
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALLT A' BHRUIC Allt a' Bhruic
Allt a' Bhruic
Revd. [Reverend] Alexander Cameron, Glengarry
Mr. Catanach, Gamekeeper, Cluny
133 A stream flowing from Gaibh-leac [Garbh-leac] southwest into Allt a' Chaoruinn Mhòir. English meaning, Burn of the Badger.
COIR' A' GHLAS-THUILL Coir' a' Ghlas-thuill
Coir' a' Ghlas-thuill
Revd. [Reverend] Alexander Cameron, Glengarry
Revd. [Reverend] Alexander Cameron, Glengarry
133 A hollow on the east side of An Caoruinn Mòr and north west of Garbh-leac; property of Thomas McKenzie Esqr., Hyde Park, London. English meaning, Hollow of the Grey Hole.
ALLT COIR' A' GHLAS-THUILL Allt Coir' a' Ghlas-thuill Revd. [Reverend] Alexander Cameron, Glengarry Revd. [Reverend] Alexander Cameron, Glengarry 133 A stream running through Coir a Ghlais Tuill [Coir' a' Ghlas-thuill] an[d] falling into Allt a' Chaoruinn Mhòir. English meaning, Burn of the Hollow of the Grey Hole.

Continued entries/extra info

[page]52 Ross-shire

John McKeith
Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]

Transcriber's notes

"Garbh-leac" marked on contemporary (2016) OS map as "A' Chràileag".

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scottclarkpainting, Bizzy- Moderator, angusb

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