
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Neil Macdonald
John Morrison
John Mackay
Donald Murray
017 A small island, in Loch Roag, of rocky and green pasture, and partly stratafied rocks without any vegitation, there are two large rocks which are nearly attached to it, one at its northern and one at its southern ends
LEAC AN DUILISG Leac an Dulisg
Leac an Duiliosg
Leac an Duilisg
Leac an Duilisg
Neil Macdonald
John Morrison
John Mackay
Donald Murray
017 A small rocky heathy hill, the rocks on it are large and towards Mol na Muc it is a slope without vegetation.
Leac an Duilisg signifies Dilse Rock or Flat Rock

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Isobel Macdonald

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