OS1/30/3/1 |
Ettrick (Parish) |
Ettrick (Ph) [Parish] |
Chalmers Caledonia
Fullertons Gazetteer
New Statistical Account
County Map |
013; 014; 017; 018; 020; 021 |
In a charter of Alexander II to the Monks of Kelso, the Ettrick of Selkirkshire is repeatedly mentioned by the various names of "Ettrick and Ethyrie" - the name is of doubtful origin - Eitrigh in Gaelic, signifies a furrow or trench - Eithrach in the same language means a wilderness.
A gain, the Ed. of the language of the British Aborigenes signifies a current, and Terig , mud; both names being characteristic of this river when its waters are raised and agitated by the Mountain Torrents.
Ettricks is bounded on the north by the parish of Yarrow and touched by Meggat, in Peebles-shire, South and West by the parishes of Moffat & Eskdalemuir in |
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[Page] 1
Parish of Ettrick W Beatty |
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OS1/30/3/2 |
Ettrick Ph [Parish] (Continued, |
Continued |
Dumfries-shire and on the East by, a part of Yarrow & Roberton. Its surface is hilly and mountainous - The hills are beautifully rounded, and are almost all covered with rich green grass from top to bottom: Two or three indeed are spotted with heath, which only adds by its variety to the beauty of the scenery - Ettrick Pen, the highest of these, has been stated above the level of the sea at 2200 feet.
Wardlaw 1986, and old Ettrick Hill 1860 -
The Loch of the Lowes spreads itself at the northern boundary of the parish, through which the drain like stream which forms the Yarrow makes its way - This Lake is far inferior to St Mary's, which is only separated from it by a very narrow neck of land. St Mary's being about 3 miles long, half a mile broad, & from 28 to 30 fathoms in depth - while the Lowes is only 1 mile long, a quarter of a mile broad, and about 12 fathoms in depth while the Lowes is only 1 mile long, a quarter of a mile broad, and about 12 fathoms in depth |
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[Page] 2
Parish of Ettrick continued W Beatty |
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Ettrick |
Ettrick (Parish) |
"The Ettrick," on the south side of a range of hills, called- "the back bone of the country," rises from among a few rushes between Loch_fell and Capel_fell, two miles above Patburn, said to be the highest farm house above the level of the sea in the south of Scotland _ It is fed by many a little raging mountain torrent - where it is small, and viewed from the top of the hills in a fine sunny day, it is like a thread of Silver; but when raised by the storms and the Rain, it bids defiance to all its banks, and sweeps over the adjoining haughs with the raging fury of a mountain sea. After a course of about 30 miles, N E [North East], the Ettrick loses itself in the Tweed, between Sunderland Hall and Abbotsford - "Tima," a small rivulet, rises in the heights between the parishes of Eskdalemuir and Ettrick, which, after a course of about 6 miles in nearly a northern direction, falls into the Ettrick at Ramsey Cleuch about a mile below the Kirk - |
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[page] 3 -- Parish of Ettrick -- W Beatty -- |
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Ettrick |
Ettrick (Ph) [Parish] |
Continued |
"Rankle Burn," another stream, rises also between the parishes of Ettrick and Eskdalmouir - It is celebrated by the song of the maid of Rankle Burn, and by tradition, for being the place where the ancient progenitors of the family of Buccleuch, first took up their residence - After passing in a direction similar to the "Tima", it falls into the Ettrick, opposite to the old grey dingy ruins of the tower of Tushielaw _
In the lonely vale of Rankle Burn, surrounded by a dense mass of hills, are the two forlorn farm steadings of the Buccleuchs - A deep ravine, near the road leading from them to Hawick, is pointed out as the place where the Buck was slain, and which gave, according to tradition, their name and title to the family of Buccleuch - A small crook, in the steepest |
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[page] 4 -- Parish of Ettrick -- W Beatty |
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Ettrick |
Ettrick (Ph) [Parish] |
Continued |
part of the Cleuch, about half way between the East house and the Mill dam ford which is a pool or ford on the Hawick road is pointed out as the place where the Buck was taken - In the Bucks Cleuch, are the marks of the Site of an old Mill - Fifty years ago, the walls of this mill, were "Knee high"; now they are only a rude outline, being a very little above the ground, overgrown with moss -
About a scotch mile above the farm steading, and close on the "Rankle Burn", is to be seen the lonely spot on which once stood the noted Kirk or Chapel, of Buccleuch_ There is still here to be seen, the feeble outline of the old wall, with the Kirk yard dike; and around the whole is the crumbling form of a stell or fauld, for the sheep on the farm at certain seasons - The marks where houses seem to have stood are still visible on the Burn Side - |
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Parish of Ettrick -- [page] 5 |
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Ettrick |
Ettrick (Parish) |
Continued |
"Tushielaw Tower" - Passing from Buccleuch we come upon the gray ruins of the tower of Tushielaw, on the side of a hill near the road on the Ettrick. and there is a famous tradition that Adam Scott, commonly called the King of the Thieves, on being taken by King James V. one morning before breakfast, was hung on an ash Tree over his own gate; along the principal branches of which it is said there are still to be seen the nicks and hollows formed by the ropes on which many an unhappy wight had been suspended by this rigorous and powferful Baron - However this tradition respecting Adam Scott's execution is wrong - for in Pitcairns Criminal trials, Vol. [Volume] 1. P. [Page] 145 it is stated that Adam Scott King of the Thieves, was tried, convicted, and beheaded, at Edinburgh, on the 18th May 1530 - |
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[page] 6 -- Parish of Ettrick |
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Ettrick |
Ettrick (Parish) |
Continued |
Thirlestane Castle or Tower -
About 2 miles above Tushielaw Stands the old Tower of Thirlestane Surrounded by a few venerable ash trees - and on the opposite side of the Ettrick is to be seen a pretty distinct outline of the tower of Gamescleuch -
Old Chapels, Near the farm house of Kirkhope, on the Ettrick, the place of an old Kirk steading is still visited; its site is so covered with grass and moss, however, that its dimensions are barely discernible -
Near the farm house of Chapelhope, on the side of the Lakes, is the place of the steading of another Chapel - It is now grown over with moss, but the enclosure and form of the foundations of the Chapel are still perfectly distinct - There is yet something like the appearance of the rows of graves; and not many years back |
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[page] 7 -- Parish of Ettrick -- W Beatty |
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Ettrick |
Ettrick (Parish) |
Continued |
Muggers deposited in these romantic and sequestered grounds the remains of their dead -
The church is in nearly the centre of the parish - Two or three families are distant from it more than 6 miles, yet some of them are almost as regular in their attendance, as the day returns, for public worship. It was rebuilt, and enlarged, on the same site 9 years ago -- It is very neatly fitted up within; chaste in its style; commodious and comfortable - It is seated to contain 450 free sitters -
The manse was built within these last 20 years - It is also in good repair, and comfortable - The Glebe contains about 23 English acres; ten of which were lately allowed as pasturage or grass glebe - The whole may be reckoned at about |
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[page] 8 -- Parish of Ettrick |
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Ettrick |
Ettrick (Parish) |
at about £20.0.0 a year. The Stipend, in 1755. converted to money, was £65.2.2 - Immediately prior to the 30th June 1808 - it consisted of £105.11.1⅓ in money, with two chalders of oat meal, and two of barley, together with £8.6.8 as allowance for communion elements - The present stipend is 15 chalders, or 174 quarters, 6 bushels, 1/4 gallon imperial measure, half meal and half barley, with £100.0.0 Scots, or £8.6.0 for communion elements - The average yearly amount of stipend converted to money may be £230.0.0 -
There is one parochial School - All the branches usually taught at a parochial School may be obtained here. The School Salary is the maximum, and the amount of School fees, etc. may be about £15.0.0. a year _ The Schoolmaster has all the legal |
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[page] 9 -- Parish of Ettrick -- W Beatty |
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Ettrick |
Ettrick (Parish) |
continued |
accommodations allowed to Teachers, if by this be meant school-house and garden.
There are four fairs held annually. One in the end of March for the sale of grit ewes; for the hiring of servants, especially for the hiring of Shepherds - Another held in the end of July, called the Lamb fair, where wool and lambs are disposed of, The 3rd is in the month of September, for the sale of draft ewes, and Small Lambs, and for the purchasing of Tups and fat Sheep _. The 4th, called the Little fair, is held in November, and is principally for selling and purchasing fat Sheep for marts -
There is no portion of Ettrick within any other parish - There is no portion of any other parish within Ettrick - |
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[page]10 -- Parish of Ettrick |
OS1/30/3/11 |
Mere Cleugh |
Mere Cleuch
Mere Cleuch
Mere Cleuch
Mere Cleuch
Mere Cleuch |
Mr Walter Anderson Summerhope
Mr John Laidlaw Chapelhope
Mr William Graham Riskinhope
Fullerton's Gazetteer
County Map |
013 |
A narrow glen that forms part of the boundary on the north-west corner of the parish; the stream running into St Mary's Loch |
OS1/30/3/11 |
Summerhope |
Summerhope |
Walter Anderson
John Laidlaw
William Graham
County Map |
013 |
A small cottage occupied by a shepherd; it is on the farm of Chapelhope and situated on the side of the county road and at the bottom of the Mere Cleugh |
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Riskinhope Rig |
Riskinhope Rig
Riskinhope Rig
Riskinhope Rig |
Walter Anderson
John Laidlaw
William Graham |
013 |
A hill about a mile in length that forms the boundary of the Loch of the Lowes on the east side |
OS1/30/3/11 |
Riskinhope |
Riskinhope |
William Graham
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
County Map |
013 |
A farm house with suitable offices, a garden, and large pasture farm attached, the property of John Pott Esq |
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Peat Hill |
Peat Hill
Peat Hill
Peat Hill |
William Graham
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson |
013 |
A hill about half-a-mile south-east of the farm house of Riskinhope and from which peat may be got |
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[Page] 11
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 13 Traces 2,3 & 6
Described by Sapper Montgomery RE [Royal Engineers]
Mare Cleuch (and on Plan 7 to agree with the Parish of Lyne) |
OS1/30/3/12 |
Earl's Hill |
Earl's Hill
Earl's Hill
Earl's Hill
Earl's Hill
Earl's Hill |
Mr. William Graham Riskinhope
Mr. James Lealglish Craighill
Mr. John Laidlaw Chapelhope
County Map
W. Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane |
013 |
A hill on the farm of Riskinhope, over which the boundary between the parish of Ettrick and Yarrow crosses; it is situated about a mile to the east of Riskinhope, on the north side of Whithope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/12 |
Kye Sike |
Kye Sike
Kye Sike
Kye Sike |
John Laidlaw
James Dalglish
William Graham |
013 |
A small stream rising on the side of Earl Hill, and running into Whithope Burn |
OS1/30/3/12 |
Site of Chapel |
Site of Chapel
Site of Chapel
Site of Chapel |
New Statistical Account of Berwickshire
Chalmers Caledonia
Fullarton's Gazetteer |
013 |
Near the farmhouse of Chapelhope (on the side of the lakes) is the place of steading of another chapel. It is now grown over with moss, but the enclosure and form of the foundations of the chapel are still perfectly distinct. There is yet something like the appearance of the rows of grave; and not many years back some "muggers" deposited in these romantic, and sequestered graves the remains of one of their dead. |
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[Page] 12
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 13 Traces 2 - 3 & 6
Described by Sapper Montgomery |
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Loch of the Lowes |
Loch of the Lowes
Loch of the Lowes
Loch of the Lowes |
Mr John Laidlaw Chapelhope
Mr Walter Anderson Summerhope
Mr William Graham Riskinhope |
013 |
A lake about three quarters of a mile in length and nearly a quarter of a mile in breadth, situated between two hills known as the Long Bank, and Riskinhope Rig; it is divided from St Mary's Loch by a narrow neck of land , along which runs the county road from Selkirk to Peebles and Moffat. |
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Quave Brae |
Quave Brae
Quave Brae
Quave Brae
Quave Brae |
John Laidlaw
Walter Andeson
William Graham
The Ettrick Shepherd
Walter Copeland Esq Thirlestane |
013 |
A hill covered with rough and heathy pasture, and situated about half-a-mile from the farm house of Chapelhope and between the Chapelhope burn and Yarrow Water. |
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Shielhope Hill |
Shielhope Hill
Shielhope Hill
Shielhope Hill |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
A high hill in the farm of Shielfield over which the county boundary crosses, is about a mile west of Ratlin Side. |
OS1/30/3/13 |
Ratlin Side |
Ratlin Side
Ratlin Side
Ratlin Side |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
A hill about half a mile north of the head of Chapelhope burn. |
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Parish of Ettrick 13
Sheet 13 Six Inch Trace 4 & 5
Described by Sapper Montgomery R E [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/14 |
North Grain |
North Grain
North Grain
North Grain |
Mr. John Laidlaw Chapelhope
Mr. Walter Anderson Summerhope
Mr. William Graham Riskinhope |
013 |
A stream rising about half a mile west of the Middle Hill, and running into the Chapelhope burn |
OS1/30/3/14 |
Middle Hill |
Middle Hill
Middle Hill
Middle Hill |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
A high hill on the farm of Chapelhope covered in rough and heathy pasture and situated between the North and South Grain. |
OS1/30/3/14 |
Chapelhope Burn |
Chapelhope Burn
Chapelhope Burn
Chapelhope Burn |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
This burn commences at the junction of the North and South Grain, and runs in an easterly direction till it joins the Yarrow about one hundred yards from the head of the Loch of the Lowes. |
OS1/30/3/14 |
Cat Cleuch |
Cat Cleuch
Cat Cleuch
Cat Cleuch |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
A very narrow glen near the farmhouse of Chapelhope; with a stream rising at the head and running into Chapelhope burn. |
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[Page] 14
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 13 Traces 4 & 5
Described by Sapper Montgomery R. E. [Royal Engineers]
Cleuch - Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
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Watch Hill |
Watch Hill
Watch Hill
Watch Hill
Watch Hill
Watch Law |
Mr. John Laidlaw. Chapelhope.
Mr. Walter Anderson Summerhope
Mr. William Graham Riskinhope.
John Broadfoot. Birsehill
on the Peebles Plan |
013 |
Watch Hill over which the county boundary runs, is a high hill in the farm of Chapelhope, and about half a mile north of the head of Summerhope burn. In answer to a remark as to whether this should be Hill, Knowe, or Law. Corpl [Corporal] Cullanan states. "This Hill is Sometimes called "The Watch", but the name by which it is best known is "Watch Hill". "Law" or "Knowe" is not applicable |
OS1/30/3/15 |
North Grain |
North Grain
North Grain
North Grain |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
A small burn rising a little south-west of the Watch Knowe, and running into Summerhope burn. |
OS1/30/3/15 |
Mark Sike |
Mark Sike
Mark Sike
Mark Sike |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
A stream rising near the hill known as Ratkin Side, and running into Summerhope burn. |
OS1/30/3/15 |
Summerhope Burn |
Summerhope Burn
Summerhope Burn
Summerhope Burn |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
Summerhope Burn commences at the junction of the North Grain and Mark Syke, and runs in a north-easterly direction into St Mary's Loch. |
OS1/30/3/15 |
Ox Cleuch Rig |
Ox Cleuch Rig
Ox Cleuch Rig
Ox Cleuch Rig |
John Laidlaw
Walter Graham
William Graham |
013 |
A hill covered with rough and heathy pasture in the farm of Chapelhope; it is about three quarters of a mile in length, and parallel to Summerhope burn. |
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[Page] 15
Parish of Ettrick [Page] 15 -- Sheet 13 Six Inch Traces 4 & 5
Described by Sapper Montgomery R. E. [Royal Engineers]
Sike - Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
cleuch - Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
refer from . O . M . O. |
OS1/30/3/16 |
Ox Cleuch |
Ox Clecuh
Ox Cleuch
Ox Cleugh |
Mr, John Laidlaw Chapelhope
Mr. Walter Anderson Summerhope
Mr. William Graham Riskinhope |
013 |
A narrow glen on the south side of Ox Cleugh Rig, with a great many trees growing on the sides of the stream which rises at the head of the cleugh and runs into the Loch of the Lowes. |
OS1/30/3/16 |
Long Bank |
Long Bank
Long Bank
Long Bank |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
A high hill covered with rough and heathy pasture, near the farm-house of Chapelhope. |
OS1/30/3/16 |
Chapelhope |
Chapelhope |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
A two-story dwelling house, with office, a garden, and large pasture farm attached;- it derives its name from a chapel the site of which is still to be seen a short distance from the house it is occupied by a shepherd, and is the property of R Henderson Esqr. of Abbotrule |
OS1/30/3/16 |
Ratlin Sike |
Ratlin Sike
Ratlin Sike
Ratlin Sike |
John Laidlaw
Walter Anderson
William Graham |
013 |
A small stream rising near the top of the hill called Ratlin Side, and running into Chapelhope burn. |
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[Page] 16
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 13 Traces 4 & 5
Described by Sapper Montgomery R. E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/17 |
Turn the Cleuch Law |
Turnercleuch Law
Turnercleuch Law
Turnercleuch Law
Turn the cleuch Law |
[Name deleted]
Mr Haleburton Inshielaw
Mr Leidlaw Hopehouse
Mr John Scott Crosslee |
014 |
A hill of considerable height from which there is an extensive view of the surrounding County Situated on the Farm of Crosslee, and at the North West Corner of the Parish - surface Covered with Moss, & Rough Heathy, pasture, |
OS1/30/3/17 |
Newburgh Burn |
Newburgh Burn
Newburgh Burn |
Mr. T. Kennedy
Mr. T. H Amos
Mr. J. Scott |
014.11; 014.15 |
A considerable Mountain Stream flowing in a S [South] Easterly direction through Newburgh farm & unites itself with the Ettrick Water |
OS1/30/3/17 |
[Page] 17
Sheet 14 Trace 2 & 3 -- Parish of Ettrick
Capt [Captain] Leslie RE [Royal Engineers]
Turner Cleuch Law written on Plan
In reply to remark 14 on Turner Cleuch |
OS1/30/3/18 |
[Page] 18
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/19 |
The Kip |
The Kip
The Kip
The Kip |
Mr Scott Crosslee
John Bryden
John Amos Stanhopefoot |
014.14 |
The highest part of a hill north of Crosslee |
OS1/30/3/19 |
Wolfhope (In Ruins) |
Wolfhope (In Ruins)
Wolfhope (in Ruins)
Wolfhope (in Ruins)
Wolfhope |
Mr Scott
John Bryden
Thomas Amos
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
014.14 |
The remains of a hind house on the farm of Tushielaw |
OS1/30/3/19 |
Wolfhope Burn |
Wolfhope Burn
Wolfhope Burn
Wolfhope Burn |
Mr. Scott
John Bryden
Thomas Amos |
014.14; 018.02 |
A small stream rising on the North side of Tushie Law and flowing into the Tushielaw Burn at Wolfhope from which it derives its name |
OS1/30/3/19 |
Crookwelcome |
Crookwelcome |
Mr Scott
John Bryden
Thomas Amos |
014.14 |
A shepherd house on the farm of Tushielaw in very bad Condition. |
OS1/30/3/19 |
Winter Pool |
Winter Pool |
William Scott - Crosslee
John Bryden
John Amos |
014.15 |
A fishing Pool in the Ettrick Water |
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[Page] 19
Sheet 14 - 14 -- Parish of Ettrick
Described by G Turner Sapr R. E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/20 |
Crow Plantation |
Crow Plantation
Crow Plantation
Crow Plantation |
Mr Scott
John Bryden
Thomas Amos |
014.14 |
A small plantation on the road side between Selkirk and Moffat |
OS1/30/3/20 |
Stanhope Burn |
Stanhope Burn
Stanhope Burn
Stanhope Burn |
Mr Scott
John Bryden
Thomas Amos |
014.14 |
A small stream rising on the side of Cacra Hill and flowing into the Ettrick near Stanhopefoot |
OS1/30/3/20 |
Police Station |
Police Station |
William Hume Tushielaw Inn
Thomas Amos Stonehopefoot
James Halliburton Tushielaw |
014.15 |
A newly built stone building one Story high with a garden attached built by his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch for the use of the Co [County] Police Station District of Ettrick |
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[Page] 20
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 14-14
Described by G Turner Sapper
Situation: Stanhope Burn 14 & 18 Six Inch |
OS1/30/3/21 |
Peat Law |
Peat Law
Peat Law
Peat Law |
William Crozier Crosslee
John Bryden Crosslee
Mr Scott Crosslee |
014 |
A Hill on the farm of Crosslee affording good pasture for sheep |
OS1/30/3/21 |
Birkin Dale |
Birkin Dale
Birkin Dale
Birkin Dale |
William Crozier
John Bryden
Mr Scott |
014 |
A small glen a little to the north of Peat Law |
OS1/30/3/21 |
Birkindale Burn |
Birkindale Burn
Birkindale Burn
Birkindale Burn |
William Crozier
John Bryden
Mr Scott |
014.11 |
A mountain stream rising in Birken Dale and flowing in a south easterly direction till it enters the Parish of Kirkhope |
OS1/30/3/21 |
Swasheus Burn |
Swasheus Burn
Swasheus Burn
Swasheus Burn
Swasheus Burn |
William Crozier
W Copeland Esq Thirlestane
John Bryden
Mr Scott |
014 |
A mountain stream rising at the foot of Crookedside Hill and flowing into the Birkendale Burn |
OS1/30/3/21 |
Birkindale Knowe |
Birkindale Knowe
Birkindale Knowe
Birkindale Knowe |
Mr. T. Kennedy
Mr. John Bryden
Mr. J. H. Amos |
014 |
A considerable eminence, covered with Rough Pasture, over which the parish boundary runs, that divides Ettrick from Kirkhope |
OS1/30/3/21 |
[Page] 21
Sheet 14 -- Parish of Ettrick
Described by G Turner Sapr R E [Sapper Royal Engineers]
Birkin of or belonging to Birch - Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
Birkin - Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
Swash - The noise made in falling upon the ground
- The noise by a Salmon when he leaps at a fly
Jamieson |
OS1/30/3/22 |
Cadgers Craigs |
Cadgers Craigs
Cadgers Craigs
Cadgers Craigs
Cadgers Craigs
Cadgers Craigs |
W. Copeland Esq. Thirlestone Little
Mr Scott Crosslee
John Bryden Crosslee
William Crozier Crosslee
County Map |
014 |
A number of Craigs, a little to the North of Crookedside Hill, where the Cadgers used to stop and rest their horses, when they travelled the Drove road from Crosslee to Traquair |
OS1/30/3/22 |
Cadgers Hole |
Cadgers Hole
Cadgers Hole
Cadgers Hole |
Mr Scott
John Bryden
William Crozier |
014 |
The remains of an old sheep fold & where a part of the Cadgers used to stop and rest Hence the name |
OS1/30/3/22 |
Crosslee Burn |
Crosslee Burn
Crosslee Burn
Crosslee Burn
Crosslee Burn |
Mr. Scott
John Bryden
William Crozier
County Map |
014.14 |
A mountain stream rising on the west side of the Cadgers Craigs and flowing into the Tushielaw Burn at Crosslee |
OS1/30/3/22 |
Crookedside Hill |
Crookedside Hill
Crookedside Hill
Crookedside Hill |
Mr. Scott
John Bryden
William Crozier |
014 |
A Hill on the farm of Crosslee affording good pasturage for sheep |
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[Page] 22
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 14 Trace 1
Described by G Turner Sapr. R E [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/22 |
words lost in fold - refer to Nora |
OS1/30/3/23 |
White Sike |
White Sike
White Sike
White Sike |
Thomas Amos Stanhopefoot
John Bryden Crosslee
Mr Scott Crosslee |
014.14 |
A small stream rising on the south side of White Hill and flowing into to the Crosslee Burn |
OS1/30/3/23 |
Crosslee Rig |
Crosslee Rig
Crosslee Rig
Crosslee Rig |
Thomas Amos
John Bryden
Mr Scott |
014.14 |
A high ridge of land on the farm of Crosslee affording good pasture for sheep |
OS1/30/3/23 |
Bonny Brae |
Bonny Brae
Bonny Brae
Bonny Brae
Bonny |
Mr Scott
John Bryden
William Crozier
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
014.14 |
The South east face of Tushie Law affording good pasture for sheep |
OS1/30/3/23 |
[Page] 23
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 14 - 14
Described by G Turner Sapr. R E [Sapper Royal Engineers]
Bonny - General usage |
OS1/30/3/24 |
Crosslee |
Crosslee |
Mr Scott Crosslee
John Bryden
Thomas Amos |
014.14 |
A farm house two stories with suitable office a garden and good pasture farm attaché The property of His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh |
OS1/30/3/24 |
Tushielaw |
Tushielaw |
Mr Scott
John Bryden
Thomas Amos |
014.14 |
A farm house two stories with suitable offices a garden and pasture farm attached the property of B. J. G. Anderson Esqr |
OS1/30/3/24 |
Gowdie Brae |
Gowdie Brae
Gowdie Brae
Gowdie Brae |
Mr Scott
John Bryden
Thomas Amos |
014.14 |
A rocky brae a little north of Crosslee |
OS1/30/3/24 |
[Page] 24
Sheet 14-14
Parish of Ettrick
Described by G Turner Sapr [Sapper] |
OS1/30/3/25 |
Dead Burn |
Dead Burn
Dead Burn
Dead Burn |
W Crozier Crosslee
J Bryden Crosslee
Mr. Scott Crosslee |
014.10; 014.11; 014.14 |
A small mountain stream rising on the north of the Rip and flowing into the Birkendlale Burn |
OS1/30/3/25 |
Lousey Shank |
Lousey Shank
Lousey Shank
Lousey Shank
Lousey Shank |
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane
W Crozier
John Bryden
Mr. Scott |
014 |
A small hill on the farm of Crosslee covered with heathy pasture |
OS1/30/3/25 |
White Hill |
White Hill
White Hill
White Hill |
William Crozier
John Bryden
Mr. Scott |
014 |
A Hill on the farm of Crosslee affording good pasturage for sheep |
OS1/30/3/25 |
[Page] 25
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 14 Trace 1
Described by G Turner Sapr RE [Sapper Royal Engineers]
Shank - The projecting point of a hill - Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/26 |
[Page] 26
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/27 |
Dead Side |
Dead Side
Dead Side
Dead Side
Dead Side |
John Laidlaw Hopehouse
James Ellott Hopehouse
James Dalgleish
W Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane |
014 |
A Hill of Considerable elevation at the North W. [West] Corner of the Parish And situated partly in the Farm of Berry Bush & Tushielaw |
OS1/30/3/27 |
Ritty Cleuch |
Ritty Cleuch
Ritty Cleuch
Ritty Cleuch |
John Laidlaw
James Ellott |
014 |
A ravine through which runs small stream rising near the top of Dead Side. And flowing into Tushielaw Burn. It forms the boundary between Yarrow & Ettrick |
OS1/30/3/27 |
Coom Law |
Coom Law
Coom Law
Coom Law |
Mr Scott Crosslee
John Laidlaw
Mr Haliburton Tushielaw |
014 |
A Hill of Considerable Height on the Farm of Tushielaw And from which there is a Very Commanding View |
OS1/30/3/27 |
Tushielaw Burn |
Tushielaw Burn
Tushielaw Burn
Tushielaw Burn |
Mr Scott
Mr Haliburton
John Laidlaw |
014.14 |
A Considerable Fishing Stream flowing through the North East portion of the Parish until its junction with the Ettrick on the Grounds of Tushielaw |
OS1/30/3/27 |
[Page] 27
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 14 Trace 2 & 3
Described by Capt [Captain] Leslie R. E [Royal Engineers]
Coom the wooden frame used in building the arch of Bridges - Being arched - Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/28 |
Deep Drain |
Deep Drain
Deep Drain
Deep Drain |
Walter Amos
Andrew Hopekirk
David Brunton |
014 |
A small stream rising near Hart Leap & flowing Southwardly to Tushielaw Burn - throughout its extent it forms the boundary between the parishes of Ettrick & Yarrow |
OS1/30/3/28 |
[Page] 28
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 14 |
OS1/30/3/29 |
Herman Law |
Herman Law.
