
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Fidgie Geo Fiska Geo
Fidgie Geo
Andrew Stickle Burrafirth Charles Arthur, Schoolmaster. Sandfield Robert Douall Norwick. Schoolmaster
Re submitted to Mr Arthur and 2 men at Burrafirth
002.02 Applies to a small creek situate 90 chains north of the Ness
Shorda Hellier Shorda Helyer
Shorda Hellier
Andrew Stickle Burrafirth Charles Arthur, Schoolmaster. Sandfield Robert Douall Norwick. Schoolmaster 002.02 Applies to a cave situate on the east side of Burrafirth about 1 3/4 miles north of the Ness
Stack of Blaga Stack of Blaga Andrew Stickle Burrafirth
Charles Arthur, Schoolmaster. Sandfield Robert Douall Norwick. Schoolmaster
Probably Bla-gja=Blue Geo from the Geo near it
Applies to a high water rock situate 1 1/2 miles north of Burrafirth (District)
The Fidd The Fidd Andrew Stickle Burrafirth Charles Arthur, Schoolmaster. Sandfield Robert Douall Norwick. Schoolmaster 002.02 Applies to a spot situate about 1 mile North of the Ness Mrs Edmonston Buness, Proprietrix

Continued entries/extra info

(Header) Island of Unst
Parish of Unst Shetland Isles
(Across Columns 3 & 4 against entry for Shorda Hellier is written)the form Hellier has been adopted in Shetland Norse Hellier, a sea cave.

Transcriber's notes

Mis-transcribed, should be Stack of Blaga

The second entry on this page Stack of Scounatdall has been crossed through and cancelled across all columns

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

carole, EileenBF

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