
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Breiwick Burn Breiwick Burn Laurence Laurenceson
Mr Polson Huxter
Mr Nicholson
039.09; 039.02 039.09; 039.01 This name applies to a small stream which enters the sea a little to the west of meoness Point. Its rise is about ΒΌ of a mile to the south west of the knoll known as Waterhamars
Breiwick Point Breiwick Point same authorities
Laurence Laurenceson
Mr Polson Huxter
Mr Nicholson
039.09; 039.02 039.09; 039.01 This name applies to a small rocky point situated about 10 chains west of Meoness Point
Muckle Lyri Geo Muckle Leiri Geo same authorities
Laurence Laurenceson
Mr Polson Huxter
Mr Nicholson
039.09; 039.02 039.09; 039.01 This geo ios situated t the west of Breiwick Point and close to Little Lari Geo

Continued entries/extra info

F&T 2,000 5-76 [4.14.74] N. 272 107
_____ O.S.

County of Shetland O.21 Parish of Whalsey

County of Shetland Parish of Whalsey


Sheet Plan Trace

Breiwick Burn
[side note] written on body of sheet 39.9

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