Herman Law.
Herman Law.
Herman Law.
Herman Law.
Herman Law. |
John Broadfoot.
John Little.
James Biggar.
Walter Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane Castle
Mr Hood Parochial School Master
Mr Halliburton Tushielaw |
017 |
A high hill on the S. E. [South East] side of Birkhill. the County Boundary crosses its summit supposed to be a contraction of Herds Man. |
OS1/30/3/29 |
Mid Hill |
Mid Hill
Mid Hill
Mid Hill |
John Broadfoot.
John Little.
James Biggar |
017 |
A hill on the South west side of Muckra covered with moss and rough pasture. |
OS1/30/3/29 |
Corse Hill |
Corse Hill
Corse Hill
Corse Hill
Corse Hill |
John Bradfoot.
John Little.
James Biggar.
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A hill situated on the south west side of Muckra Hill, covered with Moss and Rough pasture |
OS1/30/3/29 |
[Page] 29
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17 Trace 2
Collected and described by J McDiarmid
Hirmont Law on the Peebles Plan |
OS1/30/3/30 |
[Page] 30
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/31 |
Andrewhinney Hill |
Andrewhinney Hill
Andrewhinney Hill
Andrewhinney Hill
Andrewhinney Hill |
Mr Walter Elliott Kirkhope
Mr James Dlaglish Craighill
Mr John Anderson -Broadgairhill
Walter Copeland Esq - Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A very high hill over which the county boundary crosses; about half a mile north of the head of the Pawkie Syke |
OS1/30/3/31 |
Scawd Law |
Scawd Law
Scawd Law
Scawd Law
Scaud Law |
Walter Elliot
James Dalglish
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
John Anderson
W Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A hill covered in rough pasture, and a short distance from Andrewhinney Hill |
OS1/30/3/31 |
Bell Craig |
Bell Craig
Bell Craig
Bell Craig |
Walter Elliot
James Dalglish
John Anderson |
017 |
Bell Craig, over which the county boundary crosses, is situated near Scawd Law; |
OS1/30/3/31 |
Pawkie Sike |
Pawkie Syke
Pawkie Syke
Pawkie Syke |
Walter Elliot
James Dalglish
John Anderson |
017 |
A stream rising near Andrewhinney Hill and running into Kirkhope burn |
OS1/30/3/31 |
Rispie Gutter |
Rispie Gutter
Rispie Gutter
Rispie Gutter |
Walter Elliot
James Dalglish
John Anderson |
017 |
A small stream that rises near Bell Craig and runs into Kirkhope burn |
OS1/30/3/31 |
[Page] 31
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17 Trace 4
Described by Sapper Montgomery R. E. [Royal Engineers]
Andrew Whinny Hill in the Moffat Plan
Bell Craig on the Dumfries Plan |
OS1/30/3/32 |
Mid Rig |
Mid Rig
Mid Rig
Mid Rig |
Mr Walter Elliot Kirkhope
Mr James Dalglish Craighill
Mr John Anderson Broadgairhill |
017 |
A hill covered in rough pasture, and situated about half-a-mile south of the Bell Craig. |
OS1/30/3/32 |
Kirkhope Burn |
Kirkhope Burn
Kirkhope Burn
Kirkhope Burn
Kirkhope Burn |
Wlater Elliot
James Dalglish
John Anderson
County Map |
017 |
Kirkhope burn commences at the junction of the Rispie Gutter and two or three small streams; and runs in an easterly direction into the Ettrick Water |
OS1/30/3/32 |
Ferny Hill |
Ferny Hill
Ferny Hill
Fairny Hill
Ferny Hill |
Mr John Anderson
Mr Andrew Scott N [North] Phawhope
County Map
J Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A hill covered with rough pasture situated at the head of Broadgairhill burn. |
OS1/30/3/32 |
Fold Sike |
Fold Sike
Fold Sike
Fold Sike |
John Anderson
Walter Elliot
James Dalglish |
017 |
A small stream arising near the top of Ferny Hill and running into Kirkhope burn |
OS1/30/3/32 |
[Page] 32
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17 Trace 4
Described by Sapper Montgomery |
OS1/30/3/33 |
Shorthope |
Shorthope |
Mr W Blake Tenant
Mr W Elliot Kirkhope
Mr T Glendinning Brockhoperig
County Map |
017 |
Shorthope is a farm house, one storey high and of modern erection, on the Ettrick - Attached to it is a large farm of hill pasture, Tenanted by Walter Blake, And the property of Henry Scott Esqr. |
OS1/30/3/33 |
Lochy Holes |
Lochy Holes |
Mr W Blake Tenant
Mr W Elliot Kirkhope
Mr T Glendinning Brockhoperig |
017 |
Lochy Holes - Are three small hollows - one of them, having water in them, on the west side of Loch of Laws |
OS1/30/3/33 |
Brockhoperig |
Brockhoperig |
Mr W Blake Tenant
Mr W Elliot Kirkhope
Mr T Glendinning Brockhoperig
County Map
W Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
Brockhoperig is a small house one Storey high, on Kirkhope farm, occupied by one of the farm shepherds - Some years ago there was a farm called Brockhope but it was merged into one farm with Kirkhope, And many hills then on it are still named after the old farm name |
OS1/30/3/33 |
[Page] 33
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 17 Trace 5 |
OS1/30/3/34 |
Shorthope Burn |
Shorthope Burn
Shorthope Burn
Shorthope Burn
Shorthope Burn |
Mr W Blake, Shorthope
T Glendinning, Brockhoperig
R Bryden Cossarshill
County Map |
017 |
A strong stream on the north side of Middle Hill - on Shorthope farm, And so called, from the confluence of "Master Grain" and Easter Grain, till where it discharges into Ettrick Water, at Brockhope |
OS1/30/3/34 |
Master Grain |
Master Grain |
Mr W Blake, Shorthope
T Glendinning, Brockhoperig
R Bryden Cossarshill
County Map |
017 ; 020 |
Master Grain - is a stream rising out of Mossy land, on the south side of Middle Hill - having "Hay and Drowning" Grains flowing into it, and unites with East Grain forming Shorthope Burn |
OS1/30/3/34 |
[Page] 34
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 17 - Trace 5
Described by A Mckay |
OS1/30/3/35 |
South Grain |
South Grain
South Grain
South Grain |
John Broadfoot. Birkhill
James Biggar. Muckra
John Little Kerrcleugh |
013 ; 017 |
A small Mountain stream issuing from an extensive Moss Situated westward of Paper Hill, and flowing eastward till it falls into Loch of the Lows. |
OS1/30/3/35 |
Kerrcleuch Rig |
Kerrcleuch Rig
Kerrcleuch Rig
Kerrcleuch Rig |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little |
017 |
A high ridge of Mountain land and Moss extending westward from Paper Hill. |
OS1/30/3/35 |
Kerrcleuch Burn |
Kerrcleuch Burn
Kerrcleuch Burn
Kerrcleuch Burn |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little |
017 |
A small Mountain stream rising near the County Boundary, at the North West end of Kerrcleugh Rig. And running South eastward passing near Kerrcleugh on the south side of which it joins Happertutie Burn |
OS1/30/3/35 |
Yearny Knowe |
Yearny Knowe
Yearny Knowe
Yearny Knowe
Yearny Knowe |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little
Walter Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A small eminence covered with rough heathy pasture situated on the N. W. [North West] side of Kerrcleugh |
OS1/30/3/35 |
[Page] 35
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17 T [Trace] 1
Collected & described by J McDiarmid CA [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/30/3/36 |
Happertutie Burn |
Happertutie Burn
Happertutie Burn
Happertutie Burn
Happertutie Burn |
John Boradfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A mountain stream issuing from a Moss lying on the N. W. [North West] of Yearney Knowe, and flowing N. E. [North East] till its confluence with Kercleugh Burn; here, the united streams take the name of Little Garrow |
OS1/30/3/36 |
Paper Hill |
Paper Hill
Paper Hill
Paper Hill
Paper Hill |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little
W Copeland Esq Thirlestane |
017 |
A large and high hill covered with rough heathy pasture situated on the north side of Little Yarrow. |
OS1/30/3/36 |
Quave Burn |
Quave Burn
Quave Burn
Quave Burn |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little
W Copeland Esq. Thirlestane |
017 |
A small mountain stream rising near the summit of Paper Hill, and running in an easterly course till it falls into Little Yarrow |
OS1/30/3/36 |
[Page] 36
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17. Traces 1 & 2
Collected and described by J McDiarmid C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/30/3/37 |
Deep Sike |
Deep Sike
Deep Sike
Deep Sike |
Mr A Brydone, Ramsaycleuch
Mr J Dalglish, Shepherd Ramsaycleuch
Mr J Paterson, P. [Parish] Manse |
017.12 |
A small stream rising in the The Brows and flowing through a deep hollow, into Roaring Sike, near its confluence with Kirk Burn |
OS1/30/3/37 |
The Brows |
The Brows |
Mr A Brydone, Ramsaycleuch
Mr J Dalglish, Shepherd Ramsaycleuch
Mr J Paterson, P. [Parish] Manse |
017.12 |
A ridge - flat on the Summit, and with a Sigl. [Signal] Station upon it; between Kirk Burn and Ward Law |
OS1/30/3/37 |
Ettrickhall |
Ettrickhall |
Mr J Blythe, Tenant
Mr J Hood, Ph [Parish] Schoolmaster
J Dalglish, Craighall |
017.12 |
A comfortable dwelling, two stories high, and, having steading offices and a large farm, partly Arable and pasture land attached; the peoperty of J Patterson Esqr. Galashiels - On the wall, dividing the V. [Vegetable] garden from the main road, is a small plain stone with (" J. H. Poet) rudely cut upon it; and which, marks the site of the hearthstone of the house in which James Hogg (Ettrick Shepherd), was born |
OS1/30/3/37 |
Ettrickhall |
Ettrickhall |
Mr J Blythe, Tenant
Mr J Hood, Ph [Parish] Schoolmaster
J Dalglish, Craighall |
017.12 |
A comfortable dwelling, two stories high, and, having steading offices and a large farm, partly Arable and pasture land attached; the peoperty of J Patterson Esqr. Galashiels - On the wall, dividing the V. [Vegetable] garden from the main road, is a small plain stone with (" J. H. Poet) rudely cut upon it; and which, marks the site of the hearthstone of the house in which James Hogg (Ettrick Shepherd), was born |
OS1/30/3/37 |
[Page] 37
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 17-12 Trace 3
Site if the Hearthstone
of the House in which
James Hogg, the
Ettrick Shepherd was
born |
OS1/30/3/38 |
Craighill |
Craighill |
Mr A Brydone, Ramsaycleuch
Mr J Dalglish, Shepherd
Mr J Paterson, Ph [Parish] Manse |
017 |
Is a small dwelling - one storey high having outhouses &c attached; Occupied by the Shepherd of Ramseycleuch farm |
OS1/30/3/38 |
Craig Hill |
Craig Hill |
Mr A Brydone, Ramsaycleuch
Mr J Dalglish, Shepherd
Mr J Paterson, Ph [Parish] Manse |
017 |
A hill on Ramsaycleuch farm, very steep & rocky on its south side, and having two Shepherds Cairns and a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station on its summit. |
OS1/30/3/38 |
Goosegreen |
Goosegreen |
Mr A Brydone, Ramsaycleuch
Mr J Dalglish, Shepherd
Mr J Paterson, Ph [Parish] Manse |
017 |
A building one story high, on Ettrick hall farm, occupied by farm Servants |
OS1/30/3/38 |
Roaring Sike |
Roaring Sike |
Mr A Brydone, Ramsaycleuch
Mr J Dalglish, Shepherd
Mr J Paterson, Ph [Parish] Manse |
017 |
A small burn, which, in the Rainy seasons - in flowing over a rocky course creates considerable noises; rises on the Moor between "The Brows" and "Ward Can" |
OS1/30/3/38 |
[Page] 38
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 17-12 Traces 1&2
Described by A Mckay |
OS1/30/3/39 |
School |
School (Ph) [Parish]
School (Ph) [Parish]
School (Ph) [Parish] |
Revd. [Reverend] J Smith, Ph [Parish] Minister
Mr. T Hood, Schoolmaster
Mr J Blythe, Ettrickhale |
017 |
A neat little erection on the roadside, about ¼th of a mile from the Churches The Teacher has a dwellinghouse & garden adjoining, and is allowed the Maximum salary; forby fees, from an average attendence of forty five pupils daily, to whom, the rudiments of an English education, and the Latin, Greek, and French Languages are taught. |
OS1/30/3/39 |
[Page] 39
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 17-2 Trace 3
Described by A Mckay |
OS1/30/3/40 |
Church |
Church (Ph) [Parish]
Church (Ph) [Parish]
Church (Ph) [Parish] |
Revd. [Reverend] J Smith, Ph [Parish] Minister
Mr T Hood, Ph [Parish] Schoolmaster
Mr J Blythe, Ettrickhall |
017 |
A well built one, in Gothic Style, having a tower at the west end, three small galleries and seats for about 450 persons. Erected in 1824. |
OS1/30/3/40 |
Manse |
Manse (Ph) [Parish] |
Revd. [Reverend] J Smith, Incumbent. |
017 |
A plain dwelling house, two Stories high, with commodious offices attached. Erected a few years before the church. The Stipend, including Glebe, &c, is worth about £264. |
OS1/30/3/40 |
[Page] 40
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 17-12, Trace 3. |
OS1/30/3/41 |
Scabcleuch |
Scabcleuch |
Mr Walter Brydon Scabcleuch
Mr James Dalglish Craighill
Mr Robert Brydon Cossarshill
County Map |
017 |
A dwelling house one storey high, with offices, a garden, and pasture farm attached; it is the property of Lord Napier of Thirlestane, and is tenanted by Walter Brydon |
OS1/30/3/41 |
Ettrickhouse Hill |
Ettrickhouse Hill
Ettrickhouse Hill
Ettrickhouse Hill |
Mr Thomas Blythe Ettrickhall
Mr James Dalglish
Mr Walter Brydon |
017 |
A hill covered with rocky pasture, and about 1860 feet above the level of the sea; it is situated on the south side of the Ettrick water, and nearly opposite the parish church. |
OS1/30/3/41 |
Routen Cleuch |
Routen Cleuch
Routen Cleuch
Routen Cleuch |
Mr Thomas Blythe
Mr John Paterson Ph. [Parish] Manse
County Map |
017 |
A ravine through which runs a small stream, rising near the top of Ettrickhouse Hill, and running through a small ravine into the Ettrick water. |
OS1/30/3/41 |
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17 No. 12 Traces 1.4.& 5
Described by Sapper Montgomery R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/42 |
Ettrickhouse |
Ettrickhouse |
Mr John Paterson
Mr Thomas Blythe
Mr James Dalglish |
017 |
A small dwelling house one storey high, situated on the south side of Ettick water and nearly opposite the parish church; |
OS1/30/3/42 |
Ettrick Village ( site of) |
Ettrick Village (site of) |
Mr John Paterson
Thomas Blythe
James Dalglish |
017 |
- a village formerly stood on this spot which was barbarously destroyed about the commencement of the 18th century; several old banks mark the site of some of the houses. |
OS1/30/3/42 |
Old Ettrick House ( site of) |
Site of Tower
Site of Tower
Site of Tower
Old Ettrick House (Site of) |
Mr William Blythe Cossarshill
Mr John Paterson
Mr James Dalglish
Fullarton's Gazetteer |
017 |
A stronghold called "Old Ettrick House". once stood on this spot, but thre are no remains of it visible but the raised ground that marks the foundation - On the same side of the stream of Ettrick, nearly opposite the church, on the same side of the stream and beneath the shadow of an existing stronghold called "Old Ettrick House", formerly stood a village which was barberously destroyed about the commencement of the 18th century |
OS1/30/3/42 |
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17 No 12 Trace 5
Described by Sapper Montgomery R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/43 |
Little Kerrcleuch |
Little Kerrcleuch.
Little Kerrcleuch.
Little Kerrcleuch. |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little |
017 |
A small ravine or cleugh with a small stream flowing through it, situated on the north side of Kerrcleugh. |
OS1/30/3/43 |
Wormy Sike |
Wormy Sike
Wormy Sike
Wormy Sike |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little.
William Copeland Esq. |
017 |
A small stream rising on the South side of Paper Hill and flowing Southward till it falls into Little Yarrow. |
OS1/30/3/43 |
Dry Cleuch |
Dry Cleuch
Dry Cleuch
Dry Cleuch |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little. |
017 |
A dry rocky Scar of cleugh on the S.E. [South East] side of Paper Hill. |
OS1/30/3/43 |
Kerrcleuch |
Kerrcleuch. |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little
W. Copeland Esq. Thirlestane |
017 |
A good dwelling house with a small garden attached, and occupied by John Little one of the Shepherds of Chapelhope. |
OS1/30/3/43 |
Drowning Sike |
Drowning Sike
Drowning Sike
Drowning Sike
Drowning Sike |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little.
W. Copeland Esq. Tnirlestane |
017 |
A small srteam on the N [North] side of Herman Law. and falling into Happertatie Burn. |
OS1/30/3/43 |
[Page] 43
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17. Trace 2.
Collected & described by J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/44 |
Birny Cleuch |
Birney Cleuch
Birney Cleuch
Birney Cleuch
Birny Cleuch
Birny Cleuch |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little.
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
W. Copeland. Factor. Thirlestane |
017 |
A small rocky cleugh on the north east side of Hermon Law. |
OS1/30/3/44 |
Hermanlaw Burn |
Hermanlaw Burn.
Hermanlaw Burn.
Hermanlaw Burn. |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little. |
017 |
A stream rising on the north west side of Mid Hill and flowing in a N.E. [North East] course till it falls into Little Yarrow. |
OS1/30/3/44 |
Little Yarrow |
Little Yarrow
Little Yarrow
Little Yarrow
Little Yarrow |
John Broadfoot.Birkhill
James Little. Kerrcleuch
John Laidlaw Chapelhope |
013 ; 017 |
A. considerable stream formed by the junction of the Happertutie and Kerrcleugh Burns, near Kerrcleuch, and flowing in a N. E. [North East]. course till it falls into the Loch of the Lows. near Chapelhope |
OS1/30/3/44 |
Muckra |
Muckra |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little.
W. Copeland Esq
Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A good dwelling house with a small garden attached, and occupied by James Biggar one of the shepherds of Chapelhope. |
OS1/30/3/44 |
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17. Trace. 2.
Collected and described by J McDairmid C[A] [Civilian Assistant]
Little Yarrow
see page 29 |
OS1/30/3/45 |
Play Grain |
Play Grain
Play Grain
Play Grain |
Mr W Blake, Shorthope
Mr W Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhope |
017 |
A streamlet with scarry sides, rising on the north side of Mid Hill, on Kirkhope farm, and flows into Brockhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/45 |
Over Scar |
Over Scar |
Mr W Blake, Shorthope
Mr W Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhope |
017 |
A streamlet flowing off the south side of Brockhope Rig into Brockhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/45 |
Nether Scar |
Nether Scar |
Mr W Blake, Shorthope
Mr W Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhope |
017 |
A short stream, a little South of Over Scour, flowing into Brockhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/45 |
Long Sike |
Long Sike |
Mr W Blake, Shorthope
Mr W Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhope |
017 |
A small stream, rising on the N. E. [North East] side of Mid Hill and flowing into Brockhope Burn below Nether Scar. |
OS1/30/3/45 |
[Page] 45
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 17. Trace 5.
