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[Page] 27eOrdnance Survey Office
Kelso 12th August 1859 [12 Aug 1859]
I have received Instructions
to pay the utmost attention
to the orthography
of names on the Plans
of the Government Survey
of Scotland, and as a
question has arisen
respecting the mode to
be adopted in writing
Innerleithen, or Inverleithen
Parish, Co. [County] of Peebles, I
shall feel obliged
[continued on page 27f]
Peebles 10 August 1859 [10 Aug 1859]
The name of the
Parish you refer to is spelt in
The Law Courts
Leases & conveyancy of
Wills and Bequests
Innerleithen, & the
same mode of Spelling
is otherwise generally
used. I have examined the Titles
of two of the oldest
families in the county
(whose properties are in
that parish) from
1675 downwards &
Innerleithen is
[continued on page 27f]
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Alison James- Moderator, Skinnb1- Moderator, AMRM
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