
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Burn of Garth Burn of Bund

Burn of Garth
Mr. Thomas Gifford, Factor, Busta,
Mr. Lautitt, Teacher, Hammers.
Mr. John Irvine, farmer, Brae.
Same authorities as for Susetter
037 This name applies to a Small stream having its Source on the north Side of "Hoo Field," and flowing in an easterly direction for about half a mile, when it changes its course for a southerly direction, in which direction it flows for about a fourth of a mile, where it is Joined by another Small streamlet from the north-east from the point where these two unite it flows nearly due south into "Olna Firth" and is known by the name "Susetter" Burn.
Burn of Susetter Susister Burn

Burn of Susetter
Mr. Thomas Gifford, Factor, Busta,
Mr. Lautitt, Teacher, Hammers.
Mr. John Irvine, farmer, Brae.
037 Is Known by this name from a point a little to the west of the farm of Susetter, until it falls into Olna Firth. for origin or source of this stream, see description, "Burn of Garth,"
Garth of Susetter Garths of Susister

Garth of Susetter
Mr. Thomas Gifford, Factor, Busta,
Mr. Lautitt, Teacher, Hammers.
Mr. John Irvine, farmer, Brae.
037 Applies to a small farm house, about a mile & a half from Voe. Delting, and close to the public road between Voe & Mossbank, one storey in height, thatched, in indifferent repair, Miss Gifford, proptr. [proprietor].

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 223
Shetland -- Parish of Delting
[initialled] JF.

Transcriber's notes

Situation changed to 037 as 037.02 unavailable

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Trondragirl- Moderator, ianacooper