Described by A McKay |
OS1/30/3/46 |
Thief Sike |
Thief Sike
Thief Sike
Thief Sike |
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
M. T. Clendenning, Brockhope
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
A small stream with two forkings, issuing on the west side of Mid Hill, and flowing southerly into Kirkhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/46 |
Thief Shank |
Thief Shank
Thief Shank
Thief Shank |
Mr W Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhope
Mr W Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
Thief Shank' a rig covered with rough pasture on the west side of Thief Sike. |
OS1/30/3/46 |
Brockhope Head |
Brockhope Head
Brockhope Head |
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. T. Clendenning, Brockhope
Mr. W .Blake, Shorthope
W. Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
Brockhope Head' a considerable Eminence over the summit of which the Co. Boundy.[County Boundary] passes, on the farm of Kirkhope, On the Summit a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station. |
OS1/30/3/46 |
Brockhope Burn |
Brockhope Burn
Brockhope Burn |
Mr W Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. T. Clendenning, Brockhope
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthope
W. Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A small steam rising in the east side of Brockhope Head and flowing south east int Ettrick Water, near Shorthope. |
OS1/30/3/46 |
[Page] 46
Ettrick Ph.[Parish] -- Sheet 17. Trace 5. |
OS1/30/3/47 |
Over Kirkhope |
Over Kirkhope
Over Kirkhope
Over Kirkhope |
Mr. Walter Elliot, Occupant
Mr. Thomas Clendenning, Brockhope Rig.
Mr Walter Blake, Shorthope. |
017 |
A modern built farm house, two stories high having attached to it suitable offices, and a large pasture farm tenanted by James Mitchell, and the property of Henry Scott, Esqr. |
OS1/30/3/47 |
Site of Chapel |
Site of Chapel
Site of Chapel
Site of Chapel |
Revd. [Reverend] James Smith, Ph. [Parish] Minister
Mr. John Anderson, Broad[---] Hill
Mr. Walter Elliot, Kirkhope
New Statistical Account
Fullerton's Gazetteer |
017 |
The Site of an old Roman Catholic Chapel, about a ¼th of a mile above Kirkhope farm house- close on the burn of the same name. The ground for many yards near the Site, bears marks of having been. built upon, but there is nothing now to indicate the dimensions of the Chapel, or the the various houses that appear to have been beside it, as the foundations were removed many years ago, for building purposes, and the ground is now overgrown by moss.
Near the farm ho.[house] of Kirkhope in the Ettrick, the place of an old Kirk steading is still visited, its site is so covered with grass and moss however, that its dimensions are barely descernable. New St. Acc. [Statistical Account] P. [Page] 618 |
OS1/30/3/47 |
Ettrick Ph.[Parish] -- Sheet 17. Trace 5.
Described by A McKay |
OS1/30/3/48 |
Nether Scar |
Nether Scar
Nether Scar
Nether Scar |
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. T. Clendinning, Brockhope
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
A small stream with two large scars at its head, on the south side of Kirkhope Burn nearly opposite the Site of the old Catholic Chapel, on Kirkhope farm. |
OS1/30/3/48 |
Over Scar |
Over Scar |
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. T. Clendinning, Brockhope
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
A streamlet having scars at the head a short way above Nether Scour and on the same side of the burn, and flowing into Kirkhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/48 |
Wood Cleuch |
Wood Cleuch |
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. T. Clendinning, Brockhope
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
A small hollow, a little to the North of Over Scour, having a stream in it which flows into Kirkhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/48 |
Mid Hill |
Mid Hill |
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. T. Clendinning, Brockhope
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
A high hill on Kirkhope farm between Brockhope burn and Kirkhope burn On its summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station. |
OS1/30/3/48 |
Headless Gutter |
Headless Gutter |
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. T. Clendinning, Brockhope
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
Headless Gutter, a small stream flowing off the South side of Mid Hill into Kirkhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/48 |
[Page] 49
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 17. Trace 5 |
OS1/30/3/48 |
Words lost in fold - refer to Nora |
OS1/30/3/49 |
Pikestone Rig |
Pikestone Rig
Pikestone Rig
Pikestone Rig
Pikestone Rig |
William Laidlaw
Thirlststane Hope
Alexander Laidlaw
James Dalglish, CraigHo. [CraigHope]
County Map |
017 |
A long range of Hills. Overlooking the Loch of the Lowes and from which there is a Commanding view of a portion of Dumfries Shire - Situated about 1 mile west Of the Lough and 5 miles North of Ettrick Kirk. |
OS1/30/3/49 |
Easter Cleuch |
Easter Cleugh
Easter Cleuch
Easter Cleuch |
William Laidlaw
A Laidlaw
James Dalglish |
017 |
A ravine through which runs a rough stream Rising in a large Moss about ¼ of a mile west of Cowan's Croft flowing into a stream called Contercleugh. |
OS1/30/3/49 |
Mid Cleuch |
Mid Cleuch
Mid Cleuch
Mid Cleuch |
William Laidlaw
A Laidlaw
James Dalglish |
017 |
A ravine through which runs a small stream rising out of Plouer Hash flowing N. [North] West into Contercleugh. |
OS1/30/3/49 |
Wester Cleuch |
Wester Cleuch
Wester Cleuch
Wester Cleuch |
William Laidlaw
A Laidlaw
James Dalglish |
017 |
A ravine through which runs a small stream rising a little to the North of Rig Head. Flowing into Contercleugh in a Westerly direction. |
OS1/30/3/49 |
[Page] 49
Co. [County] of Selkirk -- Parish of Ettrick -- Plan 17. Trace 3
Described by Corpl. [Corporal] Leslie R. E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/50 |
[Page] 50
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/51 |
Clark Sike |
Clark Sike
Clark Sike
Clark Sike |
W Brydon Ramseycleuch
J Dalgliesh shepd [shepherd]
J Paterson shepd [shepherd] |
017 |
A very small stream rising a little North of Craig Hill & flowing into the Kirk Burn |
OS1/30/3/51 |
Ramsey Knowe |
Ramsey Knowe
Ramsey Knowe
Ramsey Knowe |
W Brydon Ramseycleuch
J Dalgliesh shepd [shepherd]
J Paterson shepd [shepherd] |
017 |
A small Knowe situated about 1½ Miles North of Craig Hill covered with moss |
OS1/30/3/51 |
Rig Head |
Rig Head
Rig Head
Rig Head |
W Brydon Ramseycleuch
J Dalgliesh shepd
J Paterson shepd [shepherd] |
017 |
An Elevation. Covered with Moss at the head of Cat Cleuch. And about ¾ of a mile North of Craig Hill. |
OS1/30/3/51 |
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17. Trace 3.
Described by Corpe. [Corporal] Leslie R. E [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/52 |
[Page] 52
[Blank Page] |
OS1/30/3/53 |
Rowantree Gutter |
Rowantree Gutter
Rowantree Gutter
Rowantree Gutter |
Mr. John Anderson Broadgairhill
Mr. Walter Elliott Kirkhope
Mr. James Dalglish Craighill |
17 |
A small stream with deep scars on each side; it rises near the top of Ferny Hill, and runs into Kirkhope burn. |
OS1/30/3/53 |
[Page] 53
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 17 Trace 4
Rowan Tree The Mountain Ash - Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
Described by Sapper Montgomery R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/54 |
Crosscleuch Burn |
Crosscleuch Burn |
Robert Laidlaw Farmer
William Mitchell Feuar
James Davison Laborer |
013 |
A mountain stream, rising in the parish of Ettrick and flows northwardly into the "Loch of the Lows" - it forms the boundary between this this parish & Yarrow- the first part of this stream is called Whitehope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/54 |
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 13 |
OS1/30/3/55 |
Riskinhope Burn |
Riskinhope Burn
Riskinhope Burn
Riskinhope Burn |
Mr Brydon
J Dalgliesh
J. Paterson |
013 ; 017 |
A stream rising on the North side of Penieston Knowe running in a Northerly direction till its junction with the Loch of the Lows |
OS1/30/3/55 |
Whithope Burn |
Whithope Burn
Whithope Burn
Whithope Burn
Whithope Burn |
Mr Brydon
J Dalgliesh
J. Paterson
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
013 ; 017 |
A stream rising a little North of Scabcleuch Moss running in a Northerly direction to where it becomes the boundary between Yarrow & Ettrick from which place it becomes Crosscleuch Burn. |
OS1/30/3/55 |
The Slunk |
The Slunk
The Slunk
The Slunk |
Mr Brydon
J Dalgliesh
J. Paterson |
017 |
A small stream rising a little South of Rig Head flowing into Scabcleuch Burn. |
OS1/30/3/55 |
Shiel Sike |
Shiel Sike
Shiel Sike
Shiel Sike |
Mr Brydon
J Dalgliesh
J. Paterson |
017 |
A small stream rising out of Scabcleuch Moss & flowing into Scabcleuch Burn. |
OS1/30/3/55 |
[Page] 55
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 17. Trace 3
Described by Corpl. [Corporal] Leslie RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/56 |
Thorter Sike |
Thorter Sike
Thorter Sike
Thorter Sike
Thorter Sike |
Mr A Brydon Ramseycleuch
J. Dalgliesh Shepherd
J. Paterson Manse
W Copeland Esq. Thirlestane |
017 |
A small Stream rising in a Moss a little North of Corse Hill and flowing into Cossers Hill Burn |
OS1/30/3/56 |
Peniestone Knowe |
Peniestone Knowe
Peniestone Knowe
Peniestone Knowe |
Mr A Brydon Ramseycleuch
J. Dalgliesh Shepherd
J. Paterson Manse |
017 |
A Hill (or Knowe) of Considerable height principally covered with Moss. Situated about 1½ Miles North of Craig Hill. |
OS1/30/3/56 |
Cat Cleuch |
Cat Cleuch
Cat Cleuch
Cat Cleuch |
Mr A Brydon Ramseycleuch
J. Dalgliesh Shepherd
J. Paterson Manse |
017 |
A ravine through which runs a Small Stream Rising out [of] a Moss or rising ground Called Rig Head. running South to its junction with the Kirk Burn. |
OS1/30/3/56 |
March Sike |
March Sike
March Sike
March Sike |
Mr A Brydon Ramseycleuch
J. Dalgliesh Shepherd
J. Paterson Manse |
017 |
A small stream rising a little north of a Hill called The Brows & runing into the Kirk Burn |
OS1/30/3/56 |
[Page] 56
Sheet 17. Trace 3. |
OS1/30/3/57 |
Drowncow Sike |
Drowncow Sike
Drowncow Sike
Drowncow Sike |
Mr. David Anderson, Cossarshill
Mr. Robert Brydone, Shepherd Cossarshill
Mr. James Dalglish, Craighill |
017 |
A small Stream, rising on the N. [North] west side of Corse Hill, and flowing into Cossarshill Burn - near its head. |
OS1/30/3/57 |
Fauld Sike |
Fauld Sike
Fauld Sike
Fauld Sike |
Mr. D. Anderson, Cossarshill
Mr. R Brydone, Shepherd Cossarshill
Mr. J Dalglish, Craighill |
017 |
A streamlet rising out of mossland on the west side of Cossarshill Burn, and also flows into the Same, near its head. |
OS1/30/3/57 |
[Page] 57
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet17. Trace 2. |
OS1/30/3/58 |
[Page] 58
[Blank page] |
OS1/30/3/59 |
Muckra Burn |
Muckra Burn
Muckra Burn
Muckra Burn
Muckra Burn |
John Broadfoot
James Biggar.
John. Little
W. Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A mountain stream issuing from a marsh bog called Yellow Mire. and flowing in a N.W. [North West] direction to Muckra in the vicinity of which it falls into Little Yarrow. |
OS1/30/3/59 |
Jockie Sike |
Jocky Sike
Jocky Sike
Jocky Sike |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little |
017 |
A small stream issuing near the Summit of Mid Hill on the east side, and running northwards till it joins Muckra Burn. |
OS1/30/3/59 |
Mid Cleuch |
Mid Cleuch
Mid Cleuch
Mid Cleuch |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little |
017 |
A rocky cleugh on the east side of Muckra, with a small rivulet running through it, and falling into Little Yarrow. |
OS1/30/3/59 |
East Muckra Hill |
East Muckra Hill
East Muckra Hill
East Muckra Hill |
John Broadfoot.
James Biggar.
John Little. |
017 |
A considerable hill on the E [East] of Muckra, covered with rough pasture. |
OS1/30/3/59 |
[Page] 59
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 17.2.
[Note under Jockie Sike:]
Jockey - Crabbs Dictionary
Jockey - Walker's Dictionary
Jockie A diminutive from Jock. Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
Collected and described by J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/60 |
March Sike |
March Sike
March Sike
March Sike |
John Broadfoot.
John Little.
James Biggar. |
017 |
A small stream rising on the north side of E. [East] Muckra Hill & flowing northward into Little Yarrow. |
OS1/30/3/60 |
Muckra Hill |
Muckra Hill
Muckra Hill
Muckra Hill
Muckra Hill |
John Broadfoot.
John Little.
James Biggar.
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane. |
017 |
A high hill covered with rough pasture, situated on the south east side of Muckra. |
OS1/30/3/60 |
Yellow Mire |
Yellow Mire
Yellow Mire
Yellow Mire |
John Broadfoot.
John Little.
James Biggar. |
017 |
A marshy piece of mossy ground on the south side of Muckra Hill. |
OS1/30/3/60 |
[Page] 60
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 17.Trace 2.
Collected and described by J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/61 |
Cowan's Croft |
Cowan's Croft
Cowan's Croft
Cowan's Croft |
William Laidlaw Thirlestain Hope
Alexander Laidlaw
Mr Shankie Hopehouse |
017 |
A large range of rising ground. situated on the North West corner of the Farm of Thirlestane Hope. over which the Parish By. [Boundary] runs between this Parish and Yarrow. |
OS1/30/3/61 |
Murt Grain |
Murt Grain
Murt Grain
Murt Grain
Murt Grain |
William Laidlaw
Alexander Laidlaw
James Dalglish Craig Ho. [House]
W Copeland Esq. Factor, Thirlestane |
017 |
A small stream rising at a Place called Plover Hash. flowing in an Easterly direction till it joins Yoke Burn. |
OS1/30/3/61 |
Plover Hach |
Plover Hash
Plover Hash
Plover Hash |
William Laidlaw
A Laidlaw
James Dalglish |
017 |
A piece of low ground, on a range of Hills. situated half way between Rig Head & Cowans Croft. |
OS1/30/3/61 |
Ward Law |
Ward Law
Ward Law
Ward Law
Ward Law |
Mr Shankie. Hopehouse
Mr Hume. Tushalaw Inn
Mr Scott. Crosslee
County Map |
017 |
A very high Hill, from which there is a commanding view of the surrounding Country. Situated about 1½ miles N. [North] West of Hopehouse - the height is supposed to be about 2000 feet. |
OS1/30/3/61 |
Craig Hill |
Craig Hill
Craig Hill
Craig Hill
Craig Hill |
Mr Shankie
Mr Hume
Mr Scott
County Map |
017 |
A large Hill partly covered with Rocks, and stones principally Whin stone situated about 1 mile North West of Ettrick Parish Church and on the property of Lord Napier |
OS1/30/3/61 |
[Page] 61
Co. [County] of Selkirk -- Parish of Ettrick -- Plan 17.Trace 3
Described by Corpl [Corporal] Leslie R E [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/62 |
Kirk Burn |
Kirk Burn
Kirk Burn
Kirk Burn |
Alexander Laidlaw
William Laidlaw
James Dalglish |
017 |
A rugged stream rising out of a Moss Called Rig Head and flowing South till its junction with the Ettrick Water |
OS1/30/3/62 |
Scabcleuch Burn |
Scabcleuch Burn
Scabcleuch Burn
Scabcleuch Burn |
A Laidlaw
William Laidlaw
James Dalglish |
017 |
A rough stream rising a little to the North of Scabcleugh Moss flowing through the Farm of Scabcleugh to its junction with the Ettrick Water a little to the West of Goose Green |
OS1/30/3/62 |
Rig Head |
Rig Head
Rig Head
Rig Head |
A Laidlaw
William Laidlaw
James Dalglish |
017 |
A rising ground covered with a kind of Moss & Rough pasture situated Midway between Scabcleugh Moss And Plouer Hash. and about 1 Mile North of Crage Hill |
OS1/30/3/62 |
Scabcleuch Moss |
Scabcleugh Moss
Scabcleugh Moss
Scabcleugh Moss |
A Laidlaw
William Laidlaw
James Daglish |
017 |
A large Moss from which Peats are cast principally for the Farm of Scabcleugh and situated about one Mile North of the Farm House and about 1 mile N. [North] West of Craig Hill |
OS1/30/3/62 |
[Page 62]
Co. [County] of Selkirk -- Parish of Ettrick
Described by Corpl [Corporal] Leslie R E [Royal Engineer] |
OS1/30/3/63 |
Hope Head |
Hope head
Hope head
Hope head |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. William Rutherford, Glenkerry
Mr. W Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
A considerable hill, having a mossy Summit with a Trigl. [Triangulation] Station on it, at the head of the Midgehope Burn _ |
OS1/30/3/63 |
Hay Grain |
Hay Grain |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. William Rutherford, Glenkerry
Mr. W Blake, Shorthope |
017 ; 020 |
A streamlet flowing from out of mossland, on the South side of Hope Head, into Glenkerry Burn. |
OS1/30/3/63 |
Black Grain |
Black Grain |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. William Rutherford, Glenkerry
Mr. W Blake, Shorthope |
017 ; 020 |
A small stream rising out of a moss, on the south side of Cauld Face and flowing into Glenkerry Burn, of which it is a head stream |
OS1/30/3/63 |
Cauld Face Sike |
Cauld Face Sike |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. William Rutherford, Glenkerry
Mr. W Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
A small burn having its source in a moss on the N. W. [North West] sides of Cauld Face, from where it flows west, into East Grain _ |
OS1/30/3/63 |
East Grain |
East Grain |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. William Rutherford,
Mr. W Blake, Shorthope |
017 |
A small burn, having two head streams rising out of moss land, on the east side of Middle Hill, and flows into Shorthope Burn, at the confluence of Master Grain with it |
OS1/30/3/63 |
[Page] 63
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 17. Trace 6. |
OS1/30/3/64 |
Midgehope Burn |
Midgehope Burn
Midgehope Burn
Midgehope Burn |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. Andrew Byers, Shepherd Midgehope
Mr. James Dalgleish, Craighill. |
017 ; 018 |
A stream rising out of the East side of Hope Head, on the farm of Midgehope from which it is named, and flows East into Timah Water, near Midgehope |
OS1/30/3/64 |
Weaver's Moss |
Weaver's Moss |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. Andrew Byers, Shepherd Midgehope
Mr. James Dalgleish, Craighill. |
017 |
A moss out of which peats are taken on Wedder Law hill range, a little north of the Source of Midgehope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/64 |
Brock Sike |
Brock Sike |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. Andrew Byers, Shepherd Midgehope
Mr. James Dalgleish, Craighill. |
017 |
A small stream rising on the N.W. [North West] side of Dunhope Law, and flowing into Midgehope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/64 |
Dunhope Burn |
Dunhope Burn |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. Andrew Byers, Shepherd Midgehope
Mr. James Dalgleish, Craighill. |
017 ; 018 |
A stream rising in a small valley N. [North] of Dunhope Law, and flows into Timah Water a short way south of Midgehope |
OS1/30/3/64 |
Dunhope Law |
Dunhope Law |
Mr. William Hall, Midgehope
Mr. Andrew Byers, Shepherd Midgehope
Mr. James Dalgleish, Craighill. |
017 |
A considerable height covered with rough pasture and a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station on its summit South of Dunhope Burn head. |
OS1/30/3/64 |
[Page] 64
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 17-Trace 6 |
OS1/30/3/65 |
East Side |
East Side
East Side
East Side |
Mr William Blake, Shorthope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhoperig
Mr William Rutherford, Glenkerry |
017 |
East side is a high rig with a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station upon it at the East side of Shorthope farm: it is mostly mossy land |
OS1/30/3/65 |
Rashie Sike |
Rashie Sike
Rashie Sike
Rashie Sike |
Mr William Blake, Shorthope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhoperig
Mr William Rutherford, Glenkerry |
017 |
A Streamlet flowing out of the moss on East Side, into East Grain, a short way from Cauld Face Sike |
OS1/30/3/65 |
Middle Hill |
Middle Hill
Middle Hill
Middle Hill |
Mr William Blake, Shorthope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhoperig
Mr William Rutherford, Glenkerry |
017 ; 020 |
Middle Hill is of considerable Eminence and having a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit, is between Master Grain and East Grain - |
OS1/30/3/65 |
Pyat Sike |
Pyat Sike
Pyat Sike
Pyat Sike |
Mr William Blake, Shorthope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhoperig
Mr William Rutherford, Glenkerry |
017 |
Pyat Sike rises in a moss on the west of East Side rig, and flows into Shorthope Burn a short distance from its head - |
OS1/30/3/65 |
Black Drain |
Black Drain
Black Drain
Black Drain |
Mr William Blake, Shorthope
Mr T Clendenning, Brockhoperig
Mr William Rutherford, Glenkerry |
017 |
A Streamlet partly cut, having its source close to Turner Cleugh, And flows into Shorthope Burn |
OS1/30/3/65 |
[Page] 65
Ettrick Ph [Parish] --Sheet 17 -- Trace 6
[In red] Pyat - The Magpie - Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/66 |
Turner Cleuch |
Turner Cleuch
Turner Cleuch
Turner Cleuch
Turn The Cleuch |
Mr. William Blake, Shorthope
Mr. J. Blyth, Ettrickhall,
Mr. L. Glendenning, Brockhoprig
Mr. John Scott. Crosslee _ |
017 |
An elbow shaped hollow - having a sm[all] Stream and a wall through its cent[re] on the north of East Side, and form[s a] march - partly - between Shorthope, and [Ettrick] -hall farms _ |
OS1/30/3/66 |
[Page] 66
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 17. -- Trace 6. |
OS1/30/3/67 |
Hay Sike |
Hay Sike
Hay Sike
Hay Sike |
Mr. William Elliot, Kirkhope_
Mr. William Blake, Shorthope_
Mr. T_Clendenning, Brockhope_ |
017 |
A crooked Streamlet, rising on the East Side of Mid Hill, on Kirkhope farm, and flows into Brockhope Burn_ |
OS1/30/3/67 |
Brockhope Kips |
Brockhope Kips
Brockhope Kips
Brockhope Kips
Brockhope |
Mr. William Elliot, Kirkhope_
Mr. William Blake, Shorthope_
Mr. T_Clendenning, Brockhope_
Walter Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
017 |
A considerable height on Kirkhope farm, to the north of Shorthope_ There are three conspicuous knowes on it - on one of which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station- which are known as "Kips". |
OS1/30/3/67 |
Brockhope Rig |
Brockhope Rig
Brockhope Rig
Brockhope Rig |
Mr. William Elliot, Kirkhope_
Mr. William Blake, Shorthope_
Mr. T_Clendenning, Brockhope_ |
017 |
A ridge covered with rough pasture - About a mile in length, Extending from Brockhope Kips to the Co. [County] Boundary_ |
OS1/30/3/67 |
Trowgrain Middle |
Trow Grain Middle
Trow Grain Middle
Trow Grain Middle |
Mr. William Elliot, Kirkhope_
Mr. William Blake, Shorthope_
Mr. T_Clendenning, Brockhope_ |
017 |
An Eminence over which the Co. [County] Boundy. [Boundary] passes, on Cossarshill farm, And between Falla Grain and Trow Grain_ |
OS1/30/3/67 |
[Page] 67
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 17. -- Trace 5_ Descibed by A McKay_ |
OS1/30/3/68 |
Falagrain Middle |
Falla Grain Middle
Falla Grain Middle
Falla Grain Middle
Fala Grain Middle
Fala Grain Middle |
Mr_ D_ Anderson, Cossarhill_
Mr_R_ Brydone, Shepherd_ Cossarhill_
Mr_ T_ Clendenning, Brockhoperig_
Walter Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane Castle
County Map_ |
017 |
A high hill covered with rough pastrure on Cossarhill farm, between the head of Bla[ck] Grain and Falla Grain. |
OS1/30/3/68 |
Trow Grain |
Trow Grain
Trow Grain
Trow Grain
Trow Grain |
Mr_ D_ Anderson, Cossarhill_
Mr_R_ Brydone, Shepherd_ Cossarhill_
Mr_ T_ Clendenning, Brockhoperig_
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlstane |
017 |
Trow Grain is a small stream rising on the South Side of Trow Ggrain Middle' and unites with Fall[a] Grain in forming the source of Back [Burn] |
OS1/30/3/68 |
Fala Grain |
Falla Grain
Falla Grain
Falla Grain
Fala Grain
Fala Grain |
Mr_ D_ Anderson, Cossarhill_
Mr_R_ Brydone, Shepherd_ Cossarhill_
Mr_ T_ Clendenning, Brockhoperig_
Walter Copeland Esq.
