OS1/34/12/1 |
Parish of Bathgate.
Sheet IX No. 10, 11 & 12.
Names of Objects -- Pages
Bathgate Ph. [Parish] -- 3
Alma Place -- 10
Boghead Burn -- 5
Birnyhill -- 9
Boghead Cottage -- 10
Bathgate Chemical Works -- 15
Bog Burn -- 18
Durhamtoun -- 8
Dubs -- 19
Easter Standhill -- 11
Easter Inch -- 20
Inchcross -- 15
Inchcross Coal Pit -- 16
Monkland Railway Boghead to Cowdenhead Branch -- 12
Moss-side -- 17
Reyssie Law -- 7
Round Hill -- 21
Starlaw -- 22
South Inch -- 23
Teepit Hill -- 7
Torbanehill Pit No 2 (worked out) -- 16
Torbanehill Pit No 1 (worked out) -- 16
Tailend -- 25 |
OS1/34/12/2 |
[This page is Blank] |
OS1/34/12/3 |
Parish of Bathgate See Name Book Sheet 9 No. 6 |
OS1/34/12/4 |
Trace 1
[This page is blank] |
OS1/34/12/5 |
Boghead Burn
Boghead Burn |
Mr. Stein Little Boghead
Mr. Simpson Bathgate |
009 |
[situation] In the Southern portion of the parish of Bathgate.
A small stream that rises at Torbane Hill and flows in an Easterly direction passing the Bathgate Chemical Works till it empties itself into the Bog Burn East of Little Boghead |
OS1/34/12/5 |
Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No.10 -- 5 |
OS1/34/12/6 |
[This page is Blank] |
OS1/34/12/7 |
Reyssie Law
Reyssie Law
Reyssie Law
Reyssie Law
Reyssie Law |
Durham Weir Esq.
Mr. Johnstone Bathgate
Mr. Ingles. Bathgate Academy
Mr. Stein Little Boghead
Mr. Simpson Bathgate |
009 |
[situation] About 3/8 of a mile N.N.W. [North North West] from Durhamtoun.
This name applies to a small hill partly planted, on the estate of Boghead and is the property of Durham Weir Esq. of Boghead House. |
OS1/34/12/7 |
Teepit Hill
Teepit Hill
Teepit Hill |
Durham Weir Esq.
Mr. Johnston Bathgate
Mr. Simpson Bathgate |
009 |
[situation] About ¼ of a mile West of Durhamtoun.
This name applies to a very small eminence on the estate of Boghead, it is planted, and in the centre is a Gravel Pit. the property of Durham Weir Esq. Boghead House. |
OS1/34/12/7 |
[Page] 7
Ph.[Parish] Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No.10 -- T. [Trace] 1 -- 7
Reyss. Coarse grass on marshy ground or on the sea shore. - Jamieson's Dictionary |
OS1/34/12/8 |
Durhamville |
Durham Weir Esq. Boghead
Mr. Johnston, Writer Bathgate
Village Sign Board |
009 |
[situation] About ¼ of a mile North by East from Bathgate Chemical Works.
A Small Village Situated on the south side of the road leading from Bathgate to Whitburn, about one mile from the former place.
It is composed of small regularly built cottages one story high and contains a Smithy and two very Small Grocers Shops. The whole of this Village has been erected since the Opening of the Mines on this district. The Property of Durham Weir, Esq. of Boghead, And is exclusively occupied by Colliers. |
OS1/34/12/8 |
8 -- Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No.10 -- Trace 1 |
OS1/34/12/9 |
Birnyhill |
Birny Hill
Birny Hill |
Durham Weir Esq. Proprietor
James Steel Farmer |
009 |
[situation] About ¼ of a mile S.W. by W [South West by West] from Durhamtoun.
