OS1/29/18/1 |
JEDBURGH [parish] |
Jedburgh |
Walkers Map of Scotland
Johnston's Map of Roxburghshire
Blackwood's Map of Roxburghshire |
14; 15; 20; 21; 22; 26; 27 |
[Situation] Near the centre of the County of Roxburgh.
The name of this Parish was originally written Gedworth and Jedworth, - Jeddart being the vernacular at this time. - Ged said to have been written Gad the name of a stream in the district and weorth - a hamlet - Saxon - have originated a conjecture that here was situated the principal seat of the Gadeni - a tribe who inhabited the district between the River Teviot and Northumberlandshire.
The Parish of Jedburgh consists of three detached portions, - the upper or larger of which is bounded on the North by Ancrum, Crailing and Eckford Parishes, on the East by Hownam and Oxnam, on the South by Southdean and Hobkirk and on the West by Bedrule, the middle or smallest division is surrounded by Southdean except on the North-East where Oxnam Ph. [Parish] bounds it - the Southern or lower portion is bounded on the North and East by Oxnam, on the South by Northumbrlandshire and on the West by Southdean, - the Areas of which divisions respectively are about 16,050 Acres - 537 Acres - and 6,085 Acres - making thus a total area for the Parish of 22,672 Impl. [Imperial] Acres; of which about 13,036 may be arable - situate for the most part in the northern district, 6,436 rough pasture, chiefly in the southern division and 2,300 Wood. - The surface of the upper is agreeably diversified |
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Parish of Jedburgh
County of Roxburgh |
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Parish of Jedburgh County of Roxburgh
diversified by hills and dales. The deep and furrow like vale of Jed Water runs through its entire length the surface of which on both sides rises undulating to a height of 300 feet above the stream and which is cut by numerous ravines and occasionally varied by hillocks. The North western district is sheep pasture. The two other divisions slightly diversified by hillocks and dales form part of an extensive plain, the surface at the southern extremity rapidly descending from the water shedding line of the Cheviots. The greatest elevations are on the Southern boundary which are secondary features on the Cheviot range and attain a height of upwards of 1100 feet. That which is next most conspicuous is Dunian Moor in the N Wn [North Western] district and which forms the base of the prominent Duninan Hill in Bedrule. The Nn [Northern] division is watered by the River Teviot which forms for about 3 1/2 miles the Nn [Northern] boundary. Oxnam Water at the NE [North East] and Jed Water on the Southern boundary which intersects this division from South to North where it falls into the Teviot. The other divisions are also well watered by perennial springs and minor streams, some of the former possessing medicinal qualities. A branch of Railway from the North British line enters the northern district and forms a communication between Kelso and the town of Jedburgh. The Carlisle and Berwick Turnpike road runs along he vale of the Teviot at a short distance south of that stream - the Edinburgh and Newcastle road for about 1/2 mile after entering the Parish on the North is identical with the former running South along the vale of the Jed two lines then diverge respectively towards Carlisle and Newcastle. Limestone, Iron and Coal have been found none of which have been successfully wrought. Jedburgh a royal burgh and the county town of Roxburghshire occupies a romantic and very beautiful site on the west of Jed Water in the Nn [Northern] division of Parish. It is also the seat of a presbytery and a Circuit Court of Justiciary and is governed by a council, consisting of a Provost, four bailies, a dean of guild and eighteen ordinary councillors - it also unites with Haddington, North Berwick, Lauder and Dunbar in sending a member to Parliament. Its revenues amount to about £573 per annum. It is entitled to hold two markets weekly. The general aspect of its streets combines cleanness and spaciousness with a struggle between dinginess and antiquated loutishness in the street from the Jail to the market cross. In it are a Town and County Hall, Jail a Parish Church and School, four branch banks, two United Presbyterian an Independent and Free Churches also an Episcopal and Sessional Schools, Post Office, Gas Marks, various Inns and Woollen Manufacturies. The population may be about 4,300. The principal heritor of the district is the Marquiss of Lothian. Population of the Parish at the last census 5,476.
The celebrated Roman Road called Watling Street the central one of that people into Scotland traces for some distance the southern boundary of the En [Eastern ] district in the Nn [Northern] division of Parish and thereafter passing through it in a NWn [North Western] direction it leaves the Parish at a point about 1/2 mile above the junction of Jed Water and River Teviot on the Nn [Northern] Boundary. This road can be distinctly traced from near Cocked Head at the SEn [ South Eastern] extremity of the adjoining Parish of Oxnam to Carriden or perhaps more correctly Caerridden - on the Firth of Forth. Traces of ancient encampments exist in several localities variously termed in district Forts and Camps which are of similar formation to those hitherto characterized as such on Plans. "The most interesting of these ancient remains says the New Statistical Account is the celebrated Camp at Lintalee, described in Barber's Bruce, which was formed by Douglas for the defence of the borders during the absence of Bruce in Ireland". There is no Authority to show if this Camp was constructed anterior to that event. A large stone near Heartrigge is characterized by Lord Campbell as a Runic Altar, but Statl Accts [Statistical Accounts] afirm it to have formed |
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[Page] 1b
Parish of Jedburgh County of Roxburgh
formed part of Bongate Cross or the ancient Market Cross of Jedburgh. The fact of its being covered with indistinct hieroglyphicks may in some measure support the character assumed by Lord Campbell. Vide "Runic Monument" Parish of Ruthwell Name Book. It may however be remarked that this stone has been removed from its original site in Jedburgh, previous to which circumstances it had never been recognised as a Runic Altar. This district was thickly studded with Towers the remains and sites which have been shown. The Parish originally possessed two Castles Jedburgh and Ferniehirst, the former of which has entirely disappeared its Site being now occupied by the Jail a castellated and handsome structure which still retains the name of its predecessor - remains still exist of Ferniehirst and form part of the modern house called, from that circumstance Ferniehirst Castle. After the demolition of Jedburgh Castle, the town was defended by six bastel houses or towers the sites of which have been shown. The grand antiquity of the Parish is Jedburgh Abbey which is completely described in the following quotation from the New Statl Acct [Statistical Account]. This venerable structure stands on the south side of the Town on the declining bank of the river which winds past it in front, washing some remnants of its outworks. The Chapter house Cloisters and other appendages have perished and nothing remains but the Church which in the form of a cross, extends from East to West 230 feet. The choir is much dilapidated leaving marks of great antiquity. The two lower stories consist of massive pillars and semicircular arches with the diagonal or zigzag mouldings of Saxon architecture whilst the upper windows and some other parts are Gothic evidently added at a more recent period. The north transept is entire, presenting traceried Gothic windows especially one of great size and beauty. The south transept has disappeared. Above the intersection of the transeys with the nave and choir, a large square Tower rises on four pillars rises to the height of 100 feet, surmounted by a projecting battlement and crowned with turrets pinnacles. The nave measuring 130 feet long presents on each side three tiers or arches;the first opening into the aisle consists of pointed arches, deeply recessed, and richly moulded; supported by clustered columns with scupltured capitals; the second which opened into the galleries, consists of beautiful moulded semicircular arches with two pointed arches inserted in each; and the third of elegant pointed windows.- The lofty western gable possesses a Norman door of uncommon beauty the archway exhibiting a profusion of ornamented mouldings supported by slender pillars to the depth of 7 1/2 feet. Above it is a large window with a semicircular arch flanked by small black pointed arches in long slender shafts and this is surmounted by a beautiful St Catherine's Wheel. On the south side of the Choir, there is a Chapel which was once appropriated to the use of the Grammar School" Part of it is now occupied as the Parish Church - of late years the walls have undergone considerable repairs. The foundations of a very ancient Chapel are yet visible near Old Jedworth at the North of the Southern division. This Parish was formerly celebrated for its vast forest of natural wood, the remains of which were rapaciously cut down during the last century. A few large trees |
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Parish of Jedburgh County of Roxburgh
the venerable representatives of this wood are still to be met with in the district and of which "King of the Wood" and "Capon Tree" oaks - situate about a mile South of the town are most remarkable their circumference being respectively 14 and 21 feet at three feet from the ground whilst they reach a height of about 100 feet.
January 1859 |
OS1/29/18/3 |
Watling Street (Roman Road) |
A. Douglas Esqr. Jerdonfield
J. B. Crease Jedneuk
Stobies's County Map 1770
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
015; 021 |
[Situation] Through River Teviot.
This portion of the Roman Way is totally defaced by the process of Cultivation. |
OS1/29/18/3 |
River Teviot
River Teviot
River Teviot |
A. Douglas Esqr.
J. B. Crease
Stobie's County Map |
015; 020; 021 |
[Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundy. [Boundary]
This river rises in the Southern extremity of Teviothead parish - it flows in a northerly direction and joins the Tweed at Kelso. |
OS1/29/18/3 |
Portobello |
Estate Plan
A. Douglas Esqr.
J. B. Crease |
015.09 |
[Situation] S.W. [South West] from River Teviot.
An old name applied to a Creek on the right bank of the Teviot and immediately to the north of Jerdonfield - on the property of the Marquis of Lothian |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 9. 1.
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/4 |
Nisbetmill Caul
Nisbetmill Caul
Nisbetmill Caul |
A. F. Douglas Esq. Factor
Mr. J Weaver, Forester
Mr. M. Aitken, Fisherman |
015.09 |
[Situation] On 15. 9. across the River Teviot
A weir across the River Teviot, south-east of Mounteviot House, where the lade, passing to Nisbetmill commences. |
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Parish of Jedburgh
15. 9.
(Copied from name book of Crailing) |
OS1/29/18/5 |
Roundhaugh |
Estate Plan
Rent Receipt
J. Halden tenant |
015.10 |
[Situation] At the Nn. [Northern] point of Parish.
A farm house two Storeys high having suitable outbuildings attached the property of Lord Minto. |
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[Page] 5
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 10. 1.
River Teviot -- River Teviot -- For Descriptive remarks see authorities
Jed Water -- Jed Water -- For descriptive remarks see authorities
NORTH BRITISH RAILWAY (Jedburgh Branch) -- North - British Railway (Jedburgh Branch) -- See Page 15.
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
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[Blank Page] |
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River Teviot
River Teviot
River Teviot
River Teviot |
Blackwood's County Map
Stobie's County Map:
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
A. Douglas Esqr. |
015; 020; 021 |
[Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary.
This river has its Source near Fan Hill in Teviothead Parish - flows in a northerly direction and joins the River Tweed at Kelso |
OS1/29/18/7 |
Eamonton Pool
Eamonton Pool
Eamonton Pool |
A. Douglas Esqr.
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Estate Plan of Mount Teviot |
014.16 |
[Situation] At the junction of the Ale and Teviot.
Applies to a pool in the River Teviot where the Ale Water joins. |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 14 No. 16. T. [Trace] 1 & 2
Knowsouth Burn -- Knowsouth Burn See Page 25.
Thomas Watson
2nd Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/8 |
Timpendean |
Estate Plan
A. Douglas Factor Jordanfield
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
014.16 |
[Situation] Near N Wn [North Western] point of Ph. [Parish]
A farm house two Stories in height having Suitable outbuildings attached all in good repair - the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/8 |
Mains Boat Hole
Mains Boat Hole
Mains Boat Hole |
A. Douglas
G. Rutherford Esqr.
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
014.16 |
[Situation] On River Teviot
This name applies to a pool in the River Teviot, situate immediately to the North west of Timpendean |
OS1/29/18/8 |
Ale Water
Ale Water
Ale Water |
Blackwoods County Map
Stobie's County Map
A. Douglas |
014.16 |
[Situation] From Nn. [Northern] Ph. [Parish] Boundy. [Boundary] South to River Teviot.
A large stream having its Source near Henwoody in the County of Selkirk, flows in a North Easterly direction and joins the Tevot near Timpendean. |
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[Page] 8
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 14. 16.2.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/9 |
Bridge-end |
Mr Linton Bridge-end
A Douglas Esq
John Ogilvy Esq. |
015.13 |
[Situation] On the South Bank of River Teviot.
A two storey house slated and in good repair having a garden and nursery attached the property of the Marquis of Lothian occupied by Mr Linton |
OS1/29/18/9 |
Ancrum Bridge
Ancrum Bridge |
Mr Linton Bridge-end
A Douglas Esq
John Ogivly Esq |
015.13 |
[Situation] Over River Teviot.
A stone bridge with two arches over the River Teviot the property of the Road Trustee, by whom it is kept in repair. |
OS1/29/18/9 |
River Teviot
River Teviot |
Mr Linton Bridge-end
A Douglas Esq
John Ogilvy Esq |
015.13 |
[Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundy. [Boundary]
A Considerable Stream having its Source in Teviothead Parish from there it flows in a northerly direction and enters the Town of Hawick Continues with Same direction and takes several windings, until it falls into the Tweed at Kelso |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 13. 1.
John McDonnell Sappr RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/10 |
Jerdonfield |
A Douglas Esq
John Ogilvy Esq
Mr Linton Bridge-end
Estate Plan |
015.13 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile N.E. [North East] of Bridge-end.
A midling sized house two storeys high slated and in good repair having a garden and Ornamental grounds attached the property of the Marquis of Lothian occupied by A Douglas |
OS1/29/18/10 |
Bony Knowe
Bony Knowe
Bony Knowe |
A Douglas Esqr. Jerdonfield
J. B. Crease Jedneuk
Estate Plan |
015.13 |
[Situation] 13 chains N.N.E. [North North East] of Jerdonfield.
This name applies to a small hillock, directly north of Jerdonfield covered with mixed wood and on the top of which there was a large Tumulus, when opened, about sixty years ago, a number of human bones were found. Situate on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 13. 3.
Thomas Watson
Corp. R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers]
John McDonnel Sap RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/11 |
Cleikum Inn
Cleikum Inn |
A Douglas Esq
John Ogilvy Esq
Mr Linton Bridge-end |
015.13 |
[Situation] 7 chains S.E. [South East] by S. [South] from Bridge-end.
A Small house one storey high Licenced for the accomodation of Travellers, the property of the Marquis of Lothian, occupied by Mrs Cockburn. |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 13. 4
WATLING STREET - Watling Street See Page 3.
Little Shaws, Ripple, Whittleinch Stream, Whittleinch Ford -- Little Shaws, Ripple, Whittleinch Stream, Whittleinch Ford -- For authorities & descriptive remarks See Amcrum Ph. [Parish]
John McDonnel Sapper RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/12 |
Bonjedward |
JB Crease Jedneuk
A Douglas Esq Jerdonfield
John Ogilvy Esq
Estate Plan
Blackwood's County Map
Valn [Valuation] Rolls |
015.13 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] of Jerdonfield.
A number of houses one Storey high Chiefly thatched having Small gardens attached the property of the Marquis of Lothian occupied by Agricultural Lbrs [Labourers] |
OS1/29/18/12 |
Bonjedward Townhead
Bonjedward Townhead
Bonjedward Townhead |
JB Crease Esq
A Douglas
John Ogilvy
Estate Plan |
015.13 |
[Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] by S [South] from Jerdonfield.
A large house two Storeys high Slated and in good repair the property of the Marquis of Lothian, occupied by Miss Hall. |
OS1/29/18/12 |
Whinnyhouse |
J B Crease Esq
A Douglas
John Ogilvy
Estate Plan |
015.13 |
[Situation] 13 chains S.S.W. [South South West] from Bonjedward Townhead.
A small house one storey high thatched and in good repair having a small garden attached the property of the Marquis of Lothian occupied by George Scott. |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 13. 6
John McDonnel Sapper RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/13 |
Weatherstone Howe
Weatherstone Howe
Weatherstone Howe |
A. Dougls Esqr. Jerdonfield
Estate Plan
W. Linton Bridgend |
015.13 |
[Situation] South of River Teviot.
This name is given to a slight hollow partly covered with wood & having a small stream running through it which falls into the Teviot a little below Ancrum Bridge Situate on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 13. T. [Trace] 5.
How, - any hollow place -- Dr Jamieson's Scot. Dicty. [Scottish Dictionary]
Hogh, Hoe or How both a hill and a hollow. -- Brockett's Glossary of N. [North] Country words.
Properly a hollow on a hill
Thomas Watson Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/14 |
Douglas Burn
Douglas Burn |
A Douglas Esq
J B Crease Esq
J Ogilvy |
015.13; 021.01 |
[Situation] From Lanton Moor N.E. [North East] to Jed Water.
A Small Stream having it Source on the Lanton Moor - flows in an easterly direction and fall into Jed Water |
OS1/29/18/14 |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 13. 6
John McDonell Sapper RE [Royal Engineer] |
OS1/29/18/15 |
Mounthoolie |
Estate Plan
Stobies County Map
A. Douglas Jerdonfield
Blackwoods County Map
Valuation Rolls for 1811. |
015.14 |
[Situation] Towards the East of Nn. [Northern] district.
A farm-house slated and in good repair having excellent outbuildings garden and lands attached, the property of Lord Minto. |
OS1/29/18/15 |
North British Railway (Jedburgh Branch) |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
J. Hartly Station Master Jedfoot Bridge
J. B. Crease Jedneuk |
015.10; 021.02 |
[Situation] South through Nn. [Northern] district
A branch off the North British Railway Commencing at Roxburgh and running to Jedburgh at which place it terminates - constructed in 1855 & 6. |
OS1/29/18/15 |
Jedfoot Bridge (stone) |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
J. B. Crease
A. Douglas Esqr. Jerdonfield |
015.14 |
[Situation] Over Jed Water
An old, but substantial Stone bridge which spans the Jed Water on the Turnpike Road leading from Kelso to Jedburgh - it consists of two arches, the property of the Road Trustee, by whom it is Kept in repair. |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15 No. 14 Trace 1.
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/16 |
Jed Water
Jed Water
Jed Water |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
J. Hartly
A. Douglas Esqr. |
015; 021; 022 |
[Situation] N. [North] through central division of Parish.
This water rises on the north side of the Carlin Tooth, one of the Cheviot mountains, in the Parish of Southdean, at the distance of about fourteen miles from Jedburgh, and joins the Teviot about two and a half miles below the town. |
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SCHOOL [SW of Mounthooly] |
School |
A. Douglas Esqr.
J. B. Crease Jedneuk
J. Heatly |
015.14 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile S.W. [South West] of Mounthooly.
