Roxburghshire volume 34

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info
OS1/29/34/1 SELKIRK (Part of) SelKirk (Part of) The County Map Fullerton's Gazetteer New Statistical Account 007; 013 The Parish of SelKirk consists of the main division, which lies within the County of SelKirk, a detached portion lying two miles South of the main body within SelKirkshire, also two portions not detached but within Roxburghshire and joining the Mother parish. One of these two portions forms the present subject. It is bounded on the South, by Lilliesleaf; on the East [continued on page 2]
OS1/29/34/1 [Page] 1 Parish of SelKirk - (Part 2) W. Beatty [Boundary sketch, map drawn on page] Co. [County] Selkirk, Par. [Parish] Selkirk, Co. [County] Boundary, Co. [County] Rox: [Roxburgh], The 2 portions. O.M.O. [Ordnance Mapping Office] SelKirk 8 Det. [Detached]
OS1/29/34/2 SELKIRK (Part of) SelKirk (Part of) [continued from page 1] by Bowden & Galashiels (Part of); on the North and North West, by SelKirk or the parish proper; and on the South West by AshKirk Parish.
OS1/29/34/2 [Page] 2 Co. [County] of Roxburgh -- Parish of SelKirk (Part 2)
OS1/29/34/3 CAMP (Remains of) [Greenhead] Camp (Remains of) Francis Stewart Green head Mungo Thorburn Shawmount Thomas Smail Whitmuir hall T.B. [Toll Bar] 013.03 The Remains of a Camp or Hill Fort it appears to have been a well constructed camp as there are apart of three Circles yet remaining in excellent preservation, it is stated in the neighbourhood to be a Roman Camp, it is situated on the farm of Greenhead near Co. [County] Boundary.
OS1/29/34/3 KITTYTHISTLE PLANTATION Kittythistle Plantation Francis Stewart Mungo Thorburn Shawmount Thomas Smail 013.03 This name applies to a small wood consisting of Fir & Forest trees, it is Situated on the farm of Greenhead, ΒΌ mile a little to the West of the Roman Camp and is the property of John Murry Esqr. Philiphaugh.
OS1/29/34/3 [Page] 3 Sheet 13 No. 3 -- Parish of SelKirk (part 2) -- Patrick Kelly C/a [Civilian Assistant] Bellhill Plantation [crossed out] Cancelled J.M.C.
OS1/29/34/4 CARROTFIELD PLANTATION Carrotfield Plantation Francis Stewart Green head Mungo Thorburn Shawmount Thomas Smail Whitmuirhall T.B. [Toll Bar] 013.03 This name applies to a Small wood situated on the farm of Green head adjoining the Bellhill at the North end. Proprietors John Murry Esqr. Philiphaugh.
OS1/29/34/4 GREENHEAD Green head Francis Stewart Tenant Mungo Thorburn Shawmount Thomas Smail Whitmuirhall 007.15 A good farm house two storys high having Suitable office & vegetable garden attached all in good Condition, it is occupied by Francis Stewart and is the property of John Murry Esqr.
OS1/29/34/4 SHAWMOUNT PLANTATION Shawmount Plantation Francis Stewart Tenant. Mungo Thorburn Thomas Smail. 007.15 A small wood situated on the farm of Green hed a little to the North of the Farm house. Proprietor John Murry Esqr. Philip haugh.
OS1/29/34/4 [Page] 4 Sheet 13 No. 3 -- Sheet 7 No. 15 -- Parish of SelKirK (Part 2) -- Patrick Kelly C/a [Civillian Assistant]
OS1/29/34/5 HOG KNOWE Hog Knowe Franciis Stewart Greenhead Thomas Smail Whitmuir hall T.B. [Toll Bar] James Brack Clanlawmuir. 013.03 This name applies to an Elevated portion of land Situated on the farm of Whitmuir hall, the Surface of which is pasture. Proprietor Charles Dunlop Esqr. Whitmuir Hall.
OS1/29/34/5 WHITMUIRHALL T.P. Whitmuir hall Toll Bar Francis Stewart Thomas Smail Tenant James Brack 013.03 A neat Cottage one story high having a small vegetable garden attached. It is situated on the Turn pike Road leading from SelKirK to St. Boswells, about two miles from the Former place. This house was erected for the purpose of Collecting Tolls and is the property of the Trustees.
OS1/29/34/5 CORN HILL Corn Hill Francis Stewart Green head Mungo Thorburn Shawmont Thomas Smail Whitmuir hall T.B. [Toll Bar] 013.03 An elevated portion of land Situated on the farm of Greenhead the surface of which is Arable and on its Summit is a trig [trigonometrical] Station.
OS1/29/34/5 [Page] 5 Sheet 13 No. 3 -- 7 No. 15 -- Parish of SelKirK (Part 2) -- Patrick Kelly C/a [Civillian Assistant]
OS1/29/34/6 BELL HILL Bell Hill Francis Stewart Green head. Thomas Smail Whitmuir hall T.B. [Toll Bar] James Brack Clan lawmuir 013.03 An elevated portion of land Situated on the farm of Green head there is a narrow Strip of Planting extending from the Summit northwards to Carrot field Plantation. It is the property of John Murry Esqr. Philiphaugh.
