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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Glenlude Hill Glenlude Hill
Glenlude Hill
Glenlude Hill
Robert Beattie Glenlude
John Henderson Yarrowfeus
Adam Robson Yarrowfeus
010 A high mountain ridge covered with rough heathy pasture, & forming part of the range of hills which divides the Cos [Counties] of Peebles and Selkirk.
Paddock Slack Paddock Slack
Paddock Slack
Paddock Slack
Robert Beattie.
John Henderson.
Adam Robson.
010 A flat track of mountain land covered with rough pasture, extending about 9 chain North from the 12th milestone, through which Paddock Burn flows.
Feuars Moss Feuars Moss
Feuars Moss
Feuars Moss
Robert Beattie.
John Henderson.
Adam Robson.
010 A peat moss situated on the north side of Mountbenger Law, in which the tenants residing in Yarrowfeus have a right to cast peats for feul.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 61
Parish of Yarrow
Sheet 10 Trace 2

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Skinnb1- Moderator, Soutar99

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