A side parochial having a dwelling house and garden attached - attended on an average by 50 Scholars - the branches taught are, English Grammar, writing, arithmetic, Geography, mathematics and Latin. The Schoolmaster's Salary amounts to about £50 including School fees |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15 No. 14 Trace 1.
Thomas Watson Corp R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/17 |
Watling Street (Roman Road) |
Statistical Acct. [Account] of Scotland VOL III
Jeffrey's History of Roxburgh
Stobie's County Map of Roxburgh
A. Douglas Esqr. Jerdonfield
J. B. Crease Jedneuk |
015; 021 |
[Situation] On Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary.
This Roman Way denominated the Watling Street passes through the northern extremity of this parish - a part of which is in tolerable preservation, being paved with Whinstones and used as a parish road, the parish road then diverges from the ancient line and the Roman Road then becomes undefined and continues So until it crosses the River Teviot where it again becomes quite distinct. |
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[Page] 17
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 14. 1
River Teviot -- River Teviot -- For descriptive remarks see Authorities
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/18 |
Jedneuk |
A. Douglas Esqr. Jerdonfield
Estate Plan
J. B. Crease - Tenant |
015.14 |
[Situation] About 51 chains S.W. [South West] of Mount Hooly.
A good Substantial dwelling house of two Storeys having excellent farm buildings, garden, and lands attached - the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/18 |
Douglas Burn
Douglas Burn
Douglas Burn |
A. Douglas Esqr.
J. B. Crease
Estate Plan |
015.13; 021.01 |
[Situation] West from Jed Water.
This stream issues from Lanton Moor runs in an easterly direction, and joins the Jed Water at Bonjedward Mill |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 14. 2.
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/19 |
Mount Ulston
Mount Ulston
Mount Ulston |
Estate Plan
J. B. Crease Jedneuk
A. Douglas Esqr. Jerdonfield
Rent Receipt |
015.14 |
[Situation] About 67 chains South of Mounthooly.
A Substantial farm-house two Storeys in height with outbuildings all in good repair - the property of Lord Campbell. |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 14. 3.
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/20 |
Walker's Knowe
Walker's Knowe
Walker's Knowe |
A. Douglas Esqr. Jerdonfield
J. B. Crease Jedneuk
A. Hamilton |
015.14 |
[Situation] On the East of Jed Water.
This name applies to a Small hillock situate on the right bank of the Jed Water a little below Bonjedwardmill. A tumulus which existed on the summit of this eminence was removed about fifty years ago & in which was found an urn Containing human ashes, and a number of Beads supposed to have been worn by the Romans |
OS1/29/18/20 |
Bonjedwardmill |
A. Douglas Esqr.
J. B. Crease
A. Hamilton |
015.14 |
[Situation] On the West bank of Jed Water.
Applies to an old walk Mill and a few Cottages - the mill has fallen into disuse, the premises belong to the Marquis of Lothian. |
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Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15. 14. 3.
New-mill -- New-mill See Page 41 for authorities &c.
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/21 |
Batings Burn
Batings Burn
Batings Burn |
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr John Johnston Crailinghall
J. James Esqr. Samieston |
015.15 |
[Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary.
A Smalll stream having its Source near Pityme and running in a northerly direction into Oxnam Water. For a Short distance this stream forms the boundary between the parishes of Crailing & Jedburgh |
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Oxnam Water
Oxnam Water
Oxnam Water
Oxnam Water |
Stobie's County Map - 1770
Origines Parochiales
J. James Esqr.
A. Jeffrey Esqr. |
015.15 |
[Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary.
A considerable Stream having its Source near Plenderleith, it flows in a northerly direction and joins the River Teviot at Crailing Lofts. |
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[Page] 21
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15 No. 15 Trace 1.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/22 |
Woden Burn
Woden Burn
Woden Burn
Wooden Burn
Wooden Burn
Wooden Burn |
J. James Esqr. Samieston
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
J. Johnston Crailinghall
Mr Park, Farmer, Wooden
The Revd. [Reverend] Mr Yair, Minister of Eckford.
Stobie's Map of Roxburghshire |
015.15 |
[Situation] From near N.E. [North East] point of Parish N.W. [North West] to Oxnam Water.
A Small Stream rising on the farm of Crailinghall and running in a north westerly direction into Oxnam Water. |
OS1/29/18/22 |
[Page] 22
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15 No. 15 T. [Trace] 2.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/23 |
Woden Burn
Woden Burn
Woden Burn
Woden Burn
Woden Burn |
J. James Esqr. Samieston
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr J. L Johnston Crailinghall
Valuation Rolls 1811.
Vide preceding page for Authorities.
J. Grainger Esqr. Jedburgh
G. Hilson Esqr. Jedburgh |
015.15 |
[Situation] From near N.E. [North East] point of Ph. [Parish] N.W. [North West] to Oxnam Water.
A Small Stream having its Source from Tod's Dean on the farm of Crailinghall runs in a northwesterly direction into Oxnam Water.
It is supposed this name Woden, is a Corruption of Woodend. |
OS1/29/18/23 |
Tod's Dean
Tod's Dean
Tod's Dean |
Estate Plan
J. Johnston Crailinghall
J. James Esqr. |
015.16 |
[Situation] In N.En. [North Eastern] district.
This name applies to a slight ravine thickly overgrown with fir wood - situated on the farm of Crailinghall and on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. This place was at a former period used as a fox cover - hence the origin of the name Tod's Dean. |
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[Page] 23
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 15 No. 16 T. [Trace] 1.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
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[Page] 24
[Blank Page] |
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River Teviot
River Teviot
River Teviot |
Fullartons Imperial Gazetteer
Johnstones County Map
Blackwoods County Map |
015; 020; 021 |
[Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary.
A large Stream having its source in the parish of Teviothead, it flows in a North-east direction to its junction with the River Tweed near Kelso. |
OS1/29/18/25 |
Knowsouth Burn
Knowsouth Burn
Knowsouth Burn |
Mr Potts Senr. [Senior] T.P. Knowsouth
Mr Potts Junr. [Junior] T. P. Knowsouth
Mr William Brunton Builder Jedburgh |
014.16 |
[Situation] On N.Wn. [North Western] Ph. [Parish] Boundary.
A small stream having its source on the farm of Ruecastle, it partly supplies Lanton mill with Water Power. It falls into the River Teviot about 1/2 a mile below the mill before named. |
OS1/29/18/25 |
[Page] 25
Ph. [Parish] of Jedburgh
Plan 20.3. 1
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/26 |
[Page] 26
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/27 |
River Teviot
River Teviot
River Teviot |
Fullartons Imperial Gazetteer
Johnstones County Map
Blackwoods County Map |
015; 020; 021 |
[Situation] On N.Wn. [North Western] Ph. [Parish] Boundy. [Boundary]
A large stream having its source in the parish of Teviothead, it flows in North East direction to its junction with the river Tweed at Kelso. |
OS1/29/18/27 |
Lanton Mill
Lanton Mill
Longtown Mill |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior] Gent Knowsouth
Mr William Brunton Builder Jedburgh
Stobie's County Map |
020.04 |
[Situation] On East bank of River Teviot.
A substantial dwelling house, Mill & out-offices together with a farm of good land the buildings are all in good repair & slated, the mill is worked by Water power, supplied by the River Teviot & Knowsouth Burn
Property of the Marquis of Lothian
Occupant Mr. Mark Turnbull |
OS1/29/18/27 |
Knowsouth Burn
Knowsouth Burn
Knowsouth Burn |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior] Gent Knowsouth
Mr. Potts Junr. [Junior] Gent Knowsouth
Mr. William Brunton Builder Jedburgh |
014.16 |
[Situation] On N.W. [North West] Ph. [Parish] Boundary.
A small stream having its source on the Estate of Knowsouth in the parish of Bedrule, it partly supplies Lanton Mill with Water power & thence flows into the River Teviot. |
OS1/29/18/27 |
[Page] 27
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20.4 Trace 1.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/28 |
Lantonhall |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior] Gent Knowsouth
Mr. G Davidson Merchant Lanton
Mr. William Brunton Builder Jedburgh
G. Bell Esqr. Mainslees |
020.04 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile East of Lanton Mill.
A small farm house together with a farm of land, the out offices are built to the dwelling & the whole are not in very good repair
Property of Lord Minto
Occupant Archibald Henderson |
OS1/29/18/28 |
Red Sheugh
Red Sheugh
Red Sheugh |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior]
G. Bell Esqr.
Mr. G Davidson |
020.04 |
[Situation] 6 chains South of Lantonhall.
This name applies to a deep ravine having a Stream running through it and thickly covered with wood on either Side - Situated on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/28 |
Lanton Burn
Lanton Burn
Lanton Burn |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior]
G. Bell Esqr.
Mr. G Davidson
Mr. W Brunton |
020.04 |
[Situation] Through Lanton village N.W. [North West] to Knowsouth Burn.
A small stream rising at the village of Lanton & running in a N W [North West] direction falls into Knowsouth Burn. |
OS1/29/18/28 |
[Page] 28
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20.4 Trace 2.
Shench - a furrow, a trench -- Dr. Jamieson's Scot: Dicty. [Scottish Dictionary]
Note - Sheugh is stated by authorities to be the local mod of spelling [initialed] JNJ.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/29 |
Lanton Mains
Lanton Mains
Lanton Mains
Lanton Mains |
J. Pott Esqr. Knowsouth
G. Bell Esqr. Mainslees
Rent Receipt
Estate Plan |
020.04 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile South of Lanton Mill.
A Substantial farmhouse with Suitable out offices, all slated and in good repair - the property of W. A. Rutherford Esqr. of Edgerstoun. |
OS1/29/18/29 |
[Page] 29
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 20. 4. 4.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/30 |
TOWER (1598) (Site of) [Lanton] |
site of Tower No 2
site of Tower No 2 |
G. Bell Esqr. Mainslees
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
J. Pott Esqr. Knowsouth. |
020.04 |
[Situation] In Lanton village.
The site of this Tower is situated at the northern extremity of Lanton village - the foundation Stones were removed about fifty years ago, a hewn Stone was taken from this strength and placed in one of the adjoining buildings, having on it the initials J.P. and date 1598. No other information can be had relative to its history. |
OS1/29/18/30 |
[Page] 30
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 20.4.5.
Mill Pool -- Mill Pool -- For authorities & descriptive Remarks See Ancrum Ph. [Parish]
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/31 |
Lanton Tower
Lanton Tower
Lanton Tower
Lanton Tower |
G. Bell Esqr. Mainslees
J. Pott Esqr. Knowsouth
Rev: [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Aitken Minto Manse
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
020.04 |
[Situation] At Sn. [Southern] extremity of Lanton village
This ancient Stronghold is still in good preservation, and occupied as a dwelling. The walls are about six feet thick. The under Storey is Separated from the upper by a strong Stone arch, and is loopholed on every side. The exact date of its erection cannot be correctly ascertained. It is Supposed to have originally belonged to a family named Inglis.
At present it is the property of G. Bell Esqr. Mainslees. |
OS1/29/18/31 |
SCHOOL [Lanton] |
School (Parochial) |
G. Bell Esqr.
J. Pott Esqr.
T. Scott School-master |
020.04 |
[Situation] At the East of Lanton village.
A Side parochial, in which the ordinary branches of education are taught. The average number of Scholars is about 50. |
OS1/29/18/31 |
TOWER (Site of) [Lanton] |
Tower (Site of) |
G. Bell Esqr.
J. Pott Esqr.
Rev: [Reverend] Dr Aitken
G. Rutherford |
020.04 |
[Situation] In Lanton village.
The site of this Stronghold is situated close to Lanton village, the last vestiges were removed and used for the erection of the adjoining houses about fifty years ago. No other information can be had respecting its origin. |
OS1/29/18/31 |
[Page] 36
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 20.4.5.
Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/32 |
Lanton |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
G. Bell Esqr.
Rev: [Reverend] Dr [Doctor] Aitken Minto Manse
Fullartons Imperial Gazetteer
G. Hilson Esqr. Jedburgh
Blackwoods County Map
Stobie's County Map
Valuation Rolls 1771. & 1811.
New Statl. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Jedburgh |
020.04 |
[Situation] In N.Wn. [North Western] district of this Parish.
A Small village consisting chiefly of Cottages the greater part of which are thatched, having gardens and small portions of land attached. Situate on a parish road, about two miles to the west Side of Jedburgh. There are no places of worship here, and only one School, a Side parochial.
The proprietors are the Duke of Buccleuch, the Marquis of Lothian, W. A. Rutherford Esqr. Edgers [Edgerstoun] and G. Bell Esqr. of Mainslees. |
OS1/29/18/32 |
Lanton Pleasance
Lanton Pleasance
Lanton Pleasance
Lanton Pleasance
Lanton Pleasance |
G. Bell Esqr.
G. Rutherford Esqr.
J. Pott Esqr. Knowsouth
Estate Plan
Rent Receipt |
020.04 |
[Situation] About 1/4 mile South of Lanton village.
A farmhouse, having Suitable out offices garden & lands attached, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/32 |
[Page] 32
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 20.4. Trace 5
Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/33 |
Lanton Moor
Lanton Moor
Lanton Moor |
A Jeffrey Esqr. Writer Jedburgh
Mr. W Brunton Builder Jedburgh
Mr. G Davidson Merchant Lanton
G. Bell Esqr. Mainslees |
020.01; 021.04 |
[Situation] Towards N.W. [North West] district of Ph. [Parish]
A considerable tract of Moor to the S.E. [South East] of Lanton, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/33 |
[Page] 33
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20.4 Trace 6.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/34 |
[Page] 34
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/35 |
Timpendean Tower
Timpendean Tower
Timpendean Tower
Timpendean Tower
Timpendean Tower
Timpendean Tower |
Alexander Jeffrey Esqr.
Blackwoods County Map Jedburgh
Mr. William Brunton Builder Jedburgh
Stobies County Map
Mr. G. Davidson Merchant
Estate Plan Lanton
Ainslie's Map of Scotland (1812) |
021.10 |
[Situation] In N.Wn. [North Western] district.
One of those small Strongholds which are so frequently to be met with in most of Scotland, the four sides still remain & the lower apartment is still arched over, but the roof is entirely away it is surrounded with Moats, on the W [West] & South sides, which are still in good preservation
Property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/35 |
Lanton Moor
Lanton Moor
Lanton Moor |
Alexander Jeffrey Esqr.
Mr. William Brunton
Mr. G Davidson |
020.01; 021.04 |
[Situation] S.E. [South East] of Timpendean Tower.
A considerable tract of moor lying between Jedburgh & Lanton, the road betwixt these two places crossing it, there are one or two small camps on it which are nearly extinct. |
OS1/29/18/35 |
[Page] 35
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.1 Trace 1
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. RE. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/36 |
Monklaw |
Alexander Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Stobies County Map
Ainslies Map of Scotland (1812) |
021.10 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile East of Timpendean Tower.
A comfortable dwelling house & out offices together with a large farm, the buildings are all slated & in good repair
Property of the Marquis of Lothian
Occupant Mr. Little |
OS1/29/18/36 |
FORT (Remains of) |
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of) |
Alexander Jeffrey Esqr.
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
George Scott Woodman Whinyhouse
James Bell Woodman Willinscrood
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse Jedburgh |
021.10 |
[Situation] About 26 chains East of Timpendean Tower.
This is the remains of a Camp or Fort on the farm of Monklaw, & at the N.E. [North East] point of Lanton Moor.
Supposed to be the remains of an ancient Strength. |
OS1/29/18/36 |
CAMP (Site of) [SW of Monklaw] |
Camps |
Alexander Jeffrey Esqr.
George Scott
James Bell |
021.10 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile S.W. [South West] of Monklaw.
This is a name given to a Small eminence on the farm of Monklaw, it is supposed to be the site of a large roman Camp - this is the one mentioned in List of Antiquities |
OS1/29/18/36 |
[Page] 36
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.1 Trace 2
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/37 |
Bonjedward House
Bonjedward House
Bonjedworth House |
Mr James Weaver Wood-foster Hundaleebank
Estate Plan
Alexander Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Stobies County Map |
021.10 |
[Situation] 36 chains S.E.E. [South East East] of Monklaw.
A large modern building with out offices Garden &c attached, it as lately been greatly improved, in consequence of its becoming the residence of the Marchioness of Lothian, Widow of the late Marquis, to whom the property belongs |
OS1/29/18/37 |
Douglas Burn
Douglas Burn
Douglas Burn
Harden Burn |
Mr James Weaver
James Bell Woodman Williescrook
George Scott Woodman Whinyhouse
Estate Plan |
015.13; 021.01 |
[Situation] From Lanton Moor N.E. [North East] to Jed Water.
A small stream having its source on the Lanton Moor, it runs in a N.E. [North East] direction and falls into Jed Water at Bonjedward Mill, the name was lately given to the stream by the Marquis of Lothian, in honour of some former proprietor and is now recognised in the locality as "Douglas Burn". |
OS1/29/18/37 |
[Page] 37
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.1 Trace 3
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/38 |
FORT [Lanton Moor] |
Fort |
Alexander Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
George Scott Woodman Whinyhouse
James Bell Woodman Williescrook
Alexander Douglas - Factor Jordanfield |
021.10 |
[Situation] On Lanton Moor.
A small circular camp on Lanton Moor; Mr. Jeffrey appears to think that these small camps were formed by the Malitia when collected on the Moor, for review - nothing authentic can be had as to its origin. |
OS1/29/18/38 |
[Page] 38
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.1 Trace 4
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/39 |
Williescrook |
George Scott Woodman Whinyhouse
Estate Plan
James Bell Occupant
Mr. James Weaver Wood-foster Hundaleebank |
021.10 |
[Situation] East of Lanton Moor.
A cottage & Garden &c [etcetera] the house is now & was built for the use of a Game Watcher & Woodman &c
Property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/39 |
Williescrook Plant. [Plantation]
Williescrook Plant. [Plantation]
Williescrook Plant. [Plantation] |
George Scott
Estate Plan
James Bell
Mr. James Weaver |
021.01 |
[Situation] East from Lanton Moor.
