
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Bonnet Knowe Bonnet Knowe Mr R. Robertson Farmer Wester Scord
Mr T. Jamieson Farmer Easter Scord
030 This name applies to a small piece of Moss almost Circular & about 4 feet higher than the feature of the hill It is about 70 or 80 linKs in diameter & is covered with heather situated about 1/2 mile West of the "Pund of Grutin." about one half mile S.W. [South West] of this is a small standing stone Known as "LudwicK Stone" & it is a property boundary mark
Ludowic Stone Ludwick Stone
Ludowic Stone
Thomas Irvine Brae
Mr Benjamin Hughson Grutin.
030 Ludwick Stone is about 1 1/2 feet high & about one foot thick Well known on account of its being a boundary stone. W.F.
Dalescord Hill Dalescord Hill Thomas Irvine Brae
Mr Benjamin Hughson Grutin.
030.04 This name applies to a small hill situated about one mile West of Gruttin & immediately West of Button Hills It is covered with heath pasture & is the property of Miss Gifford LerwicK

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 94
Shetland -- Parish of Delting

Ludowic Stone [Note] takes its name from Ludowic Dunbar a former minister of the Parish B. Hughson
about 3/4 N.W. [North West] of Grutin

Dalescord Hill [Note] Dals-skarđ Dale - pass hill

Transcriber's notes

Situation has been changed to 030 as Map 030.04 and 030.05 are unavailable.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Trondragirl- Moderator, ianacooper