
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Uyea Sound Uyea Sound
Uyea Sound
Uyea Sound
Uyea Sound
Adam Dickson, Jr. [Junior] Uyeasound
Robert Jamieson, Schoolmaster Sandness
Walter Nicolson, Tenant Nunsburgh
Shetland, descriptive & historical
Valuation Roll
036 A strait about 1 mile in length and having an average breadth of about 1/4 of a mile, it is situated at the east side of the island of Vemintry and divides the island from the Mainland, It extends from the Holms of Uyeasound, on the north to "Builly" on the south.
Uyeasound Uyeasound
Adam Dickson, Occupant
Robert Jamieson Schoolmaster Sandness
Walter Nicolson, Tenant, Nunsburgh
Shetland, descriptive & historical
Valuation Roll
036 A farmhouse & offices situated about 1/4 of a mile S.S.W. [South South West] of "Mill Bight" and about the same distance east of "Builly", The property of the Busta Trustees,
Scarva Clett Scarva Clett
Scarva Clett
Scarva Clett
Adam Dickson, Jr. [Junior] Uyeasound
Robert Jamieson, Schoolmaster, Sandness
Walter Nicolson, Tenant, Nunsburgh
036 A rocky point situated on the east side of the island of "Vemintry" and at the S.E. [South East] end of "Cow Head." The property of the Busta Trustees,

Continued entries/extra info

[PaGe] 201
parish of Aithsting -- Shetland
[signed] Alex Fraser CA [Civilian Assistant]

Transcriber's notes

Situation changed to 036 as 036.05 unavailable

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Trondragirl- Moderator, ianacooper, MaxInSpain