A large plantation consisting of Fir Wood, it is situated on a rising ground about 1½ miles nearly N [North] of Jedburgh.
Property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/39 |
Williescrook Old Wood
Williescrook Old Wood
Williescrook Old Wood |
George Scott
James Bell
Estate Plan
Mr. James Weaver |
021.01 |
[Situation] East from Williescrook Plantation
A wood of small dimensions, it consists of large Scotch Fir trees, which were planted a long time previous to the Plantation & is thus called the Old Wood |
OS1/29/18/39 |
[Page] 39
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.1 Trace 5.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/40 |
Sharplaw |
Stobie's County Map
Rent Receipt
Ainslie's Map of Scotland (1812.)
Estate Plan
Alexander Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.10 |
[Situation] ½ mile S.E. [South East] of Monklaw.
A farm house one story in height, with extensive out-buildings attached; partly slated & partly thatched, the thrashing mill is worked by a Steam Engine.
Property of the Marquis of Lothian
Occupant Mr. Steadman |
OS1/29/18/40 |
[Page] 40
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.1 Trace 6
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/41 |
NEW-MILL (Corn) |
New-mill (Corn)
New-mill (Corn) |
R Hope New-mill
William Taylor Gardener Hartrigge
J B Crease Jedneuk |
015.14 |
[Situation] On the East bank of Jed Water.
Applied to a mill and farm house, two storys high, slated and in good repair having a vegetable garden and an arable farm attached. Tennants G.R. Heaps, the property of Lord Campell |
OS1/29/18/41 |
The Thorn
The Thorn |
William Taylor Hartrigge
J B Crease Jedneuk
William Taylor Hartrigg |
021.02 |
[Situation] 46 chains S.E. [South East] of New-mill.
A Circular plantation about 26 Chains to the east of Woodend it is situated on An Emenince And Commands a view of a mile around, situate on the property of Lord Campbell. |
OS1/29/18/41 |
Jed Water
Jed Water |
L Hartly Station master
R Heaps New-mill
William Taylor Hartrigge |
015; 021; 022 |
[Situation] From the East of Neides Law in Southdean N. [North] by E. [East] to River Teviot.
A Considerable Stream having its source at the base of Neid Law, it flows in a northerly direction through several farms: enters the town of Jedburgh from thus it runs tangent with the North British Railway, until it Enters the River Teviot a little below Jedfoott Station |
OS1/29/18/41 |
[Page] 41
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21.2 T [Trace] 1
J McDonnell Sapr RE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/42 |
Ulston |
R Shiel Farmer Ulston
William Taylor, Hartrigge
William Hartly, Station master Jedbro [Jedburgh]
Estate Plan |
021.02 |
[Situation] Nearly 1 mile S.E. [South East] of New-mill
A number of Cottages about a mile from Jedbro. [Jedburgh] slated and in good repair having a Small gardens attached chiefly occupied by Agricultural Laborers this belong to Lord Campbell, with the exception of one which belongs to Mrs Davidson |
OS1/29/18/42 |
[Page] 42
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21.2 T. [Trace] 2 & 3.
WATLING STREET -- Watling Street (Roman Road) For Descriptive remarks see Authorities Sheet 21. No. 8.
J McDonnell Sap R.E [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/43 |
Hartrigge |
Lord Campbell Hartrigge
Estate Plan
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.02 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile S.W. [South West] of Ulston.
A large and handsome building of modern Structure with Suitable out offices, gardens and pleasure grounds attached, the property and Seat of Lord Campbell. |
OS1/29/18/43 |
North British Railway (Jedburgh Branch) |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
J. Hartly Station Master Jedfoot Bridge
J. B. Crease Jedneuk |
015.10; 021.02 |
[Situation] South through Nn. [Northern] district.
A branch off the North British Railway running from Roxburgh to Jedburgh consisting of a single line of rail: Constructe in 1855 & 6. |
OS1/29/18/43 |
[Page] 43
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21. No.2 Trace 4.
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/44 |
[Page] 44
[Blank page] |
OS1/29/18/45 |
Tower Burn
Tower Burn
Tower Burn |
William Taylor Hartrigge
R Young Woodend
John Henderson Old Hall |
021.02 |
[Situation] N. [North] of Hartrigge.
A Small burn having its Source About 37 Chains East of Hartrigge flowing in a westerly direction and falls into Jed Water at the Railway Station. |
OS1/29/18/45 |
Woodend |
William Taylor Hartrigge
R Young Woodend
John Henderson Old Hall |
021.02 |
[Situation] 35 chains N.N.W. [North North West] of Heartrigge.
A Small farm two storys high slated and in good repair. Tennanted by R Young, the property of Lord Campell. |
OS1/29/18/45 |
[Page] 45
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21.2. T. [Trace] 4
[Note against deleted entry for OLd hall] Not generally recognised by this Name.
J McDonnell Spr R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/46 |
Jedburgh Station (Terminus)
Jedburgh Station (Terminus) |
William Hartly Station Master
William Taylor Hartrigge
R Young Woodend
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.02 |
A dwelling house and Office [2?] Storeys high slated and in good repair having a Shed and Engine House attached |
OS1/29/18/46 |
Grumphie Scaur
Grumphie Scaur |
William Hartly Station Master
William Taylor Hartrigge
R Young Woodend |
021.02 |
[Situation] 19 chains N.W. [North West] of Hartrigge.
A very precipitous Scaur on the River Jed and opposite the Railway Station Situate on the Estate of Hartrigge |
OS1/29/18/46 |
RUNIC ALTAR [W of Hartrigge] |
Runic Altar |
William Taylor Hartrigge
R Yound Woodend
J B Crease Bonjedward [Neuk]
Statistical Account of Scotland VOL. III.
Lord Campbell. |
021.02 |
[Situation] West of Hartrigge.
A large stone about 4 feet high and nearly 5 in Circumference it stood at one time at the Town foot Bridge but was removed to Hartrigge in 1843.
This stone appears to have formed part of ancient obelisk. It is covered with indistinct Characters and representations of Animals, and on the top there is a tenon for receiving the mortise of the incumbent stone. It is probably part of the Ancient Cross of Bongate. |
OS1/29/18/46 |
[Page] 46
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21. 2. T. [Trace] 4.
Grumphie a vulgar name for a Sow - Dr. Jamieson's Scot. Dicty. [Scottish Dictionary]
Scar - a bare plane on the side of a steep hill from which the sward has been washed away. Dr. Jamieson's Scot. Dicty. [Scottish Dictionary]
The mode hitherto adopted on Plans [initialed] JBJ.
See Descriptive Remark and Authorities, - Page 25 Town of Jedburgh Name Book
Thomas Watson Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers]
MacDonald Sapper RE [Royal Engineer] |
OS1/29/18/47 |
West Ulston
West Ulston
West Ulston |
Estate Plan
R. Story Road Surveyor Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.02 |
[Situation] ¼ mile S.W.W. [South West West] of Ulston.
A farm-house having excellent outbuildings attached - all new the property of Lord Campbell. |
OS1/29/18/47 |
Croutchy Wood
Croutchy Wood
Croutchy Wood |
R. Story
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Mr. W. Deans Anna Cottage |
021.02 |
[Situation] 50 chains East of Heartrigge.
Applies to a plantation consisting principally of fir trees, of about forty years growth - Situate on the property of Lord Campbell. |
OS1/29/18/47 |
Ulston Moor
Ulston Moor
Ulston Moor |
R. Story
Estate Plan
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
021.02 |
[Situation] In Nn. [Northern] district
A considerable tract of land the greater part of which is under Cultivation the property of Lord Campbell. |
OS1/29/18/47 |
[Page] 47
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21. No. 2. Trace 5.
Crouchie Wood See Page 76
Crouchie having a hunch on the back From French Crochie - Crooked Dr Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/48 |
Mary's Glen
Mary's Glen
Mary's Glen |
R. Story
G. Rutherford Esqr.
J. B. Crease Jedneuk |
021.02 |
[Situation] 31 chains East of Ulston.
A narrow ravine, covered with mixed wood and having a Small Stream running through it, Situate on the property of Lord Campbell. |
OS1/29/18/48 |
[Page] 48
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21 No. 2 Trace 6.
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/49 |
Roman Road
Roman Road
Roman Road
Watling Street |
John Johnston Crailinghall
James James Esq Samieston
Robert Rutherford Overwells
See Page 83. |
021.03 |
[Situation] On Nn. Ph. Boundy. [Northern Parish Boundary]
See authorities and descriptive remarks Sheet 21.8. |
OS1/29/18/49 |
Batings Burn
Batings Burn
Batings Burn
Batings Burn |
J. James Esqr.
A Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
J. Johnston Crailinghall
Hugh Johnston Pity-me |
021.03 |
[Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary.
A small stream having its Source from a strong spring near Pity-me, runs in a northerly direction, crossing the Roman Road it then forms the boundary of the parishes of Jedburgh & Crailing until it joins the Oxnam Water - (This Discription may Stand for Back Burn) |
OS1/29/18/49 |
[Page] 49
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 3. Trace No. 1.
This is wrong - in the Spelling and position - Baittens Burn is farther West, running from Baittens farm hence down to the Roman Road.
The Correct name is Back Burn
(Back Burn from the Roman Road along the Parish Boundy [Boundary) down to the Oxnam Water) See note & Trace from Major Barnaby
dated Kelso 17 Novr. [November] 1859.
Owen Barrett
omo [Ordnance Mapping Office] 19 Novr. [November] 1859 |
OS1/29/18/49 |
Batings Burn has been deleted as the name on plan and has been replaced by Back Burn |
OS1/29/18/49A |
[page] 49a
Ord. [Ordnance] Survey Office
Kelso 17th Novr. [November] 1859
In comparing the Boundary Trace of Sheet 21.3. Jedburgh Parish, with my work of Crailing, I find he following difference -
The Carlisle Trace gives the name of the Stream from c to d. (See accompanying Trace) as "Batings Burn" - this is wrong, as Batings Burn extends from a to b. and not from c to d -
Captain Scott R E [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/49B |
[page] 49b
proper name of the Stream from c. to d. is "Back Burn" not 'Batings Burn" -
The Carlisle Plan is not only wrong in the application of the name but also in the mode of Spelling as it is "Baittens Burn" not "Batings Burn" -
The following is the Examiner's Remark respecting the name of this Stream - "This Burn is on the Trace from |
OS1/29/18/49C |
[page] 49c
Carlisle called Batings Burn", but Mr. Paton the owner of the ground through which it flows will not hear of it being called otherwise than Back Burn, which is also the name it bears on his old Plan of the Estate, Baittens Burn is beside the Farm Steading of Baittens" -
[signed] A Burnaby Major R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/49D |
[page] 49d
[Map refered to in previous pages on Back Burn and Baittens Burn] |
OS1/29/18/50 |
Oxnam Water
Oxnam Water
Oxnam Water |
John Johnstone Crailinghall
James James Esq Samieston
Robert Rutherford Overwells |
015.15 |
[Situation] At the East side of Parish.
A large Stream having its Source near Plenderleith, from which place it bears the name to its Junction with the River Teviot. |
OS1/29/18/50 |
Trumpeter's Knowe
Trumpeter's Knowe
Trumpeter's Knowe |
John Johnston
Robert Rutherford
John Mitchell
Cunglebank School |
021.03 |
[Situation] On the West Side of Oxnam Water.
A Small wooded Knowe on the West bank of Oxnam Water, the name is Said to be taken from its being a Watchmans Station during the Covenanting troubles, but from its trifling elevation, And the most of the Surrounding Country being higher than it, it is, most probably, derived from the fish of that name. |
OS1/29/18/50 |
[Page] 50
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 3. Trace No. 2.
Owen Barrett
Civil Assistant |
OS1/29/18/51 |
Crailinghall |
John Johnstone Occupier
James James Esq Samieston
Robert Rutherford Over Wells
Jeffrey's History of Roxburghshire |
021.03 |
[Situation] On the East bank of Oxnam Water.
A good house with a great extent of outbuildings, And a large farm (nearly 2000 acres) attached, the property of the Marquis of Lothian
Occupied by John Johnstone.
Remains of Tumuli are still discernible on this farm - they were opened a few years ago and found to Contain urns with human ashes &c. |
OS1/29/18/51 |
Over Crailing
Over Crailing |
John Johnstone
James James
Robert Rutherford |
021.03 |
[Situation] About 25 chains N.E. [North East] of Crailinghall.
Two rows of Cottages on the farm of Crailinghall, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. It is said that a chapel formerly stood here, but there is no indication of its site, neither Can any person in the district give any idea of it. If such a thing ever existed here it must have stood near the Spring, marked on Trace. |
OS1/29/18/51 |
[Page] 51
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 3. Trace No. 3
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/52 |
Cringlebank School
Cringlebank School
Cringlebank School |
John Mitchell Schoolmaster
John Johnstone Crailinghall
Robert Rutherford Over Wells |
021.03 |
[Situation] 35 chains S.S.W. [South South West] from Crailinghall.
A Small house erected for a School And house for the Master by the Marquis of Lothian, whose support is merely Voluntary, the [Master's] income arises from the School fees And a free house & garden, the average [number of] Scholars is 30. |
OS1/29/18/52 |
[Page] 52
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 3. Trace No. 5
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/53 |
Ulston Moor
Ulston Moor
Ulston Moor |
John Johnstone Crailing Hall
Robert Rutherford Over Wells |
021.02 |
[Situation] Towards the N.En. [North Eastern] district.
A large tract of land the greater part of which is Cultivated The property of Lord Campbell |
OS1/29/18/53 |
Pity-me |
Robert Rutherford
Hugh Johnstone
John Johnstone |
021.03 |
[Situation] To the S.E. [South East] of Ulston Moor.
Two Small Cottages Occupied by Hugh Johnstone & Agnes Simpson the property of Lord Campbell The origin of this name is from a nickname given to its first Occupant who was in the habit of Soliciting charity and making frequent use of the words Pity me. |
OS1/29/18/53 |
[Page] 53
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 3. Trace No. 4
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/54 |
Old Hall
Old Hall
Old Hall |
John Johnstone Crailinghall
Thomas Walsh Occupier
Nathaniel Tinlim Occupier |
021.03 |
[Situation] 11 chains S.E. [South East] of Crailinghall.
This was previous to the erecton of the present farm house Called Crailinghall, but is now generally Known as the Old Hall, or Crailing Old Hall, it is divided into two [tenements] And occupied by farm labourers who are employed on the Crailinghall |
OS1/29/18/54 |
Cringle Burn
Cringle Burn
Cringle Burn |
John Johnstone
Thomas Walsh
Nathaniel Tinlinn |
021.03 |
[Situation] East from Oxnam Water.
A Small Stream having its Source on the lands of Samieston, bears this name from the Confluence of two Small Sykes a little South of Craigshiel, to [where it] falls into Oxnam Water. |
OS1/29/18/54 |
[Page] 54
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 3. Trace No. 6.
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/55 |
Tod's Dean
Tod's Dean
Tod's Dean |
Estate Plan
J. Johnston Crailinghall
J. James Esqr. Samieston |
015.16 |
[Situation] In En. [Eastern] Parish district.
This name applies to a slight glen or ravine thickly covered with fir wood - on the farm of Crailinghall & on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/55 |
[Page] 55
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21 No. 4 T. [Trace] 1.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/56 |
[Page] 56
[blank page] |
OS1/29/18/57 |
Craigshiel |
James James Esq Samieston
John Johnstone Crailinghall
William Hood Occupier
Stobie's County Map 1770 |
021.04 |
[Situation] In En. [Eastern] district of Parish.
A Cottage on the farm of Crailinghall Occupied by William Hood, the property of the Marquis of Lothian, |
OS1/29/18/57 |
Cringle Burn
Cringle Burn
Cringle Burn |
James James Esq
John Johnstone
William Hood
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.04 |
[Situation] From a Reservior S.W. [South West] of Craigshiel N.W. by W. [North West by West] to Oxnam Water.
A Stream having its source on the the lands of Samieston & Crailinghall bears the name from the Confluence of two Small Sykes, opposite Craigshiel, to where it falls into the Oxnam Water, |
OS1/29/18/57 |
[Page] 57
Parish of Jedburgh -- Plan 21. 4. Trace No. 5
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/58 |
Samieston Townfort
Samieston Townfort
Samieston |
James James Esq Occupier
John Johnstone
William Hood Craigshiel
John Gladstone, Upper Samieston
James Gladstone, Upper Samieston
Johnston's Map of Roxburghshire |
021.04 |
[Situation] About 50 chains S.E. [South East] of Craigshiel.
A neat residence With garden, Ornamental grounds & outhouses attached, the property and residence of James James Esq. |
OS1/29/18/58 |
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn |
James James Esq.
John Gladstone
James Gladstone |
015.09; 015.13; 021.04; 021.05; 021.08; 022.01 |
[Situation] From South of Shibden Hill N. [North] by W. [West] to Kail Water.
A Stream having its Source in the lands of Upper Samieston, passes by Samieston & Cessford And falls into Kail Water. This sometimes gets the name of Fore Burn. |
OS1/29/18/58 |
Back Burn
Back Burn
Back Burn |
James James Esq
John Gladstone
James Gladstone |
021.03 |
[Situation] S.W. [South West] from Cessford Burn.
A Stream having its Source near the Parish boundary, bears the name to where it Joins Cessford Burn. This Stream is also Known as Samiesston Burn. |
OS1/29/18/58 |
[Page] 58
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 4. Trace No. 6
Owen Barrett
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/29/18/59 |
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn |
James James Esq. Samieston
John Gladstone Upper Samieston
William Whittock Rennieston |
015.09; 015.13; 021.04; 021.05; 021.08; 022.01 |
[Situation] From South of Shibden Hill N. [North] by W [West] to Kail Water.
A Small Stream having its Source near Shibden Hill, passes by Samieston, And falls into Kail Water. |
OS1/29/18/59 |
[Page] 59
Ph. [Parish] of Jedburgh
Plan 22. 1. Trace No. 1.
