
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Lerwick Lerwick
Andrew Mure Esq: Sheriff Substitute
John Smith, Postman Lerwick
John Oddie, Hayfield
Admiralty Chart
Johnstons Map of Shetland
053.13 A Burgh and the principal town in Shetland, is built along the western shore of Bressay Sound. It is very irregularly built and the streets and Lanes are very narrow. The ancorage is Bressay Sound is one of the finest in the Kingdom. The is communication with Aberdeen twice a week in Summer and once a week in Winter, by means of first class Steamers. and there is also communication with the northern Isles of Shetland twice a week by means of the S.S. [Steam Ship] Earl of Zetland. The Whaling Fleet from Dundee & Peterhead pass here on their outward & homeward voyages shipping the greater parts of their crew from the hardy Shetland Sailors. There are two good Hotels in the town affording first class accomodation for travellers or tourists, the latter of whom visit Shetland in great numbers during Summer. There has lately been erected at Hillhead a fine extent of buildings comprising Sheriff Court House Prison Townhouse &c. There are no less than seven places of worship belonging to as many different sects in the town. Lerwick is supplied with water by means of pipes form Sandy Loch which is situated on high ground two miles west of Lerwick.

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Parish of Lerwick -- Shetland
[signed] W. J. Poole C. A [Civilian Assistant]

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