County Map |
017 |
Falla Grain - A Stream, rises on the South Side of the "Middle"_ of the [same] Names, and unites with Trow [Grain] |
OS1/30/3/68 |
Back Burn |
Back Burn
Back Burn
Back Burn |
Mr_ D_ Anderson, Cossarhill_
Mr_R_ Brydone, Shepherd_ Cossarhill_
Mr_ T_ Clendenning, Brockhoperig_
Walter Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane Castle
County Map |
017 |
Back Burn - so called from the conf[luence] of the two Grains" at its head - to [which] it Joins the Ettrick, at Brockhoperig |
OS1/30/3/68 |
[Page] 68
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 17. -- Trace 5_ |
OS1/30/3/69 |
Over Scar |
Over Scar
Over Scar
Over Scar |
Walter Elliott. Kirkhope
John Anderson. Broadgairhill
Thomas Glendenning Brockhoperig |
017 |
A deep Ravine, or Scar, with a (small) Stream flowing through it, Situated on the South Side of Kirkhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/69 |
Nether Scar |
Nether Scar
Nether Scar
Nether Scar |
Walter Elliott
John Anderson
Thomas Glendenning |
017 ; 020 |
A deep Ravine or Scar, with a Stream flowing through it, situated on the South Side of Kirkhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/69 |
[Page] 69
Sheet 17 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Described by John Callanan Ltce [Lance] Corpl. [Corporal] RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/70 |
Crooked Loch |
Crooked Loch
Crooked Loch
Crooked Loch |
William Graham. Drycleuchlee
Richard Lees- Thorneycleuch
James Graham. Drycleuchlees |
A Small Lake Situated at the [Junction] of the Parishes of Ettrick, [Kirkhope] and Roberton. |
OS1/30/3/70 |
Thornycleuch Burn |
Thorneycleuch Burn
Thorneycleuch Burn
Thorniecleugh Burn
Thorneycleuch Burn |
William Graham
Richard Lees
James Graham
Walter Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane Castle |
018 |
A Considerable Stream having [its] Source on the farm of West [Daloraine] and flowing in a Southerly course [into] "Thorney Cleuch" (from which it derives [its name] until it falls into Clearburn Loch |
OS1/30/3/70 |
[Page] 70
Sheet 18 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Described by John Callanan Lce Corpl [Lance Corporal] RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/71 |
Wedder Law |
Wedder Law
Wedder Law
Wedder Law |
Mr Thomas Blythe Ettrickhall
Mr John Paterson Ph. [Parish] Manse
Mr James Hall Midgehope |
017.12 |
A hill covered with rough pasture, on the south side of Ettrick water; it divides the farms of Midgehope and Ettrickhall |
OS1/30/3/71 |
Pyat Sike |
Pyot Sike
Pyot Sike
Pyot Sike |
Mr Thomas Blythe
Mr John Paterson
Mr James Dalglish Craighill |
017.12 |
A small stream rising near the top of Wedder Law and flowing into the Ettrick water |
OS1/30/3/71 |
[page] 71
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 17 No 12 Trace 6
Described by Sapper Montgomery RE [Royal Engineers]
[Note under Pyat Sike] - Pyat - The Magpie Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/72 |
Rockvale |
Rockvale |
Mr Robert Linton Rockvale
Mr Walter Brydon Scabcleuch
Mr John Paterson Ph. [Parish] Manse |
017.12 |
A small dwelling house on the farm of Scabcleuch, occupied by Robert Linton |
OS1/30/3/72 |
[page] 72
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 17 No 12 Trace 4
Described by Sapper Montgomery R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/73 |
Nither Hill |
Nether Hill
Nether Hill
Nether Hill |
Mr D Anderson Cossarshill
Mr R Brydone, Shepherd Cossarshill
Mr J Dalgleish, Craighill |
017.11 |
Nether Hill is a considerable Eminence covered with rough pasture - on the farm of Cossarshill between Back Burn and Black Grain. |
OS1/30/3/73 |
Black Grain |
Black Grain |
Mr D Anderson Cossarshill
Mr R Brydone, Shepherd, Cossarshill
Mr J Dalgleish, Craighill |
017.11 |
Black Grain - A Stream rising from two short forkings, on the East side of Falla Grain Middle" And flows Southerly till its confluence with Back Burn, on the South Side of Nether Hill. |
OS1/30/3/73 |
Standtrae Knowe |
Standtrae Knowe
Standtrae Knowe |
Mr D Anderson Cossarshill
Mr R Brydone, Shepherd Cossarshill
Mr J Dalgleish, Craighill
W Copeland Esq Factor Thirlstane |
017.11 |
Standtrae Knowe, an Eminence covered in rough pasture And having a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit, on the farm of Cossarshill between Black Grain" And Cossars Hill. |
OS1/30/3/73 |
[Page] 73
1/2500th Scale
Ettrick Ph.[Parish]
Sheet 17.11 Traces 1. and 4.
Described by Angus McKay. |
OS1/30/3/74 |
Cossarshill Burn |
Cossarshill Burn
Cossarshill Burn
Cossarshill Burn
Cossars Buck
Cossers Hill
Cossarshill |
Mr. D Anderson, Cossarshill
Mr. R Bryden, Shepherd, Cossarshill
Mr. J Dalgleish, Craighill_
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
W. Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlstane |
017.11 |
A stream having forkings at its head, rising out of moss land, a short way north of Standtrae Knowe" dividing the farms of Cossarshill" and Seabcleugh; it runs an Easterly course - into the Ettrick at Cossarshill. |
OS1/30/3/74 |
Strandtrae Sike |
Standtrae Sike
Standtrae Sike |
Mr. D Anderson, Cossarshill
Mr. R Bryden, Shepherd, Cossarshill
Mr. J Dalgleish, Craighill
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlstane |
017.11 |
A small stream rising out of the North side of Standtrae Knowe, and flows into Cossarshill Burn. |
OS1/30/3/74 |
Cossars Hill |
Cossars Hill
Cossars Hill |
Mr. D Anderson, Cossarshill
Mr. R Bryden, Shepherd, Cossarshill
Mr. J Dalgleish, Craighill
W Copeland Esq |
017.11 |
A high hill with a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit, south west of the dwellinghouse of Cossarshill farm |
OS1/30/3/74 |
Cossarshill Scar |
Cossarshill Scar |
Mr. D Anderson, Cossarshill
Mr. R Bryden, Shepherd, Cossarshill
Mr. J Dalgleish, Craighill |
017.11 |
A small stream rising on the west side of Cossars Hill" and flowing into Back Burn, on Cossarshill farm |
OS1/30/3/74 |
[page] 74
Ettrick Ph. [Parish]
Sheet 17-11.
Traces 2 and 5 |
OS1/30/3/75 |
Scabcleuch Hill |
Scabcleuch Hill
Scabcleuch Hill
Scabcleuch Hill |
Mr. Walter Brydon Scabcleugh
Mr. James Dalglish Craighill
Mr. Robert Brydon Cossarshill |
017.11 |
A very high hill on the farm of Scabcleuch covered with rough pasture, and situated on the north of the county road. |
OS1/30/3/75 |
Cossarshill |
Cossarshill |
Mr. Walter Brydon
Mr. James Dalglish
Mr. Robert Brydon
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlstane |
017.11 |
A farm house with suitable offices, a garden, and large pasture farm attached, the property of Williamson Esqr. of Cardona, and tenanted by David Anderson |
OS1/30/3/75 |
[Page] 75
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 17 No. 11 Traces 3 & 6
Described by Sapper Montgomery R.E [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/76 |
[Page] 76
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/77 |
Thirlestane Castle (Remains of) |
Thirlestane Castle (Remains of)
Thirlestane Castle (Remains of)
Thirlestane Castle (Remains of) |
Mr John Copeland, Factor, Thirlestane
Mr A Brydon, Ramseycleuch
Mr William Hume, Tushilaw |
018.05 |
This name applies to the remains of an ancient castle, the stronghold of the Scott's of Thirlestane during the reign of James the V, it is now the property of the Rt. Honle [Right Honourable] Lord Napier a descendant of the family of Scott |
OS1/30/3/77 |
Thirlestane Castle |
Thirlestane Castle
Thirlestane Castle
Thirlestane Castle |
Mr John Copeland
Mr A Brydon
Mr William Hume |
018.05 |
A modern stuccoed building three stories high the seat of the Rt Honle [Right Honourable] Lord Napier, the east front is very plain but the west front is in the Castellated style of architecture, it was erected in the year 1820 |
OS1/30/3/77 |
Thirlestane Hill |
Thirlestane Hill
Thirlestane Hill
Thirlestane Hill |
Mr John Copeland Mr A Brydon
Mr William Hume |
018.05 |
A Hill on Rising Ground Covered with Rocks on the East Side. Situated ½ a Mile North of Thirlestane Castle. |
OS1/30/3/77 |
[Page] 77
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18-5
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/78 |
Ramseycleuch Hill |
Ramseycleuch Hill
Ramseycleuch Hill
Ramseycleuch Hill |
Mr John Copeland
Mr A Brydon
Mr William Hume |
018.05 |
A Considerable hill on the farm of Ramseycleuch Covered with Rough pasture and very steep on the S. [South] & E. [East] sides |
OS1/30/3/78 |
Thirlestane Burn |
Thirlestane Burn
Thirlestane Burn
Thirlestane Burn |
Mr John Copeland Mr A Brydon
Mr William Hume |
018.05 |
A mountain stream having its source on the east side of Ward Law from which it flows in an easterly direction until it unites with Ettrick Water |
OS1/30/3/78 |
Black Spout |
Black Spout
Black Spout
Black Spout |
Mr John Copeland
Mr A Brydon
Mr William Hume |
018.05 |
A considerable waterfall on Thirlestane Burn spouting over a black rock from which it derives its name |
OS1/30/3/78 |
Red Sike |
Red Sike
Red Sike
Red Sike |
Mr John Copeland Mr A Brydon
Mr William Hume |
018.05 |
A rough Rocky Sea half a Mile East of Thirlestane Castle |
OS1/30/3/78 |
[Page 78]
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18-5 & 6
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/79 |
Back Burn |
BacK Burn
BacK Burn
BacK Burn |
John Pott Shyrencleuch
Archibald Pott Shyrencleuch
James Murphy Shyrencleuch |
018 |
A Considerable Stream Riseing on the East Side of Black Rig and flowing in Northerly Course into Kirkhope Parish. |
OS1/30/3/79 |
[Page 79]
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18
Described by John Callanan Lce Corp. [Lance Corporal] R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/80 |
[Page] 80
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/81 |
Gamescleuch Hill |
Gamescleuch Hill
Gamescleuch Hill
Gamescleuch Hill
Gamescleuch Hill |
Andrew Byers. Midgehope
Matthew Palmer. Hopehouse
James Bailey. Hopehouse
W. Copeland Esq. Thirlestane |
018.09 |
A hill on the farm of Gamescleuch. Covered with rough pasture |
OS1/30/3/81 |
Gamescleuch Burn |
Gamescleuch Burn
Gamescleuch Burn
Gamescleuch Burn
Gamescleuch Burn |
Andrew Byers
Matthew Palmer
James Bailey
W Copeland Esq. Thirlestane |
018 |
A mountain Stream rising near the Summit of Law Kneis and flowing northward between Gamescleuch Hill and Deephope Hill and falling into Ettrick water at Gamescleuch. |
OS1/30/3/81 |
White Sike |
White Sike
White Sike
White Sike |
Andrew Byers
Matthew Palmer
James Bailey |
018.09 |
A small mountain Stream rising on the North Side of Gatecleugh Hill and flowing westward, and falling into Timah Water |
OS1/30/3/81 |
[Page 81]
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 19 Trace 4
Collected & described J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/82 |
Gatecleuch Hill |
Gatecleuch Hill
Gatecleuch Hill
Gatecleuch Hill
Gatecleuch Hill |
Andrew Byers
Matthew Palmer
James Bailey
W Copeland Esp. Thirlestane |
018 |
A hill of considerable elevation Situated on the east side of Timah Water and forming a part of Deephope farm. |
OS1/30/3/82 |
Law Kneis |
Law Kneis
Law Kneis
Law Kneis
Law Kneis
Law Kneis |
Andrew Byers
Matthew Palmer
James Bailey
County Map
Chalmers Caledonia Fol. [Folio] 11. P. [Page] 965 |
018 |
A high hill covered with rough pasture, and Situated on the east side of Gatecleuch Hill. |
OS1/30/3/82 |
Mid Hill |
Mid Hill
Mid Hill
Mid Hill |
Andrew Byers
Matthew Palmer
James Bailey |
018 |
A considerable hill on the farm of Midgehope, covered with rough pasture, and situated immediately South of the farm house. |
OS1/30/3/82 |
[Page 82]
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18 Trace 4
Collected & described J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/83 |
Cacra Hill |
Cacra Hill
Cacra Hill
Cacra Hill |
Mr G. Grieve W. [West] Buccleuch
William Crosier. Shepherd
John Ames Shepherd |
018 |
A considerable hill on the farm of Cairabank and affording good pasturage for sheep. |
OS1/30/3/83 |
Milsey Moss |
Milsey Moss
Milsey Moss
Milsey Moss
Milsey Moss |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos
W Copeland Esq. Thirlestane |
018 |
A boggy tract of land on the farm of W. [West] Buccleuch. |
OS1/30/3/83 |
Red Sike |
Red Sike
Red Sike
Red Sike |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
A small stream on the N. [North] side of
Phenzhopehaugh hill |
OS1/30/3/83 |
[Page 83]
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18
Collected by C. E. Hewitt Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/84 |
Kingside Loch |
Kingside Loch
Kingside Loch
Kingside Loch |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
An extensive sheet of water on the farm of E [East] Buccleuch |
OS1/30/3/84 |
Coutlair Knowe |
Coutlair Knowe
Coutlair Knowe
Coutlair Knowe |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
A considerable hill on the farm of E. [East] Buccleuch over the summit of which runs the boundary betwixt the Parishes of Roberton & Ettrick |
OS1/30/3/84 |
Mountcommon Sike |
Mountcommon Sike
Mountcommon Sike
Mountcommon Sike
Mauntcommon |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos
County Map
W Copeland Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A small mountain stream on the E. [East] side of Mountcommon Hill |
OS1/30/3/84 |
[Page] 84
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet - 18
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr R.E. (Sapper Royal Engineers)
[Note under Coutlair Knowe] - Cout, Cowt - A young Horse - from Colt - Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/85 |
East Buccleuch |
East Buccleuch
East Buccleuch
East Buccleuch
East Buccleuch |
Mr William Grieve, Tenant
Lease Roll
Valuation Roll
County Map & New Statistical account |
018 |
A large pasture farm, with a good dwelling house two stories high and garden attached. The property of his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch. The dwelling house is occupied by the shepherd of Mr William Grieve, |
OS1/30/3/85 |
West Buccleuch |
West Buccleuch
West Buccleuch
West Buccleuch |
Mr G. Grieve, Tenant
Lease Roll
Valuation Roll |
018 |
A large pasture farm, with a good stone dwelling house two stories high, and outoffices and garden attached. The property of his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, |
OS1/30/3/85 |
Kingsideloch Sike |
Kingsideloch Sike |
The Roberton Name Sheet |
018 |
A hollow formerly soft & marshy but now partly dry by two drains: a drain having been Cut on either Side & the parish boundary being between the two drains |
OS1/30/3/85 |
[Page] 85
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18-5
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sappr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/86 |
Buccleuch Castle (Site of) |
Buccleuch Castle (site of)
Buccleuch Castle (site of)
Buccleuch Castle (site of) |
Mr William Grieve, Broxholm Park
Mr G. Grieve. W. [West] Buccleuch
Mr T. Grieve W. [West] Buccleuch |
018 |
The site of the Castle is now occupied by the dwelling house of E [ East] Buccleuch, In the year 1832 when the dwelling was erected they came upon the foundation walls of the Old Castle but not a vestige of it now remains, |
OS1/30/3/86 |
Buccleuch Church (Site of) |
Buccleuch Church (Site of)
Buccleuch Church (Site of)
Buccleuch Church (Site of) |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
The site of this Church is enclosed by a stone wall, and used by the shepherds as a Sheep fold, no vestige of the original building now remains, |
OS1/30/3/86 |
[Page] 86
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18. 5
Collected by C. E. Hewitt
Sapr R.E [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/87 |
Tushie Law |
Tushie Law
Tushie Law
Tushie Law |
William Hume Tushalaw
Mr Scott Crosslee
William Laidlaw Farmer Thirlstane Hope |
018.02 |
A hill situated 1 mile N.E [North East] of Hope House, and about the same distance West of Tushalaw Farm. on the east side stands the Remains of Tushalaw Tower, said to have been the Seat of the Once Notorious Adam Scott. |
OS1/30/3/87 |
Kings Grain |
Kings Grain
Kings Grain
Kings Grain |
William Hume
William Laidlaw
Alexander Laidlaw Shepherd |
014 ; 018 |
A Small Stream Rising on the Moors a little N. E [North East] of Brown Rig, flowing South into Hopehouse Burn. |
OS1/30/3/87 |
Brown Rig |
Brown Rig
Brown Rig
Brown Rig |
William Hume
William Laidlaw
Alexander Laidlaw |
018 |
A small Hill Situated on the farm of Thirlestane Hope about ¾ of a mile N. W. [North West] of the Farm House, |
OS1/30/3/87 |
Thirlestane Hope |
Thirlestane Hope
Thirlestane Hope
Thirlestane Hope |
William Hume
William Laidlaw
Alexander Laidlaw |
018 |
A Farm House Situated ½ a Mile North of Hopehouse with a larg Moorland Farm attached. The property of Lord Napeir |
OS1/30/3/87 |
Rough Grain |
Rough Grain
Rough Grain
Rough Grain |
William Hume
William Laidlaw
Alexander Laidlaw |
018 |
A Small Stream Rising on the North Side of the Shepherd Clough Rig on the farm of Thirleston Hope, flowing South until it unites with Hopehouse Burn. |
OS1/30/3/87 |
[Page 87]
Co. [County] of Selkirk Parish of Ettrick
Plan 18. Trace 1
Described by Corpl [Corporal] Leslie R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/88 |
Shepherd Cleuch Rig |
Shepherd Cleugh Rig
Shepherd Cleugh Rig
Shepherd Cleugh Rig |
Mr Shankie Hopehouse
William Laidlaw
Alexander Laidlaw |
018 |
A small Hill or Rising Ground on the Farm of Thirlestane Hope. Situated one Mile West of the Farm House, and about 1 Mile North of Thirlestane. |
OS1/30/3/88 |
Shepherd Cleuch |
Shepherd Cleuch
Shepherd Cleuch
Shepherd Cleuch |
Mr Shankie
William Laidlaw
Alexander Laidlaw |
018 |
A Ravine through which runs a Small Stream Rising on the E [East] Side of a large Hill Called Cowan's Croft, flowing South till its junction with Yoke, and Hopetown Burn. |
OS1/30/3/88 |
Captain's Road |
Captain's Road
Captain's Road
Captain's Road |
Mr Shankie Hopehouse
Mr Hume Tushalaw Farm
William Laidlaw |
018.05 |
A very bad Mountain Road leading from Hopehouse through the Farm of Thirlestaine Hope. At its junction with the Main Road at the Laugh of Law. Cut by Lord Napier when a Capt. [Captain] hence the name. |
OS1/30/3/88 |
Yoke Burn |
Yoke Burn
Yoke Burn
Yoke Burn |
Mr Shankie
William Laidlaw
Alexander Laidlaw |
017 ; 018 |
A small stream rising ½ a Mile E [East] of a place called Rig Head on the Farm of Thirlestane and running E [East] till its junction with Murt Grain and Shepherd's Cleugh |
OS1/30/3/88 |
Peat Sike |
Peat Sike
Peat Sike
Peat Sike |
Mr Shankie
William Laidlaw
Alexander Laidlaw |
018 |
A small stream rising on the Moors ½ a Mile W. [West] of Thirlestane and running into Hopehouse Burn at the Farm House. |
OS1/30/3/88 |
[Page] 88
Co. [County] of Selkirk - Parish of Ettrick
Plan 18. Trace 1
Described by Corpl. [Corporal] Leslie R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/89 |
Phenzhopehaugh |
Phenzhopehaugh |
Mr G. Grieve, W. [West] Buccleuch
Mr T. Grieve, W. [West] Buccleuch
John Amos, Shepherd & Occupier
W Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A large pasture farm, with a dwelling house one story high and a garden and stable attached. The property of his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, and in the occupation of Mr Turnbull of Burnfoot near Hawick, |
OS1/30/3/89 |
Phenzhopehaugh Hill |
Phenzhopehaugh Hill
Phenzhopehaugh Hill
Phenzhopehaugh Hill
Phenzhopehaugh Hill |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos
W Copeland Esq Thirlestane |
018 |
A very high and considerable hill on the farm of Phenzhopehaugh affording good pasturage for sheep, |
OS1/30/3/89 |
Kirk Burn |
Kirk Burn
Kirk Burn
Kirk Burn
Kirk Burn |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos
County Map |
018 ; 021 |
A small mountain stream flowing in an Easterly direction, and joining Rankle Burn near the site of Buccleuch Church from which it derives its name, |
OS1/30/3/89 |
[Page 89]
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/90 |
Priest Sike |
Priest Sike
Priest Sike
Priest Sike |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
A small mountain stream flowing in a Westerly direction until it unites with Rankle Burn, |
OS1/30/3/90 |
Killing Sike |
Killing Sike
Killing Sike
Killing Sike
Killing Sike |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A small mountain stream flowing in a N. [North] Westerly Course until it unites with Rankle Burn, |
OS1/30/3/90 |
Kirk Hill |
Kirk Hill
Kirk Hill
Kirk Hill |
Mr G. Grieve
Mr T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
A very high and large hill on the farm of Phenzhopehaugh, and Covered with rough and healthy pasture, |
OS1/30/3/90 |
[Page] 90
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/91 |
Buccleuch Mill (Site of) |
Buccleuch Mill (Site of)
Buccleuch Mill (Site of)
Buccleuch Mill (Site of)
Buccleuch Mill (Site of) |
Mr. G. Grieve. W. [West] Buccleuch
Mr. T. Grieve W. [West] Buccleuch
John Amos
New Statistical Account |
018 |
The site of the Mill is at the head of Buck Cleugh.