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/60 |
Boat Pool |
Boat Pool |
For authorities and descriptive remarks see Ancrum Parish |
OS1/29/18/60 |
[Page] 60 |
OS1/29/18/61 |
Lantonhill Quarries
Lantonhill Quarries
Lantonhill Quarries |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior] Gent Knowsouth
Mr. William Brunton Builder Jedburgh
Mr. George Davidson Merchant Lanton |
020.08 |
[Situation] Towards the N.W. [North West] side of Parish.
Two excellent freestone quarries near the summit of Lanton Hill, the stone in general is of first rate quality but owing to the bad access to them they are not very much used, one of them only employes about six men & the other is very seldom worked; there have been some very fine fossils got here in the form of Shells & Trees; one, a Shell is sent to O.S.O. [Ordnance Survey Office] Carlisle |
OS1/29/18/61 |
[Page] 61
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20.8 Trace 1
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/62 |
Lantonparks |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior] Gent Knowsouth
Mr. William Brunton Builder Jedburgh
Rent Receipt
Mr. George Davidson Merchant Lanton |
020.08 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile N.W. [North West] of Lantonhill.
A small & comfortable farm house on the Western boundary of the parish, with officehouses attached & all are in good repair, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/62 |
Lantonhill |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior]
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. William Brunton
Mr. G Davidson |
020.08 |
[Situation] In N.Wn. [North Western] district.
A few Cottages on the N.W. [North West] slope of Lanton Hill, they have each a small extent of land attached & are mostly in good repair, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/62 |
Lantonhill Cottage
Lantonhill Cottage
Lantonhill Cottage |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior]
Mr. William Brunton
Mr. G Davidson |
020.08 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile South of Lantonhill.
A neat & comfortable cottage near the Summit of Lanton Hill & possessing a fine view of Teviotdale as far as Hawick, it is slated & in excellent repair
Property of Mr. William Brunton Jedburgh |
OS1/29/18/62 |
[Page] 62
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20. 8 Trace 1.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/63 |
FORT (Remains of) [Lantonhill] |
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of) |
Mr. A Jeffrey Writer Jedburgh
Mr. W Brunton Lanton
Mr. W Brunton Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse. |
020.08 |
[Situation] About 33 chains East of Lantonhill
The remains of a fort on the N.E. [North East] slope of Lanton Hill, there was an Urn found on the summit of the hill supposed to have contained the Heart of som Warrior or cheif, it was about 1 foot below the surface, & when exposed to the air it fell away to dust.
It is generally Supposed this is the remains of an ancient British strength. |
OS1/29/18/63 |
020.08 |
OS1/29/18/63 |
[Page] 63
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20.8 Trace 2
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/64 |
[Page] 64
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/65 |
Lanton Moor
Lanton Moor
Lanton Moor |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior]
Estate Plan
Mr. W Brunton
Mr. G Davidson |
020.08 |
[Situation] Towards N.Wn. [North Western] district.
A tract of Moor lying betwixt Jedburgh & Lanton, the road from the former to the latter crosses the Moor, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/65 |
Hall's Plantation
Hall's Plantation
Hall's Plantation |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior]
Mr. W Brunton
Mr. G Davidson |
020.08 |
[Situation] ¼ mile S.E. [South East] of Lantonhill.
A small Fir plantation on the summit of Lanton Hill, it derives its name from the proprietor, i.e. Hall. |
OS1/29/18/65 |
[Page] 65
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20.8 Trace 2.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/66 |
Lanton Hill
Lanton Hill
Lanton Hill |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior] Gent Knowsouth
Mr. W Brunton Builder Jedburgh
Mr. G Davidson Merchant Lanton
Estate Plan |
020.08 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Lantonhill.
A large flat hill about 2 miles N.W. [North West] of Jedburgh, it commands a fine view of the surrounding country & is noted for the fine Stone which is got from beneath its surface, at two different quarries, on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/66 |
Lantonhill Craigs
Lantonhill Craigs
Lantonhill Craigs |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior]
Mr. W Brunton
Estate Plan
Mr. G Davidson |
020.08 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile East of Lantonhill.
Applies to a Small rock eminence on the property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/66 |
Lantonhillcraigs |
Mr. Potts Senr. [Senior]
Rent Receipt
Mr. W Brunton
Mr. G Davidson |
020.08 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile East of Lantonhill.
A small & comfortable farm house out offices &c on the N.E. [North East] slope of Lanton Hill & near the Craigs before mentioned, the buildings are slated & in good repair, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/66 |
[Page] 66
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20.8 Trace 2.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/67 |
Lanton Moor
Lanton Moor
Lanton Moor |
A Jeffrey Esqr. Writer Jedburgh
Mr. W Brunton Builder Jedburgh
Mr. G Davidson Merchant Lanton |
020.08 |
[Situation] At the N.W. [North West] side of Parish.
A considerable tract of moor lying N.W. [North West] of Jedburgh, a great portion of it as been cultivated & the rest of it though very rough is very fair soil if properly looked after & tilled |
OS1/29/18/67 |
Williescrook Plantation
Williescrook Plantation
Williescrook Plantation |
Mr. James Weaver Wood-foster Hundaleebank
Mr. James Bell Woodman Williescrook
Mr. George Scott Woodman Whinyhouse |
021.01 |
[Situation] East of Lanton Moor.
A considerable tract of Fir Planting to the N.W. [North West] of Jedburgh
Property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/67 |
[Page] 67
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21.5 Trace 1
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/68 |
Tudhope |
A Jeffrey Esqr. Writer Jedburgh
G Rutherford Esqr. Banker Jedburgh
W Deans Esqr. Anna Cottage Jedburgh |
021.05 |
[Situation] East from Lanton Moor.
A substantial two Storey farm house with Out-offices attached, all slated & in good repair.
Property of Alexander Meine Esqr. Howden
Occupant Mr. Thomas Horsburgh |
OS1/29/18/68 |
TUDHOPE SPRING (Chalybeate) |
Tudhope Spring
Tudhope Spring
Tudhope Spring
Chalybeate Spring |
A Jeffrey Esqr.
G Rutherford Esqr.
W Deans Esqr.
New Statl. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Roxburgh. |
021.05 |
[Situation] West of Tudhope.
A chalybeate spring at one time very much frequented by Invalids &c & supposed to be possessed of curative powers; - has now fallen into disuse. |
OS1/29/18/68 |
Williescrook Old Wood
Williescrook Old Wood
Williescrook Old Wood |
James Weaver Wood foster Hundaleebank
G. Rutherford Esqr.
James Bell Woodman Williescrook
Estate Plan
George Scott Woodman Whinyhouse |
021.01 |
[Situation] S.E. [South East] of Williescrook Plantation.
This name applies to a Wood of small dimensions, and all Fir, it is about 3/4 of a mile N.W. [North West] of Jedburgh
Property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/68 |
[Page] 68
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.5 Trace 2
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/69 |
Meikle Cleuch
Meikle Cleuch
Meikle Cleuch |
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Writer Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
W. Deans Esqr. Anna Cottage Jedburgh |
021.05 |
[Situation] East from Williescrook Old Wood.
This name applies to a deep cleuch on the W. [West] side of the town of Jedburgh
A small stream flows through it, which falls into Jed Water, on the property of Mr. Ormiston of Glenburn Hall |
OS1/29/18/69 |
Wildcat Cleuch
Wildcat Cleuch
Wildcat Cleuch |
A Jeffrey Esqr.
G Rutherford Esqr.
W Deans Esqr. |
021.05 |
[Situation] 26 chains South of Meikle Cleuch.
A small deep cleuch on the west side of the town of Jedburgh. A small stream flows through it & falls into the Skip running Burn, on the property of Mr Ormiston of Glenburn Hall |
OS1/29/18/69 |
Glenburn Cottage
Glenburn Cottage
Glenburn Cottage |
Mr. James Hobkirk Jedburgh
Mr. W Swanston Jedburgh
Mr. Thomas Clarke Occupant |
021.05 |
[Situation] South from Wildcat Cleuch.
A small cottage on the estate of Glenburn Hall, occupied by the shepherd; it is Slated and in bad repair. |
OS1/29/18/69 |
[Page] 69
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.5 Trace 2.
10 feet work.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/70 |
Larkhall |
Mr. Ormiston Proprietor
A Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Hugh Sillico Dunian Old Toll
Estate Plan |
021.05 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile S.W. [South West] of Tudhope.
A large & comfortable farm house, out offices &c all slated & in good repair the thrashing mill is worked by Steam Power. Owner Mr. Ormiston. |
OS1/29/18/70 |
Dunian Moor
Dunian Moor
Dunian Moor
Dunian Moor |
Mr. Ormiston
A Jeffrey Esqr.
Hugh Lilllico
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
020.12; 021.09 |
[Situation] South from Lanton Moor.
A considerable tract of moorland to the S.W. [South West] of Jedburgh & lying on the East side of Dunian Hill the Turnpike Road from Jedburgh to Hawick traverses the Moor |
OS1/29/18/70 |
Skiprunning Burn
Skiprunning Burn
Skiprunning Burn
Skiprunning Burn |
Mr. Ormiston
Burgh Records
A Jeffrey Esqr.
Hugh Lillico
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
021.05 |
[Situation] From Dunian Moor N.E. [North East] to Jed Water.
A small stream having its source on the Dunian Moor & flows in an Easterly direction to the Jed Water. |
OS1/29/18/70 |
[Page] 70
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.5 Trace 3.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/71 |
Glenburn Hall
Glenburn Hall
Glenburn Hall |
Mr. Ormiston Proprietor Larkhall
Estate Plan
A Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Hugh Lillico Dunian Old Toll
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
021.05 |
[Situation] 34 chains South of Tudhope.
A large & substantial mansion beautifully situated on a rising ground a little to the S.W. [South West] of Jedburgh the building is modern, is two Stories in height, slated & in good repair, the property of Mr. Ormiston & by whom it is occupied |
OS1/29/18/71 |
Dunian Old Toll
Dunian Old Toll
Dunian Old Toll |
Mr. Ormiston
G. Rutherford Esqr.
A Jeffrey Esqr.
Hugh Lillico Occupant |
021.05 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile nearly South of Glenburn Hall.
A comfortable cottage on the North side of the Turnpike road from Jedburgh to Hawick, it was for a considerable time used as a toll, but that being done away with, it is used as a private dwelling, this property belongs to the Road Trustees. |
OS1/29/18/71 |
Miller's Burn
Miller's Burn
Miller's Burn |
Mr. Ormiston
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
A Jeffrey Esqr.
Hugh Lillico |
021.05 |
[Situation] From Dunian Moor N.E. [North East] to Jed Water.
A small stream rising on the farm of Hundalee & flowing in a N.E. [North East] direction it falls into Jed Water at Allars. |
OS1/29/18/71 |
[Page] 71
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.5 Trace 4.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/72 |
Castle wood Cottage
Castle wood Cottage
Castle wood Cottage |
Mr. F. Harkness Proprietor
Mr. R. Hunter Hyndhousefield
Mr. J Hopkirk Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
021.05 |
[Situation] On Millie's Burn.
A small neat cottage in a secluded glen 1/2 mile south of Jedburgh, it is slated & nearly new, the property of J. Harkness by whom it is at present occupied. |
OS1/29/18/72 |
Allars |
Mr. F Harkness
Ainslie's Map of Scotland (1812) Mr T Elliot Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
021.05 |
[Situation] At the junction of Miller's Burn and Jed Water.
A commodious dwelling house two Stories high, slated & in good repair it is adjacent to a large Woolen manufactory which bears the same name, & is nearly surrounded with a fine orchard
Proprietor Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Ewins Hobkirk
Occupant Mr. Chisholm |
OS1/29/18/72 |
Jed Water
Jed Water
Jed Water |
Fullartons Imperial Gazetteer
Johnstones County Map
Ainslies Map of Scotland
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
015; 021; 022 |
[Situation] From Sn. Ph. By. N. [Southern Parish Boundary North] through central district to River Teviot.
A considerable stream having its source near the Carter Fell, its course is very crooked & picturesque & a great many antiquities are to be found on its banks; it falls into the River Teviot near Nisbet. |
OS1/29/18/72 |
[Page] 72
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.5 Trace 5
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/73 |
Memorial Fountain
Memorial Fountain
Memorial Fountain
Memorial Fountain |
A Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. W Veitch Inchbonnie
Mr. J Hobkirk Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.05 |
[Situation] On the East bank of Jed Water.
This Fountain was erected by a few individuals in Jedburgh in token of the Women & Children who suffered in India during the Sepoy mutiny, it is a small & plain peice of Masony surmounted by a Cross, in the centre of the front is the form of an Urn out of which shoots the Water through an Iron pipe. |
OS1/29/18/73 |
Howden Burn
Howden Burn
Howden Burn
Howden Burn |
Mr. R Hunter Hindhousefield
Mr. W Veitch Inchbonnie
Mr. J Hobkirk Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr |
021.05 |
[Situation] East from Jed Water.
A small stream having its source on Hunthill farm & running in a Westerly course falls into Jed Water at Allars Mill. |
OS1/29/18/73 |
[Page] 73
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.5 Trace 5.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/74 |
Hindhousefield |
Mr. R Hunter Occupant
Mr. R Hunter Occupant
Stobies County Map
Ainslies Map of Scotland
Mr. J Hobkirk Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Mr. W. Deans Merchant. Anna Cottage |
021.05 |
[Situation] 24 chains N.N.E. [North North East] of Allars.
A comfortable two Story farmhouse on the S.E. [South East] outskirts of the town of Jedburgh, it is slated & in good repair.
Occupant & Proprietor
Mr. R Hunter |
OS1/29/18/74 |
Pleasance |
Mr. R Hunter Hindhousefield
Mr. W Veitch Inchbonnie
Mr. J Weaver Hundaleebank |
021.05 |
[Situation] 15 chains N.E. [North East] of Allars.
A comfortable farm house a little to the South of the former it is slated & in good repair
Proprietor Mr. Rutherford
Occupant Miss Rutherford |
OS1/29/18/74 |
Inchbonny |
J. Grainger Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. W Veitch
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. R Hunter
Mr. W Deans
Ainslies Map of Scotland
Johnston's County Map. |
021.05 |
[Situation] 7 chains East of Allars.
A small village consisting of a row of thatched cottages Millwrights Shop & dwelling house, the whole are in good repair
Proprietor Mr. W Veitch |
OS1/29/18/74 |
[Page] 74
Parish of Jedburgh Plan 21.5 Trace 5
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/75 |
Wildcatgate |
Andrew Goodfellow Occupier
Alexander Mein Howden
James Fox Annfield |
021.06 |
[Situation] On Turnpike Rd at entrance to Hartrig.
A cottage with gardens attached at the back entrance to Hartrigge the property of Lord Campbell |
OS1/29/18/75 |
Howden Burn
Howden Burn
Howden Burn |
Alexander Mein
Andrew Goodfellow
James Fox |
021.05 |
[Situation] South from Hunthill N. by E. [North by East] to Jed Water.
A Stream having its source on the Hunthill Farm, falls into the Jed Water. |
OS1/29/18/75 |
Annfield |
Alexander Mein
Andrew Goodfellow
James Fox |
021.06 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile West of Wildcat Gate.
A cottage with a small farm attached the property of the Marquis of Lothian Occupied by James Fox. |
OS1/29/18/75 |
[Page] 75
Ph. [Parish] of Jedburgh
Plan 21.6 Trace 1.
The word "Gate" being frequently applied in Scotland in the same sense as Lodge, the name here is consequently divided.
Owen Barrett
Civil Assistant |
OS1/29/18/76 |
Tower Burn
Tower Burn
Tower Burn |
Andrew Goodfellow Wildcatgate
Alexander Mein Howden
James Fox Annfield |
021.02 |
[Situation] 34 chains N.N.E. [North North East] of Wildcat Gate.
A Small stream having its Source near Ulston, falls into the Jed near the Railway terminus |
OS1/29/18/76 |
Belvidere Wood
Belvidere Wood
Belvidere Wood
Belvidere Wood |
Andrew Goodfellow
Williamson's Local Etymology
Alexander Mein
James Fox |
021.06 |
[Situation] About 31 chains N.E. [North East] of Wildcat Gate.
A large plantation principally consisting of fir trees, the property of Lord Campbell. |
OS1/29/18/76 |
Crouchie Wood
Crouchie Wood
Crouchie Wood
Crouchie Wood
Crouchie Wood |
Andrew Goodfellow
J. Grainger Esqr. Jedburgh
Alexander Mein
Mr Connell Parochial Teacher Jedbro. [Jedburgh]
James Fox
Lord Campbell Hartrigge |
021.02 |
[Situation] North of Belvidere Wood.
A plantation principally Consisting of fir trees, the property of Lord Campbell. |
OS1/29/18/76 |
[Page] 76
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.6 Trace No. 2
Owen Barrett
Civil Assistant |
OS1/29/18/77 |
Ulston Moor
Ulston Moor
Ulston Moor |
Alexander Mein Howden
Andrew Goodfellow Wildcatgate
James Fox Annfield |
021.06 |
[Situation] Adjoining Crouchie Wood on the East.
A large tract of land partly cultivated the property of Lord Campbell. |
OS1/29/18/77 |
West Cottage
West Cottage
West Cottage |
John Shiel Occupier
Andrew Goodfellow
James Fox |
021.06 |
[Situation] South from Ulston Moor.
A neat cottage with garden attached the property of John Laing Esq Occupied by John Shiel. |
OS1/29/18/77 |
[Page] 77
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.6. Trace No. 3
Owen Barrett
Ca [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/29/18/78 |
Lochend |
Thomas Wylie Occupier
Alexander Mein Howden
Andrew Mein Scraesburgh |
021.06 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile S.W. [South West] of Wildcat Gate.
A farm house with outbuildings attached, the property of the Marquis of Lothian, occupied by Thomas Wylie. |
OS1/29/18/78 |
Howden |
Thomas Wylie
Alexander Mein
Andrew Mein |
021.06 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile S.S.E. [South South East] of Lochend.
