
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GAS WORKS [Linlithgow] Gas Works
Gas Works
Mr R. Glen
J. Hardy Esqre.
001 [Situation] On the edge of Linlithgow Loch, at the W. [West] end of Watergate
A low stone building with two sheds established in 1830 by a joint stock StocK Compy [Company] and let in ten pound shares; It Aontains the usual Apparus, And has two gasometers, One at the WorKs Containing 5000 Cubic feet and a larger one at a little distance Containing 1500 feet It Stands on the edge of the loch at the W. [West] end of Watergate on a portion of the Vennel Green Which Which was purched by the Company from the Guldry & for which they pay a feu of 10d [£0.0.10] a year - Mr Dawson, Banker is Chairman

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Town of Linlithgow - 5 feet Sheet 1 Trace 4

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