
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Day Holm
Day Holm
James Elliot, Middleholm
John Elliot, Blinkbonnie
John Armstrong New Castleton
048.03 [Situation] At the junction of Damming Beck and Kershope Burn.
A level patch of ground, situated within the forking formed by the junction of Kershope Burn & Damming Beck. It was on this holm that the truce was held, immediately after which Kinmont Willie was made a prisoner by Salkeld & coneyed to Carlisle Castle; from which he was rescued by the bold Buccleuch.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 167
Parish of Castleton -- Sheet 48 No. 3 Trace 3

[Signed] P McHugh Lce. Cor. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]

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Nellie- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery

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