A farm house with outbuilding attached, the property of the Marquis of Lothian, occupied by Alexander Mein. |
OS1/29/18/78 |
CAMP [Howden] |
Roman Camp |
G. Oliver Esqr. Hawick
Andrew Mein
G. Rutherfod Esqr. Jedburgh
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.06 |
[Situation] In Nn. [Northern] vicinity of Howden.
The remains of a very strong Fort the greater portion of which has been removed in the process of Cultivation. It is placed in a very strong natural position one side being formed by a deep natural ravine |
OS1/29/18/78 |
[Page] 78
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.6. Trace No.4
Owen Barrett
c/a [civilian assistant] |
OS1/29/18/79 |
Wells Burn
Wells Burn
Wells Burn |
John Shiel
Walter Rathay
Robert Story |
021.06 |
[Situation] In S.En. [South Eastern] corner of Plan.
A Small Stream having its Source on the farm of Huckside, falls into Oxnam Water. |
OS1/29/18/79 |
[Page] 79
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.6. Trace No. 6
Owen Barrett
C a [Civilian assistant] |
OS1/29/18/80 |
[Page] 80
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/81 |
Overwells Cottage
Overwells Cottage
Overwells Cottage |
George Robson Occupier
Robert Rutherford Over Wells
Robert Story
Nether Wells |
021.07 |
[Situation] 25 chains S.W. [South West] of Over Wells.
A cottage with garden attached Occupied by George Robson, the property of John Laing Esq of Selkirk |
OS1/29/18/81 |
Over Wells
Over Wells
Over Wells |
George Robson
Robert Rutherford
Robert Story |
021.07 |
[Situation] At the East side of Parish.
A farm house, the property of John Laing Esq of Selkirk, occupied by Robert Rutherford. |
OS1/29/18/81 |
Wells Burn
Wells Burn
Wells Burn |
George Robson
Robert Rutherford
Robert Story |
021.06 |
[Situation] From West of Thickside N.E. [North East] to Oxnam Water.
A Small stream having its source on the lands of Thickside, falls into the Oxnam Water. |
OS1/29/18/81 |
[Page] 81
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 7. Trace No. 1
Owen Barrett
Civil Assistant |
OS1/29/18/82 |
Nether Wells
Nether Wells
Nether Wells
Nether Wells
Nether Wells |
Robert Story Occupier
George Robson Over Wells Cottage
Robert Rutherford Over Wells
Estate Plan
Stobie's County Map. |
021.07 |
[Situation] 26 chains S.E. [South East] of Over Wells.
A farm house With good Outbuildings, occupied by Robert Story, the property of William Black Esq. |
OS1/29/18/82 |
Oxnam Water
Oxnam Water
Oxnam Water
Oxnam Water |
Robert Story
Stobie's County Map
George Robson
Robert Rutherford |
015.15 |
[Situation] From En. Ph. Boundy. N.N.W. [Eastern Parish Boundary North North West] to River Teviot.
A large stream having its source near the S. [South] West of Oxnam Parish falls into the River Teviot. |
OS1/29/18/82 |
[Page] 82
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 7. Trace No. 2 & 3.
Owen Barrett
Civil Assistant |
OS1/29/18/83 |
Watling Street (Roman Road) |
Rev: [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Aitken Minto Manse
Rev: [Reverend] J. Duncan Denholm
Jeffrey's History of Roxburghshire
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
015; 021 |
[Situation] On Sn. Boundy. [Southern Boundary] of En. [Eastern] district.
This portion of Roman Road is well fenced in on either Side and used as an occupation road by the farmers and inhabitants of the district.
For further descriptive remark See Authorities Sheet 21. 8. |
OS1/29/18/83 |
[Page] 83
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21 No. 7 Trace 3.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/84 |
[Page] 84
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/85 |
Thickside |
Walter Rathay Occupier
John Shiel West Cottage
George Robson Overwells Cottage
Rent Receipt
Stobie's County Map |
021.07 |
[Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile S.W. [South West] by S. [South] from Over Wells.
A farm house the property of Lord Campbell, Occupied by Walter Rathay. |
OS1/29/18/85 |
[Page] 85
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 7. Trace No. 4
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/86 |
Pleasance |
Thomas Story Occupier
Robert Story Nether Wells
Andrew Dodds Hardenpeel |
021.07 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile S.S.E. [South South East] of Nether Wells.
A farm house With outhouses attached, the property of William Black Esq, Occupied by Thomas Story. |
OS1/29/18/86 |
Harden Burn
Harden Burn
Pleasance Burn
Pleasance Burn
Pleasance Burn |
Andrew Dodds
Robert Story
Andrew Mein
Thomas Story
George Robson |
021.07 |
[Situation] East of Pleasance.
A Stream having its Source on the lands of Scraesburgh falls into the Oxnam Water. |
OS1/29/18/86 |
[Page] 86
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 7. Trace No. 5
Owen Barrett
c/a [civilian assistant] |
OS1/29/18/87 |
Roman Road
Roman Road
Roman Road
Roman Causeway
Roman Road
Watling Street (Roman Road)
Watling Street (Roman Road)
Watling Street (Roman Road)
Watling Street (Roman Road) |
James James Esqr. Samieston
John Johnstone Crailinghall
John Mitchell Cunglebank School
Stobie's County Map 1770
Origines Parochiales
Jeffrey's History of Roxburghshire
Rev: [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Aitken Minto Manse
Rev: [Reverend] J. Duncan Denholm
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
W. Dean Esqr. Suna Cottage |
015; 021 |
The most important remain in this district of the Roman people, is the great Military way, called the "Watling Street". Its name is derived from the Saxon Wathol, a road or way. It starts from the Praetorium in Yorkshire, and on its way north crosses the Tees River at Pierse bridge, where there are the remains of a Station on the north bank of the River. It then proceeds by Binchester, & Lanchester, and Ebchester, at which place it leaves the County of Durham, and enters the County of Northumberland. It then stretches away to Corbridge, where it passes the River Tine. From Corbridge the Road proceeds onwards to the wall which runs between Solway & the Tine, & passes it a little to the westward of Hunnum. From this place the Road runs northward, to the East of Cocklaw, Swineburns, and Chipchase Castles, to Risingham Station. After leaving Risingham, the Road takes a northwest direction for about eight miles, when it arrives at Rochester, the Bremenium of the Romans, occupying a pass in the Cheviot range of mountains. After the road leaves Rochester it bends straight north, and makes for the border line at the head of Coquet, passing Holehouse, crossing Thirlmoor, and by Gammel's Path, reaches "Chewgreen", the Ad Fines of the Itinerary. On the West edge of the road as it runs from Redesdale to Chewgreen, there are Stones at regular distances, called "Golden Posts". General Roy thinks that these stones were erected by the Romans, for the single purpose of marking the distances on this highway. On leaving Chewgreen the road bends to the east, round the mountain Called Brownhartlaw, and while doing so, it crosses the border line, and from thence proceeds northward on the back of the range of hills which send down their streams into the Cayle, near the Hindhopes, on the West of Blackhallhill and Resby-fell; thence by the head of Skerrysburghope, and onwards to Wodenlaw, the eastern base of which it skirts, and descends the mountains to the Cayle, which it passes at Towford. On fording the Cayle the road ascends the north bank, and in about three quarters of a mile reaches a place called Street House, distant about six miles from Chewgreen, where Agricola encamped. From this Camp, the road in its way northward passes Middlesknows, Smailcleuch, Swinelaw, and Upper Chatto. It then winds round Cunzierton hill, on the summit of which is a strongly entrenched British Fort, and thence by the Batts, Hardenhead, Rannesfen, to Capehope where it passes the Oxnam Water. After fording this stream it ascends the high ground between the Oxnam & the Jed, a little to the east of Jedburgh, the northern slope of which it descends to the River Jed, which it Crossed to the next station at Bonjedworth. Between Chewgreen & Bonjedworth the road is open, and often used by the farmers and inhabitants of the district. Extracts from Jeffrey's History of Roxburghshire Vol. [Volume] 1 Pages 213 to 223. |
OS1/29/18/87 |
[Page] 87
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 8. Trace No. 1
Owen Barrett
Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/88 |
Rennieston |
James James Esq Proprietor
William Whittock Occupier
John Gladstone Upper Samieston |
021.08 |
[Situation] In N.En. [North Eastern] district of this Parish.
A farm house with outhouses and gardens attached, occupied by William Whittock, the property of James James Esq of Samieston. |
OS1/29/18/88 |
[Page] 88
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21. 8. Trace No. 2
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/89 |
Upper Samieston
Upper Samieston
Samieston Townhead
Samieston |
James James Esq Samieston
William Whittock Rennieston
John Gladstone Occupier Name on Carts |
021.08 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile East of Rennieston.
A farm house with outbuildings and garden attached, Occupied by John & James Gladstone, the property of John Scott Esq of Newton. |
OS1/29/18/89 |
Samieston Cottages
Samieston Cottages
Samieston Cottages |
James James Esq Samieston
William Whittock Rennieston
John Gladstone Upper Samieston |
021.08 |
[Situation] About 67 chains N.E. [North East]
A few Cottages with gardens attached on the farm of Samieston, the property of James James Esqr. |
OS1/29/18/89 |
Back Burn
Back Burn
Back Burn |
James James Esq
William Whittock
John Gladstone |
021.03 |
[Situation] From Ph. By. N.E. [Parish Boundary North East] to Cessford Burn.
A Small stream having its source near the parish boundary, passes by Birnyrig And falls into Cessford Burn near Samieston. |
OS1/29/18/89 |
[Page] 89
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.8 Trace No. 3.
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/90 |
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn |
James James Esq Samieston
John Gladstone Upper Samieston
William Whittock Rennieston |
015.09; 015.13; 021.04; 021.05; 021.08; 022.01 |
[Situation] From South of Shilden Hill, N. by W. [North by West] to Kale Water.
A Stream having its source near the parish boundary, passes by Samieston & Cessford And falls into Kail Water. |
OS1/29/18/90 |
Craw Cleuch
Craw Cleuch
Craw Cleuch |
James James Esq
John Gladstone
William Whittock |
021.08 |
[Situation] S.E. [South East] from Cessford Burn.
A hollow through which a Stream flows and falls into Cessford Burns. |
OS1/29/18/90 |
[Page] 90
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.8. Trace No. 3
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/91 |
Birnyrig |
John Gladstone Upper Samieston
William Whittock Rennieston
James James Esqr. Samieston |
021.08 |
[Situation] 16 chains S.E. [South East] by E. [East] from Rennieston.
A range of Cottages with gardens attached, on the farm of "Upper Samieston", the property of John Scott Esq. |
OS1/29/18/91 |
[Page] 97
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.8. Trace No. 4
Birny, - covered with
the Scorched stems of
heath that has been set
on fire. -- Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scot. Dicty. [Scottish Dictionary]
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/92 |
[Page] 92
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/93 |
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn |
James James Esq Samieston
John Gladstone Upper Samieston
William Whittock Rennieston |
015.09; 015.13; 021.04; 021.05; 021.08; 022.01 |
[Situation] From South of Shibden Hill N. by W. [North by West] to Kale Water.
A Stream having its Source near Shibden Hill, passes by Samieston and falls into |
OS1/29/18/93 |
Craw Cleuch
Craw Cleuch
Craw Cleuch |
James James Esq
John Gladstone
William Whittock |
021.08 |
[Situation] At the En. [Eastern] side of Parish.
A cleuch with a small stream running through it, the stream has its source in a Marsh & falls into Cessford Burn, the name extends the entire length of the Stream. |
OS1/29/18/93 |
[Page] 93
Ph. [Parish] of Jedburgh
Plan 22. 8. Trace No. 1.
Owen Barrett
Civil Assistant |
OS1/29/18/94 |
[Page] 94
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/95 |
Dunian Moor
Dunian Moor
Dunian Moor |
Mr. William Riddell Farmer Hundalee
John Mather Shepherd Dunian Cottage
Mr. James Weaver Wood-foster Hundaleebank |
020.12; 021.09 |
[Situation] At the West side of Parish.
A tract of Moor to the S.E. [South East] of Jedburgh & on the East side of Dunian Hill, the road from Jedburgh to Hawick traverses the Moor & the Jedburgh Border Games are held on it Annually
Property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/95 |
Dunian Cottage
Dunian Cottage
Dunian Cottage |
Mr. William Riddell
John Mather
Mr. James Weaver |
020.12 |
[Situation] Between Dunian and Hundalee Moors.
A small shepherds cottage on the East side of Dunian Hill, it is thatched & in good repair
Property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/95 |
Todlaw-Wells Plantation
Todlaw-Wells Plantation
Todlaw-Wells Plantation |
Mr. William Ridell
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
John Mather
Parish Records of Jedburgh
Mr. James Weaver
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
020.12; 021.09 |
[Situation] To the S.E. [South East] of Dunian Cottage.
A long strip of Fir plantation on the farm of Hundalee & separating Dunian Moor & Hundalee Moor
Property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/95 |
[Page] 95
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20.12 Trace 1
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/96 |
Hundalee Moor
Hundalee Moor
Hundalee Moor |
Mr. William Riddell Farmer Hundalee
Mr. James Weaver Wood-foster Hundaleebank
John Mather Shepherd Dunian Cottage |
020.12; 021.09 |
[Situation] South from Dunian Moor.
A district of Moor on the farm of Hundalee & on the S.E. [South East] side of Dunian Hill
Property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/96 |
Merlin Dean
Merlin Dean
Merlin Dean |
Mr William Riddell
G Rutherford Esqr
Mar James Dean
Estate Plan
John Mather |
[Situation] Between Henndale and Swinnie Moors This name applies to a slight hollow on March between the Estate of Glen Douglas and the property of the Marquis of Lothian - chiefly covered with fir wood. |
OS1/29/18/96 |
Swinnie Moor
Swinnie Moor
Swinnie Moor |
Mr. William Riddell
John Mather
Mr. James Weaver |
020.12; 021.13; 026.04 |
[Situation] South from Hundalee Moor.
A large tract of Moor land at the S.E. [South East] point of the parish
Property of Lord Douglas. |
OS1/29/18/96 |
[Page] 96
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 20.12 Trace 2.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/96 |
Merlin Dean on sheet 20 of 6-inch but not on 25-inch
Assumed that text for Merlin Dean was inserted in wrong column. |
OS1/29/18/97 |
Dunian Moor
Dunian Moor
Dunian Moor
Dunian Moor |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
G. Hilson Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. W. Deans Anna Cottage
Estate Plan |
020.12; 021.09 |
[Situation] At the West side of Parish.
A considerable tract of uncultivated land lying to the South west Side of Jedburgh the property of the Marquis of Lothian.
The Jedburgh Border games are held here annually, in commemoration of the Marquis of Lothian's Birthday. The ground is enclosed by a wooden paling, having Seats & Stands temporary erected. |
OS1/29/18/97 |
Miller's Burn
Miller's Burn
Miller's Burn
Miller's Burn |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Jedburgh Parish Records
G. Hilson Esqr.
Mr. W. Deans |
021.05 |
[Situation] From Dunian Moor N.E. [North East] to Jed Water.
A Small Stream having its Source from Surface drains, on the farm of Hundalee - flows in a north easterly direction and joins the Jed Water at Allars Mill. |
OS1/29/18/97 |
[Page] 97
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21 No. 9 T. [Trace] 1
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/98 |
Todlaw |
Estate Plan
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. J. Riddle Farmer Hundalee
Rent Receipt |
021.09 |
[Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile East of Dunian Moor.
A dwelling house two Stories in height having Suitable out offices attached all in bad repair, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/98 |
Parkhouse |
Estate Plan
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse Jedbro. [Jedburgh]
Mr. J. Riddle |
021.09 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile S.W. [South West] of Todlaw.
A cottage house thatched & in bad repair - on the farm of Hundalee and the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/98 |
Hundalee |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Stobie's County Map
Blackwoods County Map
Estate Plan
Jeffrey's History of Roxburgh |
021.09 |
[Situation] About 27 chains South of Todlaw.
A Substantial modern erection two stories in height having a garden and ornamental grounds attached, the property of the Marquis of Lothian
This ancient Seat of a branch of the Rutherford family is situated on the left bank of the Jed Water. The name is thought to be derived from its having been the place were the hounds for chase and war were kept. |
OS1/29/18/98 |
[Page] 98
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21 No. 9 T. [Trace] 2.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/99 |
Windy Cleuch
Windy Cleuch
Windy Cleuch |
Mr. Riddell Hundalee
Estate Plan
Mr. Weaver Hundaleebank
Mr. Miller Todlaw
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
021.09 |
[Situation] North-West from Jed Water.
A deep & rugged cleuch on the farm of Hundalee, a small stream flows through it in a S.E. [South East] direction to its junction with Jed Water. Situated on the farm of Hundalee - the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/99 |
Oak Bush
Oak Bush
Oak Bush |
Mr. Riddell
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. Weaver
Estate Plan
Mr. Miller |
021.09 |
[Situation] About 15 chains South of Todlaw.
This is the remains of what has been a large oak tree & one of the remaining relics of Jed Forest it is an old established name, situated on the farm of Todlaw and on the property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/99 |
[Page] 99
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.9 Trace 2
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/100 |
Seven Sisters
Seven Sisters
Seven Sisters |
Mr. Miller
Mr. Weaver
Mr. Riddell |
021.09 |
[Situation] 27 chains nearly S. [South] of Todlaw.
This name applies to a beautifull Beach tree, seven trunks striking from the same root & giving it a very noble appearance.
This is an old established name, and well known in the district. |
OS1/29/18/100 |
[Page] 100
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.9 Trace 2.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/101 |
Hundalee Bridge
Hundalee Bridge
Hundalee Bridge
Hundalee Bridge
Hundalee Bridge |
Mr. Nelson Road Surveyor
Mr. Weaver Hundaleebank
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. Crosby Hundalee Mill
Mr. W. Deans Anna Cottage |
021.09 |
[Situation] Over Jed Water.
