
Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 131
Parish of Dornoch Co. [County] of Sutherland ------------------------------------------------- Examiners replies to each of the Underlined portions.

[continued from page 130]
institution of this order appears to have been the redemption of
Christian captives; to which purpose a third part of their revenue
is said to have been destined. Of 13 of these monasteries, which
are said to have subsisted in Scotland at the Reformation, one
was at Dornoch, founded in 1271 by Sir Patrick Murray. Not the
smallest vestige of the building, however, can now be traced; the
very site of it is unknown at this day. Here stand the ruins of ------- Designated Bishop's
the bishop's castle, which appears to have been a stately and sump ------- Palace.
tuous edifice. The two upper stories of an old tower formerly ------- Not used for this purpose
a part of the palace, have been converted into a county gaol ------- at present - one storey of
About the year 1567, George, Earl of Caithness burnt the town ------- of it however has been con-
and cathedral. The fine, church of Dornoch stands in the centre ------- verted into an Armoury
of the little town. It is nearly as possible a fac simile of the old cathedral ------- for the Dornoch Volunteers
the proportions and elaborate decorations having been carefully copied.
It cost 6.000£, which was solely defrayed by the Duchess Countess
of Sutherland.
The following description of the parish church is taken from the Old Statistical Account.
Three aisles of the ancient cathedral, form the present church;
the fourth has been long in ruins. The church has undergone dif ------- Vide name Book
ferent repairs and at a considerable expense. The Countess of ------- for description of
Sutherland is patron. Most of the families, of any distinction ------- Cathedral.
connected with the parish, continue to bury within the church. In
some measure to remedy this nuisance, the church was lofted some
years ago; at the height of about 7 feet from the ground. To this upper
story, which is the present place of worship, the ascent is by stairs from
without, the open area underneath, still serving as a burying ground.
Around the cathedral is the church yard, without any fence, and
in the centre of the burgh. It is the market place. The county road ------- Information in [connection]
runs through it ------- with the Burgh has been
In replying to remarks on antiquities &c. in the parish; the ------- obtained from three of the
Superintendent of Examiners will supply all the local ------- most competent authorities
information he can obtain, and state what steps he has ------- in the Burgh viz. Revd [Reverend] D.
taken to obtain such information ------- Stewart, parish minister,
Signed ------- W.S. Fraser Esq. Fiscal, D.
C.W. Wilson ------- Taylor Esq. Sheriff Clerk
Capt. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers] ------- J. Clegg Lce Corpl [Lance Corporal]

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