
Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 71

[continued from page 70] ------- Examiners replies to each of the underlined portions

promontory of the Bay of Munlochy. This knoll is now called
"Ormond" or the "Lady Hill", and its steep sides and smooth summit are
bedecked with a green velvet coat of grass, enriched by the lime and
rubbish of the ancient buildings, and which marks it out to the eye in
the midst of the adjoining heathy grounds. The eastern and more ac-
cessible slope is traversed by three Breastworks of earth, with ditches ------- shewn
behind them; and the summit; which is naturally divided into two
irregular areas, extending together to about half an acre of ground,
was covered with buildings formed of stones, cemented by shell lime; ------- All remains of this
exceedingly hard; from which encircling walls proceeded round the whole ------- castle are shewn
upper crest of the rocks; and down a slight opening or ravine on the ------- on plans
south side, along which the principal approach was formed, and which,
from the accumulation of rubbish at te top and bottom, seems to have been
guarded by a barbican and outer tower, with, in all likelihood, a regular
portcullis and gate way.
This is the origen of the twrm Ormond's Mount, as applied to the site in
question; admits of easy explanation; that of the Lady Hill probably ------- now Known by the
results from local tradition having confounded this site with that ------- General name of
of some religious edifice. Like the Cathedral of Fortrose, and many ------- Ormond Hill.
other buildings along the margin of the Moray Firth, the Castle of
Avoch was most likely razed to the ground by the soldiers of Oliver
Cromwell, and the stones of it transported to form part of his great
citadel or fort at Inverness.
Of the fortalice or tower of Arkindeith but the lower or dungeon ------- Written & described
story remains. It is situated close by the farm-house of tha name,
on the hill side, a little way above the offices of Avoch. It evidently
[----] to a castellated mansion of no great antiquity, erected,
perhaps, by some of the clergy, who are known to have held independent
Possessions in this parish, exclusive of the glebe lands; or by some
of the Bruces of Kinloss, a family who are specially mentioned in
[the] printed retours for the seventeenth centuary, (1611-18,) as having
held the lands of "Muircal-house and Arkindeuch ------- Written Muiralehouse
The nearest market town to Avoch is that of Fortrose ------- & ArKendeith.
Ecclesiastical state._ The parish church is very conveniently
[continued on page 72]

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