A strong stone Bridge of one arch on the road from Jedburgh to Newcastle and about 1 mile from the former place - the property of the Road Trustee, by whom it is repaired. |
OS1/29/18/101 |
Hundalee Mill
Hundalee Mill
Hundalee Mill
Hundalee Mill
Hundalee Mill
Hundalee Mill |
Mr. Crosby Occupant
Rent Receipt
Mr. Riddell Hundalee
Estate Plan
Mr. Weaver
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
021.09 |
[Situation] 25 chains S.E. [South East] of Todlaw.
A comfortable dwelling house & Corn Mill out-offices &c mostly slated & in good repair, the Mill is worked by Water power supplied from Jed Water
Proprietor the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/101 |
Prior's Haugh
Prior's Haugh
Prior's Haugh
Prior's Haugh
Prior's Haugh |
Mr. Crosby
Rent Receipt
Mr. Riddell
Burgh Records of Jedburgh
A Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.09 |
[Situation] On the West bank of Jed Water.
A long strip of flat land on the right bank of the Jed Water & opposite the Hundalee, it formerly belonged to the priory of Jedburgh & thus its name, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/101 |
[Page] 101
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.9 Trace 3
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/102 |
Capon Tree
Capon Tree
Capon Tree
Capon Tree |
A Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. J Weaver Hundaleebank
Mr. Riddell Hundalee
Jeffrey's History of Roxburgh. |
021.09 |
[Situation] 5 chains East of Hundalee Mill.
This tree derives its name from its remarkable resemblance to the hood worn by the Monks of Jedburgh and which was called a "Capon".
This name applies to a very remarkable Oak Tree & one of the remaining relics of Jed Forest, it is supposed to be upwards of one thousand years old & yet it waves its branches over a considerable extent of Ground, the tree is situated in a Small arable field called Prior's Haugh - the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/102 |
Sunnybrae Scar
Sunnybrae Scar
Sunnybrae Scar |
Mr. J Weaver
G. Rutherford Esqr. Scaur near Jedbro. [Jedburgh]
Mr. Riddell
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse Jedbro. [Jedburgh]
Mr. Miller Todlaw |
021.09 |
[Situation] On the East bank of Jed Water.
A very large rocky Scaur on the Right bank of Jed Water & at a very sudden curve, it presents a very beautifull appearance when viewed from the road, & is in some places nearly perpendicular, Situated on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/102 |
Ferniehirst Quarry
Fernyhirst Quarry
Fernyhurst Quarry
Ferniehurst Quarry
Fernieherst Quarry
Fernyherst Quarry
Ferniehirst Quarry |
Mr. Rutherford Ferniehirst Mill
Ainslies Map of Scotland
Mr. Rutherford Ferniehirst Mill
A Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
021.09 |
[Situation] 45 chains S.E. [South East] of Todlaw.
[Ferniehirst] This is the most approved mode of spelling the name.
A small sandstone quarry on the grounds of Ferniehirst, a great many fossils have been found here "the specimens are numerous and appear to belong to Several different Species, one has been indentified by Mr. Hugh Miller and has been named Pterichthys major". Extract from Jeffrey's History of Roxbro. [Roxburgh] |
OS1/29/18/102 |
[Page] 102
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.9 Trace 3
Scar, Skair, Scarr - a cliff - Dr Jamieson's Scot. Dicty. [Scottish Dictionary]
Scar adopted here - as the mode hitherto used on Plans - JBJ.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
T.W. [Thomas Watson] |
OS1/29/18/103 |
Hundaleebank |
Mr. Riddell Hundalee
Mr. Weaver Occupant
Mr. Veitch Inchbonnie |
021.09 |
[Situation] 15 chains nearly East of Todlaw.
A small neat cottage with nursery &c, it is occupied by Mr. J Weaver (Wood-foster to the Marquis of Lothian) who keeps it in excellent order. |
OS1/29/18/103 |
Braeheads |
Mr. Riddell
Mr. Weaver
Mr. Veitch |
021.09 |
[Situation] 19 chains S.E. [South East] of Todlaw.
A small farm house with out-offices attached, all slated & in good repair it is at the head of a brae on the road leading to Hundalee, which gives it this name, this property belongs to the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/103 |
[Page] 103
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.9 Trace 3
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/104 |
Inchbonnie Bridge
Inchbonnie Bridge
Inchbonnie Bridge
Inchbonny |
Mr. Nelson Road Surveyor Jedburgh
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. Weaver Hundaleebank
G. Rutherford Esqr. Scaurs near Jedbro. [Jedburgh]
Johnston's Co. [County] Map. |
021.09 |
[Situation] Over Jed Water.
A strong stone bridge of one arch carrying, the turnpike Road, from Jedburgh to Newcastle across Jed Water about 3/4 of a mile from Jedburgh, the property of the Road Trustees by whom it is kept in repair. |
OS1/29/18/104 |
Scaurs |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Proprietor
Mr. Weaver
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse Jedbro. [Jedburgh]
Mr. Veitch Inchbonnie |
021.09 |
[Situation] On the East bank of Jed Water.
A very handsome & comfortable Mansion, the seat of G Rutherford Esqr. Sheriff Clerke of the County of Roxburgh it is placed on the right bank of Jed Water. This house is in close proximity to a rocky Scar - hence the name Scaurs. |
OS1/29/18/104 |
Lightpipehole |
Ainslie's Map of Scotland
Estate Plan
Mr. Weaver
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Mr. Veitch |
021.09 |
[Situation] 13 chains East of Todlaw.
This name applies to four cottages, at one time a farm house, they are thatched & in good repair, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/104 |
[Page] 104
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.9 Trace 3
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/105 |
Todlaw-wells Plantation
Todlaw-wells Plantation
Todlaw-wells Plantation
Todlaw-wells Plantation
Todlaw-wells Plantation
Todlaw-wells Plantation |
Mr. Riddell Hundalee
Mr. Weaver Hundaleebank
Mr. John Mather Dunian Cottage
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Manse Jedburgh
G. Hilson Esqr. Jedburgh |
020.12; 021.09 |
[Situation] Nearly one mile S.W. [South West] of Todlaw.
A large Fir plantation on the farm of Hundalee & separating Hundalee Moor from Dunian Moor, situate on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/105 |
Hundalee Moor
Hundalee Moor
Hundalee Moor
Hundalee Moor |
Mr. Riddell
Rent Receipt
Mr. Weaver
Estate Plan
Mr. John Mather
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
020.12; 021.09 |
[Situation] South of Dunian Moor.
A large tract of Moorland on the farm from which it takes is name - the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/105 |
Quarry Plant. [Plantation]
Quarry Plant. [Plantation]
Quarry Plant. [Plantation]
Quarry Plant. [Plantation] |
Mr. Riddell
Rent Receipt
Mr. Weaver
Estate Plan
Mr. John Mather
G. Rutherford Esqr. |
021.09 |
[Situation] 12 chains East of Todlaw-wells Plantation.
A large plantation on the farm of Hundalee, it is so called from the circumstance of a Quarry having been worked in it, which is now completely grown over & fallen into disuse - on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/105 |
[Page] 105
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.9 Trace 4.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/106 |
GREY PEEL (Site of) |
Grey Peel (Site of)
Grey Peel (Site of)
Grey Peel (Site of)
Grey Peel (Site of)
Grey Peel (Site of) |
List of Antiquities
Estate Plan
Mr. Riddell Hundalee
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. Weaver Hundaleebank
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse Jedburgh |
021.09 |
[Situation] Nearly 1 mile S.S.W. [South South West] from Todlaw.
This is the supposed site of one of those small towers or peels, which are so frequently met with on the border, not a vestige now remains
The farm dwelling which occupied the Site of this Keep was removed a few years ago. It is generally supposed that this strength belonged to the Douglas family. Nothing authentic can be had as to its history. Site Situated on the farm of Hundalee - on the property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/106 |
[Page] 106
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.9 Trace 4
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/107 |
Hundalee Cave
Hundalee Cave
Hundalee Cave
Hundalee Cave
Hundalee Cave |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. J. Weaver Hundaleebank
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse Jedbro. [Jedburgh]
Rev: [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Aitken Minto Manse
Estate Plan |
021.09 |
[Situation] 13 chains South of Hundalee.
This cave is situated on a rocky precipice on the left bank of the Jed Water and immediately to the East of Hundalee - it consists of three apartments, the centre being square and those on each side are Circular, they are hewn out of the solid freestone & capable of Containing about one hundred persons. It is a place of great antiquity & frequently visited by Strangers, situate on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/107 |
Jed Water
Jed Water
Jed Water
Jed Water
Jed Water
Jed Water |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Blackwoods County Map
Johnstons County Map
Ainslies Map of Scotland
Fullarton's Imperial Gazetteer
Rev: [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Aitken J |
015; 021; 022 |
[Situation] In a Nn. [Northern] direction through central district.
Jed, which derives its name from Gad, a wood, takes its rise between Weedslaw and Carlentooth at a place where the Wheelcausey crosses the table land between Liddesdale and Teviotdale - flows in a northerly direction and joins the River Teviot at Nisbet. |
OS1/29/18/107 |
[Page] 107
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21 No. 9 T [Trace] 5.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/108 |
Hundalee Cottage
Hundalee Cottage
Hundalee Cottage
Hundalee Cottage
Hundalee Cottage |
Mr. J. Weaver Hundaleebank
Mr. J. Riddle Tenant
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Rent Receipt
Estate Plan |
021.09 |
[Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile S.S.W. [South South West] of Todlaw.
A substantial farm dwelling two Stories in height having suitable out offices garden and lands attached, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/108 |
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn |
Mr. J. Riddle
Mr. J. Weaver
G. Rutherford Esqr.
A. Jeffrey Esqr.
Estate Plan |
020.09 |
[Situation] From Swinnie Moor N.E. [North East] to Jed Water.
A considerable stream having its Source on Swinnie Moor, it runs in a northerly direction through a deep ravine (thickly wooded on either side) into Jed Water. A Tower stood on its left bank called "Greypeel" - hence the name of the Burn. |
OS1/29/18/108 |
Lintalee Cave
Lintalee Cave
Lintalee Cave
Lintalee Cave |
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Rev: [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Aitken Minto Manse
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.09 |
[Situation] About 5 chains nearly South of Hundalee.
A Small cave hewn out of the solid Sandstone situated in a rocky precipice (on the left bank of the Jed Water), about one hundred feet in height - it is supposed that one of the Douglases frequently concealed himself in this cave during the border frays, situate on the Glen Douglas Estate. |
OS1/29/18/108 |
[Page] 108
Ph. [Parish] of Jedburgh
Sheet 21. No. 9. T [Trace] 5.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/109 |
CAMP (Remains of) [S of Hundalee] |
Remains of Camp |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie
Rev: [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Aitken
Jeffrey's History of Roxburgh |
021.09 |
[Situation] ¼ mile South of of Hundalee.
This strength is situated on the extremity of a ridge and close to Lintalee - defended on the East by a precipitous cliff of about one hundred feet high, washed at its base by the Jed Water and protected on he North west by a deep ravine. The remaining earthen embankments are very Strong having a fosse on the South side thereof - the greatest portion of the entrenchments have been completely defaced. Some are of opinion that this earthen work was made by Douglas as a breast work to the Stronghold which he built about the year 1313, while others Seem to think that it must have been a place of Strength long prior to that date. |
OS1/29/18/109 |
[Page] 109
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21 No. 9 T. [Trace] 5.
Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/110 |
Lintalee |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Rev: [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Aitken Minto Manse
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse Jedburgh
Estate Plan
Stobie's County Map
Blackwoods County Map
Jeffrey's History of Roxburgh |
021.09 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile South of Hundalee.
A plain Substantial mansion two Stories in height having Suitable out offices garden and pleasure grounds attached, Situate on an eminence overlooking the valley of the Jed.
About the year 1313 this place was selected by James Douglas where he built a house for himself, and huts for his men. Several attempts were made to disturb him in his Stronghold, but Without Success. Sir Robert Neville and Cailou, a Gascon, governor of Berwick, led their men in 1315 against him, but were defeated. The Earl of Arundel next entered the forest with a numerous army, but Douglas warned of their approach placed his bowmen among the brushwood and drove them back with great Slaughter. To revenge these losses, Thomas Earl of Richmond led 10,000 men against this Secure retreat but the valour of Douglas prevailed, and the English leader fell by Douglas's own hand. It is supposed that the present erection Stands on or near the Site of the ancient Stronghold not a vestige of which now remains, except the earthen ramparts - see descriptive remarks on the opposite Side.
Lintalee belongs to the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/110 |
[Page] 110
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21 No. 9 T. [Trace] 5.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/111 |
CHAPEL [Lintalee] |
Chapel |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse Jedburgh
G. Hilson Esqr. Jedbro [Jedburgh]
Mr. W. Deans Anna Cottage
Jeffrey's History of Roxburgh |
021.09 |
[Situation] 35 chains S.E. [South East] of Lintalee.
This chapel Stands immediately to the north of Ferniehirst Castle, Slated and in excellent repair Said to have been built about the fifteenth century. It cannot be ascertained when it fell into disuse as a place of worship. A few years ago it was converted into a stable and is used as Such at the present time - it is the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/111 |
[Page] 111
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21.9 T. [Trace] 6.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/112 |
Ferniehirst Castle
Fernyhirst Castle
Fernihirst Castle |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Estate Plan
Blackwood's County Map of Roxbro. [Roxburgh]
Burgh Records of Jedburgh
Rev: [Reverend] Dr. [Doctor] Aitken Minto Manse
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Jedburgh
G. Hilson Esqr.
Stobie's County Map of Roxburgh
Origines Parochiales (Map with first vol [volume]:) |
021.09 |
[Situation] 35 chains S.E. [South East] of Lintalee.
On the right bank of the Jed Water, nearly opposite the Stronghold of the Douglas, stants Ferniehirst, in ancient times the mansion of the Kers, the vassals of the Douglas, and the bailies of the abbey of Jedburgh. It is thought that no part of the present structure is older than the end of the sixteenth century. It occupies the Site of a baronial fortress, erected in 1410 by Thomas Ker, a person distinguished in border warfare, and Called by him Ferniehirst. No information exists as to its form, but, according to Surrey's Letter to Henry VIII it "stode marvelous Strong, with a grete woode". There can be little doubt that the name was given to the house as descriptive of the locality in which it Stood - on a terrace or bank in the middle of an Oak wood.
Sometime ago the remains of this baronial abode were converted into a farmhouse, and the "Chapel into a Stable". This place has been the scene of many a fray. Not a spot around the mansion but has been drenched in blood. The day after the Earl Surrey had taken Jedburgh, in 1523, he despatched Lord Dacre with eight hundred men to assault Ferniehirst. Ker was taken Captive. It is Said by Surrey that the house was thrown down, but it Seems to have been afterwards repaired and Strengthened by the English, for in 1549 it Stood a Severe Siege by the French general, who was then in possession of Jedburgh, aided by Sir John Ker himself & the inhabitants of the district. In this engagement the English were repulsed with great loss, and the Keep finally retaken by the Scots.
In 1569 the Earl of Northumberland, Sir Egremont Ratcliffe, and other leaders of the English insurgents, found Shelter at Ferniehirst. Next year (1570) the Earl of Sussex penetrated into Teviotdale, and onto only laid in ruins this Stronghold, but other fifty towers & peels &c.
Extracts from Jeffrey's History of Roxburgh. For further information See History |
OS1/29/18/112 |
[Page] 112
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21. No. 9 T. [Trace] 6.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/113 |
Birks Wood
Birks Wood
Birks Wood
Birks Wood |
Mr. Handyside Ferniehirst
G. Hilson Esqr. Jedburgh
Estate Plan
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.09 |
[Situation] 15 chains N.E. [North East] of Ferniehirst C. [Castle]
Applies to a clump of mixed wood on the farm of Ferniehirst and on the property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/113 |
[Page] 113
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21.9.6.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/114 |
Hag Plant. [Plantation]
Hag Plant. [Plantation]
Hag Plant. [Plantation]
Hag Plant. [Plantation] |
A Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. Weaver Hundalee Bank
Mr. Crosby Hundalee Mill
Estate Plan |
021.09 |
[Situation] 24 chains East of Lintalee.
A plantation, or rather a wood consisting of large forest trees some of them very old, it is on the farm of Ferniehirst, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/114 |
King of the Woods
King of the Woods
King of the Woods
King of the Woods |
A Jeffrey Esqr.
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. Weaver
Mr. W. Deans Anna Cottage
Mr. Crosby
Estate Plan |
021.09 |
[Situation] North of Hag Plantation.
A very majestic looking oak tree measuring 18 feet in circumference at its base, it is one of the remaining relics of Jed Forest on the farm of Ferniehirst the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/114 |
Crooked Family
Crooked Family
Crooked Family
Crooked Family |
A Jeffrey Esqr.
Mr. Riddell
Estate Plan
Mr. Weaver |
021.09 |
[Situation] North of Hag Plantation.
A small Oak tree, near the above & also one of the relics of Jed Forest, it receives this name in consequence of being very crooked. |
OS1/29/18/114 |
[Page] 114
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.9 Trace 6.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/115 |
Linthaugh |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedbro. [Jedburgh]
Estate Plan
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse Jedbro. [Jedburgh] |
021.09 |
[Situation] 13 chains S.E. [South East] of Lintalee.
Applies to a few dwellings Situate on the Roading leading to Newcastle and distant from Jedbro. [Jedburgh] about 1½ miles the premises are all slated and in good repair having gardens and Small out offices attached - on the Estate of Glen Douglas. |
OS1/29/18/115 |
Pykit Hill
Pykit Hill
Pykit Hill |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Estate Plan
Rev: [Reverend] R. Ritchie |
021.09 |
[Situation] Between Hag wood and Prive Haugh.
A Small round shaped eminence on the farm of Ferniehirst having a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit - on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/115 |
Black Burn
Black Burn
Black Burn |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Glen Douglas Estate Plan
Mr. Handyside Ferniehirst |
021.09; 026.04 |
[Situation] On En. [Eastern] Parish Boundy. N.N.E. [Boundary North North East] to Jed Water.
