
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Ayre of Baga Ayre of Baga
Ayre of Baga
Ayre of Baga
Andrew Mure Esq Sheriff Substitute James Robertson Greemsetter Laurence Williamson Noss Sound 057.05 A Beach on the South coast of Bressay situated immediatly east of the Ord and ½ mile west of Veng
Mills of the Ord Mills of the Ord Andrew Mure Esq Sheriff Substitute James Robertson Greemsetter Laurence Williamson Noss Sound 057.05 A green Flat surrounded by precipices on the South coast of Bressay ⅛ of a mile east of The Ord and ½ mile north west of Veng
The Ord The Ord
The Ord
The Ord
Ord Head
Ord Head
Andrew Mure Esq Sheriff Substitute James Robertson Greemsetter Laurence Williamson Noss Sound
Fullertons Gazetteer
New Statistical Account
Johnstons Map
Admiralty Chart
Estate Map Bressay
057.05 A high cliff about 500 feet high on the south coast of Bressay a little over 1⅛ miles South of the Ward of Bressay and 1¼ miles west of The Hamar

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 93
Parish of Bressay -- Shetland

The Ord [Note] (Perhaps from Ördigr, erect, upright)

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