In the Buck's Cleuch are the marks of the site of an old mill - "For they built a mill on that same burn, To grind dog's bran tho' [though] there grew no corn." Satchels
Fifty years ago, the walls of this mill were "knee high"; now they are only a rude outline, being a very little above the ground overgrown with moss - New Statistical Account p. [page] 66 & 7 |
OS1/30/3/91 |
Back Cleuch (Spot where the Buck was taken) |
Buck Cleuch
Buck Cleuch
Buck Cleuch
Buck Cleuch |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve
John Amos
New Statistical Account |
018 |
A deep ravine on the farm of E. [East] Buccleuch, and which gives a Title to the Ducal House of that name. One portion of it is very rocky and steep, and it is this part which is pointed out where the Buck was taken, which gives name to the Cleugh, |
OS1/30/3/91 |
[Page] 91
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/92 |
Little Bleak Law |
Little Bleak Law
Little Bleak Law
Little Bleak Law
Little Bleak Law |
Mr. G. Grieve, W. [West] Buccleuch
Mr. T. Grieve, W. [West] Buccleuch
John Amos, Shepherd
W. Copeland Esq - Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A small hill on the farm of E. [East] Buccleuch, covered with rough and healthy pasture. |
OS1/30/3/92 |
Muckle Bleak Law |
Muckle Bleak Law
Muckle Bleak Law
Muckle Bleak Law
Mucle Bleak Law |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve
John Amos
W. Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A considerable hill on the farm of E. [East] Buccleuch affording good pasturage for sheep, |
OS1/30/3/92 |
Black Rig |
Black Rig
Black Rig
Black Rig |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
A long ridge of elevated land on the farm of E. [East] Buccleuch affording good pasturage for sheep, |
OS1/30/3/92 |
[Page] 92
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/93 |
Brown Knowe |
Brown Knowe
Brown Knowe
Brown Knowe |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
A small hill on the farm of W. [West] Buccleuch, partly covered with heath which gives it a brownish appearance, hence the name |
OS1/30/3/93 |
Dunside Rig |
Dunside Rig
Dunside Rig
Dunside Rig
Dunside Rig |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve
John Amos
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
An elevated and considerable ridge of pasture land on the farm on W. [West] Buccleuch, the grass upon its sides are of a Dun or darkish color from which it derives its name |
OS1/30/3/93 |
Phenzhopehaugh Burn |
Phenzhopehaugh Burn
Phenzhopehaugh Burn
Phenzhopehaugh Burn
Phenzhopehaugh Burn |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve
John Amos
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A considerable mountain stream flowing in an Easterly direction, and discharges its waters into Rankle Burn, |
OS1/30/3/93 |
[Page] 93
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18 Trace 5
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/94 |
Milsey Burn |
Milsey Burn
Milsey Burn
Milsey Burn
Milsey Burn |
Mr. G. Grieve, W. [West] Buccleuch
Mr. William Hume, Tushilaw
John Amos, Phenzhopehaugh
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A considerable mountain stream flowing in a N. [North] Easterly direction and discharging its water into Rankle Burn. |
OS1/30/3/94 |
Hazel Rig |
Hazel Rig
Hazel Rig
Hazel Rig |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. William Hume
John Amos |
018 |
A very high ridge of land on the farm of W. [West] Buccleuch and affording good pasturage for sheep. |
OS1/30/3/94 |
Little Burn |
Little Burn
Little Burn
Little Burn |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve, Buccleuch
John Amos |
018 |
A small mountain stream flowing in an Easterly direction and joins with Rankle Burn at W. [West] Buccleuch, |
OS1/30/3/94 |
[Page] 94
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18. Trace 5
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/95 |
March Sike |
March Sike
March Sike
March Sike |
Mr. G. Grieve
William Crosier Shepherd
John Amos |
018 |
A mountain stream which divides the estate of Buccleuch from Cacrabank, until it unites with Rankle Burn. |
OS1/30/3/95 |
Dry Cleuch |
Dry Cleuch
Dry Cleuch
Dry Cleuch |
Mr. G. Grieve
William Crosier
John Amos |
018 |
A small ravine on the S. [South] side of Cacra Hill. |
OS1/30/3/95 |
Red Scar |
Red Scar
Red Scar
Red Scar |
Mr. G. Grieve
William Crosier John Amos |
018 |
A long rocky scar on the S. [South] face of Cacra Hill, in some parts of it red clay is visible from which it derives its name, |
OS1/30/3/95 |
[Page] 95
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18 Trace 2
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/96 |
Clear Burn |
Clear Burn
Clear Burn
Clear Burn |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
A considerable stream issuing from Clearburn Loch flowing through Buck Cleugh and joining Rankle Burn at E. [East] Buccleuch. |
OS1/30/3/96 |
Clear Burn Loch |
Clear Burn Loch
Clear Burn Loch
Clear Burn Loch |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve
John Amos |
018 |
An extensive sheet of water lying between the parishes of Ettrick and Kirkhope |
OS1/30/3/96 |
Home Law |
Home Law
Home Law
Home Law
Home Law |
Mr. G. Grieve
Mr. T. Grieve
John Amos
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A considerable hill on the farm of E. [East] Buccleuch and covered with rough and heathy pasture, |
OS1/30/3/96 |
[Page] 96
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18 Trace 2 & 3
Collected by C.E. Hewitt
Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/97 |
Post Office |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
George Amos
William Brydon
John Copeland |
018.09 |
A dwelling house situated between Thirlestane and Ramseycleuch, is partly occupied as an office for receiving and delivering letters daily. |
OS1/30/3/97 |
Gamescleuch |
Gamescleuch |
George Amos
William Brydon
John Copeland
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018.09 |
A good dwelling house with suitable offices, garden and a large farm attached - It is the property of Lord Napier |
OS1/30/3/97 |
Gamescleuch Castle |
Gamescleuch Castle (Ruins of)
Gamescleuch Castle (Ruins of)
Gamescleuch Castle (Ruins of)
Gamescleuch Castle (Ruins of) |
George Amos
William Brydon
John Copeland
W Copeland, Factor Thirlestane |
018.09 |
An ancient castle, erected by one of the ancestors of the present proprietor, Lord Napier - It was built on the plan generally adopted on the Borders for those strongholds generally designated Peel Towers. Nothing now remains of it but a portion of its walls. |
OS1/30/3/97 |
Kip Sike |
Kip Sike |
William Brydon
James Dalglish
L. Hood |
017.12 ; 018.09 |
A small stream rising on the west side of Ramsaycleuch Kip and flowing by the School, into the Ettrick, near Ramsaycleuch. |
OS1/30/3/97 |
[Page] 97
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18.9 1 & 2 |
OS1/30/3/98 |
Midgehope |
Midgehope |
Mr. Hall Midgehope
Mr. William Brydon
Mr. George Amos |
018.09 |
A good dwelling house with a suitable court of farm offices, a good garden, and a large hill farm attached: tenanted by James Hall and the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/30/3/98 |
Deephope |
Deephope |
James Hall
William Bryden
George Amos |
018.09 |
A farm house with some offices, a garden, and farm attached; tenanted by James Tully and the property of Lord Napier. |
OS1/30/3/98 |
Deephope Hill |
Deephope Hill
Deephope Hill
Deephope Hill |
James Hall
William Brydon
George Amos |
018.09 |
A high mountain ridge, covered with rough heathy pasture, situated on the south side of Gamescleuch, and forming part of Deephope farm. |
OS1/30/3/98 |
Rough Sike |
Rough Sike
Rough Sike
Rough Sike |
James Tully Gamescleuch
William Brydon Ramseycleuch
George Amos Ramseycleuch |
018.09 |
A small stream rising on the W [West] of Gamescleuch Hill, and flowing westward till it fall into Gamescleuch Burn. |
OS1/30/3/98 |
[Page] 98
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18.9.3
Described by [SM] McDiar[mid JL] |
OS1/30/3/99 |
Ramseycleuch Kip |
Ramseycleuch Kip
Ramseycleuch Kip
Ramseycleuch Kip |
George Amos Ramseycleuch
William Brydon Ramseycleuch
John Copeland Thirlestane |
018.09 |
A conspicuous rocky knowe on the north side of Ettrick Water, situated in the immediate vicinity of Ramseycleuch. |
OS1/30/3/99 |
Ramsey Cleuch |
Ramsey Cleuch
Ramsey Cleuch
Ramsey Cleuch |
George Amos
William Brydon
John Copeland |
018.09 |
A steep rocky ravine immediately north of Ramseycleuch through which a small mountain stream called Ramseycleuch Burn flows. |
OS1/30/3/99 |
Ramseycleuch Burn |
Ramseycleuch Burn
Ramseycleuch Burn
Ramseycleuch Burn |
George Amos
William Bryden
John Copeland |
018.09 |
A mountain stream rising near the summit of Ward Law and flowing southwards towards Ramseycleugh where it falls into Ettrick Water. |
OS1/30/3/99 |
Kill Sike |
Kill Sike
Kill Sike
Kill Sike |
George Amos
William Bryden
John Copeland |
018.09 |
A small mountain stream rising on the South side of Ward Law, and flowing Southward towards Ramseycleuch a little to the east of which, it falls into Ettrick Water. |
OS1/30/3/99 |
[Page] 99
Parish of Ettrick
Sheet 18.9.Trace 1
Collected and described by J McDiarmid CA [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/30/3/100 |
School |
School (Girls)
School (Girls)
School (Girls) |
George Amos
William Brydon
John Copeland |
018.09 |
A School room, with dwelling house for the Schoolmistress attached, and Situated contiguous to the Ph [Parish] School. The branches taught are Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Sewing, and chiefly Supported by Lady Napier, Thirlestane. |
OS1/30/3/100 |
Ramseycleuch |
Ramseycleuch |
George Amos
William Brydon
John Copeland
W. Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlstane |
018.09 |
A comfortable dwelling house with a court of Suitable farm offices, garden and an extensive hill farm attached, it is tenanted by William Bryden, and the property of Lord Napier - |
OS1/30/3/100 |
Ramseycleuch Bridge |
Ramseycleuch Bridge
Ramseycleuch Bridge
Ramseycleuch Bridge |
George Amos
William Brydon
John Copeland |
018.09 |
A stone bridge consisting of one arch across Ettrick Water. Near Ramseycleuch- |
OS1/30/3/100 |
[Page] 100
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 18.9.1 -- Collected and described by John McDiarmid c/a [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/30/3/101 |
Tushielaw Tower |
Tushielaw Tower (Remains of)
Tushielaw Tower (Remains of)
Tushielaw Tower (Remains of) |
James Halliburton
William Hume
William Crozier |
018.02 |
The Remains of an old Tower one of the strongholds of the Clan Scott in the time of the Border warfare Their is very little of the ruins now standing (See Chambers Gazetteer of Scotland) |
OS1/30/3/101 |
Gallows Tree |
Gallows Tree
Gallows Tree
Gallows Tree |
James Halliburton William Hume William Crozier |
018.02 |
A natural Ash Tree in the ruins of Tushielaw Tower and the supposed tree that Adam Scott was hung upon when the Tower was destroyed by James V
Pitcairns Criminal Trials Vol. [Volume] 1. page 145 states Adam Scot was executed in Edinboro. |
OS1/30/3/101 |
Rabbit's Hole |
Rabbits Hole
Rabbits Hole
Rabbits Hole |
James Halliburton
William Hume
William Crozier |
018.02 |
A large hole or Cleuch on the west face of Cacra Bank. There were a great number of Rabbits there at one time from which it derives its name. |
OS1/30/3/101 |
[Page] 101
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 18-2 -- Described by G. Turner Sap R. E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/101 |
Some of the Description Remarks have been corrected and added to in red and blue ink and initialled JL |
OS1/30/3/102 |
Smail Burn |
Smail Burn
Smail Burn
Smail Burn
Smail Burn |
William Crozier Cacrabank
William Hume Tushielaw Inn
James Halliburton Tushielaw
W. Copeland Esq Factor. Thirlstane |
018.02 |
A small stream rising on Tushie Law and flowing into the Ettrick Water at Tushielaw Inn |
OS1/30/3/102 |
Tushielaw Inn |
Tushielaw Inn
Tushielaw Inn
Tushielaw Inn |
James Halliburton William Hume William Crozier |
018.02 |
A small Inn on the road between Selkirk and Moffat. There is also a Toll Bar [attached]
The property of the Road [Trustees] of Selkirk |
OS1/30/3/102 |
Cacra Bank |
Cacra Bank
Cacra Bank
Cacra Bank |
William Crozier
William Hume
James Halliburton |
018.02 |
The South face of Cacra Hill with a number of natural [trees] scattered over the face of it being the remains of a part of the old Ettrick Forest. |
OS1/30/3/102 |
Cacrabank |
Cacrabank |
William Hume James Halliburton
William Crozier |
018.02 |
A farm house 2 stories high with outhouses a good garden and [pasture] farm attached. the property of B J.G Anderson Esqr |
OS1/30/3/102 |
[Page] 102
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 18-2 -- Described by G. Turner Sap R. E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/103 |
Hopehouse |
Hopehouse |
James Halliburton Tushielaw
William Laidlaw Annelshope
William Hume Tushielaw Inn |
018.06 |
A small hamlet with a smithy and Fair green. The property of Lord Napier of Thirlstane Castle. The houses are princapally inhabited by men working on the surounding farms |
OS1/30/3/103 |
Thirlestane Fair Green |
Thirlestane Fair Green
Thirlestane Fair Green
Thirlestane Fair Green |
James Halliburton
William Laidlaw
William Hume |
018.06 |
A small green where Thirlstane Fair is held 4 times in the year for the sale of sheep and the hiring of farm Servants |
OS1/30/3/103 |
Ettrickside |
Ettrickside |
James Halliburton
William Laidlaw
William Hume |
018.06 |
A farmhouse two stories high with outhouses a garden and small pasture farm attached The property of Lord Napier |
OS1/30/3/103 |
Flockfield |
Flockfield (In ruins)
Flockfield (In ruins)
Flockfield (In ruins) |
William Laidlaw
William Hume
James Halliburton |
018.06 |
The remains of a small farm house The property of Lord Napier |
OS1/30/3/103 |
[Page] 103
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 18-6 -- Described by G. Turner Sap R. E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
[In Modes of spelling is written] 'Thirlestane See pages 77. 78 and 87' |
OS1/30/3/104 |
Annelshope |
Annelshope |
James Halliburton William Laidlaw William Hume |
018.06 |
A neatly built farmhouse with good Offices a garden and large pasture farm attached. The property of His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/30/3/104 |
Holly Sike |
Holly Sike
Holly Sike
Holly Sike |
William Laidlaw William Hume
James Halliburton |
018.06 |
A Small Stream rising at the foot of of Annelshope Hill and flowing into Annelshope Burn at Annelshope |
OS1/30/3/104 |
Hopehouse Burn |
Hopehouse Burn
Hopehouse Burn
Hopehouse Burn |
Mr. Shankie, Hopehouse
William Laidlaw.
Alexander Laidlaw. |
018.02 ; 018.06 |
A considerably sized Burn formed by the junction of Gate Burn and Shepherd's Cleuch and flowing S. [South] eastwardly past Thirlestane Hope, where it receives "Kings Grain" proceeds S. [South] Eastwardly past "Hopehouse" and falls into Ettrick about 20 chains below Hopehouse- |
OS1/30/3/104 |
[Page] 104
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 18-6 -- Described by G. Turner Sap R. E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/105 |
Annelshope Hill |
Annelshope Hill
Annelshope Hill
Annelshope Hill
Annelshope |
Mr Halliburton
Mr Shankie Hope Ho. [House]
Mr Hume Tushielaw
W. Copeland Factor, Thirlestane |
018.06 |
A Hill of Considerable elevation. situated about 1 mile East of Hopehouse |
OS1/30/3/105 |
Annelshope Burn |
Annelshope Burn
Annelshope Burn
Annelshope Burn
Annelshope Burn |
Mr Halliburton
Mr Shankie Hope Ho. [House]
Mr Hume Tushielaw
Walter Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018.06 |
A Stream rising near the top of Annelshope Hill and flowing into the Ettrick water at Hopehouse. |
OS1/30/3/105 |
[Page] 105
Sheet 18-6 --Trace 6 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Described by Corpl. [Corporal] Leslie R. E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/106 |
[Page] 106
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/107 |
Birkie Sike |
Birkie Sike
Birkie Sike
Birkie Sike |
Andrew Byers.
Matthew Palmer.
James Bailey. |
018 |
A small Stream rising on the North side of Greyhound Law and flowing into Timah Water. |
OS1/30/3/107 |
Gatecleuch Sike |
Gatecleuch Sike
Gatecleuch Sike
Gatecleuch Sike |
Andrew Byers.
Matthew Palmer.
James Bailey. |
018 |
A Small Mountain stream rising on the S.W. [South West] side of Law Kneis and flowing int Timah Water. |
OS1/30/3/107 |
Greyhound Law |
Greyhound Law
Greyhound Law
Greyhound Law
Greyhound Law |
Andrew Byers.
Matthew Palmer.
James Bailey
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A Small hill or knowe on the west side of Timah Water, covered with rough pasture, and forming part of Midgehope farm. |
OS1/30/3/107 |
[Page] 107
Sheet 18 --Trace 4 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Described by J. McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/108 |
Dunhope Burn |
Dunhope Burn
Dunhope Burn
Dunhope Burn |
Andrew Byers
Matthew Palmer
James Bailey |
017 ; 018 |
A Small Mountain Stream rising near the Summit of Dunhope Law and flowing eastward till it falls into Timah Water- |
OS1/30/3/108 |
Mountcommon Hill |
Mountcommon Hill
Mountcommon Hill
Mountcommon Hill
Mountcommon Hill
Mountcommon Hill |
Andrew Byers
Matthew Palmer
James Bailey
County Map
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
018 |
A hill of considerable elevation situated on the South west side of Law Kneis- |
OS1/30/3/108 |
Meerlees |
Meerlees |
Andrew Byers Matthew Palmer James Bailey |
018 |
A dwelling house tenanted by one of the Shepherds of Phenzhopehaugh. A house now unoccupied and in a ruinous condition- a little to the East was formerly called Meerlees but, this house to which the name is written on to the Plan is the present Meerlees, "old walls" written to the other- |
OS1/30/3/108 |
[Page] 108
Sheet 18 -- Trace 4 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Described by J. McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/109 |
Rashie Grain |
Rashie Grain
Rashie Grain
Rashie Grain |
John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Simon Dalgliesh, Phewhope.
James Dalgliesh, Craighill. |
020 |
Rashie Grain issues from between King Fell and Hopeton Craig Hill, and flows northerly a Short distance - into the Ettrick Water- |
OS1/30/3/109 |
Red Scar |
Red Scar
Red Scar
Red Scar |
John Dalgliesh, Potburn Simon Dalgliesh, Phewhope. James Dalgliesh, Craighill. |
020 |
Red Scar is a Short way north of Rashie Grain, between Hopeton Craig and the Fell; at its head a Small Stream rises, and flows into the Ettrick leaving on both sides a Scar, which by natives are usually called Scours" |
OS1/30/3/109 |
Midden Sike |
Midden Sike
Midden Sike
Midden Sike
Sike |
John Dalgliesh, Potburn Simon Dalgliesh, Phewhope
James Dalgliesh, Craighill.
Jamessons Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
Midden Syke has its Source on the north Side of Midden Hill, from where it flows East into the Ettrick, a Short distance above Fauldhope - |
OS1/30/3/109 |
Entertrona Burn |
Entertrona Burn
Entertrona Burn
Entertrona Burn
Entertrona Burn |
John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Simon Dalgliesh, Phewhope.
James Dalgliesh, Craighill.
W Copeland Esq. Factor, Thirlestane |
020 |
Entertrona Burn rises between The Fell and Ettrick Pen, and flows northerly into the Ettrick, beside Over Fauldhope - |
OS1/30/3/109 |
Pen Sike |
Pen Syke
Pen Syke
Pen Syke |
John Dalgliesh, Potburn Simon Dalgliesh, Phewhope. James Dalgliesh, Craighill. |
020 |
Pen Syke is a Small Stream, forking of the middle of Entertrona Burn. East to its Source, between Ettrick Pen and Maillie's Knowe - |
OS1/30/3/109 |
[Page] 109
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 20 No. 1 -- Trace 4 |
OS1/30/3/110 |
Ettrick Water |
Ettrick Water
Ettrick Water
Ettrick Water |
John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Simon Dalgliesh, Phawhope
James Dalgliesh, Craighill |
014 ; 018 ; 017 ; 020 |
The Ettrick rises out of a moss between Capel Fell and Wind Fell, about a mile and a half above the farmhouse of Potburn; from there it takes a North Easterly direction, leaving the parish, two miles below Tushielaw. After passing through Yarrow and Selkirk parishes, and running a course of nearly 30 miles, it is lost in the Tweed, between Sunderland Hall and Abbotsford - |
OS1/30/3/110 |
Black Burn |
Black Burn
Black Burn
Black Burn |
John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Simon Dalgliesh, Phawhope
James Dalgliesh, Craighill |
020 |
Black Burn has its Source at the east side of Capell Fell, and flows east to the Ettrick, a short distance from which it rises South of Midden Hill. |
OS1/30/3/110 |
Little Black Burn |
Little Black Burn
Little Black Burn
Little Black Burn |
John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Simon Dalgliesh, Phawhope
James Dalgliesh, Craighill |
020 |
Little Black Burn rises on the South Side of Graham's Law, and flows into Black Burn, near its confluence with the Ettrick. |
OS1/30/3/110 |
[Page] 110
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] -- Sheet 20 -- Trace 4 |
OS1/30/3/111 |
Smidhope Head |
Smid Hope Head
Smid Hope Head
Smid Hope Head |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighill |
020 |
Smid Hope Head is a high hill covered with rough pasture, at the west end - or head of Smid Hope, The Co. [County] Boundary crosses its summit. |
OS1/30/3/111 |
Smidhope Hill |
Smid Hope Hill
Middlefield Hill |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighill
See the Dumfries Place |
020 |
Smid Hope Hill o'er [over] which the Co [County] boundary passes, is of considerable height - and is South of Smid Hope Head -- |
OS1/30/3/111 |
Capel Fell |
Capel Fell
Capple Fell
Capel Fell |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighill
See the Dumfries Place
New Statistical Account Page 60 |
020 |
Capel Fell, south of Smid Hope Hill - on the Co. [County] boundary, is one of the highest hills in the south end of the parish, |
OS1/30/3/111 |
Graham's Law |
Grahams Law |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighill |
020 |
"Graham's Law" - so named from a tradition of Graham of Claverhouse, having ridden full speed across its side, while in pursuit of Covenanters, - is a high hill East from Smid Hope Hill -- |
OS1/30/3/111 |
[Page] 111
Ettrick Parish -- Sheet 20 -- Trace 4 |
OS1/30/3/112 |
Smid Hope |
Smid Hope
Smid Hope
Smid Hope |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalglish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighill |
020 |
Smid Hope is a long Valley -- North of Smidhope Hill, covered with rough pasture & extends Southwards to Over Fauldhope, Through its centre flows a small burn, into the Ettrick Water - |
OS1/30/3/112 |
Little Smid Hope |
Little Smid Hope |
John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Simon Dalgliesh, Phawhope
James Dalgliesh, Craighill |
020 |
Little Smid Hope, a small valley, extends from between Graham's Law & Smid Hope Hill, eastward to its junction with Smid Hope, near Fauldhope -- At its head a small stream rises, and flows through its centre into the burn flowing from Smid Hope -- The natives referring to either of these burns, - call them after the "Hopes" - |
OS1/30/3/112 |
Smidhope Sike |
Smid Hope Sike |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalglish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighill |
020 |
Smid Hope Syke, is a Small Stream rising out of the North Side of Graham's Law, and flows into Little Smid Hope burn. |
OS1/30/3/112 |
Midden Hill |
Midden Hill |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalglish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighill |
020 |
Midden Hill, is a high hill covered [with] rough pasture, -- between Graham's Law and the Ettrick. |
OS1/30/3/112 |
[Page] 112
Ettrick Parish -- Sheet 20 -- Trace 4 |
OS1/30/3/113 |
Blue Cairn Hill |
Blue Cairn Hill
Blue Cairn Hill
Blue Cairn Hill
Blue Cairn Hill |
John Little, Foulbog
John Moffat, Glendeary
John Anderson, Ettrick |
020 |
A considerable eminence, over which the County Boundary runs that divides Selkirk from Dumfries, There is a cairn on the Dumfries side of the Hill from which it derives its name, |
OS1/30/3/113 |
Mid Rig |
Mid Rig
Mid Rig
Mid Rig
Mid Rig |
John Little
John Moffat
John Anderson
On the Dumfries Plan |
020 |
An elevated ridge of rough pasture land lying between the Counties of Selkirk and Dumfries, |
OS1/30/3/113 |
March Gill |
March Gill
March Gill
March Gill
March Gill |
John Little
John Moffat
John Anderson
On the Dumfries Plan |
020 |
A small artificial stream lying between the Counties of Selkirk and Dumfries, |
OS1/30/3/113 |
[Page] 113
Sheet 20 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected by C. E. Hewitt Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/114 |
Little Nick |
Little Nick
Little Nick
Little Nick |
Mr Dalgliesh, Potburn
J. Davidson, Ettrick
J. Anderson, Ettrick |
020 |
A small hollow feature lying between Ettrick Pen and Wind Fell, across which the County Boundary runs |
OS1/30/3/114 |
Ettrick Head |
Ettrick Head
Ettrick Head
Ettrick Head
Ettrick Head |
Mr Dalgliesh
J. Davidson
J. Anderson
Chalmer's Caledonia |
020 |
This name applies to a portion of Moorland at the extremity of the County and the source of the Water of that name, |
OS1/30/3/114 |
Straight Sike |
Straight Sike |
Mr Andrew Scott. N. [North] Phawhope
Mr John Anderson. Broadgairhill
Mr Walter Elliot. O. [Over] Kirkhope |
020 |
A hollow on the N [North] West of Phawhope Hill, through which a stream flows. |
OS1/30/3/114 |
[Page] 114
Sheet 20 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected by C. E. Hewitt Sapr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/30/3/115 |
Steps of Glendearg |
Steps of Glendearg
Steps of Glendearg
Steps of Glendearg
Steps of Glendearg
Steps of Glendearg
Glendearg |
Mr A. Scott, N [North] Phawhope
Mr J. Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr W. Elliot, O. [Over] Kirkhope
Mr J. Herd. Teacher, Ettrick
John Moffat. Glendearg
Jeffrey's History of Roxburghshire |
020 |
This name applies to stones, laid across the small moss, at the head of Glendearg Burn: The stones numbered upwards of of twenty, and are laid at stepping distances -- apart, along the watershed, or boundary -- about 70 links on the Dumfries side No traditions respecting their use can be learnt in the locality; but -- by some, the name is supposed to have originated -- by the spot being rocky, and through there being a foot path crossing it in to the 'Glen Dearg' -- in Dumfriesshire |
OS1/30/3/115 |
Fauld Sike |
Fauld Syke
Sike |
Mr A. Scott, N. [North] Phawhope
Mr J. Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr W. Elliot, O. [Over] Kirkhope.
