situation] Runs S.S.E. [South South East] from St Michael's Well at E. [East] end of High Street
A Small narrow Street branching Southwards off the High Street, it is in good repair and is bounded Mostly On both Sides by dwelling houses of One Storey high, in good repair And Occupied Chiefly by Labourers. |
OS1/34/41/10 |
Hillside Cottage
Hillside Cottage
Hillside Cottage |
Robert Gardiner
John Brown
Mr Glen Town Clerk |
004 |
[Situation] On N. [North] Side of the Union Canal & 2 Chains S. [South] of the E. [East] end of East Port
A Small And Neatly built dwelling house two Storeys high in good repair and having A Small garden Attached to it. It is the property And Residence of Mr Liddel |
OS1/34/41/10 |
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Parish of Linlithgow -- S4 Trace 1 |
OS1/34/41/11 |
Commercial Bank of Scotland
Commercial Bank of Scotland |
Mr Glen Writer & Banker
John Brown S. [School] Master |
004 |
[Situation] On the S. [South] Side of High Street near the East End & nearly 4 Chains W. [West] of Easter Wynd
A large swelling house two Storeys high in good repair And having Offices And A Small Garden Attached in it is established A branch of the Commercial Bank of Scotland. It is the private property of Mr Glen the Manager of this branch banK but is At present in the hands of Trustees for the BanKing Company. |
OS1/34/41/11 |
Linlithgow Railway Station
Linlithgow Railway Station |
John Brown S. [School] Master
Mr Drew St [Station] Master |
004 |
[Situation] On the N. [North] side of the Railway and about 80 linKs S.E. [South East] of the Star & Garter Inn & S. [South] of East Port
A Railway Station On the Edinburgh And Glasgow Railway it is a good Stone building three Storeys high in good repair And has A BooKing Office, & Waiting rooms for passengers. |
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Parish of Linlithgow -- Sheet 4 Trace 5
"Commercial Bank" without the addition of the words, "of Scotland" hitherto written on plans.
"Railway Station," only, to be written as it is within the town. |
OS1/34/41/12 |
Star and Garter Inn
Star and Garter Inn |
John MaddocK InnKeeper
John Brown |
004 |
[Situation] At the W. [West] end of East Port & near the E. [East] end of High Street
A first Class Inn and Postinghouse. It is A large dwelling house three Storeys high in good repair And the property of the Edinburgh And Glasgow Railway Company And is Occupied As above by John MaddocK. |
OS1/34/41/12 |
Rosebank Cottage
Rosebank Cottage |
William Malcolm
John Brown S. [School] Master |
004 |
[Situation] Stands between Union Canal & Railway, about 2 Chains N. [North] of U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
A Small And neatly built Cottage one Storey high in good repair And having Offices And A Small garden attached. It is the property
of Miss Tait of Linlithgow |
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Parish of Linlithgow -- S4 Trace 1 |
OS1/34/41/13 |
Rockville |
John Brown S. [School] Master
Robert Gardiner |
004 |
[Situation] 5 Chains S. [South] of Union Canal & 4½ Chains N. [North] of Friarbrae House
A Neatly built Mansion house two Storeys high in good repair With office houses And About four Acres of ground Attached to it. The grounds are all Laid out Ornamentally. It is the property And residence of Mr Adie, Civil Engineer. |
OS1/34/41/13 |
St Michael's Well
St Michael's Well |
John Brown S. [School] Master
Robert Gardiner |
004 |
[Situation] In the E. [East] end of High Street on the S. [South] side, near Easter Wynd
A Spring Well of good water enclosed by a Stone building four feet Square And about Six feet high On the top of which is a rudely Carved Stone representing the figure of St Michael it was built by the Town in the year 1720. And On the front of it is the following inscription "St Michael is Kinde to Strangers" with the date 1720. |
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Parish of Linlithgow -- Sheet 4 Trace 1 |
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Blank page |
OS1/34/41/15 |
St Magdalens Distillery
St Magdalens Distillery
St Magdalens Distillery |
Mr John Dawson
Mr J Campbell
Mr John Scott |
004 |
[Situation] On the N. [North] Side of the Union Canal at the E. [East] end of the Town at St Magdalens T.P. [Turnpike]
An Extensive Distillery at the East Side of the Town of Linlithgow, Licensed to distil from Malt Only. It Consists of the usual works - Malthouses, Kilns, Mill House, Warehouses etc. etc. It was erected in 1824; is Capable of Manufacturing on an Average, 4,000 Gallons of Whisky Weekly and gives employment to about thirty persons. It is the property of, and Occupied by Messrs Adam and John Dawson. |
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Sheet 4 Trace 2 -- Burgh of Linlithgow |
OS1/34/41/16 |
Bulzion |
Mr John McElfrish
Mr A Walder
Mr John Dawson |
004 |
[Situation] At the E. [East] end of the town & south side of the Magdalen Distillery
A Row of Cottages at the East side of Linlithgow, adjoining the St Magdalens Distillery They are the property of Adam & John Dawson, Distillers |
OS1/34/41/16 |
Bulzion Glueworks
Bulzion Glueworks
Bulzion Glueworks |
Mr John McElfrish
Mr A Walder
Mr John Dawson |
004 |
[Situation] Near the E. [East] end of East Port & 130 linKs W. [West] of Bulzion
These are Extensive Glueworks with pits and drying houses; Situated at the East side of Linlithgow. Occupied by Mr L McElfrish and the property of the Heirs of the late Alexander Gibbeson |
OS1/34/41/16 |
St Magdalens T.P. [Turnpike]
St Magdalens T.P. [Turnpike]
St Magdalens T.P. [Turnpike] |
Mr J McElfrish
Mr A Walder
Mr John Dawson |
004 |
A Turnpike with Collectors house & at the East side of the Town of Linlithgow: The property of the Trustees. |
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Sheet 4 Trace 2 -- Burgh of Linlithgow |
OS1/34/41/17 |
Linlithgow Poors' House
Linlithgow Poors' House
Linlithgow Poors' House
Linlithgow Poors' House |
Mr R Glen Linlithgow
Mr James Thom Linlithgow
Provost C Dawson Linlithgow
Mr WilKie Boghall |
004 |
[Situation] E. [East] of the Town of Linlithgow S. [South] of Union Canal & about 13 Chains E.S.E. [East South East] of St Magdalens Distillery
A large rectangular building three Storeys high, with enclosed Yards, at the rere And Space for Vegetable garden in front, built by the Rate payers of eight Combined Parishes of the County of Linlithgow As An Accommodation for their respective Poor.
