
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Mill Burn Mill Burn Mr. Thomas Gifford Factor Busta
Mr R. Robertson Westerscord
Mr. A. Johnson Kirkhouse Voe
036 This name applies to a small stream. it issues from a small fresh water loch known by the name of Loch of Queensetter and flows. in a north western direction. to the sea. this stream forms part of the parish boundary. between Delting & Aithsting. The property of Miss Gifford Lerwick.
Selie Ness Sellness

Selie Ness
Mr. Thomas Gifford Factor Busta
Mr R. Robertson Westerscord
Mr. A. Johnson Kirkhouse Voe
Admiralty Chart
Johnstons Map. Shetland Isles
036 This name is applied to a prominent point of land Covered with rough pasture situated about 1/2 a mile south-west from the entrance to the sea of Mill Burn. The property of Miss Gifford.
Quiensetter Quiensetter Mr. Thomas Gifford Factor Busta
Mr R. Robertson Westerscord
Mr. A. Johnson Kirkhouse Voe
036 This name is applied to a small farm house. situated about one 1/4 of a mile NORTH east from Selie Ness. The houses are built of stone thatched one storey high & in fair repair. property of Miss Gifford

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 212
Shetland -- Parishes of Aithsting & Delting
[initialled] D.Mc.K.

Transcriber's notes

Situation changed to 036 as 036.06 unavailable

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