
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Geo of Cro Geo of Cruive

Geo of Cruive

Geo of Cruive

Geo of Cro -- Re-submitted
Rev. [Reverend] William Brand, Dunrossness

Sinclair Moncrieff, Spiggie

Robert Henderson, South Scousburgh
065.03 A creek situate about 1/2 mile west of Coubal and 1/4 mile north east of The Orms.
Muckle Sound Muckle Sound

Muckle Sound

Muckle Sound
Rev. [Reverend] William Brand, Dunrossness

Sinclair Moncrieff, Spiggie

Robert Henderson, South Scousburgh
065.03 Applies to that part of the sea lying between the south end of Isle of Colsay and the Mainland.
Ousengate Oozing Gate

Oozing Gate

Oozing Gate

Ousengate -- Re-submitted
Rev. [Reverend] William Brand, Dunrossness

Sinclair Moncrieff, Spiggie

Robert Henderson, South Scousburgh
065.03 A pass in the cliffs situate a short distance north of Point of Virkie and nearly 1/8 mile south of Does Cove.

Continued entries/extra info

Muckle Sound
(Roman Capitals)

Robert M. Watson

Transcriber's notes

Geo of Crou has been crossed out

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