A small Farm House one story high recently erected. The Offices attached are in Good Repair. There is a garden and Small Farm attached. It is the property of Durham Weir. Esq.[Esquire] of Boghead, tenanted by James Steel. |
OS1/34/12/9 |
Cardigan Place
Cardigan Place |
Durham Weir Esq. Boghead
Mr. Johnston Writer Bathgate |
009 |
[situation] In the Village of Durhamtoun.
A row of Cottages one story high. Recently erected by Durham Weir Esq. for the accommodation of the Colliers. And occupied almost exclusively by the Workmen engaged in the adjacent Coal Mine. |
OS1/34/12/9 |
[Page] 9
Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No. 4 -- Trace 1 -- 9
Birnyhill This name to be written one word on Plans as usual in Similar Cases.
Birny. Stems of burnt heath Scottish Dicty.[Dictionary] |
OS1/34/12/9 |
The No. in the header is unclear |
OS1/34/12/9A |
[page] 9A
[left side]
Ordnance Survey Office
13 Royal Circus
24th. Oct. 1855
I understand you called
at this office sometime ago
and that you expressed a
desire to have the name
of the village of Durhamville [underlined]
changed to another name,
now as this is a village recently
built and therefore the name not long
established and besides it being your
own property, there can be no
objection to write on the Ordnance Plan
the name you with to give this place. -
Will you therefore please state
on the opposite margin the name
you would recommend to be written
on the ordnance Plans. -
Thomas Durham Weir Esqr.
Of Boghead
For Captn. [Captain] Kerr R.E. [Royal Engineers]
on Leave
P Quin Sergt. Sergeant RSM [Royal Sappers and Miners]
Right hand side
The village is now called
Durhamtoun. |
OS1/34/12/9B |
[page] 9B
Boghead 25th Oct. 1855
I beg to thank you for
your attention in writing to me regarding
the name of the new village upon
my property. The fact is, it was for some
weeks called Durhamville, but
the colliers not being French Scholars
so shocked the ears of the more polished
inhabitants of the place by converting
the ville into vile that I have altered the
name from Durhamville
into Durhamtoun.
I am
Your obedt. [Obedient] Servant
Thomas Durham Weir. |
OS1/34/12/10 |
Alma Place |
Alma Place
Alma Place |
Mr. Durham Weir Proprietor Boghead
Thomas McCardle Boghead Cottage |
009 |
[situation] In the village of Durhamtoun.
Two small cottages One Story High, newly erected near the village of Durhamville. The property of Durham Weir
Tenanted by the Workmen of the Bathgate Chemical Works. |
OS1/34/12/10 |
Boghead Cottage |
Boghead Cottage
Boghead Cottage |
Durham Weir Esqr. Boghead
Thomas McCardle Occupant. |
009 |
[situation] A little South of Durhamtoun.
A small cottage one Story High recently erected. Used as a Gate House for the Wilsonton & Morningside Railway. It is the property of Wilsonton & Morningside Railway Co. [Company] Occupied by Thomas McCardle Gate Keeper. |
OS1/34/12/10 |
10 -- Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No. 10 -- Trace 1 |
OS1/34/12/11 |
Easter Standhill
Easter Standhill |
Alexander Clarke Wester Knock
John & James Mitchell Proprietors |
009 |
[situation] About ¼ of a mile South East from Durhamtoun.
A house one story high in good repair having a suitable office and a small garden attached
Occupied by James Mitchell
See description above, |
OS1/34/12/11 |
Standhill |
Alexander Clarke Wester Knock
John & James Mitchell Proprietors
Forrest's Co. [County]Map
Valn. Roll of Coy. [Valuation Roll of County] |
009 |
[situation] About ¼ of a mile South South East from Durhamtoun.
A farm house one story high with offices, all in good repair. having a thrashing machine and a churning machine a garden and 84 acres of arable land attached
The property of John & James Mitchell Brothers occupied by the former. |
OS1/34/12/11 |
[Page] 11
Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No.10 -- Trace 9 -- 11 |
OS1/34/12/11 |
Parish of Bathgate
Sheet 8
N0. 10
Trace 2 |
OS1/34/12/12 |
Monkland Railway
(Polkemmet Brh. [Branch]
Monkland Railways
Boghead to Cowdenhead Branch |
Mr. Duncan manager of the mineral lines
Plans of Railway
Letter From J Cochrane Esqr. Company's Engineer.