A Small stream having its Source on Swinnie Moor runs in a north easterly course and joins the Jed Water at Linthaugh. |
OS1/29/18/115 |
[Page] 115
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21.9 T. [Trace] 6.
Pykit - Having a meagre or emaciated appearance - Dr. Jamieson's Scot. Dicty. [Scottish Dictionary]
Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/116 |
[Page] 116
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/117 |
Old Howden
Old Howden
Old Howden |
Alexander Mein Howden
Andrew Mein Scraesburgh
Thomas Wylie Lochend |
021.10 |
[Situation] In central district.
A cottage on the farm of Howden the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/117 |
[Page] 117
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.10. Trace No. 1
Owen Barrett
C/a [Civilian assistant] |
OS1/29/18/118 |
Howden Burn
Howden Burn
Howden Burn |
Alexander Mein Howden
Andrew Mein Scraesburgh
Thomas Wylie Lochend |
021.05 |
[Situation] South from Hunthill N. [North] by E. [East] to Jed Water.
A Stream having its source near Hunthill, and falls into the Jed Water. |
OS1/29/18/118 |
Hunthill |
Alexander Mein
Stobie's County Map
Andrew Mein
Thomas Wylie |
021.10 |
[Situation] About 53 chains S.E. [South East] of Old Howden.
A neat residence the property of the Occupier Mrs Mein. |
OS1/29/18/118 |
Coalpit Cottage
Coalpit Cottage
Coalpit Cottage |
Alexander Mein
Andrew Mein
Thomas Wylie |
021.10 |
[Situation] Nearly 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Hunthill.
A cottage on the farm of Hunthill, the property of Mrs. Mein |
OS1/29/18/118 |
[Page] 118
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.10. Trace No. 2
Owen Barrett
c/a [civilian assistant] |
OS1/29/18/119 |
CAMP [E of Hunthill] |
Roman Camp |
Andrew Mein Scraesburgh
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.10 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile nearly East of Hunthill.
A circular earthwork of great Strength. It seems as if another rampart & ditch had been outside but has been removed in the Cultivation of the ground. |
OS1/29/18/119 |
[Page] 119
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.10. Trace No. 3 |
OS1/29/18/120 |
Birks Wood
Birks Wood
Birks Wood |
William Kerr Fernihirst Cottage
Alexander Mein Howden
Andrew Mein Scraesburgh |
021.09 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile S.W. [South West] of Hunthill.
A wood consisting of forest trees, the property of the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/120 |
Ferniehirst Cottage
Ferniehirst Cottage
Ferniehirst Cottage
Ferniehirst Cottage
Ferniehirst Cottage |
William Kerr
A. Douglass Esqr. Jerdonfield
Alexander Mein
Estate Plan
Andrew Mein |
021.10 |
[Situation] On the East of Birk Wood.
A neat Cottage, Occupied by William Kerr, the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/120 |
[Page] 120
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.10. Trace No. 4
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/121 |
Harden Burn
Harden Burn
Pleasance Burn
Pleasance Burn
Pleasance Burn |
Andrew Dodds Hardenpeel
Robert Story Nether Wells
Andrew Mein
Thomas Story Pleasance
George Robson Wells Cottage |
021.10 |
[Situation] From about 1/4 mile North of Fendyhall Moss - N.E. [North East] to Oxnam Water.
A Stream having its Source on the lands of Scraesburgh, And falls into the Oxnam Water. |
OS1/29/18/121 |
Scraesburgh |
Andrew Mein Proprietor & Occupier
Andrew Dodds
Estate Plan
Thomas Story
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Johnston's Map of Roxburghshire
Valuation Rolls for 1811.
Johnstons Map of Roxburghshire |
021.10 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Hunthill.
A farm house With extensive outoffices, the property of the Occupier Andrew Mein.
A "Chapel" Stood in close proximity to this dwelling - the site cannot be pointed out. |
OS1/29/18/121 |
[Page] 121
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.10. Trace No. 6
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/122 |
[Page] 122
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/123 |
Colic Well
Colic Well
Colic Well |
A. Douglas Esqr. Jerdonfield
Mr. A. Dodds Hardenpeel
Mr. A. Mein Scraesburgh |
021.11 |
[Situation] About 8 chains N.E. [North East] of Hardenpeel.
This Spring is Situate immediately to the east of Hardenpeel, and yields water of the purest description, free apparently from every foreign admixture. It is traditionally handed down that the inhabitants of the district frequently made use of it for its medicinal qualities - on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/123 |
[Page] 123
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21.11.1
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/124 |
Pleasance Burn
Pleasance Burn
Pleasance Burn |
Andrew Dodds Hardenpeel
Andrew Mein Scraesburgh
Thomas Story Pleasance
George Robson Overwells Cottage |
021.10 |
[Situation] On En. [Eastern] Parish Boundary.
A Small Stream having its Source on the lands of Scraesburgh, falls into the Oxnam Water, near the Pleasance. |
OS1/29/18/124 |
Hardenpeel |
Andrew Dodds
Estate Plan
Andrew Mein
A. Douglass Esqr. Jerdonfield
Thomas Story |
021.10 |
[Situation] At the East side of Parish.
A farm house With outbuildings attached, the property of the Marquis of Lothian, Occupied by Andrew Dodds. It is said that a Tower formerly Stood here, but there is no trace of it now, neither is the Site Known.
In 1836, a Cannon-ball was found on the north east side of the outbuildings, and now in the possession of Mr. A. Dodds tenant. |
OS1/29/18/124 |
[Page] 124
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.11 Trace No. 1
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/125 |
(Roman Road)
Watling Street |
James James Esq Samieston
Stobie's County Map (old)
Statistical Acct. [Account] of Scotland |
015; 021 |
[Situation] On By [Boundary] between Jedburgh and Oxnam.
This portion of the ancient way is paved with whinstones and in a state of tolerable preservation - used as a parish road. |
OS1/29/18/125 |
[Page] 125
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.12. Trace No. 1.
Thomas Watson
Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/126 |
[Page] 126
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/127 |
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn
Cessford Burn |
James James Esq Samieston
John Gladstone Upper Samieston
William Whittock Rennieston |
015.09; 015.13; 021.04; 021.05; 021.08; 022.01 |
[Situation] From the South of Shibden Hill N. [North] by W. [West] to Kale Water.
A Small Stream having its Source near Shibden Hill, passes by Samieston And falls into Kail Water. |
OS1/29/18/127 |
Shibden Hill
Shibden Hill
Shibden Hill |
James James Esq
John Gladstone
William Whittock |
022.09 |
[Situation] At En. [Eastern] point of Parish.
A Small hill on the lands of Samieston having a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station on its summit. |
OS1/29/18/127 |
Roman Road
Watling Street (Roman Road) |
James James Esq
Statistical Acct. [Account] of Scotland VOL.III.
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
015; 021 |
[Situation] On Sn. By. of En. [Southern Boundary of Eastern] district.
The road here is in a good state of preservation and used as a Parish Road. |
OS1/29/18/127 |
[Page] 127
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 22.9. Trace No.1
Owen Barrett |
OS1/29/18/128 |
[Page] 128
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/129 |
Hundalee Moor
Hundalee Moor
Hundalee Moor |
Estate Plan
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
J. Riddle Hundalee |
020.12; 021.09 |
[Situation] Towards S.W. [South West] district.
A considerable tract of unreclaimed land - the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/129 |
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 20. 16. 2
Page 129
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp. Corporal R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/130 |
Merlin Dean
Merlin Dean
Merlin Dean
Merlin Dean |
Mr. J. Riddle Hundalee
G. Rutherford Esqr. jedburgh
John Oliver Swinnie
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
020.12 |
[Situation] S.W. [South West] from Hundalee Moss.
Applies to a Slight hollow - principally covered with fir wood Situated on the march between the Estate of Glen Douglas and the Marquis of Lothian |
OS1/29/18/130 |
Swinnie Moor
Swinnie Moor
Swinnie Moor
Swinnie Moor |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
John Oliver
J. Riddle
Estate Plan |
020.12; 021.13; 026.04 |
[Situation] In S.W. [South West] district
A large tract of unreclaimed land on the Estate of Glen Douglas. |
OS1/29/18/130 |
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
J. Riddle
Estate Plan
Rev. [Reverend] R. Ritchie Abbey Manse |
020.09 |
[Situation] from N. [North] of Swinnie Moor - N.E. [North East] to Jed Water.
A considerable Stream having its Source on Swinnie Moor - runs in a north easterly direction through a deep wooded ravine and joins the Jed Water at Lintalee. |
OS1/29/18/130 |
[Page] 130
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 20.16.2
[Note under Merlin Dean] Merlin -- See Page 96
Thomas Watson
2nd Corp. [Corporal] R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/131 |
Watch Knowe
Watch Knowe
Watch Knowe |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
J. Riddle Hundalee
Mr. John Oliver Swinnie |
020.16 |
[Situation] On Boundary between Bedrule and Jedburgh.
A Small hill feature situate on the boundary between the parishes of Jedburgh and Bedrule. |
OS1/29/18/131 |
[Page] 131
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 20. 16. Trace 3.
Thomas Watson
2nd Corp. [Corporal] R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/132 |
Standalane Burn
Standalane Burn
Standalane Burn |
Mr John Oliver Swinnie
Mr. J. Riddle Hundalee
G. Oliver Esqr.
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
020.16; 027.02 |
[Situation] From Swinnie Moor N.E. [North East] to Black Burn.
A Small stream rising on Swinnie Moor, runs in a north easterly direction and falls into Black Burn. |
OS1/29/18/132 |
Swinnie |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Estate Plan
Mr. J. Riddle |
020.16 |
[Situation] In S.Wn. [South Western] district.
A two Storey dwelling having Suitable out offices garden and a farm of land attached, the property of Lord Douglas of Glen Douglas. |
OS1/29/18/132 |
Swinnie T.P.
Swinnie T.P.
Swinnie T.P. |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Mr. J. Nelson Road Surveyor
Mr. J. Riddle |
020.16 |
[Situation] 23 chains S.W.W. [South West West] of Swinnie.
A cottage having a toll bar attached, on the trust road between Jedburgh & Castleton, belonging to the Road Trustees by whom it is let once a year. |
OS1/29/18/132 |
[Page] 132
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 20. 16. T. [Trace] 4.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/133 |
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn
Greypeel Burn |
Mr. Riddell Hundalee
Mr. Weaver Hundaleebank
James Rutherford Linthaugh
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. W. Deans Anna Cottage
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh |
020.09 |
[Situation] From Swinnie Moor N.E. [North East] to Jed Water.
A considerable Stream having its Source on Swinnie Moor, it flows in an Easterly course through a deep ravine to its junction with Jed Water at Lintalee. |
OS1/29/18/133 |
Swinniemoorfoot |
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Mr. J. Weaver Hundalee |
021.13 |
[Situation] On the West of Black Burn.
A cottage slated & in good repair having a garden attached situate near the north East extremity of Swinnie Moor & on the Estate of Glen Douglas. |
OS1/29/18/133 |
Swinnie Moor
Swinnie Moor
Swinnie Moor |
Mr. Riddell
Estate Plan
Mr. Weaver
Rent Receipt
Mr. Rutherford |
020.12; 021.13; 026.04 |
[Situation] At the S.W. [South West] of Parish.
A large tract of Moor on the farm, from which it takes its name, Situate on the Estate of Glen Douglas. |
OS1/29/18/133 |
[Page] 133
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.13. Trace 1.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/134 |
Black Burn
Black Burn
Black Burn |
John S E Fair Esqr. Langlee
James Shortrigg Fair Esqr. Langlee
Mr. Rutherford
Linthaugh |
021.09; 026.04 |
On Sn. [Southern] Parish Boundy. [Boundary] N.N.E. [North North East] to Jed Water.
A stream having its source on the farm of Swinnie, it flows in a N.E. [North East] course & falls into Jed Water at Linthaugh. |
OS1/29/18/134 |
Blackburn |
John S.E. Fair Esqr
James Shortrigg Fair Esqr.
Mr. Rutherford |
021.13 |
[Situation] At the junction of Standalane Burn with Black Burn.
A row of Cottages on the side of Black Burn from which they derive their name, the cottages are slated & in good repair
Proprietor Lord Douglas |
OS1/29/18/134 |
Standalane Burn
Standalane Burn
Standalane Burn |
John S.E. Fair Esqr.
James Shortrigg Fair Esqr.
Mr. Rutherford |
020.16; 027.02 |
[Situation] On the East of Swinnie Moor.
A small streamlet flowing into Black Burn, it rises on Swinnie Moor, it takes its name from a farm which stood near it at one time. |
OS1/29/18/134 |
[Page] 134
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.13 Trace 2.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/135 |
Langlee |
J.S.E. Fair Esqr.
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
James Shortreed Fair Esqr. Occupant & Proprietor
Mr. Rutherford
Stobies County Map |
021.13 |
[Situation] On the East of Black Burn.
A large Modern Mansion together with out offices &c [etcetera] all slated & in good repair, the house is finely situated & commands an extensive view to N.E. [North East] |
OS1/29/18/135 |
[Page] 135
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.13 Trace 2.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/136 |
Deep Cleuch
Deep Cleuch
Deep Cleuch |
James S Fair Esqr. Langlee
John S.E. Fair Esqr. Langlee
Mr. Rutherford Linthaugh |
021.13 |
[Situation] On Sn. [Southern] Parish Boundary
A deep Cleuch, through which runs a small stream, which falls into Jed Water. |
OS1/29/18/136 |
Jed Water
Jed Water
Jed Water |
Fullartons Imperial Gazetteer
Johnstones County Map
Ainslies Map of Scotland |
015; 021; 022 |
[Situation] On Sn. [Southern] Parish Boundary N.N.W. [North North West]
A considerable stream having its source near the Carter Fell, it flows through a very romantic valley & in its course performs some very curious sinuosities & its banks are strewed with Antiquities |
OS1/29/18/136 |
Muckle Dean
Muckle Dean
Muckle Dean |
James Rutherford Linthaugh
William Rutherford Ferniehirst Mill
Mr. Weaver Hundalee Bank |
021.13 |
[Situation] East from Jed Water.
A deep ravine on the farm of Ferniehirst, a small stream, runs through it which falls into Jed Water. |
OS1/29/18/136 |
[Page] 136
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.13 Trace 3.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/137 |
Little Dean
Little Dean
Little Dean |
Mr. Weaver Hundaleebank
Mr. Rutherford Linthaugh
Mr. Rutherford Ferniehirst Mill |
021.13 |
[Situation] 9 chains South of Muckle Dean.
A short deep cleuch on the farm of Ferniehirst, a small stream runs through it & falls into Jed Water. |
OS1/29/18/137 |
FORT (Remains of) [Little Dean] |
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of) |
Mr. Weaver
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. Rutherford
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. Rutherford |
021.13 |
[Situation] South of Little Dean.
There are scarcely any remains of this earthenwork, a very slight outline of the banks may be traced but not suffecient to show its proper extent & form. Supposed to be the remains of a Danish fort. |
OS1/29/18/137 |
[Page] 137
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.13 Trace 3.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/138 |
Gilliestongue |
James S Fair Esqr. Langlee
John S.E. Fair Esqr. Langlee
Mr. Weaver Hundaleebank |
021.13 |
[Situation] On the East of Black Burn.
A substantial two storey farm house together with out offices, Saw Mill &c all slated & in good repair.
James S Fair Esqr. Proprietor |
OS1/29/18/138 |
Gillies Shank
Gillies Shank
Gillies Shank |
James S Fair Esqr.
John S.E. Fair Esqr.
Mr. Rutherford Linthaugh |
021.13 |
[Situation] 14 chains S.W. [South West] of Gilliestongue.
A long ridge of land on the above farm |
OS1/29/18/138 |
FORT (Remains of) [NW of Gilliestongue] |
British Fort (Remains of)
British Fort (Remains of)
British Fort (Remains of) |
James S Fair Esqr.
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
John S. E. Fair Esqr.
A. Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. Rutherford |
021.13 |
[Situation] N.W. [North West] of Gilliestongue.
This strength is situate on the extremity of a narrow ridge, the remains of a double rampart are quite distinct. Its natural position, would lead to the Supposition, that it has been a place of great strength. |
OS1/29/18/138 |
[Page] 138
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.13 Trace 4
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/139 |
Swinnie Burn
Swinnie Burn
Swinnie Burn |
Mr. Rutherford Linthaugh
Mr. Paterson Swinnie Moorfoot
John S.E. Fair Esqr. Langlee |
021.13 |
[Situation] S.W. [South West] from Black Burn.
A small stream rising on the farm of Swinnie, it falls into Black Burn. |
OS1/29/18/139 |
Kye Burn
Kye Burn
Kye Burn |
Mr. Rutherford
Mr. Paterson
John S.E. Fair Esqr. |
021.15 |
[Situation] South from Black Burn.
A small stream having its source on the farm of Bairnkine it supplies the Saw & thrashing Mills of Gilliestongue with Water power & falls into Black Burn. |
OS1/29/18/139 |
[Page] 139
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.13 Trace 4.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/140 |
Ferniehirst Mill
Ferniehirst Mill
Fernieherst Mill
Fernyhirst Mill
Fernyherst Mill |
Mr. Rutherford Occupant
A Jeffrey Esqr. Jedburgh
Stobies County Map
Ainslies Map of Scotland |
021.13 |
[Situation] On the East of Jed Water.
A dwelling, Corn Mill, out offices, &c all slated & in good repair the Mill is worked by Water power supplied from Jed Water - the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/140 |
[Page] 140
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 21.13 Trace 6.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/141 |
Muckle Dean
Muckle Dean
Muckle Dean |
Mr. J. Weaver Hundalee
Mr. Handyside Ferniehirst
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.13 |
[Situation] In the N.W. [North West] corner of Plan.
Applies to a deep ravine having a small stream running through it & thickly covered with wood on either side. Situate on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/141 |
[Page] 141
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21 No. 14 T. [Trace] 1
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/142 |
Fendyhall Moss
Fendyhall Moss
Fendyhall Moss |
A. Mein
G. Rutherford Esqr.
A. Jeffrey Esqr. |
021.14 |
[Situation] At the S.E. [South East] of Parish.
