
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BRAIGH AN EIREANNAICH Braigh an Eireannaich Mr D. Connell Mr R McDonald
Mr John Mackenzie
081 This name applies to a portion of rough pasture together with the ruins of dwellings situated at the South western extremity of An Reidh It signifies the Irishman's Brae
STOL A' BHONNAIN Stol a'Bhonnainn Mr R McDonald Mr D. Connell Mr J Mackenzie 081 The name applies to two small lochs & a small piece of stream connecting the same situated at the eastern extremity of "Loch Toll na Beiste' & forming a portion of the bounds between the parishes of Gairloch and Applecross
Meaning doubtful

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