West Lothian volume 28

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info
OS1/34/28/1 [Page] 1 PARISH OF ECCLESMACHAN SHEET 6 No. 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, & 10 INDEX Names of Objects -- Pages Ecclesmachan Phs [Parish] -- 3 Binny Burn -- 14 Bullion Well (Sulphuretted Hydrogen) -- 20 Church -- 19 Drumforth -- 11 Ecclesmachan -- 15 East Kirkland -- 21 Hillend Pit (Coal) -- 9 Hillend -- 17 Manse -- 20 Niddry Burn -- 22 School -- 18 Three Miletown -- 7 Tar Hill -- 17 Tar Well -- 18 Waterstone -- 9 West Kirkland -- 21
OS1/34/28/2 [Page] 2 Blank Page
OS1/34/28/3 ECCLESMACHAN Ecclesmachen Ecclesmachen Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Sherrif's List of parishes Oliver & Boyds Almk [Almanack] New Stat Acct [Statistical Account] Old Stat Acct [Statistical Account] vol 2 p367 Johnston's Co. [County] Map Chalmers Caledonia Fullarton's Gazeteer Revd [Reverend] I. Smith, Minr. [Minister] of Ecclesmachan Forrest's Co. [County] Map 005 ; 006 ; 009 ; 010 [situation] Near the Central part of the Co. [County] Linlithgow A parish consisting of two detached and nearly equal parts both in the County Linlithgow the one near the centre of the County and the other somewhat to the north east and contains the parish church. The South-western part is bounded on the north by Linlithgow on the east by Uphall on the South by Uphall and Livingston and on the South-west and west by Bathgate. It is of an oblong figure and its greatest length is about 2¾ miles and its breadth about 1½. The Parish or a Detached north-eastern part lying at the nearest point a mile apart from the other is bounded on the north by Abercorn and the Auldcathie portion of Dalmeny on the east by Kirkliston on the south by Uphall and on the west by Linlithgow. It is of irregular outline and is about 1¾ miles in length and about 1½ in breadth whilst part of it is only about ¾ in breadth. Except the south-western section of the south-western part. Where the low hills of Bathgate begin to rise, the whole parish is a flat corn county [continued on page 4]
OS1/34/28/3 [Page] 3 Parish of Ecclesmachan
OS1/34/28/4 ECCLESMACHAN [continued from page 3] producing in abundance all sorts of grain raised in West Lothian. Coal Seems to Strecth athwart all its extent. Excellent freestone also abounds. Near the manse is a mineral Spring Called the Bullion Well having the Same properties as the mineral Springs of Moffat. Ecclesmachan formerly a rectory is in the presbytery of Linlithgow and Synod of Lothian and Tweedale. Patron the Earl of Hoptoun. There are no other detached portions Connected with the parish except the above mentioned.
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OS1/34/28/7 THREE MILETOWN Three Miletown Three Miletown Three Miletown Three Mile Town James Fleming occupier Thomas Struthers Tunlymire Valuation Roll of County Forrests Co. [County] Map 006 [Situation] In the north end of the Ph. [Parish] of Ecclesmachan A farm house two storeys high with suitable office houses etc. attached and a farm of good arable land. Occupied by James Fleming. The property of the Earl of Hopetoun.
OS1/34/28/7 [Page] 7 Parish of Ecclesmachan -- Sheet 6 -- No.6 -- Trace 1
OS1/34/28/8 [Page] 8 Blank Page
OS1/34/28/9 HILLEND PIT Hillend Pit Hillend Pit David Angus Lampinsdub Archibald Cochrane Waterstone 006 [situation] In the NE [North East] portion of the parish of Ecclesmachan. A Coal Pit which is rented & worked by Mr. Wiley of Broxburn The Coal is raised by a Steam Engine which is erected close to the pit. The proprietor isthe Earl of Hopetoun.
