
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Gloupa Glippa

Mr L. Laurenceson
Mr Nicolson
Mr Lisk
039.02; 039.05 Is applied to a small creek on the east shore of Whalsay, and a short distance to the south of Longie Goe.
Longi Geo of Skaw Longie Goe

Longi Geo
Mr L. Laurenceson
Mr Nicolson
Mr Lisk
039.02; 039.05 Is applied to a large creek, situated about ΒΌ of a mile to the S.W. [South West] of Lusastane. The rocks on the land side of this Goe is very bold & steep. Considered the highes on Whalsay Island.
Longigeo Stack Longie Goe Stack

Longigeo Stack
Mr L. Laurenceson
Mr Nicolson
Mr Lisk
039.02; 039.05 Is applied to a high water rock, situated about 7 chains to the N.E. [North East] of "Longie Goe"
Taing Geo Taing Geo Mr L. Laurenceson
Mr Nicolson
Mr Lisk
039.02; 039.05 This name is applied to a small creek, situated about 16 chains to the S.W. [South West] of Lusastane

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 80.
Whalsay Island. Shetland_
Parish of Whalsey

[Note under the name "Gloupa" reads]
Norse Gljufr, a chasm (as Gloup Voe in the north of Yell) probably applied formerly to the hole into which the tide flows_

Transcriber's notes

From different ink used the version of the names "Longigeo Stack" & "Longi Geo" have been Re-submitted - this annotation being indicated in another name book.
Suspect the spelling of Mr Lisk in the Authorities should be Leask, as shown against the name "Bringers" on page 82..

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