A Small tract of turbary on the farm of Scraesbugh & on the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/142 |
[Page] 142
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21. 14. 2
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/143 |
Pleasance Burn
Pleasance Burn
Pleasance Burn |
Alexander Mein Howden
Thomas Story Pleasance
A. Goodfellow Wildcatgate |
021.14 |
[Situation] From about 1/4 mile North of Fendyhall Moss N.E. [North East] to Oxnam Water.
A Small Stream having its Source on the farm of Scraesburgh, runs in a northerly direction and joins the Oxnam Water. |
OS1/29/18/143 |
[Page] 143
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21. 14. 3.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/144 |
Kersheugh |
Estate Plan
A. Douglas Factor Jordanfield
Blackwood's County Map
J. M. Grainger Esqr. Jedbro. [Jedburgh] |
021.14 |
[Situation] 26 chains South of Muckle Dean.
A farmhouse two Stories in height having Suitable outbuildings attached all in excellent repair - the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/144 |
[Page] 144
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21. 14. 4.
Sheuch - a furrow Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scot. Dicty. [Scottish Dictionary]
Jed Water -- Jed Water -- For descriptive remarks See authorities.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/145 |
Mossburnford |
Estate Plan
Stobies County Map
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.14 |
[Situation] About 45 chains S.E. [South East] of Kershaugh.
A modern mansion Situate on the right bank of Jed Water the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/145 |
Moss Burn
Moss Burn
Moss Burn |
Estate Plan
A. Douglas (Factor) Jordanfield
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh |
021.14; 027.02 |
[Situation] From near Fendyhall Moss South to Jed Water.
A Small Stream issuing from Fendy Moss, runs in a Southerly direction and joins the Jed Water |
OS1/29/18/145 |
[Page] 145
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21. 14 T. [Trace] 5.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/146 |
Towery Plantation
Towery Plantation
Towery Plantation |
A. Douglas Esqr. Jerdonfield
Estate Documents
R. Henderson Mossburnford |
021.11 |
This name is given to a considerable extent of fir wood situated on the boundary between Oxnam & Jedburgh & on the the property of the Marquis of Lothian. |
OS1/29/18/146 |
[Page] 146
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 21.15 trace 1
(Towery Plantation - Not on Plan) |
OS1/29/18/147 |
Black Burn
Black Burn
Black Burn
Black Burn |
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedbro. [Jedburgh]
Mr. J. Riddle Hundalee
Mr. H. Weaver Hundaleebank
Estate Plan |
021.09; 026.04 |
[Situation] On Sn. [Southern] Parish Boundary.
A considerable Stream having its Source on Swinnie Moor - runs in a North Easterly direction and joins the Jed Water at Linthaugh. |
OS1/29/18/147 |
Swinnie Moor
Swinnie Moor
Swinnie Moor |
Estate Plan
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Mr. J. Riddle |
020.12; 021.13; 026.04 |
[Situation] At the S. [South] of Parish.
A large tract of unreclaimed ground on the farm of Swinnie and on the Estate of Glen Douglas. |
OS1/29/18/147 |
[Page] 147
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 26.4.4.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/148 |
[Page] 148
[Blank page] |
OS1/29/18/149 |
Black Burn
Black Burn
Black Burn |
James S Fair Esqr. Langlee
Estate Plan
John S.E. Fair Esqr. Langlee
Mr. Rutherford Linthaugh |
021.09; 026.04 |
[Situation] On S.Wn. [South Western] Parish Boundary. N.N.E. [North North East] to Jed Water.
A small Stream having its source on the farm of Swinnie it flows in a N.E. [North East] direction to its junction with Jed Water at Linthaugh |
OS1/29/18/149 |
Gillies Shank
Gillies Shank
Gillies Shank |
James S Fair Esqr.
John S.E. Fair Esqr.
Mr. Rutherford |
021.13 |
[Situation] Near the Sn. [Southern] extremity of Ph. [Parish]
A long ridge of land on the farm of Gilliestongue. |
OS1/29/18/149 |
Kye Burn
Kye Burn
Kye Burn |
James S Fair Esqr.
John S.E. Fair Esqr.
Mr. Rutherford |
021.15 |
[Situation] From Sn. Ph. [Southern Parish] Boundary N. [North] to Black Burn.
A small Streamlet having its source on the farm of Bairnkine it supplies the Saw & thrashing Mills of Gilliestongue with Water power & falls into Black Burn |
OS1/29/18/149 |
[Page] 149
Parish of Jedburgh
Plan 27.1 Trace 1.
Charles J Fearnside
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/150 |
[Page] 150
[Blank page] |
OS1/29/18/151 |
Jed Water
Jed Water
Jed Water |
Stobie's County Map
Blackwood's County Map
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedbro. [Jedburgh] |
015; 021; 022 |
[Situation] On Sn. Ph. Boundy. [Southern Parish Boundary]
This water takes its rise near Needslaw - flows in a northerly direction and joins the Teviot at Nisbet. |
OS1/29/18/151 |
Moss Burn
Moss Burn
Moss Burn |
Estate Plan
Mr. A. Douglas Factor Jordanfield
A. Mein Scraesburgh |
021.14; 027.02 |
[Situation] East from Jed Water.
A Small stream having its Source out of Fendyhall Moss - runs in a Southerly direction and joins the Jed Water at Mossburnford. |
OS1/29/18/151 |
[Page] 151
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 27 No. 2. T. [Trace] 1.
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/152 |
[Page] 152
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/153 |
Parish of Jedburgh -- Sheet 27_2T [Trace]_1
[page] 153
Already entered.
[signed] Thos [Thomas] Watson Corp: [Corporal] R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/153 |
The entry for "Jed Water" has been scored out. |
OS1/29/18/154 |
[Page] 54
[Blank Page] |
OS1/29/18/155 |
The Haunches
The Haunches
The Haunches
The Haunches |
Estate Plan of Glen Douglas
G. Rutherford Esqr. Jedburgh
G. Hilson Esqr. Jedburgh
Mr. John Oliver Swinnie |
026.08 |
[Situation] At the extreme Sn. [Southern] point of Parish.
A narrow Strip of unreclaimed land, situate on the Southern extremity of Swinnie Moor, and on the Estate of Glen Douglas |
OS1/29/18/155 |
Black Burn
Black Burn
Black Burn |
Estate Plan
G. Rutherford Esqr.
Mr. J. Oliver |
026.08 |
[Situation] On Sn. [Southern] Parish Boundy. [Boundary]
A considerable Stream having its Source on Swinnie Moor, runs in a north easterly direction and joins the Jed Water at Linthaugh |
OS1/29/18/155 |
[Page] 155
Parish of Jedburgh
Sheet 26. 8. T [Trace] 1.
SWINNIE MOOR -- Swinnie Moor. See Page 147 for Authorities &c [etcetera]
G. N. Heygate
Cap R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]
March 14th/59 [14 Mar 1859]
Thomas Watson
2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/29/18/156 |
Co. [County] ROXBURGH
Scale 25.344
PLAN -- page
XV 9 -- 3
XV 10 -- 5
XIV 16 -- 7
XV 13 -- 9
XV 14 -- 15
XV 15 -- 21
XV 16 -- 25
XX 3 -- 25
XX 4 -- 27
XXI 1 -- 35
XXI 2 -- 41
XXI 3 -- 49
XXI 4 -- 55
XXII 1 -- 59
XXII 8 -- 61
XXI 5 -- 67
XXI 6 -- 75
XXI 7 -- 81
XXI 8 --87
XXII 5 -- 93
XX 12 -- 95
XXI 9 -- 97
XXI 10 -- 117
XXI 11 -- 123
XXI 12 -- 125
XXII 9 -- 127
XX 16 -- 129
XXI 13 -- 133
XXI 14 -- 141
XXVI 4 -- 147
XXVII 1 -- 149
XXVII 2 -- 151
XXVI 8 -- 155
XXI 15 -- 146 |
OS1/29/18/157 |
[Page] 157
Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages
14/16. -- Ale Water -- 8.
15/13. -- Ancrum Bridge -- 9.
21/5 -- Allars -- 72.
21/6. -- Annfield -- 75.
15/13. -- Bridgend -- 9.
15/13. -- Bony Knowe -- 10.
15/13. -- Bonjedward -- 12.
15/13. -- Bonjedward Townhead -- 12.
15/14. -- Bonjedward Mill -- 20
15 21/3 -- Batings Burn -- 49.
21/1. -- Bonjedward House -- 37.
21/4 21/8. -- Back Burn -- 58. 89.
21/6. -- Belvidere Wood -- 76.
21/8. -- Birnyrig -- 91.
21/9 -- Braehead -- 103.
21/9. 21/10. -- Birks Wood -- 113.
26/8. 21/9. 21/13. 26/4. 27/1. -- Black Burn -- 115. 134. 147. 149. 155
21/13. -- Blackburn -- 134.
Boat Pool -- 60
15/13. -- Cleikum Inn -- 11.
21/1. -- Camp -- 36.
21/2. -- Cross -- 46.
21/2. 21/6. -- Crauchie Wood -- 47.
21/3. -- Crailinghall -- 51.
21/3. -- Crailingbank School -- 52.
21/3. 21/4. -- Cringle Burn -- 54. 57.
21/4. -- Craigshiel -- 57.
22/5. 21/8. 21/4. 22/1 22/5 -- Cessford Burn -- 58. 59. 90. 93. 127.
21/5. -- Castle Wood Cottage -- 72.
20/8. 22/5. -- Craw Cleuch -- 90. 93.
21/9. -- Capon Tree -- 102.
21/9. 21/10 -- Camps -- 109. 119.
21/9. -- Chapel -- 111.
21/9. -- Crooked Family -- 114.
21/10. -- Coalpit Cottage -- 118.
21/11 -- Colie Well -- 123.
15/13. 15/14. 21/1. -- Douglas Burn -- 14. 18. 37.
21/5. 20/12 21/9 -- Dunian Moor -- 70. 95. 97.
21/5. Dunian Old Toll -- 71.
20/12. -- Dunian Cottage -- 95.
21/13. -- Deep Cleuch -- 136.
14/16. -- Eamonton Pool -- 7.
21/1. 20/8. 21/6. 21/13 -- Forts -- 38. 63. 78. 137.
21/9. --Ferniehirst Quarry -- 102.
21/9. -- Ferniehirst Castle -- 112.
21/10. -- Ferniehirst Cottage - 120.
21/13. -- Ferniehirst Mill -- 140.
21/14. -- Fendyhall (Ruin) -- 142.
21/14. -- Fendyhall Moss -- 142.
21/2. -- Grumphie Scar -- 46.
20/8. -- Green Knowe -- 63.
21/5. -- Glenburn Cottage -- 69.
21/5. -- Glenburnhall -- 71.
21/9. -- Grey Peel (site) -- 106.
20/9. 20/16. 21/13. -- Greypeel Burn -- 108. 130. 133.
21/13. -- Gilliestongue -- 138.
21/13. 27.1 -- Gillies Shank -- 138. 149.
21/2. -- Heartrigge -- 43.
20/8. -- Halls Plantation -- 65.
21/5. 21/6. 21/10 -- Howden Burn -- 73. 75. 118.
21/5. -- Hindhousefield -- 74.
21/6. -- Howden -- 78.
20/12. 21/9 20/16 -- Hundalee Moor -- 96. 105. 129.
21/9. -- Hundalee -- 98.
21/9. -- Hundalee Mill -- 101.
21/9. -- Hundalee Bridge -- 101.
21/9. -- Hundaleebank -- 103.
21/9. -- Hundalee Cave -- 107.
21/9. -- Hundalee Cottage -- 108.
21/9. -- Hundalee Plantation -- 114.
21/10. -- Hunthill -- 118.
21/10. -- Hardenpeel -- 124.
21/5. -- Inchbonnie -- 74.
21/9. -- Inbonnie Bridge -- 104.
15/10. 15/14. 21/2. 21/5. 21/9 21/13. 21/14. 27/2. -- Jed Water -- 5. 16. 41. 72. 107. 136. 144. 151
15/13. -- Jerdonfield -- 10.
15/14. -- Jedfoot Bridge -- 15.
15/14. -- Jedneuk -- 18.
20/3. 20/4. -- Knowsouth Burn -- 25. 27.
21/9. -- King of the Woods -- 114.
21/15 -- Kye Burn -- 139.
21/14. -- Kersheugh -- 144.
20/4. -- Lanton Mill -- 27.
20/4. -- Lantonhall -- 28.
20/4. -- Lanton Burn -- 28.
20/4. -- Lanton Mains -- 29.
20/4. -- Lanton Tower -- 31.
20/4 -- Lanton -- 32.
20/4. -- Lanton Pleasance -- 32.
20/4. 20/8. -- Lanton Moor -- 33. 65.
20/8. -- Lantonhill Quarries -- 61.
20/8. -- Lantonpark -- 62.
20/8. -- Lantonhill Cottage -- 62.
20/8. -- Lantonhill -- 62.
20/8. 21/5 -- Lanton Hill -- 66. 67.
20/8. -- Lantonhill Craigs -- 66.
21/5. -- Larkhall -- 70.
21/6. -- Lochend -- 78.
21/9 -- Lightpipehall -- 104.
21/9. -- Lintalee Cave -- 108.
21/9. -- Lintalee -- 110.
21/9. --Linthaugh -- 115.
21/13. -- Lainglee -- 135.
21/13. -- Little Dean -- 137.
Little Shaws -- 11
14/16. -- Mains Boat Hole -- 9. |
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021.09; 026.04 |
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Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages
15/14. -- Mounthooly --15.
15/14. -- Mount Ulston -- 19.
21/1. -- Monklaw -- 36.
21/2. -- Mary's Glen -- 48.
Meikle Cleuch
21/5. 21/9. -- Millers Burn -- 71. 97.
21/5. -- Memorial Fountain -- 73.
20/12. 20/16. -- Merlin Dean -- 95. 130.
21/13. 21/14. -- Muckle Dean -- 136. 141.
21/14. -- Mossburnford -- 145.
21/14. 27/2. -- Moss Burn -- 145. 151.
Mill Pool -- 30.
15/14. 21/2. -- North British Railway -- 15. 43.
21/2. -- Newmill -- 41.
21/7. -- Nether Wells -- 82.
Nisbetmill Caul -- 4
15/15. 21/3. 21/7. -- Oxnam Water -- 21. 50. 82.
21/2. -- Oldhall -- 45.
21/3. -- Over Crailing -- 51.
21/3. -- Old Hall -- 54.
21/7. -- Overwells Cottage -- 81.
21/7. -- Over Wells -- 81.
Oak Bush
21/10 -- Old Howden -- 117.
15/9. -- Portobello -- 3.
21/3. -- Pity-me -- 53.
21/5. -- Pleasance -- 74.
21/7. -- Pleasance -- 86.
21/9. -- Parkhouse -- 98.
21/9. -- Priors Haugh -- 101.
21/9. -- Pykit Hill -- 115.
21/10 21/11. 21/14. -- Pleasance Burn -- 121. 124. 143.
21/9. -- Quarry Plantation -- 105.
15/9. 15/10. 14/16. 15/14. 15/15 20/4. 20/5. -- River Teviot -- 3. 5. 7. 9. 17. 25. 27. -
Ripple -- 11
15/10. -- Roundhaugh -- 5.
20/4 -- Red Sheuch -- 28.
21/8. -- Rennieston -- 88.
27/1. -- Rye Burn -- 149.
21/2. -- Runic Altar -- 46.
15/14. 20/4. -- Schools -- 16. 31.
21/1. -- Sharplaw -- 40.
21/4. -- Samieston -- 58.
21/5. -- Skiprunning Burn -- 70.
21/8. -- Samieston Cottages -- 89.
26/4 20/16. 21/13. -- Swinnie Moor -- 130. 133. 147.
21/9. -- Seven Sisters -- 100.
21/9. -- Sunnybrae Scar -- 102.
21/9 -- Scars -- 104.
21/10. -- Scraesburgh -- 121.
22/9. -- Shibden Hill -- 127.
20/16. 27/2. -- Standalane Burn -- 132. 134.
20/16. -- Swinnie --132.
20/16. -- Swinnie T. P. [Toll Point] -- 132.
14/16. -- Timpendean -- 133
21/13. -- Swinnie Burn -- 139.
14/16. -- Timpendean -- 8.
15/16. -- Tods Dean -- 23.
20/4. -- Tower -- 30. 31
21/1. -- Timpendean Tower -- 35.
21/2. -- The Thorn -- 41.
21/2. -- Tower Burn --45.
21/3. -- Trumpeters Knowe -- 50.
21/4. -- Tod's Dean -- 55.
21/5. -- Tudhope -- 68.
21/5. -- Tudhope Spring -- 68.
21/7. -- Thickside -- 85.
20/12. 21/9. -- Todlaw Wells Plantn. -- 95.105.
21/9. -- Todlaw -- 98.
21/9. -- Tea Well -- 99.
26/8. -- The Haunches -- 155.
21/2. -- Ulston -- 42.
21/7. 21/8. 21/12. 22/8. 15/9. 15/14. 21/2. 21/3. -- Watling Street -- 82. 83. 87. 125. 127. 3. 17. 42.
15/18. -- Whinnyhouse -- 12.
15/13. -- Weatherstone How -- 13.
15/14. -- Walker's Knowe -- 20.
15/15. 15/16. -- Wooden Burn -- 22. 23.
21/1. -- Williescrook -- 39.
21/1 21/5 -- Williescrook Plantn. -- 39. 67.
21/1. -- Williescrook Old Wood -- 39.
21/2. -- Woodend -- 45.
21/2 -- West Ulston -- 47.
21/5. -- Wildcat Cleuch -- 69.
21/6. -- Wildcatgate -- 75.
21/6. -- West Cottage -- 77.
21/6. 21/7. -- Wells Burn -- 79. 81.
21/9. -- Windy Cleuch -- 99.
20/16. -- Watch Knowe -- 131.
15/13 -- Whittleinch Stream -- 11
Whittleinch Ford -- 11 |