
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Neshion Neshion Mr Hoseason Postmaster
Mossbank Shetland
Mr M Johnson Farmer Booth of
Mr Pole
Val Roll
025.08 This name applies of a number
of crofters houses situated at
about 85 north west of Mossbank
and 15 chains east of Toft The
houses are built of stone thatched
1 storey high and in good repair it
is the property of Mrs J Spence
Toft Toft Mr Hoseason
Mr M Johnson
Mr Pole
Val Roll
025.08 This name applies to a few
crofters houses situated at about
15 chains south west of Neshion
The houses are built of stone
thatched one storey high and in
pretty good repair it is the property
of Mrs Hoseason

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