Mr J. Herd. Teacher, Ettrick
John Moffat, Glendearg
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
A small burn - rising out of mossy ground, on the South East side of Phawhope Kips, and flowing in an Easterly course into Glendearg Burn - |
OS1/30/3/115 |
[Page] 115
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 20 -- Trace 2
[Note Steps of Glendearg] -- see next Page |
OS1/30/3/116 |
Swang Bog |
Swang Bog
Swang Bog
Swang Bog |
Mr Andrew Scott, N. [North] Phawhope
Mr John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr Walter Elliot, O. [Over] Kirkhope. |
020 |
A mossy patch of hilly ground, a short distance South of Phawhope Hill, common to the county boundary, and, on the East side of Glend [Glendearg] Burn -- |
OS1/30/3/116 |
Glendearg Burn |
Glendearg Burn
Glendearg |
Mr Andrew Scott, N. [North] Phawhope
Mr John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr Walter Elliot, O. [Over] Kirkhope.
Jeffrey's History of Roxburghshire |
020 |
Glendearg Burn rises out of a patch of Moss, at the water-shed, of the boundary-- between the two Counties, And flows in a northerly course, to its Confluence with Ettrick Water, opposite Broadgairhill -- |
OS1/30/3/116 |
Swang Sike |
Swang Syke
Swany Sike |
Mr Andrew Scott, N. [North] Phawhope
Mr John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr Walter Elliot, O. [Over] Kirkhope.
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
W Copeland. Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
020 |
A streamlet - flowing west into Glendearg Burn, from some drains out of the Swang Bog. |
OS1/30/3/116 |
[Page] 116
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 20-- Trace 2 -- Described by c/a [civilian assistant] McK [McKay]
[Notes Glendeary Burn] -- Dearg - Red, red color, crimson; redden,
make red, makes an impression --
Deargan - Red stain-- Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
Dairg - Chalmers Caledonian Vol [Volume] 2 Page 971 |
OS1/30/3/117 |
Nether Craig |
Nether Craig
Nether Craig
Nether Craig |
William Rutherford
Adam Pringle
Andrew Byers |
020 |
A hill situated on the south of "Over Craig" between Over, Dalgliesh, and Nether Dalgliesh Burns -- |
OS1/30/3/117 |
Black Cleuch Sike |
Black Cleuch Syke
Black Cleuch Syke
Black Cleuch Syke
Cleuch Sike |
William Rutherford
Adam Pringle
Andrew Byers
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
A small stream rising on the north side of "Wedder Law" and flowing eastwards till it joins Over Dalgliesh Burn. |
OS1/30/3/117 |
Drowning Sike |
Drowning Syke
Drowning Syke
Drowning Syke
Drowning Sike |
William Rutherford
Adam Pringle
Andrew Byers
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
W. Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlstane |
020 |
A small stream issuing out of some Mossy land on the S [South] of Blue Cairn HIll |
OS1/30/3/117 |
[Page] 117
Sheet 20 -- Trace 3 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J McDiarmid c/a [civilian assistant]
[Note -- Entry on Wedder Law - spelling and authorities crossed out.] Description: One of a range of high hills forming the boundary between Selkirkshire and Dumfriesshire --
[Note below entry on Wedder Law] -- The proper name of this Hill is - "Blue Cairn Hill". See Page 113 -- |
OS1/30/3/118 |
Sheepshank Sike |
Sheepshank Syke
Sheepshank Syke
Sheepshank Syke
Sike |
William Rutherford
Adam Pringle
Andrew Byers
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
A small stream rising on the east side of Glencarry Hill and flowing eastwards till it falls in to "Glencarry Burn" |
OS1/30/3/118 |
Over Craig |
Over Craig
Over Craig
Over Craig |
William Rutherford
Adam Pringle
Andrew Byers |
020 |
A considerable eminence at the extreme N.W. [North West] end of a high ridge of hills lying between Over. and Nether, Dalgliesh Burns. |
OS1/30/3/118 |
Long Grain |
Long Grain
Long Grain
Long Grain |
William Rutherford
Adam Pringle
Andrew Byers |
020 |
A small stream issuing from Some mossy ground, and flowing eastward into Over Dalglish Burn |
OS1/30/3/118 |
Foul Sike |
Foul Syke
Foul Syke
Foul Syke
Sike |
William Rutherford
Adam Pringle
Andrew Byers
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
A small stream issuing out of a Moss on the S.W. [South West] side of "Over Craig" and flowing Southward till it falls into "Over Dalgliesh Burn" - |
OS1/30/3/118 |
[Page] 118
Sheet 20 -- Trace 3 -- Parish of Ettrick Collected and described by J. McDiarmid c/a [civilian assistant] |
OS1/30/3/119 |
Broad Moss |
Broad Moss
Broad Moss
Broad Moss |
William Hume Over Dalgliesh
James Byers Ramsay Cleugh
William Rutherford Glencarry |
020 |
A large tract of Moss extending for upwards of a mile along the high ridge of hills between Ettrick Glen on the North, and Overdalgliesh on the South. |
OS1/30/3/119 |
Cauld Face |
Cauld Face
Cauld Face
Cauld Face |
William Hume
James Byers
William Rutherford |
020 |
A high ridge of mountain land extending from Glencarry Hill. North Westward to Broad Moss. |
OS1/30/3/119 |
Lamb Sike |
Lamb Syke
Lamb Syke
Lamb Syke
Sike |
William Hume
William Rutherford
James Byers
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
A small stream rising on the N.E. [North East] side of "Cauld Face" and flowing into "Glencarry Burn" |
OS1/30/3/119 |
Black Grain |
Black Grain
Black Grain
Black Grain |
William Hume
William Rutherford
James Byers |
020 |
A Small Stream rising in "Broad" " Moss" and flowing eastward till it joins another Small Stream called the "Hay Grain": from their confluence. the stream takes the name of Glencarry Burn -- |
OS1/30/3/119 |
[Page] 119
Sheet 20 -- Trace 3-- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J. McDiarmid 21st Nov [November] 1857. |
OS1/30/3/120 |
Hay Grain |
Hay Grain
Hay Grain
Hay Grain |
William Hume
William Rutherford
James Byers |
020 |
A small stream rising on the west of "Dunhope Law" and flowing Southwards; at its junction with the "Black Grain" where the united streams take the name of "Glencarry Burn" -- |
OS1/30/3/120 |
Glenkerry Burn |
Glencarry Burn
Glencarry Burn
Glencarry Burn
Glenkerry |
William Hume
William Rutherford
James Byers
Walter Copeland Esq. Factor, Thirlstane
Chalmers Caledonian Vol [Volume] 2 Page 971
County Map |
020 |
A considerable mountain Stream rising among the hils N.W. [North West] of Glencarry and flowing in a S.E. [South Easterly] direction till it falls into "Timah Water" -- |
OS1/30/3/120 |
Heather Cleuch |
Heather Cleugh
Heather Cleugh
Heather Cleugh |
Adam Pringle Over Dalglish
William Rutherford
Andrew Byers Midgehope |
020 |
A small deep ravine on the South West Side of Dunhope Law through which a Small Stream flows into Glencarry Burn -- |
OS1/30/3/120 |
Glenkerry Hill |
Glencarry Hill
Glencarry Hill
Glencarry Hill
Glenkerry |
Adam Pringle
William Rutherford
Andrew Byers
Walter Copeland Esq. Factor, Thirlestane
Chalmers Caledonia Vol. [Volume] 2 Page 971
County Map |
020 |
A considerable hill on the N.W. [North West] of Glen Carry. |
OS1/30/3/120 |
[Page] 120
Sheet 20 -- Trace 3 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J. McDiarmid
[Note Heather Cleugh] -- Cleuch -- Orders from O.M.O. [Ordnance Maps Office] |
OS1/30/3/121 |
Over Scar |
Over Scar
Over Scar
Over Scar |
Mr John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr Walter Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr John Dalgliesh, Potburn |
017 ; 020 |
Over Scar is a Small Stream, with Scarry banks, rising on hilly ground on the East side of Broadgairhill Burn - and flowing into it. |
OS1/30/3/121 |
Nether Scar |
Nether Scar |
Mr John Anderson, Broadgairhill Mr Walter Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr John Dalgliesh, Potburn |
020 |
Nether Scar - is the Same as the above, and is a little south of Over Scar. they are generally called "Scars" in the neighbourhood, and are chiefly hollows, with Scarry Sides, and having Streamlets flowing in their bottoms. |
OS1/30/3/121 |
Straight Sike |
Straight Syke
Sike |
Mr John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr Walter Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Jamieson's Scottish dictionary |
020 |
Straight Syke is a Streamlet, rising at the north Side of Broadgair Hill and flowing into Broadgairhill Burn. |
OS1/30/3/121 |
Whitson Cleuchs |
Whitson Cleughs
Cleuch |
Mr John Anderson, Broadgairhill Mr Walter Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr John Dalgliesh, Potburn
order from omo |
020 |
Whitson cleughs apply, to a couple of Small hollows, having Streams flowing through their centre, off the north Side of Broadgair Hill, into Range Cleugh burn, a short distance above Little Range Cleugh. |
OS1/30/3/121 |
[Page] 121
Ettrick Ph [Parish] Sheet 20 Trace 1 |
OS1/30/3/122 |
Broadgair Hill |
Broadgair Hill
Broadgair Hill
Broadgair Hill
Broadgair Hill |
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
W. Copeland Esq. Factor, Thirlestane |
020 |
A considerable hill, covered with rough pasture-on the farm of Broadgairhill, and west of the farmhouse. |
OS1/30/3/122 |
Range Cleuch |
Range Cleugh |
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
W. Copeland Esq. Factor, Thirlestane |
020 |
Range Cleugh is a valley, with a burn flowing through its centre, and extends from the junction of East and west Grains; South, to the Ettrick glen. |
OS1/30/3/122 |
Bushie Law |
Bushie Law
Bushie Law |
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgairhill Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
W. Copeland Esq. Factor, Thirlestane |
020 |
Bushie Law is a high hill covered with rough pasture, and with a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit; between, Range Cleuch and Longhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/122 |
Little Range Cleuch |
Little Range Cleugh |
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr. W. Elliot, Kirkhope
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
W. Copeland Esq. Factor, Thirlestane |
020 |
Little Range Cleugh is a hollow, on the north side of Bushie law, having [several] Small Streams joining at its head flow through its centre into Range Cleugh burn. |
OS1/30/3/122 |
[Page] 122
Ettrick Ph [Parish] Sheet 20 Trace 1 Described by c/a [civilian assistant] McKay |
OS1/30/3/123 |
Potburn |
Potburn |
John Dalgliesh, Tenant
Simon Dalgliesh, Phawhope
James Dalgliesh, Craighill
County Map
Chambers Caledonian
New Statistical account |
020 |
Potburn, is a small, neat, farmhouse occupied by John Dalgliesh, and has a large pasture farm attached; the property of J. Potts Esqr. |
OS1/30/3/123 |
Pot Burn |
Pot Burn |
John Dalgliesh, Tenant
Simon Dalgliesh, Phawhope
James Dalgliesh, Craighill
County Map
Chambers Caledonian
New Statistical account |
020 |
A Stream on the farm of Potburn, and rises in some mossland, to the south of Bodsbeck Law; from where it flows Eastwardly into the Ettrick Water, at Potburn. |
OS1/30/3/123 |
Pot Law |
Pot Law |
John Dalgliesh, Tenant
Simon Dalgliesh, Phawhope
James Dalgliesh, Craighill
County Map
Chambers Caledonian
New Statistical account |
020 |
Pot Law is a considerable hill, north of Potburn, covered with rough pasture, and having a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit. |
OS1/30/3/123 |
Longhope Burn |
Longhope Burn |
John Dalgliesh, Tenant
Simon Dalgliesh, Phawhope
James Dalgliesh, Craighill
County Map
Chambers Caledonian
New Statistical account |
020 |
A Strong Stream having its Source in a piece of mossy land on the north Side of Pot Law; from where, it flows Southwardly into Ettrick Water. a short distance below Potburn. |
OS1/30/3/123 |
[Page] 123
Ettrick Ph [Parish] Sheet 20 Trace 1 Described by c/a [civilian assistant] McKay |
OS1/30/3/124 |
Bodsbeck Law |
Bodsbeck Law
Bodsbeck Law
Bodsbeck Law
Bodsbeck Law |
Mr. James Dalgliesh, Craighill
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Mr. William Anderson, Broadgairhill
On the Dumfries Plan |
020 |
A high hill on the co. [County] boundary to the west of Pot Law; it is covered with rough pasture, and is on the farm of Potburn. |
OS1/30/3/124 |
Whiteyaud Head |
Whiteyad Head
yaud |
Mr. James Dalgliesh, Craighill
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Mr. William Anderson, Broadgairhill
An old Mare, Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
The cry made by a shepherd to his dog when he has to drive away some sheep at a distance, Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
A hill on the Co. [County] boundary - covered with rough pasture, and Stony near its Summit. At its base, rises, Whiteyad Burn, from which it is named. |
OS1/30/3/124 |
Whiteyaud Burn |
Whiteyad Burn
Whiteyaud Burn |
Mr. James Dalgliesh, Craighill
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Mr. William Anderson, Broadgairhill
See above
W. Copeland Esq. Factor, Thirlestane |
A small Stream which rises on the East side of Whiteyad Head and flows into the Range Cleugh burn, on the north Side of Bught Hill. |
OS1/30/3/124 |
Bught Hill |
Bught Hill
Bught |
Mr. James Dalgliesh, Craighill
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Mr. William Anderson, Broadgairhill
A pen in which the ewes are milked, Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
A high hill between Loughope and Whiteyad Burn; it is covered with rough passture, and has on its summit a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station |
OS1/30/3/124 |
Bught Sike |
Bught Syke
Sike |
Mr. James Dalgliesh, Craighill
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Mr. William Anderson, Broadgairhill
Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
A Small Stream flowing off Bught [Hill] into Whiteyad Burn. |
OS1/30/3/124 |
[Page] 124
Ettrick Ph [Parish] Sheet 20 Trace 1 |
OS1/30/3/125 |
Nether Hill |
Nether Hill
Nether Hill
Nether Hill |
Mr John Anderson Tenant
Mr John Dalgliesh Tenant
Mr James Dalgliesh Tenant |
020 |
Nether Hill - is of Considerable elevation Covered with Rough pasture a little North of Broadgairhill. |
OS1/30/3/125 |
March Sike |
March Syke
March Syke
March Syke |
Mr John Anderson Tenant Mr John Dalgliesh Tenant Mr James Dalgliesh Tenant |
020 |
March Syke is a ravine or hollow through which runs a Small Stream rising out of Moss land at the North Side of Nether Hill and flows South into the Ettrick Water opposite nether Phawhope. it divides the farms of Broadgairhill and Kirkhope. |
OS1/30/3/125 |
Little Sike |
Little Sike |
Mr John Anderson Tenant Mr John Dalgliesh Tenant Mr James Dalgliesh Tenant |
020 |
A small Stream rising on the N.E. [North East] of Broadgair Hill and flowing into Broadgairhill Burn a little below Straight Sike. |
OS1/30/3/125 |
[Page] 125
Parish of Ettrick Sheet 20 Trace 1 Described by c/a [civilian assistant] McKay
Copied from 20 Trace 2 by Corpl [Corporal] Leslie |
OS1/30/3/126 |
[Page] 126
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/127 |
Black Knowe Head |
Black Knowe Head
Black Knowe Head
Black Knowe Head |
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Mr. Walter Elliot, Kirkhope |
020 |
A high hill covered with rough pasture having, on its Summit a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station, and Situated on the farm of Broadgairhill. |
OS1/30/3/127 |
Great Gill |
Great Gill |
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgairhill Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Mr. Walter Elliot, Kirkhope |
020 |
A Small Stream of zig-zag form-flowing off the South Side of Blackknowehead into Range Cleugh burn. |
OS1/30/3/127 |
Trotting Sike |
Trotting Syke
Sike |
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Mr. Walter Elliot, Kirkhope
Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
020 |
Trotting Syke-is a Small Stream, rising out of Moss land, on Black-knowe head and flowing into Broadgairhill Burn. |
OS1/30/3/127 |
Broadgairhill Burn |
Broadgairhill Burn
Broadgairhill Burn |
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgairhill
Mr. John Dalgliesh, Potburn
Mr. Walter Elliot, Kirkhope
W. Copeland Esq, Factor Thirlestane Castle |
017 ; 020 |
A Stream having its source in mossland on the north Side of Black Knowe Head and flows southerly to the farmhouse of Broadgairhill, where it joins the Ettrick Water. |
OS1/30/3/127 |
[Page] 127
Ettrick Ph [Parish] Sheet 20 Trace 1 |
OS1/30/3/127 |
Ettrick Ph. [Parish] Sheet 20 - Trace 1 |
OS1/30/3/128 |
Nowt Rig |
Nowt Rig
Nowt Rig
Nowt Rig |
Mr. John Dalgleish, Potburn
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgrainhill
Mr. Walter Elliot, Kirkhope |
020 |
A Small hill between Whittad burn and West Grain, it is covered with rough pasture and is on Pot [Burn] Farm. |
OS1/30/3/128 |
Nowt Rig Head |
Nowt Rig Head |
Mr. John Dalgleish, Potburn
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgrainhill
Mr. Walter Elliot, Kirkhope |
020 |
The prolongation of Nowt Rig to Co. [County] boundary, which is its Summit, [it] has a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station upon it. |
OS1/30/3/128 |
West Grain |
West Grain |
Mr. John Dalgleish, Potburn Mr. John Anderson, Broadgrainhill Mr. Walter Elliot, Kirkhope |
020 |
A small Stream rising out of [marsh] land, at the north Side of Nowt Rig Head, and flows East _ to its junction with East Grain, at the head of Range Cleugh. |
OS1/30/3/128 |
East Grain |
East Grain |
Mr. John Dalgleish, Potburn Mr. John Anderson, Broadgrainhill Mr. Walter Elliot, Kirkhope |
017 ; 020 |
East Grain has its Source, on the north Side of the Mid Rig, on the farm of Broadgairhill, and flows Southerly to its confluence with West Grain_ |
OS1/30/3/128 |
[Page] 128
Ettrick Ph. [Parish]
Sheet 20 Trace 1.
Described by c/a [Civilian Assistant] McKay |
OS1/30/3/129 |
Broadgairhill |
Broadgairhill |
Mr. John Anderson, Tenant.
Mr. John Dalgleish, Potburn
Mr. James Dalgleish, Craighill
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
020 |
A small farm house, two Stories high_tenanted by John Anderson, and the property of J. Pott, Esqr. |
OS1/30/3/129 |
[Page] 129
Ettrick Ph. [Parish]
Sheet 20_Trace2. |
OS1/30/3/130 |
Old Town Sikes |
Old Town Sykes
Old Town Sykes
Old Town Sykes |
Mr. John Dalgleish, Potburn
Mr. Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
Mr. James Dalgleish, Graighill |
020 |
Old Town Sykes Are two Streams flowing from the north Side of Mailies Knowe into the Ettrick Water and, uniting previously, at where the old farm steading of Phawhope stood. |
OS1/30/3/130 |
Birnie Cleuch |
Birnie Cleugh
Birnie Cleuch |
Mr. John Dalgleish, Potburn
Mr. Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
Mr. James Dalgleish, Craighill
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
020 |
A small Cleugh a Short distance east from Old Town Sykes, having a Stream flowing through its centre and a plantation at the north en[d] It is also the march between Over & N [Nether] Phawhopes. |
OS1/30/3/130 |
Birnie Brae |
Birnie Brae |
Mr. John Dalgleish, Potburn
Mr. Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
Mr. James Dalgleish, Craighill |
020 |
Birnie Brae is the hill Side, to the east of Birnie Cleugh. It is covered with rough pasture and is on the farm of Nether Phawhope. |
OS1/30/3/130 |
[Page] 130
Ettrick Ph. [Parish]
Sheet 20_Trace 1.
Described by c/a [Civilian Assistant] McKay
Sike Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
Cleuch Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/130 |
Text missing from the description of Birnie Brae |
OS1/30/3/131 |
Phawhope Coomb |
Phawhope Coomb
Pawhope Coom
Pawhope Coom
Pawhope Coom |
W Copeland. Factor. Thirlestane
Mr A Scott , N. [Nether] Phawhope
Mr J Anderson, Broadgainhill
Mr. W Elliot, O [Over] Kirkhope |
020 |
A great circular Shaped Valley, between Phawhope Kips and Ettrick Pen; it is covered with rough pasture, and in it Several streams have their source. |
OS1/30/3/131 |
Coomb Burn |
Coom Burn |
W Copeland. Factor. Thirlestane
Mr A Scott , N. [Nether] Phawhope
Mr J Anderson, Broadgainhill
Mr. W Elliot, O [Over] Kirkhope |
020 |
A stream rising , at the head of Phawhope Coom; and flowing through it, discharges into Ettrick Water, near Broadgainhill. |
OS1/30/3/131 |
Bloody Cleuch |
Bloody Cleugh |
W Copeland. Factor. Thirlestane
Mr A Scott , N. [Nether] Phawhope
Mr J Anderson, Broadgainhill
Mr. W Elliot, O [Over] Kirkhope |
020 |
A small hollow, having a stream flowing through it, on the east side of Phawhope Coom. |
OS1/30/3/131 |
Kip Sike |
Kip Syke |
W Copeland. Factor. Thirlestane
Mr A Scott , N. [Nether] Phawhope
Mr J Anderson, Broadgainhill
Mr. W Elliot, O [Over] Kirkhope |
020 |
A short streamlet rising, on the west side of the Kips; and flowing into Coom Burn north of Bloody Cleugh. |
OS1/30/3/131 |
[Page] 131
Ettrick Ph [Parish] -- Sheet 20. Trace 2.
