
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Brei Wick Thomas Gifford Busta
Andrew Reid Tangwick
Christopher Sandison Roenip
023.03 A large bay on the South side of Eshaness extending from the point of No Ness on the West to The Runk on the east.
Breiwick Thomas Gifford Busta Andrew Reid Tangwick Christopher Sandison Roenip 023.03 A small collection of farms situated close to the north head of the Bay of Brae Wick and nearly 1 mile north east of Cooperstown. The property of the trust estate of Busta.
Crossa Breck 3 tenants at Breiwick 023.03 Applies to a small ridge crossed by the track from Tangwick to Hillswick from 1/2 to 3/4 mile East of Breiwick.
Crossabreck Burn As above 023.03 A stream rising a short distance west of the west of the hill of Greenfield and flows in a westerly direction and fall into the Sea a short distance east of the dwelling houses of Braewick.

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