OS1/34/28/9 WATERSTONE Waterstone Waterstone Waterstone Waterston Archibald Cochrane occupier James Fleming Three Miletown Forest's Co. [County] Map Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] 006 [situation] In the northern portion of the parish of Ecclesmachan. A farm house and out offices with garden and a farm of moderate size attached. The farm is good arable land Occupied by Archibald Cochrane. The property of the Earl of Hopetoun.
OS1/34/28/9 [Page] 9 Parish of Ecclesmachan -- Sheet 6 -- No.6 -- Traces 4 & 5
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OS1/34/28/11 DRUMFORTH Drumforth Drumforth Drumforth Mr. Thomas Meikle Farmer Mr. Pratter Oat Ridge Forest's Co. [County] Map 006 [situation] In the west side of the parish of Ecclesmachan. A small farm two stories high and slated, with out offices And a thrashing Machine with an arable farm attached. Its the property of the Earl of Roseberry, And Tenanted by Mr. Thomas Meikle.
OS1/34/28/11 [Page] 11 Ph [Parish] of Ecclesmachan -- Sheet 6 -- Plan 5 -- Trace 6
OS1/34/28/12 [Page] 12 Parish of -- Sheet -- Plan -- Trace Blank Page
OS1/34/28/13 [Page] 13 Blank Page
OS1/34/28/14 BINNY BURN Binny Burn See Name Sheets for Sheet 6 No.10 Parish of Uphall
OS1/34/28/14 [Page] 14 Parish of Ecclesmachan -- Sheet 6 -- No.10 -- Trace 1
OS1/34/28/15 ECCLESMACHAN Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Ecclesmachan Mr. William Arbuckle Farmer Wyndford Mr. Gillespie Hillend Mr. J. Young Ecclesmachan Forest's Co. [County] Map Valn. [Valuation] Roll of Co. [County] 006 [situation] In the South and of the parish of Ecclesmachan. A small village in the Parish of the same name, consisting of the parish Church and Manse, Parish School and about twenty Cottage dwellings all one storey high and for the most part thatched. The inhabitants ate chiefly employed in agricultural pursuits.
OS1/34/28/15 [Page] 15 Ecclesmachan Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 6 -- Plan 10 -- Trace 1
OS1/34/28/16 ECCLESMACHAN BURN Ecclesmachan Burn Ecclesmachan Burn Ecclesmachan Burn Ecclesmachan Burn Revd [Reverend] John Smith Ecclesmachan Revd [Reverend] G. Boag Uphall Mr. G. Liddal Schoolmaster Ecclesmachan Forrest's Co. [County] Map 006 [situation] At the South Side of Ecclesmachan parish This name applies to part of a Stream which in an easterly direction from the bridge situated about ¼ mile north of the farm house of West Binny on the road leading thence to Linlithgow, It passes close to the village of Ecclesmachan and retains the name Eastward, about ½ a mile beyond the village - on to the Junction of Binny Burn with Niddry Burn and as farm as the junction of the parishes of Uphall, Kirkliston and Ecclesmachan. Thence to its confluence with the River Almond a little to the south of the village of KirKliston it's known as Niddry Burn -
OS1/34/28/16 [Page] 16 [Entry scored out] Binny Burn [Pencil Note added into description as per arrows] [signed] OMO [Ordnance Mapping Office] See Plan -
OS1/34/28/17 TAR HILL Tar Hill Tar Hill Tar Hill Mr.Gillespie Farmer Hillend Mr. W. Arbuckle Farmer Wyndford New Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] of Co. [County] Linlithgow p.110 006 [situation] Near the NE [North East] Side of the village of Ecclesmachan. A conspicuous Knowe on the north side of the Village of Ecclesmachan, attached to the farm of Hillend, and the property of the Earl of Hopetoun
OS1/34/28/17 HILLEND Hiilend Hillend Hillend Mr. Thomas Gillespie Farmer Hillend Mr. W. Arbuckle Farmer Wyndford Forrest's Co. [County] Map 006 [situation] About 3/8 mile NE [North East] of the village of Ecclesmachan. A good dwelling house with a Court of suitable offices, a garden and an extensive arable farm attached - the steading is in good repair and slated - It is the property of the Earl of Hopetoun and tenanted by Thomas Gillespie
OS1/34/28/17 [Page] 17 Ecclesmachan Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 6 -- Plan 10 -- Trace 1
OS1/34/28/18 TAR WELL Tar Well Mr. William Arbuckle Wyndford Mr. J. Young Ecclesmachan 006 [situation] Near the north end of the village of Ecclesmachan. An excellent Spring Well immediately north of the Village of Ecclesmachan and capable of supplying the whole Village with water.
