
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Site of
Site of Cuml Mr. Lawrence Hay Tenant Hill
Mr. Thomas Ridland Brough.
Andrew Umphray Esqr. of Reawick.
051.06 A green Spot Situated in the district of "Wester Skeld", and on the S. W. [South West] Side of "Brough", also N. [North] of Lower Houses: Upon the property of Andrew Umphray Esqr. of Reawick. It is generally known as the Site of some Pictish remains

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 179

Parish of Sandsting Shetland

[Signed] William Fraser C/A [Civilian Assistant]

Transcriber's notes

In the first column, "Old English" is written below "Site of Cuml".

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