[Notes] "Coomb" The bosom of a hill, having a cemi-circular form. Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
Coomb - See above
Cleuch Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary. orders from the O.M.O. [Ordnance Mapping Office]
Sike Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/132 |
Rowantree Gutter |
Rowantree Gutter
Rowantree Gutter
Rowantree Gutter |
Mr. A Scott, N. [Nether] Phawhope
Mr. J Anderson, Broadgainhill
Mr. W Elliot, O. [Over] Kirkhope |
020 |
A Small Stream rising out of Mossland on the N.E. [North East] side of Phawhope Kips, and flowing east_ through a Small plantation, into Glendearg Burn, a Short way north of Fauld Syke. |
OS1/30/3/132 |
Little Rowantree Gutter |
Little Rowantree Gutter |
Mr. A Scott, N. [Nether] Phawhope
Mr. J Anderson, Broadgainhill
Mr. W Elliot, O. [Over] Kirkhope |
020 |
A Shorter Stream then the above rising, a little northward, on the Same hill, and flowing into Glendearg Burn_ |
OS1/30/3/132 |
Phawhope Kips |
Phawhope Kips
Phawhope Kips |
Mr. A Scott, N. [Nether] Phawhope
Mr. J Anderson, Broadgainhill Mr. W Elliot, O. [Over] Kirkhope
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
020 |
This name applies to Several Kno[wes] on the Summit of a considerable hill, on which, there is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station on the farm of Nether Phawhope |
OS1/30/3/132 |
Sentinel Knowe |
Sentinel Knowe |
Mr. A Scott, N. [Nether] Phawhope
Mr. J Anderson, Broadgainhill
Mr. W Elliot, O. [Over] Kirkhope
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
020 |
Sentinel Knowe is A Small eminence at the noth end of 'The Kips' and on the west Side of Glendearg Burn. |
OS1/30/3/132 |
[Page] 132
Ettrick Ph. [Pharish]
Sheet 20. Trace 2.
Described by c/a [Civilian Assistant] McKay
Rowan-Tree The Mountain Ash - Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
The Kipps on the Dumfries Plan_ |
OS1/30/3/133 |
Bell Cleuch |
Bell Cleugh
Bell Cleugh
Bell Cleugh |
Mr. A. Scott, Nether Phawhope
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgrainhill
Mr. W. Elliot, Over Kirkhope |
020 |
A Small hollow on the west Side of Lochy Law, with a Stream flowing through its centre, which joins the Phawhope Burn. |
OS1/30/3/133 |
Bell Brae |
Bell Brae |
Mr. A. Scott, Nether Phawhope
Mr. John Anderson, Broadgrainhill
Mr. W. Elliot, Over Kirkhope |
020 |
Bell Brae is the west side of Lochy Law, between N. [North] Phawhope & Bell Cleugh, it is covered with rough pasture. |
OS1/30/3/133 |
Black Knowe |
Black Knowe |
Mr. A. Scott, Nether Phawhope Mr. John Anderson, Broadgrainhill
Mr. W. Elliot, Over Kirkhope |
020 |
Black Knowe _ is a high hill, covered with pasture, and having a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station upon it; Situated a little South of Lochy Law_ |
OS1/30/3/133 |
Phawhope Hill |
Phawhope Hill
Phawhope Hill |
Mr. A. Scott, Nether Phawhope Mr. John Anderson, Broadgrainhill Mr. W. Elliot, Over Kirkhope
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
020 |
A considerable hill, covered with pasture, and a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station upon it, situated South of N. [Nether] Phawhope. |
OS1/30/3/133 |
[Page] 133
Ettrick Ph. [Parish]
Sheet 20 Trace 2.
Cleuch Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary. |
OS1/30/3/134 |
Nowt Hill |
Nowt Hill
Nowt Hill
Nowt Hill |
Mr. W. Scott, Nether Phawhope
Mr. W. Elliot, Over Kirkhope
Mr. J. Anderson, Broadgate |
020 |
A high hill_ between March Syke and Over Kirkhope. It is on the farm of Kirkhope. |
OS1/30/3/134 |
Nether Phawhope |
Nether Phawhope |
Mr. W. Scott, Nether Phawhope
Mr. W. Elliot, Over Kirkhope hill
Mr. J. Anderson, Broadgate |
020 |
A Small farm house, two Stories high with offices etc. attached_ It is tenanted by Mr. Scott, and is the property of J. Pott, Esq. |
OS1/30/3/134 |
Phawhope Burn |
Phawhope Burn
Phawhope Burn |
Mr. W. Scott, Nether Phawhope
Mr. W. Elliot, Over Kirkhope hill
Mr. J. Anderson, Broadgate
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
020 |
A Small burn, having two [---] streamlets_rising out of Moss [Land] about ½ a mile South of N. [Nether] Phawhope and flows past the farm hou[se] into the Ettrick Water_ |
OS1/30/3/134 |
Lochy Law |
Lochy Law |
Mr. W. Scott, Nether Phawhope Mr. W. Elliot, Over Kirkhope hill Mr. J. Anderson, Broadgate W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
020 |
Lochy Law is a high hill [cover]ed with rough pasture and |
OS1/30/3/134 |
[Page] 134
Ettrick Parish
Sheet 20. Trace 2.
Described by c/a [Civilian Assistant] McKay
Nolt } Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
Nowt} |
OS1/30/3/134 |
Lines missing in Lochy Law description |
OS1/30/3/135 |
Wedder Brows |
Wedder Brows
Wedder Brows
Wedder Brows |
Mr. W Blake, Shorthope
Mr. A Scott, N. [North] Phawhope
Mr. W Elliot, O. [Overt] Kirkhope |
020 |
Several small Knowes _ along the Co. [County] Boundary,,_ on the farm of Over Dalgleish, south of Long Grain_ |
OS1/30/3/135 |
[Page] 135
Ettrick Parish
Sheet 20_ Trace 2. |
OS1/30/3/136 |
Hay Grain |
Hay Grain
Hay Grain
Hay Grain |
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthorpe
Mr. A Scott, N [North] Phawhope
Mr W Elliot, O. [Over] Dalgleish |
020 |
A Small Stream rising on the East side of Black Knowe, and flowing into Shorthope Burn, on the farm of Shorthope. |
OS1/30/3/136 |
Drowning Grain |
Drowning Grain
Drowning Grain
Drowning Grain |
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthorpe Mr. A Scott, N [North] Phawhope Mr W Elliot, O. [Over] Dalgleish |
020 |
A Small Stream having its Source on the Same hill, a little, South of the above, and also flowing into Shorthope Burn_ |
OS1/30/3/136 |
Long Grain |
Long Grain
Long Grain
Long Grain |
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthorpe
Mr. A Scott, N [North] Phawhope
Mr W Elliot, O. [Over] Dalgleish |
020 |
Long Grain, on the same farm as the above, has it's Source in moss land, and flows east into Over Dalgleis Burn. |
OS1/30/3/136 |
Shorthope Sike |
Shorthope Syke
Shorthope Syke
Shorthope Syke |
Mr. W. Blake, Shorthorpe Mr. A Scott, N [North] Phawhope Mr W Elliot, O. [Over] Dalgleish |
020 |
Shorthope Syke, on the farm of Over Dalgleish, rises south of Shorthope Burn, and flows into O_ [Over] Dalgleish Burn_ |
OS1/30/3/136 |
[Page] 136
Ettrick Ph. [Parish]
Sheet 20 __Trace 2.
Described by c/a [Civilian Assistant] McKay
Sike Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/137 |
Glencarry |
GlenKerry |
William Rutherford. Glencarry
Adam Pringle. Over Dalgliesh
Andrew Byers. Midgehope
Walter Copeland. Esq. Factor. Thirlestane
Chalmers Caledonai Vol: 11. p. 971
County Map_ |
021 |
A good dwelling house with a garden attached situated on the south side of Glencarry Burn. and occupied by William Rutherford, Shepherd. |
OS1/30/3/137 |
Dunrope Rig |
Dunhope Rig
Dunhope Rig
Dunhope Rig |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
021 |
A high ridge of Mountain land covered with rough pasture. Situated between Dunhope Sike and Glengarry Burn. |
OS1/30/3/137 |
Dunhope Sike |
Dunhope Sike
Dunhope Sike
Dunhope Sike |
William Rutherford,
Andrew Byers.
Adam Pringle. |
021 |
A Small Stream rising near the Summit of Dunhope Law. and flowing eastward till it falls into Timah Water. |
OS1/30/3/137 |
Crow Burn |
Crow Burn
Crow Burn
Crow Burn |
William Rutherford.
Andrew Byers.
Adam Pringle. |
021 |
A small Mountain Stream rising near Mireless and flowing in a Westerly course till it falls into Timah Water. |
OS1/30/3/137 |
[Page] 137
Sheeet 21. Trace 1.
Parish of Ettrick
Collected and described by J McDiarmid C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/30/3/138 |
Hazelaw Knowe |
Hazelaw Knowe
Hazelaw Knowe
Hazelaw Knowe |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
021 |
A Small hill covered with heathy pasture and Situated on the east Side of Timah Water. |
OS1/30/3/138 |
Winghope Knowe |
Winghope Knowe
Winghope Knowe
Winghope Knowe |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
021 |
A high ridge of mountain land covered with rough pasture. And Situated in the South side of Mirelees. |
OS1/30/3/138 |
Ark Law |
Ark Law
Ark Law
Ark Law
Ark Law |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers.
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
021 |
A high hill covered with rough pasture, and Situated between Glencarry and Gair. |
OS1/30/3/138 |
Arklaw Shank |
Arklaw Shank.
Arklaw Shank
Arklaw Shank
Arklaw Shank |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers,
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
021 |
A ridge of mountain land extending eastward from Ark Law_ |
OS1/30/3/138 |
[Page] 138
Sheet 21. Trace 1.
Parish of Ettrick
Collected and described by J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/139 |
Phenshope Rig |
Phenzhope Rig
Phenzhope Rig
Phenzhope Rig
Phenzhope Rig |
Mr Robert Beattie. Ropelawshiel.
Mr John Ammis. Phenzhope.
Mr John Holme. Baldhill.
W Copeland Esq. Thirlestane_ |
021 |
A ridge of high mountain land. extending from "Haze Law", eastward to Rankle Burn. |
OS1/30/3/139 |
Baldhill |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme. |
021 |
A good dwelling house Situated on the east side of Rankle Burn. and occupied by John Holme. Shepherd. It is the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/30/3/139 |
Black Sike |
Black Sike
Black Sike
Black Sike |
Robert Beattie
John Ammis.
John Holme. |
021 |
A small mountain Stream rising on the North side of "Bald Hill", and flowing North Westward to Baldhill where it joins Rankle Burn__ |
OS1/30/3/139 |
Haze Law |
Haze Law
Haze Law
Haze Law
Haze Law |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme.
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
021 |
A hill covered with rough pasture forming a part of the farm of Phenzhope. and situated at the West end of Phenzhope Rig. |
OS1/30/3/139 |
March Sike |
March Sike
March Sike
March Sike |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme. |
021 |
A small mountain Stream, a tributary of Rankle Burn, rising on the South Side of Haze Law. and flowing eastward till it falls into Rankle Burn near Baldhill. |
OS1/30/3/139 |
[Page] 139
Sheeet 21. Trace 2.
Parish of Ettrick
Collected and described by JMcDiarmid ca [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/30/3/140 |
Ropelaw Rig |
Ropelaw Rig
Ropelaw Rig
Ropelaw Rig
Ropelaw Rig |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis,
John Holnge.
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
021 |
A high ridge of mountain land covered with rough pasture, and Situated between March Sike and Ropelaw Sike_ |
OS1/30/3/140 |
Under Hill Head |
Under Hill Head
Under Hill Head
Under Hill Head
Under Hill Head |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme.
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane_ |
021 |
A conspicuous hill covered with rough pasture and Situated between Baldhill and Ropelaw Shiel_ |
OS1/30/3/140 |
Bald Hill |
Bald Hill
Bald Hill
Bald Hill |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme. |
021 |
A considerable hill on the South east Side of Bald hill: the parish boundary runs aross its Summit |
OS1/30/3/140 |
Ropelaw Sike |
Ropelaw Sike
Ropelaw Sike
Ropelaw Sike
Ropelaw Sike |
Robert Beattie
John Ammis.
John Holme.
W Copeland Esq. |
021 |
A ravine or hollow, through which runs a small mountain Stream rising among the hills about a mile to the west of Ropelawshiel. and flowing east till it falls into Rankle Burn. |
OS1/30/3/140 |
Hawdub Knowe |
Howdub Knowe
Howdub Knowe
Howdub Knowe |
Robert Beattie.
John Amis
John Holme |
021 |
A small conical knowe Situated at the west end of Peat Rig |
OS1/30/3/140 |
[Page] 140
Sheet 21. Trace 2.
Parish of Ettrick
Collected & described by JMcDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/141 |
Quickningair Burn |
Quickningair Burn
Quickningair Burn
Quickningair Burn
Quickningair Burn |
Adam Pringle.
John Byers.
William Rutherford
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
021 |
A Mountain Stream rising on the North east Side of Quickningair Hill. and flowing in a Northerly course till it falls into Timah Water_ |
OS1/30/3/141 |
Quickningair Cleuch |
Quickningair Cleuch
Quickningair Cleuch
Quickningair Cleuch
Quickningair Cleuch |
Adam Pringle,
John Byers.
William Rutherford.
W Copeland Esq. |
021 |
A narrow glen on the west of the Green Knows. through which a Stream flows called by the same name - It runs Northward into Timah Water. |
OS1/30/3/141 |
Quickningair Hill |
Quickningair Hill
Quickningair Hill
Quickningair Hill
Quickningair Hill |
Adam Pringle.
John Byers.
William Rutherford.
W Copeland Esq - |
021 |
A high and very conspicuous hill covered with rouch pasture it forms one of a range, dividing the Counties of Selkirk and Dumfries_ |
OS1/30/3/141 |
[Page] 141
Sheet 21. Trace 4 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected & described by JMcDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/142 |
Wester Grain |
Wester Grain
Wester Grain
Wester Grain |
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar.
William Rutherford |
021 |
A small mountain stream rising on the N.E. [North East] side of Quickningair Hill and running in a Northerly course till it meets Easter Grain The stream formed by these, is called Quickningair Burn. |
OS1/30/3/142 |
Easter Grain |
Easter Grain
Easter Grain
Easter Grain |
Adam Pringle,
John Biggar.
William Rutherford. |
021 |
A small mountain stream rising on the South of Green Knowes, and flowing N.W. [North West] till it meets "Wester Grain"-- |
OS1/30/3/142 |
Black Knowe |
Black Knowe
Black Knowe
Black Knowe |
Adam Pringle,
John Byers,
William Rutherford |
021 |
A prominent part of a high ridge of mountain land extending from Quickningair Hill to The Pike -- |
OS1/30/3/142 |
Harebushsike |
Harebush Sike
Harebush Sike
Harebush Sike |
Adam Pringle
John Byers
William Rutherford |
021 |
A Small stream rising on the east side of the Black Knowe and flowing eastward till it falls into Rankle Burn. |
OS1/30/3/142 |
[Page] 142
Sheet 21. Trace 4. -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected & described by JMcDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/143 |
Wind Fell |
Wind Fell
Wind Fell
Wind Fell |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighall |
020 |
Wind Fell, a considerable hill on the Co. [County] boundary _ remarkable as being the second highest hill in the parish, is situated at the head of the Ettrick Water. |
OS1/30/3/143 |
Hopetoun Craig |
Hopetoun Craig |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighall |
020 |
Hopetoun Craig on the summit of which _ the Co. [County] boundary passes, is of considerable height, and is N.E. [North East] of Wind Fell. |
OS1/30/3/143 |
Ettrick Pen |
Ettrick Pen |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighall |
020 |
Ettrick Pew, is the highest hill in the parish, and said to be 2300 feet high, the Co. [County] boundary crosses it, and it is N.E. [North East] of Hopetoun Craig. |
OS1/30/3/143 |
The Fell |
The Fell |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighall |
020 |
The Fell is a considerable eminence between Over Fauldhope & Hopetoun Craig |
OS1/30/3/143 |
Mailie's Knowe |
Mailie's Knowe |
John Dalgleish, Potburn
Simon Dalgleish, Phawhope
James Dalgleish, Craighall |
020 |
Mailie's Knowe, is a high hill covered with rough pasture, east of Over Fauldhope _ |
OS1/30/3/143 |
[Page] 143
Ettrick Parish -- Sheet 20. -- Trace 4
[Note in red after 'Wind 'Fell'] -- Wind Fell on the Dumfries Plan _
[Note in red after 'Hopetoun Craig'] -- Hopetoun Craig on the Dumfries Plan_
[Note in red above 'Mailie's Knowe'] -- Maillie -- An affectionate term for sheep -- Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
Mailie - Dumfriesshire -- Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
Mailie -- Burns. Death of Poor Mailie. -- Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/144 |
Over Phawhope |
Over Phawhope
Over Phawhope
Over Phawhope
Over Phawhope |
Simon Dalgleish, Tenant
John Dalgleish, Potburn
James Dalgleish, Craighill
Walter Copeland Esq Factor, Thirlestane |
020 |
A small steading, one storey high with a pasture farm - attached, Occupied by Simon Dalgleish, And the property of [--] Pott, Esqre. |
OS1/30/3/144 |
Potburn Rig |
Potburn Rig |
Simon Dalgleish, Tenant
John Dalgleish, Potburn
James Dalgleish, Craighill |
020 |
Potburn Rig, is a considerable eminence covered with rough pasture, north of Smid Hope & near to Potburn _ |
OS1/30/3/144 |
[Page] 144
Ettrick Parish -- Sheet 20, Trace 4 |
OS1/30/3/144 |
Over Phawhope -- gap in text with ditto mark, unclear whether it refers to Simon, Dalgleish or is just a gap left for an unknown first name. |
OS1/30/3/145 |
Over Dalgliesh Hope |
Over Dalgliesh Hope
Over Dalgliesh Hope
Over Dalgliesh Hope |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byres. |
020 |
A cottage dwelling with a Small garden attached, & occupied by one of the herds of "Over Dalgliesh"- the property of the Duke of Bucleugh _ |
OS1/30/3/145 |
Nether Dalgliesh Hope |
Nether Dalgliesh Hope
Nether Dalgliesh Hope |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
020 |
A small cottage with a garden attached, and occupied by one of the herds of Over Dalgliesh _ |
OS1/30/3/145 |
Windlestraw Law |
Windlestraw Law
Windlestraw Law
Windlestraw Law
Windlestraw Law |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byrrs.
Walter Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane Castle |
020 ; 021 |
A conspicuous hill situated immediately north of Nether Dalgliesh Hope _ |
OS1/30/3/145 |
Page] 145
Sheet 20. Trace 3.-- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J McDiarmid c.a. [Civilian Assistant]
[Note in red between the third and fourth authorities of 'Windlestraw Law'] -- Windel - Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
Windle -- Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/145 |
We have on this page three different versions for Andrew Byers last name: Byres Byers Byrrs. Later in the document we have a James Byers. |
OS1/30/3/146 |
[Page] 146
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/147 |
Over Dalgliesh |
Over Dalgliesh
Over Dalgliesh
Over Dalgliesh |
William Hume Over Dalgliesh
William Rutherford Glencarry.
James Byers Ramsay Cleugh. |
020 |
A good dwelling house. with garden, a court of farm offices. and a large Sheep farm attached. the house is occupied by one of the herds, and is the property of the Duke of Bucleugh _ |
OS1/30/3/147 |
Cross Hill |
Cross Hill
Cross Hill
Cross Hill |
William Hume.
William Rutherford.
James Byers. |
020 |
A considerable hill, on the west of Over Dalgliesh. over its Summit the Co. [County] boundary crosses _ |
OS1/30/3/147 |
Tima Head |
Timah Head
Timah Head
Timah Head
Tima |
William Hume.
William Rutherford.
James Byers.
Walter Copeland Esq. Factor. Thirlestane
County Map
Fullerton's Gazetteer |
020 ; 021 |
A name applied to where "Timah" "Water" rises |
OS1/30/3/147 |
Tima Water |
Timah Water Timah Water Timah Water
Tima |
William Hume.
William Rutherford.
James Byers.
Walter Copeland Esq. Factor. Thirlestane
County Map
Fullerton's Gazetteer |
020 |
A mountain Stream rising among the hills dividing the Co. [County] of Selkirk & Dumfries and flowing in a north east direction till it falls into Ettrick Water near Ramsay Cleugh _ |
OS1/30/3/147 |
Green Sike |
Green Syke
Green Syke
Green Syke |
William Hume.
William Rutherford.
James Byers. |
020 |
A small stream rising north of "Timah Head" and flowing northwards till it falls into "Timah Water" |
OS1/30/3/147 |
[Page] 147
Sheet 20 Trace 6. -- Parish of Ettrick -- Described by J McDiarmid c.a. [Civilian Assistant]
[Note in red beside 'Green Syke'] Sike __ Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/148 |
Over Dalgliesh Burn |
Over Dalgliesh Burn
Over Dalgliesh Burn
Over Dalgliesh Burn |
William Hume.
William Rutherford.
James Byers. |
020 |
A mountain Stream rising in "Broad Moss" and flowing in a south easterly direction till it joins "Timah Water" about a quarter of a mile east of Over Dalgliesh. |
OS1/30/3/148 |
Easter Cleuch |
Easter Cleugh
Easter Cleugh
Easter Cleugh |
William Hume.
William Rutherford.
James Byers. |
020 ; 021 |
A Small glen or ravine on the South east side of Over Dalgliesh with a Small Stream running through it into "Timah Water" |
OS1/30/3/148 |
Wester Cleuch |
Wester Cleugh
Wester Cleugh
Wester Cleugh |
William Hume
William Rutherford
James Byers. |
020 ; 021 |
A small ravine with a small Stream flowing through it into Timah Water. and Situated South east of Over Dalglish __ |
OS1/30/3/148 |
[Page] 148
Sheet 20. Trace 6. -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J.McDiarmid c.a. [Civilian Assistant]
[Note Easter Cleugh] -- Cleuch - order from O.M.O. [Ordnance Maps Office]
[Note Wester Cleugh] -- Cleuch - order from O.M.O. [Ordnance Maps Office] |
OS1/30/3/149 |
Ropelawshiel |
RopelawShiel |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme.
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane_ |
021 |
A good dwelling house one storey high and thatched, situated on the north Side of Rankle Burn. and tenanted by Robert Beattie, Shepherd. It is the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/30/3/149 |
Mid Rig |
Mid Rig
Mid Rig
Mid Rig |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme. |
021 |
A ridge of mountain land extending westward from Ropelawshiel and situated between Ropelaw Sike and Howdub Sike. |
OS1/30/3/149 |
Howdub Sike |
Howdub Sike
Howdub Sike
Howdub Sike |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme. |
021 |
A small stream flowing between Mid Rig, and Peat Rig and falling into Rankle Burn. |
OS1/30/3/149 |
Peat Rig |
Peat Rig
Peat Rig
Peat Rig |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis..
John Holme |
021 |
A ridge of mountain land situated on the South side of Howdub Sike at its east end there is a peat moss. hence the name of the rig. |
OS1/30/3/149 |
[Page] 149
Sheet 21 Trace 2 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected & described by J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/150 |
Little Sike |
Little Sike
Little Sike
Little Sike |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme. |
021 |
A small mountain Stream rising on the south side of Peat Rig and flowing eastward till it falls into Rankle Burn. |
OS1/30/3/150 |
Hay Sike |
Hay Sike
Hay Sike
Hay Sike |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme. |
021 |
A small mountain Stream rising on the east side of The Pike and flowing eastward till it falls into Rankle Burn. |
OS1/30/3/150 |
Harebush Grain |
Harebush Grain
Harebush Grain
Harebush Grain |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme |
021 |
A small mountain Stream rising on the South side of The Pike and flowing eastward till it falls, into Rankle Burn. |
OS1/30/3/150 |
Rankle Burn |
Rankle Burn
Rankle Burn
Rankle Burn |
Robert Beattie.
John Ammis.
John Holme |
021 |
A tributary of Ettrick Water rising on the west side of Windy Know". in Roxburgh Shire. and flowing northward passing close by, Ropelawshiel, Baldhill, Phenzhopehaugh, Buccleuch, etc and falling into the Ettrick Water about of a mile west from Tushielaw Toll Bar. |
OS1/30/3/150 |
[Page] 150
Sheet 21. Trace 2. -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected & described J.McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/151 |
Sconecleuch |
Sconcecleuch |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar.
W Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane |
021 |
A small thatched cottage. with a small garden attached, situated on the Side of the Timah, and occupied by one of the Shepherds of Glencarry. |
OS1/30/3/151 |
Gair |
Gair |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar.
