
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GOB NA H-AIRDE MÒIRE Gob na Airde Moire
Gob na h-Airde Mòire
Gob na h-Airde Mòire
Gob na h-Airde Mòire
Murdoch McLeod
John Morrison
John McKay
Donald Murray
034 [siuation] In the western side of the plan, 130 chains W.S.W. [West South West] of the head of Loch Thealasbhaidh.
A bold prominent headland between Loch Resort and Loch Thealasbhaidh it is the most S [South] Western point of land in the Lewis. the shore in general is high and precipitous with a rocky [--] from this headland a portion of the [--] west of S [South] Uist is visible.
Signifies Big Points Extremity
MEALL AONAIG NAM FIADH Meall Aonig nam Fiadh
Meall Aonaig nam Fiadh
Meall Aonaig nam Fiadh
Meall Aonaig nam Fiadh
Murdoch McLoed
John Morrison
John McKay
Donald Murray
034 [situation] On the western side of Aird Mhor, 110 chains W.S.W. [West South West] of the head of Loch Thealasbhaidh.
A prominent round hill of rocky heathy pasture on the south shore of Loch Thealasbhaidh,
The name signifies Deer Field Lumps.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 46
Parish of Uig
Plan 34. D.

Form 136 Page
149 - Gob na h-Airde Moire
140 - Meall Aonig nam Fiadh

Transcriber's notes

words lost in fold

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Bizzy- Moderator, Isobel Macdonald

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