Continued entries/extra info
Hemri Geo 5
Hevda 13
Hevda Skerry 102
Holm of Sandwick 57
Horse Knowe *9
Houb 64
Houll 70
Houll of Challister 65
Hraan Geo 66
Hundi Geo 36
Huxter 98
Inner Holm of Skaw 19
Isbisters 89
Juppi Geo 21
Keen 79
Keener 20
Kirk Knowe 13
Kirk Ness 63
Kirn Geo 41
Kirni Geo 10
Knowe of Willerhoull 94
Knowes of Rooier 104
Lade Geo 15
Lagart Geo 79
Lanner Geos 3
Lang Geo of the Head 60
Lee 65
Linga Sound 33
Linthouse 29
Transcriber's notes
Page is divided into 3 columns, each column with the Heading "Name of Objects" and "Page" and are listed alphabetically, from "HEM to LIN" starting at the top of the left hand column and finishing bottom rightTranscribers who have contributed to this page.
Location information for this page.
There are no linked mapsheets.