
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Cuml Cuml John Thomson Esqr of Houl
Mr. H. McKenzie Teacher Clothie
Mr. H. Tait Teacher Dale
046.02 A portion of low Stone Wall and a cairn of Stones, Said to be Pictish Remains: It is Situated upon the South-west end of "Stourbro' Hill and about 3/8 mile South-east of the N. [North] end of "Burn of Fleurad": upon the property of Master Scott of Melby

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 105
Parish of Walls Shetland
[signed] William Fraser c/a [Civilian Assistant]

old English [written under Cuml in List of Names column]

Transcriber's notes

In Modes of Spelling column: Picts House (Remains of) has been crossed out.

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