
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GLAC DHORCH MHOR Glac Dhorch Mor Mr D Connell Mr R McDonald Mr John Mackenzie 092 This name signifies the "Large black of the Hill " and applies to a Hollow or pass situated a short distance east of 'Lochan Dubha cul a Mhill "
LOCHAN DUBHA CUL A' MULL Lochan Dubha cul a'Mhill Mr D Connell Mr R McDonald Mr John Mackenzie 092 This name signifies the "Lochs at the back of the Hill " and applies to two small lochs situated a short distance north east of 'Creag an Fhitich" On the property of D Darroch Esq Torridon
SITHEAN RUAIRIDH Sithean Ruairidh Mr D Connell Mr R McDonald Mr John Mackenzie 092 This name signifies the "Roderick's Hillock " and applies to a rocky heathy eminence situated about one half mile south of the dwelling house or Lodge known as The Mains
Property of D Darroch Esq Torridon

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