
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Bankhead Bankhead Mr Hoseason, Postmaster, Mossbank
Mr Jas Irvine, Schoolmaster
Moorfield, Delting
G Henderson, Midgarth
Valuation Roll
025.12 Applies to a croft house in bad
repair situate a short distance
west of P.O Mossbank. Mr Jas
Hoseason Mossbank proprietor
Pund Pund Mr Hoseason
Mr Jas Irvine
G Henderson
025.12 Applies to a small croft house
situate a short distance S.W from
P.O Mossbank. house one storey in height
thatched in poor repair Mr Pole
proprietor Mossbank
Straits Straits Mr Hoseason
Mr Jas Irvine
G Henderson, Midgarth
Valuation Roll
025.12 Applies to a small house situate
a short distance S.W from P.O Moss-
bank. House one storey in height
thatched, in poor condition Mr Jas
Hoseason Mossbank proprietor

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