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
021 |
A good dwelling house, with some offices. and a garden attached. Situated on the E. [East] side of Timah Water, and tenanted John Amos. Shepherd. of Phenzhopehaugh. |
OS1/30/3/151 |
Gair Shank |
Gair Shank
Gair Shank
Gair Shank |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A ridge of mountain land covered with rough pasture, & situated immediately S.E. [South East] of Gair. |
OS1/30/3/151 |
Stair Law |
Stair Law
Stair Law
Stair Law |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A conspicuous hill. covered with rough pasture, and situated on the east of Gair Shank. |
OS1/30/3/151 |
[Page] 151
Sheet 21 -- Trace 1 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J McDiarmid
[Note in red beside 'Sconcecleugh'] -- Cleuch Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
[Note in red beside 'Gair Shank'] -- Shank of a hill - The projecting point of a hill -- Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/152 |
White Grain |
White Grain
White Grain
White Grain |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A small stream rising on the north side of The Pike. and flowing westward till it joins Stairlaw Burn |
OS1/30/3/152 |
Green Knowes |
Green Knowes
Green Knowes
Green Knowes |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A high ridge of mountain land Situated on the South Side of Gair. |
OS1/30/3/152 |
Short Grain |
Short Grain
Short Grain
Short Grain |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A small short stream rising on the east of Green Knowes and flowing Northward into Stairlaw Burn. |
OS1/30/3/152 |
The Pike |
The Pike.
The Pike.
The Pike. |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A high hill situated on the South east side of Stair Law. its top is covered with Moss and rough heathy pasture. |
OS1/30/3/152 |
[Page] 152
Sheet 21. Trace 1 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/153 |
Stairlaw Burn |
Stairlaw Burn
Stairlaw Burn
Stairlaw Burn |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
021 |
A mountain Stream rising near the summit of the Black Knowe, and flowing northward between Gair Shank and Stair Law. and joining Timah Water about ¾ of a mile N.E. [North East] of Gair. |
OS1/30/3/153 |
Winghope Sike |
Winghope Sike
Winghope Sike
Winghope Sike |
Adam Pringle.
William Rutherford.
John Biggar. Mirelees |
021 |
A small stream rising on the west Side of Sauchie Law. and flowing westward till it joins Sauchie Syke. |
OS1/30/3/153 |
Winghope Hash |
Winghope Hash
Winghope Hash
Winghope Hash |
Adam Pringle.
William Rutherford
John Biggar. |
021 |
A small glen or valley on the North Side of Sauchie Law. the soil is of a Soft Marshy Nature - |
OS1/30/3/153 |
Sauchie Law |
Sauchie Law.
Sauchie Law.
Sauchie Law. |
Adam Pringle.
William Rutherford.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A high and conspicuous hill with rough pasture, on the North east of Stair Law - |
OS1/30/3/153 |
[Page] 153
Sheet 21. Trace 1. -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/154 |
Sauchie Sike |
Sauchie Sike
Sauchie Sike
Sauchie Sike |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A small stream flowing between Stair Law and Sauchie Law. and falling into Stairlaw Burn. |
OS1/30/3/154 |
Sconce Cleuch |
Sconce Cleugh
Sconce Cleugh
Sconce Cleugh
Sconce Cleuch |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar.
W Copeland Esq. Factor Thirlestane |
021 |
A small glen or ravine. Situated between Windlestraw Law. and Ark Law _ |
OS1/30/3/154 |
Sconcecleuch Burn |
Sconceleugh Burn
Sconceleugh Burn
Sconceleugh Burn |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A small stream flowing through Sconce Cleugh, and falling into Timah Water at Nether Dalgliesh |
OS1/30/3/154 |
Nether Dalgliesh |
Nether Dalgliesh
Nether Dalgliesh
Nether Dalgliesh |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
John Biggar. |
021 |
A dwelling house one Storey high and Slated Situated on the Side of Timah Water, and occupied by one of the Shepherds of Over Dalgliesh __ |
OS1/30/3/154 |
[Page] 154
Sheet 21. Trace 1. -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J McDiarmid |
OS1/30/3/155 |
Loch Rig |
Loch Rig
Loch Rig
Loch Rig |
Robert Beattie
John Ammis
John Holme |
021 |
A high ridge of Mountain land covered with heathy pasture and situated on the South side of Harebush Grain. The Co. [County] Bdy. [Boundary] crosses along its Summit & a small loch at its western end in the adjoining County gives rise to the name __ |
OS1/30/3/155 |
[Page] 155
Sheet 21. Trace 5. -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected & described, JMcDiarmid. |
OS1/30/3/156 |
[Page] 156
Blank Page |
OS1/30/3/157 |
Shorthope Sike |
Shorthope Sike
Shorthope Sike
Shorthope Sike |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
020 |
A small stream issuing out of a moss lying between "Nether" "Craig" and "Mid Craig", and flowing Southward till it falls into Over Dalgelish Burn - |
OS1/30/3/157 |
Mid Craig |
Mid Craig
Mid Craig
Mid Craig |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
020 |
A hill situated between "Nether" Craig, and Carlin Hill. |
OS1/30/3/157 |
Wet Hash Sike |
Wet Hash Syke
Wet Hash Syke
Wet Hash Syke |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
020 |
A small stream rising between "Mid Craig" and "Carlin Hill" and flowing Southward into "Over Dalgleish Burn" _ |
OS1/30/3/157 |
Carlin Hill |
Carlin Hill
Carlin Hill
Carlin Hill
Carlin Hill |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers.
W Copeland Esq Factor Thirlestane |
020 |
A hill situated South east of "Mid Craig". and lying between "Over Dalgleish Hope" and "Nether Dalglish Hope |
OS1/30/3/157 |
[Page] 157
Parish of Ettrick -- Sheet 20 -- Trace 2 -- Collected and described by J McDiarmid C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/30/3/158 |
Nether Dalgliesh Burn |
Nether Dalgliesh Burn
Nether Dalgliesh Burn
Nether Dalgliesh Burn |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
020 ; 021 |
A Mountain Stream rising in "Broad Moss" and flowing in a south easterly direction till it falls into "Timah Water" _ |
OS1/30/3/158 |
Foul Cleuch Sike |
Foul Cleugh Syke
Foul Cleugh Syke
Foul Cleugh Syke |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
020 |
A small stream rising on the North side of "Nether Dalgliesh" "Hope" and flowing Southward till it falls into "Nether Dalgliesh Burn" _ |
OS1/30/3/158 |
Foul Cleuch |
Foul Cleugh
Foul Cleugh
Foul Cleugh |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
020 ; 021 |
A small glen or ravine on the west of Glencarry; there is a Small Stream running through it which falls into "Ark Law Syke" |
OS1/30/3/158 |
Arklaw Sike |
Arklaw Syke
Arklaw Syke
Arklaw Syke |
William Rutherford.
Adam Pringle.
Andrew Byers. |
020 ; 021 |
A Small Stream rising on the west of Ark Law, and flowing Northward to Glencarry where it joins Glen Carry Burn _ |
OS1/30/3/158 |
[Page] 158
S. [Sheet] 20. 3. -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected and described by J McDiarmid
[Note in red beside 'Foul Cleuch Syke'] -- Sike Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
[Note in red beside 'Foul Cleuch'] -- Cleuch [the c is underlined] order from O.M.O. [Ordnance Maps Office]
[Note in red beside 'Arklaw Syke'] -- Sike -- Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/30/3/158 |
Difference in spelling between 'Names as written' Cleuch and 'Modes of spelling' Cleugh Index has Cleuch
Idem for the entry Foul Cleuch (Foul Cleugh) below |
OS1/30/3/159 |
The Shoulder |
The Shoulder
The Shoulder
The Shoulder |
John Little, Foulbog
John Moffat, Glendeay
James Davidson, Ettrick |
021 |
A considerable eminence betwixt Selkirk and Dumfries and where the Boundary takes a turn nearly at right Angles. |
OS1/30/3/159 |
Aberlosk Hill |
Aberlosk Hill
Aberlosk Hill
Aberlosk Hill |
John Little Foulbog
John Moffat Glendeay
James Davidson Ettrick |
020 ; 021 |
A considerable hill on the farm of Aberlosk covered with rough pasture, and over which the County Boundary runs |
OS1/30/3/159 |
[Page] 159
Sheet 21 -- Parish of Ettrick -- Collected by D C Head Sapr.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
[Note beside 'The Shoulder'] --The Shoulder on the Dumfries Plan
[Note beside 'Aberlosk Hill'] -- Aberlosk Hill - On the Dumfries Plan |
OS1/30/3/160 |
Ettrick Forest |
Ettrick Forest |
Chalmers Caledonia
Fullerton's Gazetteer
General usage |
[Situation] The whole of the parish
A popular, poetic, & historical name for the whole or chief part of Selkirkshire - All the country watered by the Ettrick, the Yarrow, and their tributaries, and the kindred district watered by the Cadon, northward of the Tweed, besides the upper ward of Clydesdale, were anciently a literal Forest, the remains of the ancient Caledonian Forest - the most numerous woods were Oaks, mingled with Birch & Hazel - At the close of the 13th century Edward I. acting as the sovereign of Selkirkshire, gave away the Forest's timber; and was followed in his conduct by Edward II & Edward III - James the V poured into it 10,500 sheep, & by this way occasioned a rapid & almost total destruction of the trees - Excepting a few straggling Thorns, & some solitary Birches, no traces of "Ettrick Forest" now remain - although, whenever protected from the sheep, copses soon arise without planting |
OS1/30/3/160 |
[page] 160
Parish of Ettrick
[signed] R Burnaby Capt R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers] - 31. July 1858. |
OS1/30/3/161 |
[page] 161
[volume] 3
Co [County] Selkirk
Name Sheets
of the
OS1/30/3/162 |
[page] 162
Index to Ettrick Parish
Names -- Pages
Aberlosk Hill -- 159
Andrewhinney Hill -- 31
Annelshope -- 104
Annelshope Burn -- 105
Annelshope Hill -- 105
Ark Law -- 138
Arklaw Shank -- 138
Arklaw Sike -- 158
Baldhill -- 139
Back Burn -- 68
Back Burn -- 79
Bell Brae -- 133
Bell Craig -- 31
Bell Cleuch -- 133
Birkin Dale -- 21
Birkindale Burn -- 21
Birkindale Knowe -- 21
Birnie Brae -- 130
Birnie Cleuch -- 130
Birkie Sike -- 107
Black Grain -- 63
Black Grain -- 73
Black Drain -- 65
Black Grain -- 110
Black Grain -- 119
Black Rig -- 92
Black Spout -- 78
Black Knowe Heads -- 127
Bloody Cleuch -- 131
Black Knowe -- 133
Black Sike -- 139
Blackcleuch Sike -- 117
Blue Cairn Hill -- 113
Bald Hill -- 140
Birny Cleuch --44
Bodsbeck Law -- 124
Bonny Brae -- 23
Brackhoperig -- 33
Brackhope Rig -- 67
Brackhope Burn -- 46
Brackhope Head -- 46
Brackhope Kips -- 67
Browne Knowe -- 93
Brown Rig -- 87
Brock Sike -- 64
Broadgair Hill --122
Broadgairhill -- 129
Broadgairhill Burn -- 127
Broad Moss -- 119
Buck Cleuch -- 91
Black Knowe -- 142
Buccleuch Castle (site of) -- 86
Buccleuch Church (site of) -- 86
Buccleugh Mill - 91
Bught Hill -- 124
Bught Sike -- 124
Bushie Law -- 122
Cadgers' Craigs -- 22
Cadgers' Hole -- 22
Cacra Bank -- 102
Cacrabank -- 102
Cacra Hill -- 83
Capel Fell -- 111
Captain's Road -- 88
Cat Cleuch -- 56 |
OS1/30/3/163 |
[page] 163
Names -- Pages
Cat Cleuch -- 14
Carlin Hill -- 157
Cauld Face -- 119
Cauldface Sike -- 63
Chapelhope -- 14
Chapelhope Burn -- 16
Church -- 40
Clark Sike -- 51
Clew Burn -- 96
Comb Burn -- 131
Coom Law -- 27
Cossars Hill -- 74
Cossarshill -- 75
Cossarshill Burn -- 74
Cossarshill Scar -- 74
Corse Hill -- 29
Cowans Croft -- 61
Cowtlaw Knowe -- 84
Clearburn Loch -- 96
Craig Hill -- 61
Craighill -- 38
Craighill -- 38
Crooked Loch -- 70
Crookedside Hill -- 22
Crookwelcome -- 19
Cross Hill -- 147
Crosslee -- 24
Crosslee Rig -- 23
Crossleuch Burn -- 54
Crosslee Burn -- 22
Crow Burn -- 137
Crow Plantation -- 20
Deep Drain -- 28
Dead Side -- 27
Dead Burn -- 25
Deep Sike -- 37
Deephope -- 98
Deephope Hill -- 98
Drowning Sike -- 117
Drowning Sike -- 43
Drowning Grain -- 136
Drowncow Sike -- 57
Dry Cleuch -- 43
Dry Cleuch -- 95
Dunhope Burn -- 64 -- 108
Dunhope Law -- 64
Dunhope Rig -- 137
Dunhope Sike -- 137
Dunside Rig -- 93
Earl's Hill -- 12
East Buccleuch -- 85
East Grain -- 128
East Side -- 65
East Grain -- 63 |
OS1/30/3/164 |
Index to Ettrick Parish Continued -- [page] 164
Names -- Pages
Easter Cleuch -- 49
Easter Cleuch -- 148
Easter Grain -- 142
East Mucra Hill -- 59
Entertrona Burn -- 109
Ettrick Ph, [Parish] -- 1
Ettrick House -- 42
Ettrickhouse Hill -- 41
Ettrickhall -- 37
Ettrick Forest -- 160
Ettrick Head -- 114
Ettrick Peu -- 143
Ettrickside -- 103
Ettrick Water -- 110
Ettrick Village (Site of) -- 42
Fala Grain -- 68
Falagrain Middle -- 68
Fauld Sike -- 57
Fauld Sike -- 115
Ferny Hill -- 32
Flockfield (In Ruins) -- 103
Fold Sike -- 32
Foul Cleuch -- 158
Foul Sike -- 118
Foulcleuch Sike -- 158
Gair -- 151
Gair Shank -- 151
Gallows Tree -- 101
Gamescleuch -- 97
Gamescleuch Burn -- 81
Gamescleuch Castle (Ruins of) -- 97
Gamescleuch Hill -- 81
Gatecleuch Hill -- 82
Gatecleuch Sike -- 107
Glenkerry -- 137
Glenkerry Burn -- 120
Glenkerry Hill -- 120
Glendeary Burn -- 116
Goosegreen -- 38
Gowdie Brae -- 24
Green Knowes -- 152
Green Sike -- 147
GreatGill -- 127
Greyhound Law -- 107
Grahams Law -- 111
Happertutie Burn -- 36
Hay Grain -- 63
Hay Grain -- 136
Hay Grain -- 120
Hay Sike -- 67
Hay Sike -- 150
Harebush Grain -- 150
Harebush Sike -- 142
Haze Law -- 139 |
OS1/30/3/165 |
[page] 165 -- Index to Ettrick Parish Continued
Names -- Pages
Hazelaw Knowe -- 138
Hazel Rig -- 94
Headless Gutter -- 48
Heather Cleuch -- 120
Herman Law -- 29
Hermanlaw Burn -- 44
Home Law -- 96
Holly Sike -- 104
Hope Head -- 63
Hopetown Craig -- 143
Hopehouse -- 103
Hawdub Knowe -- 140
Howdub Sike -- 149
Jockie Sike -- 59
Hopehouse Burn -- 104
Kingsideloch Sike -- 85
Kerr Cleuch -- 43
Kerrcleuch Rig -- 35
Kerrcleuch Burn -- 35
Killing Sike -- 90
Kill Sike -- 99
Kingside Loch -- 84
Kings Grain -- 87
Kip Sike -- 97
Kip Sike -- 131
Kirk Burn -- 62
Kirk Burn -- 89
Kirk Hill -- 90
Kirkhope Burn -- 32
Kye Sike -- 12
Little Yarrow -- 44
Lamb Sike -- 119
Law Kneis -- 82
Little Bleak Law -- 92
Little Black Burn -- 110
Little Burn -- 94
Little Kerr Cleuch -- 43
Little Nick -- 114
Little Sike -- 126
Little Sike -- 150
Little Rowantree Gutter -- 132
Little Range Cleuch -- 122
Loch of the Lowes -- 13
Lochy Holes -- 33
Lochy Law -- 134
Loch Rig -- 155
Long Bank -- 16
Long Grain -- 118
Long Grain -- 136
Long Sike -- 43
Long Bank -- 16
Longhope Burn -- 123
Lousey Shank -- 25
Mailie's Knowe -- 143
March Gill -- 113
March Sike -- 56
March Sike -- 60
March Sike -- 95
March Sike -- 125
March Sike -- 139
Mark Sike -- 15
Manse -- 40
Master Grain -- 34 |
OS1/30/3/166 |
Index to Ettrick Parish Continued -- [page] 166
Names -- Pages
Mere Cleuch -- 11
Meerlees -- 108
Middle Hill -- 14
Middle Hill -- 65
Mid Hill -- 29
Mid Hill -- 48
Mid Hill -- 82
Mid Cleuch -- 49
Mid Cleuch -- 59
Mid Craig -- 157
Midden Sike -- 109
Mid Rig -- 32
Mid Rig -- 113
Mid Rig -- 149
Midgehope -- 98
Midgehope Burn -- 64
Milsey Burn -- 94
Milsey Moss -- 83
Mountcommon Hill -- 108
Mountcommon Sike -- 84
Muckle Bleak Law -- 92
Muckra Burn -- 59
Muckra Hill -- 60
Murt Grain -- 61
Muckra -- 44
Nether Dalgliesh -- 154
Nether Dalgliesh Burn -- 158
Newburgh Burn -- 17
Nether Dalgliesh hope -- 145
Nether Craig -- 117
Nether Hill -- 73
NetherHill -- 125
Nether Phawhope -- 134
Nether Scar -- 45
Nether Scar -- 48
Nether Scar -- 69
Nether Scar -- 121
North Grain -- 14
Nowt Head -- 128
Nowt Hill -- 134
Nowt Rig -- 128
Old Ettrick House -- 42
Old Town Sikes -- 130
Over Craig -- 118
Over Dalgliesh -- 146
Over Dalgliesh Burn -- 148
Over Dalgliesh hope -- 145
Over Kirkhope -- 47
Over Phawhope -- 144
Over Scar -- 45
Over Scar -- 48
Over Scar -- 69
Over Scar -- 121
Ox Cleuch -- 16
Oxcleuch Rig -- 15 |
OS1/30/3/167 |
[page] 167 -- Index to Ettrick Parish Continued
Names -- Pages
Paper Hill -- 36
Pawkie Sike -- 31
Peat Hill -- 11
Peat Law -- 21
Peat Rig -- 149
Peat Sike -- 88
Peniestone Knowe -- 56
Pew Sike -- 109
Phawhope Burn -- 134
Phawhope Coomb -- 131
Phawhope Kips -- 132
Phawhope Hill -- 133
Phenzhopehaugh -- 89
Phenzhopehaugh Burn -- 93
Phenzhopehaugh Hill -- 89
Phenzhope Rig -- 139
Pikestone Rig -- 49
Play Grain -- 45
Plover Hash -- 61
Pot Burn -- 123
Potburn -- 123
Potburn Rig -- 144
Pot Law -- 123
Post office -- 97
Priest Sike -- 97
Pyat Sike -- 65
Pyat Sike -- 71
Police Station -- 20
Quave Burn -- 36
Quave Brae -- 13
Quickningair Burn -- 141
Quickningair Cleuch -- 141
Quickningair Hill -- 141
Rabbits Hole -- 101
Ramsey Cleuch -- 99
Ramseycleuch -- 100
Ramseycleuch Bridge -- 100
Ramseycleuch Burn -- 99
Ramseycleuch Kip -- 99
Ramseycleuch Hill -- 78
Ramsey Knowe -- 51
Rankle Burn -- 150
Range Cleuch -- 122
Rashie Grain -- 109
Rashie Sike -- 65
Ratlin Side -- 13
Ratlin Sike -- 16
Red Scar -- 95
Red Sike -- 78
Red Sike -- 83
Red Scar -- 109
Rig Head -- 51 |
OS1/30/3/168 |
Index to Ettrick Parish Continued -- [page] 168
Names -- Pages
Rig Head -- 62
Riskinhope -- 11
Riskinhope Burn -- 55
Riskinhope Rig -- 11
Rispie Gutter -- 31
Ritty Cleuch -- 27
Roaring Sike -- 38
Rockvale -- 72
Ropelaw Shiel -- 149
Ropelaw Sike -- 140
Rough Sike -- 98
Rough Grain -- 87
Routen Cleuch -- 41
Rowantree Gutter -- 53
Rowantree Gutter -- 132
Sauchie Law -- 153
Sauchie Sike -- 154
Scawd Law -- 31
Scabcleuch -- 41
Scabcleuch Burn -- 62
Scabcleuch Moss -- 62
Scabcleuch Hill -- 75
Sconce Cleuch -- 154
Sconcecleuch -- 151
Sconcecleuch Burn -- 154
School -- 39
School -- 100
Sentinel Knowe -- 132
Shepherds Cleuch -- 88
Shepherdscleuch Rig -- 88
Sheepshank Sike -- 118
Shielhope Hill -- 13
Shiel Sike -- 55
Shorthope Sike -- 136
Shorthope Sike -- 157
Short Grain -- 152
(Site of Chapel) -- 12
(Site of Chapel) -- 47
Shorthope -- 33
Shorthope Burn -- 34
Site of the Hearthstone of the House in which James Hogg the Ettrick Shepherd was born -- 37
Smail Burn -- 101
Smidhope Head -- 111
Smidhope Hill -- 111
South Grain -- 35
Spot where the Buck was taken -- 91
Steps of Glendeary -- 115
Stanhope Burn -- 20
Standtrae Knowe -- 73
Standtrae Sike -- 74
Stair Law -- 151
Straight Sike -- 114 |
OS1/30/3/169 |
[page] 169 -- Index to Ettrick Parish Continued
Names -- Pages
Stairlaw Burn -- 153
Straight Sike -- 121
Summerhope -- 11
Summerhope Burn -- 21
Swan Bog -- 116
Swany Sike -- 116
Swashens Burn -- 21
The Brows -- 37
The Fell -- 143
The Kip -- 19
The Pike -- 152
The Shank -- 55
The Shoulder -- 159
Thief Shank -- 46
Thirlestane Castle (Remains of) -- 77
Thirlestane Castle -- 77
Thirlestane Burn -- 78
Thirlestane Hill -- 77
Thirlestane Hope -- 87
Thirlestane Fair Green -- 103
Thornycleuch Burn -- 70
Thorter Sike -- 56
Tima Head -- 147
Tima Water -- 147
Trotting Sike -- 127
Trow Grain -- 68
Trowgrain Middle -- 67
Turner Cleuch -- 66
Turnercleuch Law -- 17
Tushie Law -- 87
Tushielaw -- 24
Tushielaw Burn -- 27
Tushielaw Inn -- 101
Tushielaw Tower (Remains of) -- 101
Under Hill Head -- 140
Ward Law -- 61
Watch Hill -- 15
Weavers Moss -- 64
Wedder Law -- 71
Wedder Brows -- 135
West Buccleuch -- 85
West Grain -- 128
West Hash Sike -- 157
Wester Cleuch -- 49
Wester Cleuch -- 148
Wester Grain -- 142
Whithope Burn -- 55
Whitson Cleuch -- 121
White Hill -- 25
White Grain -- 152
White Lea -- 23
White Sike -- 81
Whiteyad Burn -- 124
Whiteyad Head -- 124
Winghope Knowe -- 138
Winghope Sike -- 153
Winghope Hash -- 153
Wind Fell -- 143
Winter Pool -- 19 |
OS1/30/3/170 |
Index to Ettrick Parish Continued -- [page] 170
Names -- Pages
Wolfhope -- 19
Wolfhope Burn -- 19
Wood Cleuch -- 48
Wormy Sike -- 43
Windlestraw Law -- 145
Yearney Knowe -- 35
Yellow Mire -- 60
Yoke Burn -- 88 |