OS1/34/28/18 SCHOOL School (Ph.[Parish]) Mr. Liddle Teacher Mr. Young Ecclesmachan 006 [situation] In the west of the village of Ecclesmachan. A commodious school room with a dwelling house and garden attached - The School house is in good repair, and is well furnished with desks Maps etc. The Teachers' Salary is the Maximum allowed to Ph. [Parish] Schools; With school fees, The average attendance is 90 The branches of education taught are those usually taught in parish Schools
OS1/34/28/18 [Page] 18 Ecclesmachan Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 6 -- Plan 10 -- Trace 1
OS1/34/28/19 CHURCH Church Ph. [Parish] Church Ph. [Parish] Revd ]Reverend] Mr. Smith Ecclesmachan Mr. Liddle Teacher Ecclesmachan 006 [situation] In the South Side of the village of Ecclesmachan. A plain stone edifice in good repair, standing in the centre of the Grave Yard, at the South east end of the Village of Ecclesmachan - there is a small belfry on the west end - The church is comfortably furnished with pews and a small gallery - it is seated for about 200 hearers - the average number of Communicants is about 108 - Revd [Reverend] Mr. Smith Minister. [Note] I could get no information about this church further than is already given to the Revd [Reverend] John Smith minister of Ecclesmachan in the Statistical a/c [Account]. RTW
OS1/34/28/19 [Page] 19 Ecclesmachan Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 6 -- Plan 10 -- Trace 1
OS1/34/28/20 MANSE Manse (Ph.) [Parish] Revd [Reverend] Mr. Smith Mr. Liddle Teacher Ecclesmachan 006 [situation] East side of the village of Ecclesmachan. A comfortable dwelling house two Storeys high in good repair and Slated, with some offices a good garden and glebe attached, and Situated Contiguous to the Ph. [Parish] Church - it is the legal residence of the Ph. [Parish] Minister
OS1/34/28/20 BULLION WELL Bullion Well Bullion Well Bullion Well Bullion Well Mr. Liddle Teacher Mr. Marshall Carpenter Ecclesmachan Fullarton's Gazeteer New Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] 006 [situation] About 12 chains ENE [East North East] of the parish church of Ecclesmachan. A mineral Spring at the southern base of Tar Hill and immediately east of the Village of Ecclesmachan Invalids residing in its Vicinity resort to it for its medicinal properties -
OS1/34/28/20 [Page] 20 Ecclesmachan Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 6 -- Plan 10 -- Trace 1 [Notes] "Near the manse is a mineral spring called the Bullion Well having the same properties as the mineral springs of Moffat" Fullarton's Gazeteer "From the trap rocks of the Tar Hill issues a spring weakly impregnated with Sulphuretted hydrogen. It is called the Bullion Well and tho formerly visitted by invalids is now neglected". - New Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] of Co. [County] Linlithgow page 110.
OS1/34/28/21 WEST KIRKLAND West Kirkland West Kirkland West Kirkland Mr.P. Manuel Farmer Newbigging Mr. Cochrane Farmer East Kirkland Forrest's Co. [County] Map 006 [situation] About 3/4 mile ENE [East North East] of the village of Ecclesmachan. This was formerly a farm Steading now converted into Cottages and the land which was attached is now joined to "Hillend" and East Kirkland. It is the property of the Earl of Hopetoun.