See correspondence in Name Book Sheet 9 No. 6. |
009 |
[situation] Passes West of Durhamtoun.
This is a single line of Railway and is at present about 2½ miles in length, terminating a short distance beyond a few Houses called "Polkemmet Rows", it is intended to extend it much farther; the property of the Monkland Iron Company, but at present leased by the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Company. |
OS1/34/12/12 |
Ph .[Parish of] Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No.10 -- Trace 2 |
OS1/34/12/13 |
[This page is Blank] |
OS1/34/12/14 |
[This page is Blank] |
OS1/34/12/15 |
Bathgate Chemical Works |
Bathgate Chemical Works
Bathgate Chemical Works
Bathgate Chemical Works |
Mr. Durham Weir Esqr. Boghead
Mr. Johnston Writer, Bathgate
Mr. Binnie Clerk of the Chemical Works Bathgate |
009 |
[situation] About ¼ of a mile S.W. [South West] of Durhamtoun.
An extensive building used for the purpose of manufacturing Pharafhin Oil and Naptha from the Gas Coal raised from the Mine in the immediate vicinity.
The property of Durham Weir Esqr.
Occupied by Messrs. Meldrum & Young Chemists Bathgate. |
OS1/34/12/15 |
Inchcross |
Mr. Rankin Proprietor and Occupant.
Plans of Mr. Rennie Property
Forrest's Co.[County] Map
Valn.[Valuation] Roll. |
009 |
[situation] About ½ Mile South from Durhamtoun.
A Farm House one Story High with Offices and Thrashing Machine all in good repair. A vegetable garden and Farm consisting of [10] Acres attached, the property of the occupant, Mr. Rankin. |
OS1/34/12/15 |
Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No. 4 -- Trace 4 -- 15 |
OS1/34/12/16 |
Inchcross Coal Pit
Inchcross Coal Pit |
Durham Weir Esqr. Boghead House
Mr. Rankin Inchcross |
009 |
[situation] About ½ Mile South West from Durhamtoun.
This name applies to a Coal Pit on the [illegible]
of Inchcross, out of which is taken Gas [Coal] only; the machinery is driven by Steam of 5 horse Power, and the depth of Shaft is 12 Fathoms. The property of Mr. Rankin of Inchcross by whom it is worked. |
OS1/34/12/16 |
OS1/34/12/16 |
14 -- Bathgate Parish -- Sheet 9 -- No. 10 -- Trace 4 |
OS1/34/12/16 |
Part of the description is hidden because the script is outwith the fold of the page. |
OS1/34/12/17 |
Moss-side |
John Mitchell Standhill
John Russel Proprietor |
009 |
[situation] About ½ mile East by South from Bathgate Chemical Works
A farm House one story high with suitable offices all in good repair There is a garden and a small farm of land attached Proprietor and occupant Mr. John Russel |
OS1/34/12/17 |
Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- N0.10 -- Trace 5 -- 17 |
OS1/34/12/18 |
Bog Burn See Name Sheets for Sheet 9 No.7 |
OS1/34/12/19 |
Dubs |
Mr J. Arnot Occupier
Mr A. Clark Wester Inch
Forrest's Co. [County] Map |
009 |
About ¼ of a mile W.S.W [West South West] from Easter Inch
A small farm stead S. E.[South East] of Wester Inch. It is a long low building, thatched and comprises dwelling house, stable etc in one row. It is in good repair and is the property of Mr D. Flemming Woodhead. |
OS1/34/12/19 |
[Page] 19
Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 No. 11 T. [Trace] 1 |
OS1/34/12/20 |
Wester Inch
Wester Inch |
Mr. A. Clark Proprietor
Mr. A. Laing Easter Inch |
009 |
[situation] About ¼ mile W by S [West by South] from Easter Inch
