
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Swining Burn Swining Burn

Mr Peterson Collafirth
Mr James Irvine Walsta
Mr James Irvine Schoolmaster Moorfield Delting
Admiralty Chart.
Johnston's Map.
Valuation Roll.
030 Applies to a burn having its Source about 20 chains N. [North] of Longawater and thence flowing in an easterly direction
Longa Water Longa Water Mr Peterson
Mr James Irvine
Mr James Irvine Schoolmaster
030 Applies to a loch situate about 20 chains N. [North] of Sandwater.
Sand Water Sand Water Mr Peterson
Mr James Irvine
Mr James Irvine Schoolmaster
030 Applies to a loch situate about 1 1/2 miles South-east of Collafirth on the property of Sheriff Bell.
Burn of Djupagill Burn of Djupagill
Burn of Djupagill
Burn of Djupagill
Mr Manson, Southerhouse
Mr Magnus Cooper Dale
Mr B Hughson Grutin.
030 A Stream gathering in the W. [West] end of Juba Dale & flowing N.E. [North East] for about 1/2 a mile falling into "Burn of Sandgarth."

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 101
Parishes of Delting & Lunnasting -- Shetland Isles
[initialled] WF.

Longa Water [Note] Langa-vatn = Long loch

Sand Water [Note] Sand-vatn = Sandy loch

Burn of Djupagill [Note] Djúpi-gil = Deep gill

Transcriber's notes

Situation has been changed to 030 as 030.05 and 030.06 are unavailable

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Trondragirl- Moderator, ianacooper