
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Swarta Skerries Swarta Skerries
Swarta Skerries
Swarta Skerries
Andrew I. Grierson Esqr. of Quendale Mr. Robert Jamieoon, Teacher, Sandness Mr. Christopher Dowl West Burrafirth 041.03 A group of High Water Mark rocks situate in the sea a short distance south of the"Head of Oniberry." They are in the Parish of Aithsting and are the property of Andrew I. Grierson Esqr. of Quendale
Riv Skerries Riv Skerries
Riv Skerries
Riv Skerries
Andrew I. Grierson Esqr. of Quendale
Mr. Robert Jamieoon, Teacher, Sandness
Mr. Christopher Dowl West Burrafirth
041.03 A group of High Water Mark rocks situated at the mouth of "West Burrafirth Voe." about ⅛ of a mile North West of "Galta Stack."They are in the parishes of Sand & Aithsting and are the property of Andrew I. Grierson Esqr. of Quendale
Head of Onibery Head of Onibery
Head of Onibery
Head of Onibery
Andrew I. Grierson Esqr. of Quendale Mr. Robert Jamieoon, Teacher, Sandness Mr. Christopher Dowl West Burrafirth 041.03 A rocky headland situated a short distance south of "The Heag," and immediately west of "Crockna Vord.
The property of Andrew I. Grierson Esqr. of Quendale

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 73
Parish of Aithsting, -- Shetland
[Signed] Alexander Fraser C/A [Civilian Assistant]

Transcriber's notes

Hea of Onibery - needs correcting to Head of Onibery
[email not sent]// corrected to read Head now.

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hastingleigh, Trondragirl- Moderator

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