An old farm stead East of the Bathgate & Blackburn road, the dwelling house is one story high and thatched to which is attached a churning machine and large vegetable garden - The Outbuilding are [low] partly thatched & Slated - The property of A. Clark resident - |
OS1/34/12/20 |
Easter Inch
Easter Inch |
Mr. A. Laing Occupier
Mr. John Pollock Resident |
009 |
[situation] About ¼ of a mile E by N [East by North] from Wester Inch
A good farm stead standing on an eminence E. East of Wester Inch - The dwelling house is low & thatched and divided in Cottages for the residents of the holders of the farm which is all grazing ground, in the centre [of the] farmstead stands the walls of a h[ouse] erected by a former proprietor for [his] residence but was never finished [the] grounds East of the house were laid out as ornamental, but was never completed and is let by the present proprietor Mr. D. Flemming for grazing The outbuildings are spacious & in good repair - |
OS1/34/12/20 |
20 -- Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No.11 -- T. [Trace] 1 |
OS1/34/12/21 |
Round Hill
Round Hill |
Henry Whitelaw Harlaw
John Pollock Easter Inch |
009 |
[situation] About 3/8 of a mile N.E. [North East] of Easter Inch
A small regularly shaped hill rising abruptly from the surface in a field of the same name - it is on the farm of Easter Inch & is known in the locality - |
OS1/34/12/21 |
Parish of Bathgate -- S. [Sheet] 9 -- T. [Trace] 2 -- 21 |
OS1/34/12/22 |
Starelaw |
Henry Whitelaw Resident
John Archibald Foreman
Forrest's Co. [County] Map |
009 |
[situation] About 1 mile East of Easter Inch
A large farm stead situated on a rising nearly ½ a mile [] of the Edinburgh & Bathgate Railway - the dwelling house [is] two storeys high and slated, with a small garden in front the outbuildings are extensive [and] thatched with a thrashing machine attached - The whole in good repair and is the property of Colonel Norval of Edinburgh. |
OS1/34/12/22 |
22 -- Ph. [Parish] of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- 11 -- T. [Trace] 3 |
OS1/34/12/23 |
South Inch
South Inch |
George Inglis Occupier
Mr. A. Clark Wester Inch |
009 |
[situation] About ¼ of a mile SSE [South South East] of Easter Inch.
A good farm stead a short distance S.E. [South East] of Wester Inch Consisting of a long row and two wings, Comprising dwelling house, Workmans cottages and out buildings - the building are low, partly thatched & tiled, and in good repair - There is a large garden attached and the farm is all grazing ground - It is the property of Mr. D. Flemming Woodhead near Bathgate - |
OS1/34/12/23 |
Parish of Bathgate -- S. [Sheet] 9 -- No. 1 -- T. [Trace] 4 -- 23 |
OS1/34/12/24 |
OS1/34/12/24 |
Blank |
OS1/34/12/25 |
Tailend |
David Nelson Occupant
A L Lewis Schoolmaster
Rents Reciepts
Forrest's Co. [County] Map |
009 |
[Situation] In the S. [South] portion of the Parish of Bathgate
A small farm house one story high With offices, a Thrashing Machine and Churning Machine
all being in good repair. There is also a garden and small arable farm attached.
The property of Mits. [Mistress] May Martha [?] Noel. Occupied by David Nelson.
[signed] James Carpenter C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 31st. January. 1856
[signed] R.D. Kerr
Cap. R.E. [Royal Engineers] 1st Feby. 1856 |
OS1/34/12/25 |
Parish of Bathgate -- Sheet 9 -- No.12 -- Trace 1 -- 25 |
OS1/34/12/26 |
Blank |
OS1/34/12/27 |
SHEET IX [9] No. 10, 11, & 12.
Parish of