
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Site of ST MARY'S CHAPEL Church (Ph) [Parish]
Church (Ph) [Parish]
Church (Ph) [Parish]
Revd [Reverend] D. Stuart, Minister
John Forsyth Esq.
New St: [Statistical] Account
054 This is a substantial building erected in 1798, and has sittings for 900 persons.
BELFRY [Kilmuir] Belfry Revd [Reverend] D. Stuart 054 "A round tower connected with the present church and used as a belfry which bears date in large figures 1616, and is still in a high state of preservation." New Statistical Account.
This tower, according to the Revd [Reverend] Donald Stuart, is the remains of a chapel, dedicated to St. Mary.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 34
Ph [Parish] of Kilmuir Easter -- Co: [County] of Ross

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