The house is divided into two equal Parts, the eastern portion for the residence of the Male, and Western for the Female inmates, besides suitable apartments in the Centre of the building for the Governor and Matron. The different apartments are well lighted And properly ventilated And every attention is seemingly to be paid to the Comfort of the inmates. There are two small houses erected, One at each ene of the Main building for the purpose of Hospitals. The building is capable of Containing from four to five hundred persons, And is to be under the jurisdiction of a Governor and Matron And free Access is to be allowed to the Ratepayers of the different Parishes to See that the Poor are properly treated and taken care of. |
OS1/34/41/17 |
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Parish of Linlithgow -- Sheet 4 Trace 3 |
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Blank page |
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St Magdalens
St Magdalens
St Magdalens |
Mr J Dawson
Mr John Campbell
Mr J Scott |
004 |
[Situation] N. [North] of Union Canal about 9 chairns N. [North] of Linlithgow Poors' House
A group of Cottages about half a mile East from Linlithgow adjoining the Turnpike Road; they are Occupied by Farm Labrs. [Labourers] and are the property of Mr. Johnston of Straiton |
OS1/34/41/19 |
Union Canal |
Mr. J. Greig Collector |
See Name sheets for Plans of Co. [County] Edinburgh |
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Sheet 4 Trace 3 -- Burgh of Linlithgow |
OS1/34/41/20 |
MANSE (United Presbyterian) |
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse
U.P. [ United Presbyterian] Manse |
Revd. [Reverend] G. Hutton
Mr. A. Waldie
Mr. Robert Burn |
004 |
[Situation] 4½ Chains S. [South] f RocKville & Close to Friarsbank House
A Commodious Dwelling house with Garden & grounds attached. Occupied by the Revd. [Reverend] George Hutton U.P. [United Presbyterian] Minister; and the Property of the U.P. [United Presbyterian] Congregation of the north U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church |
OS1/34/41/20 |
Friarbank House
Friarbank House |
Mr. Robert Burn
Mr. A. Waldie |
004 |
[Situation] E. [East] Side of Manse, & 4½ Chains S. [South] of RocKville
A Commodious dwelling house with Fruit & flower Gardens attached; pleasantly Situated at the South Side of Linlithgow. Occupied by the proprietor Mr. Robert Burn W.S. [Writer to the Signet] |
OS1/34/41/20 |
Clarendon House
Clarendon House
Clarendon House |
Mr. J Anderson
Mr. Robert Burn Mr. A Waldie |
004 |
[Situation] 6 Chains E. [East] of Friarbaank House & S.W. [South West] of Clarendon
A Commodious dwelling house with gardens & grounds attached; pleasantly Situated at the South Side of the Town. Occupied by Mr John Anderson and the property of Captain Miller. |
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Sheet 4 Trace 4 -- Burgh of Linlithgow |
OS1/34/41/21 |
St Magdalen's Well
St Magdalen's Well
St Magdalen's Well |
Mr. J. Dawson
Mr. J. Scott
Mr. J. McElfrish |
004 |
[Situation] Near the S. [South] of the Edinburgh & Linlithgow Road Nearly 2 Chains S. [South] of St Magdalens
An excellent well Situated near the group of Cottages Called St. Magdalen's. It is Conjectured that it Supplied St Magdalen's Hospital with Water, when that establishment Existed in the locality: there is no Tradition that this was ever Consecrated as a Holy well |
OS1/34/41/21 |
Greenpark |
Mr. John Dawson
Mr. John Campbell
Mr. John Scott |
004 |
[Situation] About 4 chains E.N.E. [East North East] of St Magdalens Distillery
An eEcellent dwelling house with gardens & grounds attached; at the East Side of Linlithgow, the property of, & occupied by Mr. John Dawson. |
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Sheet 4 Trace 2 & 3 -- Burgh of Linlithgow |
OS1/34/41/22 |
Stany Road
Stany Road
Stany Road |
Mr. Andrew Deas
Mr. Robert Burn
Mr. J Dawson |
004 |
[Situation] S.E. [South East] end of the Town of Linlithgow Running S.E. [South East] past"Clarendon"
An Occupation Road leading from the Railway Station, Southwards through the Estate of Clarendon. |
OS1/34/41/22 |
Clarendon |
Andrew Deas
Mr. Robert Burn
Mr. A Waldie |
004 |
A Farmhouse with offices and a Farm of land attached situated at the S.E. side of Linlithgow - on the Staney Road; Occupied by Mr Andrew Deas and the property of Captain Milller. |
OS1/34/41/22 |
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Sheet 4 Trace 5th 6 -- Burgh of Linlithgow
James Carpenter C. Asst. [Civilain Assistant]
12th May 1856
Alexander de Courcy Scott
John Capt [Captain] Kerr R.E. Royal Engineers
12 May 1856 |
OS1/34/41/23 |
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Stamped 20 May 95 Southampton |