OS1/29/34/6 JOCK'S KNOWES Jock's Knowes Mr. James Lambert. Clerklands Mr. Thomas Grieve Mr. Andrew Scott. 013.11 A portion of elevated ground along a part of the boundary between Lilliesleaf and SelKirk (Part of) as well as a small portion which extends into AshKirK Parish. There is a narrow Plantation along the North end of it to which the name chiefly applies Proprietor Mark Sprott Esq. [----]
OS1/29/34/6 [Page] 6 Sheet 13 No. 3 -- SelKirk (part 2) -- P. Kelly C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/29/34/7 WHITMUIR HALL Whitmuir Hall Whitmuir Hall Whitmuir Hall Mr James Johnson Miss Dunlop. Tenant Mr Cochrane Shepherd 013.07 A gentleman's residence now a little out of repair owing to the death of the late proprietor and the fact of the heir being very young: it is the property of the Executors of Master C.W. Dunlop for the period of his minority.
OS1/29/34/7 WHITMUIRHALL LOCH Whitmuirhall Loch Mr James Johnson Miss Dunlop. Tenant Mr Cochrane Shepherd 013.07 A small lake forming part of an Extensive Marsh, from which it would propbably be difficult to define it in Winter. On the estate of Whitmoor (or Muir) Hall.
OS1/29/34/7 WHITMUIRHALL MOSS Whitmuirhall Moss Mr James Johnson Miss Dunlop. Tenant Mr Cochrane Shepherd 013.07 An extensive portion of land which has been partially drained but the whole of which is over flooded in the winter Season; on the Estate of Whitmuir Hall.
OS1/29/34/7 [Page] 7 Sheet 13.7 -- SelKirK (part of) -- Trace 2 -- By Thomas Cosgrove
OS1/29/34/8 LOCH PLANTATION Loch Plantation Loch Plantation Loch Plantation Mr James Johnson. Shielswood Mr William Hog. Burnfoot Mr Gilbert Tait. Blewerie 013.07 A plantation surrounding nearly the whole of the East side of Whitmuir hall Moss & Loch, part of the North Side, and a detached portion of Wood on the North West side, also retains the name: it is on the Estate of Whitmuir Hall.
OS1/29/34/8 WHITMUIR Whitmuir Miss Dunlop Tenant of Whitmuir Hall William Cochrane Shepherd Whitmuir Mr Thomas Turnbull Lilliesleaf 013.07 A good farm house two stories high Slated and in good repair; detached and a Vegatable Garden (Small) good offices and a large farm of land; the property of John Murray Esqr. of Philip Haugh.
OS1/29/34/8 WHITMUIR MOSS Whitmuir Moss Miss Dunlop Tenant of Whitmuir Hall William Cochrane Shepherd Whitmuir Mr Thomas Turnbull Lilliesleaf 013.07 A large marshy portion of land over grown with small trees; Moss is now partially drained and belongs to the farm of Whitmuir.
OS1/29/34/8 [Page] 8 Sheet 13.7 -- SelKirK (part 2) -- Trace 2 & 4 & 5 -- By Thomas Cosgrove
OS1/29/34/9 LONGMEADOW RIG Longmeadow Rig Mr James Lambert Mr Thomas Grieve Mr Andrew Scott 013.11 A long narrow Plantation, extending Eastwards along the parish boundary from Jack's Knowe Eastwards It was Known by this name before being planted and still retains it. It is the property of Mark Sprott Esq. Riddell.
OS1/29/34/9 CHESTERKNOWES BURN Chesterknowes Burn James Murray. Midlem Burn James Ainslie, Farmer James Cochran. Midlem 013.08; 013.11; 013.12; 014.05 A stream which rises on the Farm of Whitmuir, flows Eastwardly, and in places forming the boundary between Lilliesleaf and Bowden.
OS1/29/34/9 [Page] 9 County of Roxburgh -- Parish of SelKirK (Part of) [Page signed] R. Burnaby Major R.E. [Royal Engineers] 31 March 1860
OS1/29/34/10 [Page] 10 [Volume] 34 OS1/29/34 [Date Stamp] ORDNANCE SURVEY M.S. STORE 10 NOV. [NOVEMBER] 1897 SOUTHAMPTON Co. [County] Roxburgh. Name Sheets of the PARISH of SELKIRK (Part 2) Co. [County] Roxburgh Rox. [Roxburgh]
OS1/29/34/11 [Page] 11 Index to SelKirK (Part of 2) Names -- Pages Bell hill -- 6 Camp (Remains of -- 3 Carrotfield Plantation -- 4 Chesterknowes Burn -- 9 Corn Hill -- 5 Greenhead -- 4 Hog Knowes -- 5 Jock's Knowes -- 6 Kittythistle Plantation -- 3 Loch Plantation -- 8 Longmeadow Rig -- 9 SelKirK (Part of) -- 1 Shawmount Plantation -- 4 Whitmuir -- 8 Whitmuir Hall -- 7 Whitmuir Loch -- 7 Whitmuir Moss -- 7 Whitmuirhall T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 5 Whitmuir Moss -- 8