
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Wether Holm Wether Holm

Wether Holm
Mr Peterson Collafirth
James Irvine Schoolmaster Moorfield Delting
Ross Ramsay Mossbank
Admiralty Chart
Johnston's Map.
031 Applies to a small pasture Island Situated about 35 chains east of Vald Skerries & North of Swinister Voe in the Ph [Parish] of Delting
Setter Holm Setter Holm Mr Peterson Collafirth
James Irvine Schoolmaster Moorfield Delting
Ross Ramsay Mossbank
031 Applies to a small islet situate on the West side of Ness of Setter. Sheriff Bell proprietor.
The Skerry The Skerry Mr Peterson Collafirth
James Irvine Schoolmaster Moorfield Delting
Ross Ramsay Mossbank
031 Applies to a very small rock Situate in west Lunna Voe

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 111
Shetland -- Parishes of Delting & Lunnasting

[Entry Scored out]
Setterness [Note] Cancelled already described

Transcriber's notes

Situation has been changed to 031 as 031.01 unavailable

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Trondragirl- Moderator, ianacooper