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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
John Hardie Provost Linlithgow
Mr Brockley Tinsmith Linlithgow
Forrest's Co. [County] map
001 ; 002 ; 003 ; 004 [Situation] In the N. [North] Western portion of the parish of Linlithgow.

A small town about a mile in length having a wide main street running through the centre of it, with closes and wynds, leaving it at right angles, on each side. The houses one, two, and three stories high, all in good repair; and the most of them have gardens attached. The population is about 4200. The principal buildings are the Palace, the parish church, the county buildings, County Jail, Post house, Free Church, two United Presbyterian Churches, Congregational Chapel an Ebenezer Chapel (this body has become extinct here - now the church is used as the Session School) The Roman Catholics have hired an empty hall, for their place of worship, wich is merely temporary; for they are about having a church erected, the [congregation] being so large (it averages about 800, including Bo'ness, and the suburbs of this town) [there] are the following schools viz: the Burgh School, Session School, Free Church School, and 4 private [schools.] The manufactures in the town and suburbs are, the Distillery, Brewery, Paper Mill, Calico Print Work, 4 Tanneries, 2 Glue Works, 2 Soap Works, but the trade at which the chief part of the [population] are employed at is shoemaking. The town has a very good supply of spring water, [and] has a large lake on its north side; it is likewise well lighted with gas - having a [Continued on page 20]

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 18
Parish of Linlithgow -- Sheet 3 -- Trace 2

[Note] -- For further authority for spelling see parish name

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Moira L- Moderator, louisetherapist

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