
Continued entries/extra info

[page] 30

[Carmelite Church continued from page 29]
"The Dundas Charter Chest unfolds a tolerably distinct history of the Carmelite Friars
of Queensferry and their somewhat petty traffickings in gifts, animal-rents. The brethren
were governed by a prior Some times also Called principal and the oldest charter extant
is dated in 1440. It Confirms God and the Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel and their Successors
in a piece of ground of ground in the town of Queensferry with the pertinents with the yard and
green adjacent to the church of the Virgin Mary and the whole houses builded in form of a
monastery as also that piece of ground lying betwixt the burn which runs near the cross of the
Said town on the said parts and the highway and ditch that goes towards Echline on the
south parts and rivolute running from the town of Echline to the sea on the west and the
Sea on the north parts." etc. -- Summer life on Land on Water at Queensferry by W W Fye page 62.

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