
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Neegarth Negarth Mr. Pole
Mr. Sinclair
Mr. Irvine
Estate Map
025 This name applies to a ruin which was at one time a small croft in Laxobigging and 1/2 a mile east of Graven property of Major Cameron.
Bordigarth Bordigarth Mr. Pole
Mr. Sinclair
Mr. Irvine
Estate Map
025 Similar to the above & 1/2 a mile south east from Millburn the property of Major Cameron.
North Burn North Burn Mr. Pole
Mr. Sinclair
Mr. Irvine
Estate Map
025 Applies to a stream from the junctions of Moorfield Burn & Stenswall Burn running in a westerly direction till it falls into Garths Voe North of Sandybank

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 12
Shetland -- Parish of Delting

Bordigarth [Note] ? Barđ's farm a proper name

Transcriber's notes

Situation has been changed to 025 as Map 025.05 unavailable.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Trondragirl- Moderator, ianacooper, PaulBendix