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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MAOL MEALLACH MÒR Maol Meallach Mòr Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Joass.
Mr. D. Munro.
014 This name signifies the ''Large Lumpy Hill'', and applies to a large sized hill covered with heathy pasture and situated on the north side of Amhainn na ''Buaigheal "Duibhe, on the property of his Grace the Duke of Sutherland.
1- inch Revision Oct. 1894
Maovally More Duke of Sutherland's Map 1853 -68
Mr Donald Ross shd. [shepherd] Grudie
Mr Alexander McDonald shd [shepherd] Carbreck
AMHAINN NA BUAGHEAL DUIBHE Amhainn na Buaigheal Duibhe Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Joass.
Mr. D. Munro.
014 This name signifies ''River of the ''Black "Stall'', and applies to a Considerable sized stream flowing in a northerly direction into the "Kyle of "Durness. from near Bun nan Tri-allt.
AMHAINN AN LÒIN Amhainn an Lòin Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Joass.
Mr. D. Munro.
014 This name signifies ''River of the "Marsh or Bog''. It has its source near the centre of Am Bealach, and flows Generally in a north westerly direction until it Joins ''Feithe a' "Chaoruinn, at its junction with Amhainn na Buaigheal Duibhe

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County of Sutherland

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