
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Scarfmoor Burn Scarfmoor Burn Mr Laurence Laurenceson
Mr I S Nicolson
Postmaster Symbister
David Hughson
039.01; 039.04 Applies to a small stream rising a short distance to the West of Loch Houll. It flows chiefly in a North and Easterly direction and enters the sea a short distance North East of Brough Head.
School School
(Boys & Girls)
Mr Laurence Laurenceson
Mr I.S. Nicolson
David Hughson
039.01; 039.05 This name applies to a Board school situated about ½ mile to the S [South] East of the Church and a short distance to the East of Houll and Brough Also about 2 miles to the N [North] of Symbister. There is a Schoolmaster's house and offices attached also two small play-grounds & small field. The whole are slated and in good repair. It was opened on the 4th June 1877 It has accomodation for 90 scholars (male and feamel). There is a feamal Teacher or Sewing Mistress
Tripwell Tripwell Valuation Roll
Mr Laurence Laurenceson
Mr I.S. Nicolson
David Hughson
Valuation Roll.
039.01; 039.04 Applies to a dweling & croft The dwelling is thatched and in fair repair It is situated about ¼ mile to the South of the Hamlet of Brough and about ½ mile to the S. [South] West of the church

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 71.
County of Shetland
Parish of Whalsey

[Page initialled] A.M [A. McDonald 2nd Corporal Royal Engineers]

Transcriber's notes

Word in brackets and before Teacher looks like "feamel" - misspelling for female

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ron hill

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