Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Girnwood Loch Girnwood Loch
Girnwood Loch
Girnwood Loch
Mr. Francis Armstrong Henwoodie
Mr. Scott Girnwood
Mr. A Hudson Deanburnhaugh
019.13 [Situation] On Boundy [Boundary] common to Roberton in Roxburgh & Selkirkshires.
A small sheet of water on the farm of Girnwood.
Loch Sike Loch Sike 019.13 See 18.16 Trace 6

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 64
Parish of Roberton Co [County] Selkirk -- Sheet 19.13 Trace 4

[Signed] JG Andrew SrR.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Skinnb1- Moderator

  Location information for this page.

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