
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Chapel Ruins Chapel (in ruins)
Chapel (in ruins)
Chapel (in ruins)
Chapel (in ruins)
Chapel (in ruins)
Mr W Leask, Tenant, Isbister
Mr John Bruce Tenant Skaw
Mr John Johnston Skawtaing
Mr L Laurenceson Hamister
Barbra Anderson, Symbister
032.14; 032.02 Applies to the remains of a Romish Chapel situated on the southwest corner of "Inner Holm", about 1 mile N. [north] e. [east] of Skaw. Tradition says that it was erected by shipwrecked mariners as a fulfillment of a previous vow that if ever they got to land that they would build a chapel as a token of their deliverance from the wrath of the sea. There is no account of a burial ground being in connection with the chapel but a woman named "Barbra Anderson" while excavating inside the ruins of the chapel in search of money having previously dreamt of such being deposited there" came upon a stone cist or coffin enclosing the skeleton of a human body supposed to be that of a young man. The woman is still living in Whalsay & states it to have been found in A. [Anno] D. [Domini] 1858.
Fluckings Bight Fluckings Bight
Flukings Bight
same authorities
Laurence Laurenceson Hamister Mr Nicholson Symbister T Bruce Skaw
032.14; 032.02 032.05 This Bight is situated at the west of Utla(assume Ultataing) and a little to the north of the West Loch of Skaw
Hamara Neap Hamra Neep
Hamara Neap
same authorities
Laurence Laurenceson Symbister
T Bruce Skaw
Mr Nicholson Postmaster Symbister
Mr John Johnston Skataing
Mr Lawrence Bruce Skaw
032.14; 032.06 This name applies to a bold precipitous point situated about ΒΌ mile south east of East Loch of Skaw and a little to the south west of Lead Geo also between "geo of Hamarancap & Lead Geo"

Hamarr-Gripa = the craggy or rocky headland
Lade Geos Lead Geos
Lead Geos
Lead Geos
Lade Geos
Laurence Laurenceson, Symbister
T Bruce Skaw
Mr Nicholson Postmaster Symbister
032.14; 032.06 This name applies to a few small geos on the north east end of Whalsay and a little to the south east of East Loch of Skaw
Little Roonie Geo Little Ronnie Geo
Little Roonie Geo
Laurence Laurenceson Hamister
Mr Nicholson Symbister
T Bruce Skaw
032.14; 032.02 032.04 This geo is situated a little to the west of Muckle Ronnie Geo and north of Utla Taing
Utla Taing Utlataing same authorities
Laurence Laurenceson Hamister Mr Nicholson Symbister T Bruce Skaw
032.14; 032.02 032.04 This name applies to a point situated at the north end of Whalsay and about 2? north of the West Loch of Skaw

Continued entries/extra info

14. N. 272
_____ O.S.


County of Shetland Parish of Whalsey


Sheet Plan Trace

Transcriber's notes

Information taken from page http://www.scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/digital-volumes/ordnance-survey-name-books/shetland-os-name-books-18/shetland-volume-26/14?row=OS1/31/4925-15 where this table should be moved to

Re Utlataing - cannot fully transcribe comments due to fold in book

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