
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
North Ayre North Ayre Mr Robert Robertson
Merchant Booth of Swinister
O & S Guide Shetland
Mr Murray Mercht
New Hall Swinister Voe
Mr Pole
Johnstons Map
025.16 Applies to the beach [...]
the head of Swinister Voe
& north of Dales Voe
Situated 3 1/2 miles S.
of Mossbank & 2 [...]
miles north from
Swinister Voe Swinister Voe
Swinister Voe
Swinister Voe
Swinister Voe
Swinister Voe
Swinister Voe
Swinister Voe
Swinister Voe
Swinister Bay
Valuation Roll
Mr Robert Robertson
Merchant Booth of Swinister
0 & S Guide Shetland
Mr Murray Mercht
New Hall Swinister Voe
Mr Pole
Johnstons Map
Admiralty Chart
025.16 This name is applied to an
arm of the sea situated at
the E side of the parish of
Delting 1 mile south of Firths Voe
2 1/2 miles S.W. from Mossbank, 21
chains. E from Dales Voe &
about 26 miles N. by road from
The Houb The Houb Mr Robert Robertson
Merchant Booth of Swinister
O & S Guide Shetland
Mr Murray Mercht
New Hall Swinister Voe
Mr Pole
Johnstons Map
025.16 Applies to tidal water sit-
-uated between Swinister
Voe and Dales Voe
& west of Foraness

Continued entries/extra info

Column 1 for The Houb also says - Written on the body of Sheet 30

Transcriber's notes

Some problems reading the description due to the page fold

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