OS1/34/28/21 EAST KIRKLAND East Kirkland East Kirkland East Kirkland Mr. Cochrane Farmer Mr P. Manuel Newbigging Forrest's Co. [County] Map 006 [situation] About one mile ENE [East North East] of the village of Ecclesmachan. A good dwelling house one storey high and thatched, with offices, a thrashing Machine, and an arable farm attached - the property of the Earl of Hopetoun and teneated by George Cochrane.
OS1/34/28/21 [Page] 21 Ecclesmachan Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 6 -- Plan 10 -- Trace 2
OS1/34/28/22 NIDDRY BURN Niddry Burn See Name Sheets for Sheet 6 No. 7 Ph [Parish] of KirKliston
OS1/34/28/22 [Page] 22 Parish of Ecclesmachan -- Sheet 6 -- No.10 -- Trace 2 & 3 [signed] RD Kerr Capt. RE [Captain Royal Engineers] 1st. January 1856 [signed] James Carpenter C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 10th. July 1855
OS1/34/28/23 [Page] 23 Parish of Uphall and of Ecclesmachan "The old Church of Strathbroc was dedicated to St. Nicholas It Stood on the northern Side of the village of Strathbroc 700 yards north-east from the mansion-house of Kirkhill" "There appears to have been of old a chapel at Bangour in this parish. This estate was long the inheritance of the Hamiltons and it was dignified at length by the birth of the elegant poet Hamilton of Bangour" Chalmer's Caledonia vol II [2] pages 886 & 887 In the first part of the above quoted passages you will find mention of "St. Nicholas's Church" and its site accurately pointed out Also notice of the site of the village of Strathbroc or Strathbrocs which you are requested to show on trace & write Description Remarks. Next is noticed a site of Chapel at Bangour. Also Bangour appears to have been the birthplace of the poet Hamilton. Enquiry to be made as to the house in which he was born also as to the "site of Chapel" Is then an old mansion house at Bangour or the site of one? Particular [Column 2] Linlithgow 22nd. Septr. 1855 The site of St. Nicholas's Church as pointed out in the locality is now shown on Trace [Arrow from 700 Yards] This distance must be an approximation and not exact Measurement The Revd. [Reverend] John Smith, Ecclesmachan, says that Chalmers must have made a mistake in stating that there was a Chapel at Bangour. There was not a Chapel at Bangour, but there was one at Binny: which, probably Chalmers meant. The site of St Nicholas's Church as Shown on Trace is the place where the Church is supposed to have stood, so say the Minister and Mr. I. Alexander, Broxburn- The distance given by Chalmers must have been approximate and not measured. The Village was not Called Strathbrock, but Broxburn There was not a chapel at Bangour Is supposed to have been Born in the mansion of Bangour the site of which I can show on [continued on page 24]
OS1/34/28/24 [Page] 24 [letter continued from page 23] enquiry to be made Concerning these things and Descriptive Remarks to be written. All the traditions of the locality to be Collected and related in Descriptive Remarks.- Bangour although noticed in Chalmers Caledonia with reference to Uphall Parish appears to be in Ecclesmachan Detached. See trace 5 of Sheet 6 No.13 and trace 3 of Sheet 9 No.14. For Site of St. Nicholas's Church, See Trace 6 of Sheet 6 No.10. Also for site of the village of Strathbrock see Same Trace- The maps of the estate, which the Examiner directed to be got in Edinburgh in reference to the site of St. Nicholas's Church, could not be procured and I am told they have notice of the Church [signed] D. Mason Corpl RSM [Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners] re the Trace when sent from the office - The Trace of Sheet 5 No.16 which Contains Bangour Knowes Now Shown no Such Village Existed [signed] Michael Duggan C. A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/34/28/25 [Page] 25 [Volume] 28 OS1/34/28 Co. [County] LINLITHGOW SHEET 6 No.1. 2. 5. 6. 9. & 10. Parish of ECCLESMACHAN [Stamped] Ordnance survey M. S. Store Southampton 20 May 95 [1895]